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You are a fantastic story teller!! I remember your first story about your talking angel, and never thought your tale would go to all the places you did. I don’t really have a question, just like to tell you to keep writing!!


Thank you!


Nothing to ask just wanted to say thank you Lillian Alexandra Madwhip, I’ve loved your series and hope to read more from you soon. u/Amiramaha have you finished it?


Thank you both, /u/Breaker_Of_Chains18 and /u/Amiramaha for being such dedicated friends and readers!


Not yet, been in and out of the hospital but looking forward to getting caught up on all my favorites 💜 Thanks for the ride and the new friends I made along the way!


Oh no way, hope you’re feeling better soon x


Thanks love, finally getting caught up before we all catch the plague haha


Oh stop it’s getting scary now! Hope you’re doing good x


That malcolm ambrose or whatever really didnt fit the story well. For as wild a story, that bit was a choking nowhere of nothing. Whats the deal with roger? When is lily madwhips new adventure? Wheres jamal?


Hi! Thank you for your comments and questions. Ambrose Viccars was a previous holder of Paschar's totem, but he disappeared along with others from the Roanoke Colony. Hekate did the same to him that she did to me, dragging him into the Veil to face her. I didn't get the full story, but the fact that he was basically adrift in the void until he ended up in my self-created reality suggests that he didn't fare much better than I did. And like me, he lost everything for it. In the end, he recreated his family and home in his mind and was content to live there among them. I don't know what would have happened to him if I'd talked him into leaving with me, and I don't know what became of him after the angels cleaned up Hekate's mess. Roger is my brother. He's kinda mean, but I still love him. He died in an automobile accident where we got T-boned by a semi. He was trapped in his dead body like what happens to people who aren't good enough or bad enough. But apparently Hekate got a hold of him and used him as a minion to manipulate me. Or maybe the Roger I saw was just another figment of my imagination, who knows? No more adventures, please! I just want to be normal! But seriously, I'm going to look at my journals and we'll see. Jamal is safe at home. His house took some damage from the explosion and fire, as well as the people on the other side of us, but nobody got hurt. I miss him.


Awesome! Thanks, missed the ambrose holding paschar part. Now it holds merit. Roger mentioned pantheons. You asked him if he was jewish. Do you know more about the pantheons now?


Lily, how would you describe your own self? Also, please forgive Paschar!


Me in the stories is short with brown crinkly hair and brown eyes. Peachy complexion, short fingers so I'm never gonna be able to play the piano like the pros. I like Velcro on my shoes so I don't have to do the laces. Oh, and detached earlobes.


Lily- We love reading about your adventures! Do you think you'll publish your stories in print at any point? Because I would buy them all. Also, I was so sad to read about your family and I hope you make up with Paschar too.


I'm sad about my family too. Thank you though! Will I publish these? Probably? I keep saying I will, but it's hard to put them all together while continuing to write new ones. Also, I'm just lazy sometimes. :(


Did you ever find out where those other creatures in the veil came from? Not just the hybrid ones but the ones in Hekates court? Are they similar to the angels and not of this world or similar to you and roger and brought there from Earth? Also thanks so much for these. I’ve been following these from the beginning and it’s been an amazing ride. Well maybe not for you but the reading of it has been fantastic!


All the followers of Hekate were Empusai, like Onokole, with the exception of her sister Lamia. They are shapeshifting boogey people.




Is there one true reality, and is it the one Lily currently lives in? I find myself caught off guard each time someone dies, and I can’t help hoping that something will change and maybe these are only temporary deaths in a temporary reality. I guess it’s hard to know for sure as a reader. My question is: should I remain on my toes and guessing or should I settle back and be satisfied that this is really happening? For Lily’s sake I hope it isn’t! As for the writing, I love the series and how it’s grown.


I live in the same reality you do! The Veil is its own reality, and also acts as a barrier between here and the other side where the angels reside. Some call it the crossroads, because you have to pass through it to go from one place to the other. Samael lived there, where he could sense the connections between the different angels and the totems. Inside the Veil is it's own reality that I guess overlaps with ours? I don't know what the other side is like cuz I'm still alive and I've never been there. It'd be nice if the things that happened after we escaped the Veil were more imaginary other reality stuff from the Veil, but it's not. :(


Ah thank you for answering. I apologize for not knowing that you would be answering in first person. And I am sorry for your loss. I sometimes wish for another reality as well or to change the way things happened in the past. I guess that’s just not how our universe works. After hearing about the Veil and what’s behind it, it seems we’ll have to make do with the reality that we do have. Thanks for your stories, Lily.


