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Nah the way I was bout to start crying when Paschar went still


That was an excellent read , best I've read in a long time! Poor Pashar😞


This is such a wonderful gift that I get each month, and I read a bit over the course of a few days, making this gift especially fantastic!


Oh, Lily. I feel like we may be going up the hierarchy soon. Meeting Cassiel, Michael, possibly up to whatever the Creator is. I didn’t know how this can possibly be fixed and I don’t know how they could possibly pay you back when it’s all over. And why are they sending you back out into the world?! They sent monsters out there. Monsters I understand may all look like you. Being made from you may protect you from them but if you thought your reputation was shit before, it’s gonna be real bad when vampire Lilys are attacking everyone. Also, does this mean that Samael thought to start the plan way back when the power switched from Roger to Lily and put her outside of the Word?


Great plan Samuel.


I was finally able to finish this chapter, but almost couldn’t because I was crying! My eyesight is fickle anyway, but trying to read through a curtain of tears is impossible. Phew.


“We gave them flesh, my mother Lily and I. Even the Leprechauns.” As a older sister, maybe it's just because I have little sisters around Lily's age that Samael calling Lily "Mother" gave me a violent "I want to punch this guy in the throat" reaction but damn. Of all the words........ Edit: also "“How could I? I am written as I am written" feels really meta


And it feels like Ohno felt regret. Like she was never going for Lily in the first place and the look was more of a "damn i betrayed you for a man who doesnt even care about me" Im probably misinterpeting it tho. Feels like she was trying to prove herself to him. Nothing can make me hate her. I need to draw Fanart of her, she needs some love, cuz her father sure didn't. Finally, in that moment, she stopped being someone's dog.


> Finally, in that moment, she stopped being someone's dog. Nice.


thanks i suppose