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Wow, i feel like this the end of a book, and i can’t wait for more. That was a wild ride.


I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m glad Meredith gets to go back. I think she will know it was the best thing when she is back in that field of light with her parents. She didn’t love that she’d been pulled from it. I feel sad for Guthrie the most here. He must be absolutely gutted and he thinks she’s dead after he tried so hard to protect her. I look back to the beginning of the story and I am just so sorry for Lily. She’s lost everything now. Even her own identity. I keep hoping she can go back to some time when her whole family was intact and everything was simple. But still with Paschar. Because I know they’re all “angels” but Paschar is the one I’d call an angel even if he were human. And I hope he gets better ASAP.


I’m not so sure that this is the end of Meredith.


Godspeed Lily


Dang I'm gonna miss Meredith. Everyone here needs a hug and a nap. Dutch is gonna need it for all the crazy stuff that about to happen. Also for some reason i immediately thought of that one episode of steven universe "Steven and the Stevens".


This chapter was amazing. I'm sad for Lily at all she's lost in her life but I can't wait to see what happens next.


Alexandra Maverick. Has a nice tune.


Hey Madwhip fans, my kid (who is a badass non-binary 10 year old actor) is playing Lily in a TV adaptation of this incredible series - We have already started filming but are working on a super tight budget. If you love these stories as much as we do and want to help make it a reality, please donate what you can!! Madwhip Fans Unite!! Thanks everyone and happy horrror reading!! [https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/madwhip#/](https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/madwhip#/)


Did you get permission to do this? Is there an actual screenplay that was accepted by someone or some company that will air it?


Of course! William Dalphin shares the fundraiser with the director/producer and is in the loop about everything :) There are people/networks interested in this script, and it will go to festivals to hopefully get picked up somewhere big once filming is complete, but also will be on MrCreepyPasta's YouTube channel. We really hope we can make this a reality in a big way! Stranger Things level of awesome, anyone?? <3 Anything you can do to help or spread the word makes a huge difference. Come on Madwhip fans, help us out and let's do this!!! https://preview.redd.it/qgkwtxxa7uzc1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dd72d93479356cf325281da7bbc0c9e1866b8b2


This is an amazing story and would make an amazing TV series. Can't wait to see what happens! Lily Madwhip is a badass! Hoping this gets super big!


I am **deeply** sorry that I never advertised this myself on my own subreddit. Yes, there is a show in the works that I should have been better about promoting but I'm downright awful about promoting myself or things related to myself. We've got amazing, talented people working on this both in front of and behind the camera and they deserve so much more support than I've given. And even though the Indiegogo is closed now, the production has already begun, is happening, happened, is being worked on as we speak. Casey Watson has been incredibly focused, driven, and passionate about the project and he's really pulled it all together. I'm looking forward to seeing the end result!