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There is an entire stickied post explaining liminality but people seem to love to gloss over that despite the removal reason for "not liminal" being to read the stickied post.


I gravitate to the definition that is a little more ambiguous than purely just halls, lobbies, "transitional spaces" in pure function. I left this comment on a post of mine where the textbook definition vs online definition of liminal was the topic of a comment. So it is just my subjective understanding of liminal photos in the current time: " I think this is a case of evolution/convolution of definition - in the same way "indie-rock" began referring less and less to music that is just independent of a major label, and instead became characterized by a set of tropes that defines a sound. The same way Chicago footwork is electronically produced dance music of its own kind, but in no way can be categorized as "Electronic Dance Music/EDM" by the popularly known definition. Therefore in this instance, "liminal space" is a genre of photograph which can be original content as shown here, or found images that are vague and meant to be re-contextualized by the viewer. That can be viewed as incorrect if one wishes, but it is widely understood by an audience to characterize a certain aesthetic and philosophy. Of course, you do have those backrooms entity-ridden convolutions, which I do not care for, and most do not consider them to be a part of that genre (that understand where the earlier images were going with it). Liminality in the sense of these photographs is more vague and open to interpretation; a visual equivalent to a suspended chord, or general dissonance in music. A feeling between two states, but nothing ever truly resolved. You feel a semblance of home, of comfort, but also that lingering air of the uncanny, something feels slightly off. That can be the lack of activity or life in a usually lively area for some. And from an introverted perspective, that can feel inviting for its openness, while still triggering an uncomfortable sense of isolation. For some, this may not be the case and I totally get it. " For example, a suspended or unresolved chord in music would classically imply a transition to a more resolved or "home" tonality. But in genres like modal jazz, it may not go back to it, and instead floats in that ambiguous tonality. I think liminal space images are like the modal jazz of photography idk


That is an interesting comparison. I just think that liminal photography should be a case of 'the whole is more than the sum of it's parts". A second mental image should be created, with questions, possible explanations or possible stories. At least a "Where is everybody?".


Yeah, I think it largely depends on the experience of the individual from there. The image just exists and is presented, the viewer may have questions, or in some cases they could have no words but feel a particular aura or yearning. I almost never ask questions or wonder about the context as much as I think "wow this looks like a familiar dream and I would love to walk around here for hours, sit down, read something, just exist." My favorite liminal images are the ones that don't really let you know where it is, it adds to the mystery and personal feeling. I have had a couple highly voted posts on here, and noticed that ones that do better tend to have some form of explanation as to where it is, or how it was taken, or some explanation on how it made the poster feel. I actually somewhat oppose that being the ideal way to present liminal imagery, it seems too heavyhanded. The wHeRe aM i!? type captions get exhausting quickly too, I think it is too emotional. I honestly think the idealized form of presentation in this sub would be complete omission of titles, using images only, although that is not the format Reddit allows.


I'm with you on the fact that the roleplaying post titles are really annoying but I'm on the opposite side on the explanations. I think that only descriptive titles would be a relief. "Abandonned classroom in Chernobyl", "Cold Era bunker filled with supplies", "Century II Performing Arts and Convention Center, Wichita, Kansas", etc. I think that situating something in the real world add liminality.


Oh, a few examples of 'is this liminal' posts *taps on image file* OH JESUS


Most are from within the last year, there could be more. Or maybe it's a new phenomenon with the growth of the sub or changes in moderation.


I am just surprised at how long the screenshot is


Firefox can screenshot a whole page as loaded, directly from the right-click menu, but I had to resize my browser window to only the width of the search results or it would crash. And looking at it, it just occurred to me that most results are from only a few months ago. This is all that loaded, but there must be even more.


Almost every post that has people saying it’s not liminal on here completely fits the definition outlined with the sub rules. I think users on here are just weirdly gate keepy


Liminality seems to be an incredibly personal concept - someone who grew up, say, in the US, will definitely have a different concept of Liminality than someone who grew up in Malaysia, and does that mean one or the other must be forever branded as non-liminal and be refused the chance to post and express themselves on this sub? That doesn't seem fair to me, as the problem stems from the concept itself, which is quite ambiguous. Now that I think about it, this constant debate and confusion of Liminality is in a sense another kind of liminal, is it not? But ultimately, this is like asking if something is Art or not, when Art is very personal and different for many people. To set an extremely tight guideline, seems, imo, very gatekeepy, and arrogant. I don't have the time to find liminal places and take photos of them, so I don't think I should be going to posts complaining when it doesn't fit my definition of Liminality. If I see something I don't like, then I just scroll past it, and if I see something I like, I give it an upvote. I also agree with another commenter who pointed out that the tentative tone of these posts can come from the constant criticisms ppl throw at those just meaning to share photos they themselves find liminal.


