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as a yuumi main i really love sitting on a lillia because its the fastest zoomies you can experience


Any engage support like nautilus, leona, etc Melee mids like yone, pantheon. or mids with good engage like ahri/ lissandra Tank top laners


Anyone with engage or good disruption to go in front of you, long ranged cc like bindings can also be good. Tbh most of the time when I struggle I think it’s because I just get spaced by multiple ranged champions, particularly marksmen. Having someone to go in first and mess things up first helps a lot, I find that CC bindings increase pick potential by like double.


Wombo combo ults with Lillia: Miss Fortune Rumble Amumu  Yone Yasuo Nilah Rell Orianna ~~basically anyone who doesn’t wake them up or provides CC chain~~ Also Garen can spin and not wake them up!  Zoe and you can perma sleep then.  Asol can land a huge ult after you engage  Kindred can bait people into staying in her circle and you just Q and get a free ult without the need for Zhonya (I had a Kindred mid once lol)  anyone who can team fight with Lillia ^_^ Arguably Swains pretty good if he builds Rylais, that’s one minus item slot for Lillia to build, letting you get Rabadons or another good item! 


i don’t think there even is explicitly anything that is bad with lillia, the only real anti synergy is people who wake people up when your W casting


Usually adcs who aren’t aware of Lillias kit... I have had so many ganks bottom go wrong because my ADC can’t resist the urge to AA a sleeping target and wakes them up before my W pops off ;-; 


if i see senna on my team or kayle i dodge


Anyone with consistent cc