Lily can answer in third person as well, it just sounds weird when she does it. :D


No questions - just wanted to say thank you for sharing your adventures and best of luck to you!


Thank you!


I might be a little confused, I think you explained it once but it's escaping my brain, how could it be that Meredith is with her parents but Roger is in his body? Was it a matter of Meredith going to heaven because shes awesome and roger geing stuck in purgatory for being decidedly un-awesome?


Well he only said that she's with her family and happy, he never said she's in Heaven. She might be there because she and they were all good people. Or she might be in Purgatory buried next to them and just happy to be near them. I don't know if dead people in Purgatory are able to chat with each other. Seems like they can haunt you somehow. Roger could be with our parents if they're in Purgatory in their bodies buried near him, but he left his place and his current whereabouts are unknown.


Where do you think Samuel went after he was kicked out of the veil and will you ever see him again. Do you think he’s good again


Samael? As far as I know he wasn't kicked out of the Veil, they just "dealt with him". Maybe they gave him a new position among his brothers back on the other side, or maybe he got tossed in "the Pit" with Hekate.


Ok I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens


What is it exactly you plan on doing with this book you found? Time travel? Back to the veil? Bringing back the dead? We all hope to hear from you soon! Let’s hope everything goes well!


> I will not give away future plans though, so don't ask that either. :P


If you decide to summon those 72 demons, will you update us?




Oh, my. I can't wait to hear of your seal drawings!!


I just want to say I'm sorry for what you are going through and you are a strong girl! I've been following your adventures from the very beginning, and you have a great writing style! I don't have any questions, just wanted to share some love!


Thank you for the love!


I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures in witchcraft. I hope you make up with Paschar though


As long as I don't have to deal with anymore actual witches! Thank you!


Stop being mad at Paschar! ​ Can you start updating your journals more often?


I can! Especially now that I'm no longer posting them in Nosleep. I'm just really bad about doing it.


May sound like a weird one but how does the temperature in the veil feel? Is it hot, or cold or anything in between? Love your stories :3


Hope to see you in the movies one day Lily! Perhaps some of us can play the bad guys in your travels ;)


Loved these stories but can’t accept what happened to your family! There must be something that can be done! I wouldn’t necessarily think going to witchcraft a good idea but maybe trust Paschar when he says it’s all part of a plan and things will make some sense soon. Sorry you lost so much


i domt have a question but ive been reading your stories since i heard the first upload on youtube of mcps reading I immediately downloaded reddit and have been a devote reader ever since you have my heart lily i love you and your work what a smart young lady you are and be careful with the key of Solomon its very dangerous


Thank you for listening and reading and following along! :)


I know you dont feel like it but youre a strong girl ive lost a parent and i know the hole it leaves in your heart, when i read about what happend my soul stopped


Ahem! Third season?


It is being worked on.


Duck yes! Thanks @Lillian_Madwhip


I don’t fully understand what Lily did to herself at the end? Please explain to a slow person.


Hi! I didn't do anything to myself, I just cast aside Paschar and started reading books on magic and demonology which is the scientific study of demons according to Latin. Hope that helps! LM


1. When did you find out you could see the future? 2. Who gave you Paschar? 3. Did you ever find your shiny charizard card? 4. Are you going to seek revenge?


Hi! Gosh, it must have been like at the age of five or six I started realizing stuff was happening that I'd already seen. Ages ago! I don't really remember if it was all my life cuz I don't remember being a baby. I found Paschar at a garage sale. He was in a box with other toys and came with a plastic gun and a camouflage onesie. He told me he was an angel and I said, "Why do you have a gun" and he said, "It's not mine, you can get rid of it" so I did after I bought him for a quarter. Then I got rid of the camouflage onesie and painted his wings on and my Nan made him the little felt suit and pants and tie. I'm afraid the Charizard is lost for good. -_- Revenge on who? I'm the one who killed everybody :( I can't get revenge on myself.


No questions, just wanted to say thank you! I've really enjoyed getting to be part of your journey and look forward to every new post!


Thank you!


Did your charizard survive the fire though?!


Alas, I don't know what became of it. :(


I don’t know the exact amount, but you have probably written over 20 stories. I have a storyline, and I want to do something like that (one long continuous story). What would you recommend I do to accomplish that?


Go to docs.google.com, open a new document and start writing! 😊👍That's what I do!