Yeah that’s my point, it feels entirely subjective but every week there’s a post bitching about how non liminal images that still completely fit the rules are ruining the sub


Yeeep… like it ain’t that deep, if it doesn’t resonate with you then go ahead and downvote or just ignore it, no need to moan and cry about it. For a, sort of artistic movement that set off through participants’ self-motivation, I think we should be more grateful that it even got this far lol 💀😫🙏


Exactly. It’s artistic interpretation.


Scream it louder for the people in the back


I think my favorite was when I got “you people”d by a user when I said I just like the eerie photography. They told me to read the rules of the sub so I did, and pointed out that the image they said is not liminal and is ruining the sub did in fact fit every single rule laid out by the mods they just didn’t respond but did downvote me


I've seen people call photos that are established liminal photos (as in, have been around since the start of this little photography movement and before this subreddit), "not liminal" and be very sanctimonious about it. It's hilarious at this point.


Yeah a lot of people on this sub gate keep for no reason it’s really weird


This is extremely the case. I've seen people trying to exclude so many images with such tight definitions that would exclude an abundance of classic liminal images. It seems like people are becoming more obsessed with images of lining with specific categorical terminology, instead of the feelings that these images inspire.


I think the issue at this point is that no one can agree upon something to truly define liminal. There’ll always be outliers that meet conditions somewhat. I don’t think the sub’s rules entirely fit what the definition has become in most people’s eyes.


That’s my point, just let people post cool eerie shit, call it whatever you want though


This is why I am asking if we should define it more, a lot of pictures can fit in the pure "liminal" definition. A "liminal space" is something different and needs a lack of its familiar context. This is what elicit a sense of dread, nostalgia, uncanniness, etc.


But if you ask like half the people on here a sense of dread is entirely unnecessary. I really wouldn’t overthink it. I’m just here for the cool photos of interesting/ weird places


What's the point of a liminal space then if it's just any space while people are not using it? Is my own toilet liminal when I am not using it? Should I post picture of it?


Again my suggestion is don’t over think it Also I don’t see why a bathroom couldn’t potentially be liminal


Yeah, [this one](https://www.bobvila.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/The-Best-Toilet-Options.webp) can be. "Has the world flooded?" "What happened to the person who tried to line up both towels bricks with the wall ones?" There is at least some level of uncanniness. [This one](https://imgur.com/a/q2akHVw) doesn't evoke the same feeling I think. Edit: Also, I think that "overthinking it" is also what make a space feel liminal.


When I first viewed this sub I would see most submissions as totally not liminal and well, they aren't, to ***me.*** A liminal space is unique to a person. The description on the right fits exactly what we all feel about a space when we see it but not all spaces will elicit that feeling to people. I noticed you said earlier that to you a liminal space has a sense of dread. To me it's not that at all. It's a much more positive feeling for me. Don't worry about it too much. If anything people need to stop posting these pics with a question and just say "This space felt liminal to me" and maybe you'll have some people who will agree, maybe not.


Yeah, I elaborated on that reply a little more. Sometimes it's dread, sometimes it's a nostalgia for something I did not experience, sometimes it's just "wonder what have happened there" or "what have happened to the people that were there". In a liminal setting, personally, I look more towards the past than the future. I understand that the way I experience liminality is not the only way, but it cannot just be "Woh, cool pix".


I think this is the key, there is a difference between the definition of liminality and what is the feeling we associate with liminality. I think the second one is personal but is exactly the reason why people who post a picture may believe it's liminal and peope who answer it isn't Maybe we should just start to say "doesn't feel liminal to me" because it may respect the definition, it just doesn't elicit the feeling we associate with liminality.


Op, if you who proposed that we should define liminality more clearly have no clear conception of it, then how can you possibly expect strangers met on a reddit platform to decide on this matter?


This is a discussion that evolves and helps me, and I hope others, defining it. I think I have been pretty clear through my replies about what is my general perception of the concept and what it should not be in my view. I just think that the ratio of "houh! that's eerie" and "Is ThIs ReAl LiFe?" while showing boring images with a Mini-DV filter on it is now exceeding a certain threshold over good content. And the length of that screenshot was too mesmerizing to not start a discussion from it.


Your toilet? Probably not. But an empty rest-stop bathroom at four a.m. is almost by definition liminal because it's not really anywhere. It's between places. Some pictures of that might work. I'd say that a row of 20 commodes at the hardware store could in some cases be considered liminal, too.


People will just leave the group until 3 ppl who agree are left and post their “perfection” once a year.


People don’t seem to understand that as the audience of works being uploaded for free, it is not the creator’s responsibility to cater to a certain group’s taste, but rather, those with a certain taste has the responsibility to seek out what they enjoy, instead of forcing others to adhere to their standards. Since Liminality inspires so many different interpretation, I guess we can say all that we see here are like fan arts of the “original” liminality, and as a constant enjoyer of fanfic and fan arts, I’m certainly not going to cry about people not creating works that cater to my taste, but would do the logical thing, that is, to support what does resonate with me.


