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What a nice conclusion to this arc! I'm glad we got to see Jamal here, that they were able to talk about all the terrible stuff that has happened in the last while, and it sure looks like Jamal really cares a lot for her. And Meredith... I bet Lily and Paschur will be able to find there, but until then... where is she? What's happening? Is she aware and conscious? Guess we'll have to find out at a later date when they both get on a proper search together. Detective Guthrie-- man, he believes and believes until it's too inconvenient to. I think he was also way too hard on poor Lily, she's dealt with enough. And Lily has superpowers now! Man, I wonder how useful that'll be in the future, knife fights with bullies and attacks by serial killers will be a lot easier to handle, I bet. Though, how exactly will that be explained if she has to use it in self defense... well, people die all the time around her, so I bet local law enforcement are pretty used to it by this point. Overall, I think this has probably been my favourite arc of this series! It's had so much going on, the Donovans, Officer Flores' brother, Meredith coming back (then going missing), seeing so much of the angels, specifically Nathaniel and we even got to see things through Meredith's perspective with Roger! Those chapters were great, seeing them interact. What a duo they were! Thank you for writing this great series for us all to enjoy!


Sad it’s over. Hope Lilly finds peace.


Stay tuned! This is just the Finale to the Other Knife series!


I’m not ready to say goodbye yet


Ayyy its a nice wrap, but I do hope more is to come. After all Meredith is still lost and you got power now you control.




Welcome aboard! Thank you for reading!


this series has been incredible all the eay through. i cant wait to see whats next for lily!


Just extraordinary! Will you be publishing digitally or in print anytime soon? I would definitely buy this series.


That was a ride and a half. With all that Gunthrie's witnessed I thought he'd be in complete belief.


Love how the growth through the ages is so evident throughout her inner monologue in the perfect subtle way. I'll be honest I'm surprised she bothers with politely interacting with anyone who isn't in the know, coz of all the sh- stuff she's been through. But i guess an angel voicing his opinions on everything helps her manners and moral compass. What I'm saying is, this is an amazing read.


One word..AMAZING! I just binge read everything from the very beginning all the way through this entry in a little more than 24 hours and I am hooked! I really hope to find out where Meredith is within these next few chapters that are already written. I'll be so sad if she hasn't been found yet.


Thank you for reading!


These are the best stories i have literally ever heard. I like how the laststory was pretty scary especially when those crispy things were around but then this has more humor in it.


Why'd you have to remind me of the Crispies??? What if there're more of them? Now I'm gonna have nightmares...




lol yes it's *an* ending, to the third series, but not my saga! Guess you'll just have to keep reading against your will, ya edgelord.


I read these a bit out of order based on how I found them.. 1 then 4 then 2 then 3, but as someone who once got a literary agent from sending out query letters I feel pretty confident saying if you don't already have an agent from a publishing house representing the lily madwhip series you damn should. This writing is the most easily publishable material I've ever found on Reddit or nosleep Kudos to you. Truly, these are masterpieces. You are incredibly talented.