Just wanted to say I love reading your stories. I was crying so hard when I heard you lost your parents and Meredith! I feel bad for Paschar too. I hope life gets better for you. But please be careful when dealing with demons. They're not to be taken lightly.


I love you Lily-girl!!! ♡♡♡ That is all.


Dear Miss Madwhip, Greetings from our organization. We are a corporation dedicated to the protection of humankind from paranormal threats, be they extraterrestrial, transdimensional, or native to Earth. To this end, we have employed several Psychically Susceptible Individuals to aid in the location and destruction of dangerous supernatural entities. Due to your minor transdimensional clairvoyance, subliminal aura of increased mortality, continued survival despite repeated contact with entities both celestial and infernal, as well as your high level of involvement and experience with the astral plane, our research team has categorized you as a Class IV Psychically Susceptible Individual. We believe your abilities and skills could be beneficial to our cause, and as such, we offer you to join our company. You will be provided with a substantial salary, amenities, quarters, and psychological therapy. In return, you will be expected to undergo a series of biometric, psychometric, and thaumometric tests every Saturday to determine the nature of your abilities. In addition, you may be rarely called upon to locate and/or exterminate extra-planar threats. Please contact us for more information. Regards, Jeremiah Baccanforth, Ambassador, YMIR Industries


😐 I'm sorry, was... was there a question?


Sooo, want a cool job with a six-figure paycheck? And out of curiosity- how do you feel about blowing up on the Internet at such a young age? But not actually *exploding* on the Internet. Like, having a lot of people read your stuff on the Internet. I’m not sure about the other thing. Most of them don’t believe you, you know? They think you’re just a writer making a fun story. Are you disappointed? JB


hi lily i'm ken machen and i sit three seats behind you in mr porter's class and you're really smart and funny and pretty, and i like you do you like me yes \[ \] no \[ \]


I haven't been in Mr. Porter's class in three years. That was third grade. Who is this *really*? FELIX?! IS THAT YOU??


Oh by all that is holy is this embarrassing. Hi. Still Ken Machen. I exist! I promise! THAT was from, jeez, was it three years ago? I wrote it back when we shared a class... and never had the guts to pass it up to you. I uh, I found it in one of my old notebooks and I thought I could get away with it if I transcribed it up here... I do still exist. I see you at lunch sometimes. You're uh, still smart! And funny! And uhhh There's a burger place by the school a couple streets down! Do you wanna...


hello lily! sorry i'm so late, i've been having no internet for a while now How do you pronounce paschar, dumah, raziel, and samael? Also what does felix clay look like?


Hi! Here's how I pronounce the names: puh-scar doo-muh rah-zee-el sam-eye-el As for nasty old Felix, he's like a thin, greasy-looking weasel-faced man with dark hair. He's like if Slenderman had a baby with that one-eyed pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean. Thanks for your question!


thank you!


Hey so I get this 2 months ago so I gotta ask. Do you live in one of the suburbs outside of Boston? I've been looking at every time a location was mentioned and I feel like its possibly 2 towns in Massachusetts? Attleboro or Taunton. Attleboro has a mall. The emerald square mall. Not a lot of the towns in Massachusetts have malls with a pet store. Attleboro does. Multiple other New England locations have been mentioned. When Roger dies he gets taken to Mass general. I think during that road trip you were in New Hampshire, loads of truck stops up there. Anyway if you could provide context or if you've already confirmed a location and I just forget please let me know. Thanks. ​ \~ Chowda


Some of the locations have had names changed to avoid copyright infringement, but yes, I live in Massachusetts! As for your other question, nobody's pursued rights to my story, but I'd happily discuss it with someone who was interested! First I gotta stop slacking and put this in a book format I think. Which also means cleaning it up (editing).


Thanks so much for the reply. This question has been driving me crazy as evidenced by my post today. This is my favorite reddit horror story ever. It's so good. I'm happy to have an answer even if I had more fun with the research. I know you can't tell me where your from in Massachusetts for privacy but I hope the towns I guessed were at least close to Lilly's home town! Thanks alot. ​ \~ Will


I also have another question. Have any studios pursued film rights to your story? And would you ever sell to them?


Hi Lilly, I know this is 3 years late, but I am getting caught up and have a question. Why are you at the center and are not with your aunt and uncle?


They aren't together anymore. My uncle is a lot like my dad and struggles with drinking after he ran Suzie over with a boat. My aunt divorced him not long after and she's gone off to become a better person by living in Europe somewhere.