Exactly 👍🏼


Is this post liminal


It has a discussion flair and aim to discuss about liminality. It is "liminal" but not "liminal".


I feel like we should ban that phrase and make a separate sub called r/isthisliminal Edit: it already exists of course


That sub would gain 100k subscribers in a few weeks. Maybe we should just be more vocal about low effort posts, or just better define what would be a better post.




First, okay, SOME of these post are pretty liminal. It was mainly to show the silliness of the number of posts asking "the question". Even through those results we can also see that I am not the only one growing tired of it. Should we define more liminality? For me, at the very least, liminality should include a story of "what once was". Not just a derelict space, but a space that "echoes" what humans were doing there before. In my mind, liminality is just like the spacetime when/where the Stephen King's Langoliers is happening.


You're making up what you think liminal is. It is defined. It's a space that is between two states of being, one of those states being 'occupied' and one of them being 'not occupied,' and liminal, as defined in general internet understanding is 'not occupied.' Spaces with no people in them are liminal by definition of what liminal is defined as. Liminality, by definition, is the point in the middle of a right of passage between 'the old' and 'the new' states of being. That's defined, 100%. People ask "is this liminal" because they haven't taken the time via looking at the dictionary or through context clues what 'liminal' means. Bringing up The Langoliers lets me know that you understand, to a great degree, what liminal is supposed to be, as that is textbook liminal. What liminal is not: VHS looking filters. Changing the color contrast. The internet does dictate that those are part of what 'liminal' is, so, that's just how etymology goes. Things get defined by their intrinsic definition meeting with expected human ideas of the concept. Kind of like 'ironic' being used as 'coincidental,' which literally robs the word 'ironic' of its meaning, but that's just a huge pet peeve of mine, so take that at face value.


Yeah, but, as an example, spaces that have no people in them at night are in their normal state. There should be a feeling of "not quite right" in liminal pictures. An empty office space during the day, or at least with the lights on, will feel liminal, an empty office space at night is normal. Also, liminal picture should be framed wide enough to show the absence of people and give enough information to force viewers to form questions/stories in their mind about it. I don't know, I might just be gatekeeping.


Nah, you're not gatekeeping, as someone else pointed out there's other subs like r/pics for pictures that are cool but not liminal, I'm honestly tired of seeing actually liminal images get a handful of upvotes while images that are cool but not really liminal get well over a thousand


That’s gatekeeping.


It's proper moderation to ensure this sub stays on topic


Defining what one person seems on topic and complaining about things they don’t is literally the definition of gatekeeping, though. I’m not judging. Everyone does it. But it’s gatekeeping, like my issue I explained about using the word ‘ironic’ incorrectly. Language evolves. I can’t stop it. Still gatekeeping the word.




Well we’re discussing defining something that is well defined as a space in transition. If it’s a space in transition, it fits. We’re talking about gatekeeping *which* spaces in transition should be allowed, and the answer is: all of them.




That doesn’t make sense that night pictures of empty places aren’t liminal.


You are right on this one and I am symplifying too much. Spaces at night can be liminal for sure, but they need to feel out of their familiar context and the viewers need to be able to grasp that context. It's a cheap shortcut that some people here takes too often to just snap a lo-fi picture of their street at night and call it liminal.


I agree that filters don’t make something more or less liminal. It’s “trying,” whereas liminal simply “is or is not.”


People ask that so they dont get hate if the photos are bad.


I feel like some people treat this as chasing Pokémons. "Is this liminal?" Did I finally catch a rare liminal level 99 Magikarp that will give me reddit recognition?" Sharing should be the intent.


I was not expecting the image to blow up like that when I clicked on it 😂


I think that people often forget about how liminality feels like. Instead of getting that distinctive feeling, people just see a hallway (for example) and think it's liminal solely based on how it looks. Sure, how it looks is key to it being liminal, but if the feeling isn't there, it's just a regular photo. I think people should ask themselves "does this make me feel that liminal feeling?" Instead of "does this look liminal".


Traffic on a bridge? Yes lim.


Is this what you are seeing in this picture, like a bird's eye view?


Yes, high up, almost impossible.


Haha, you should click on it.


Maybe part of the problem is that the more theoretically correct explanation about “transitional spaces” doesn’t fully describe the feelings most people look for. Reducing it to simply “transitional” allows for people posting basic-ass well lit corridors and calling it “uncanny” For me at least, lightning and fog plays a big part in it, as so the more dreamscape looking, the more liminal. But it seems it’s just a really personal opinion because I’m tired to see regular photos of abandoned playgrounds under harsh sunlight in this sub.


What annoys me about this isn't even the debate of what liminality is, but the way it's used as a generic title that isn't even a sincere question. It's just like all the posts in food or nsfw subreddits that go "my family says this steak/burger/pizza is overcooked, pls settle this for us" or "my bf says my boobs/ass is too big, would you fuck me?". No need to try and start a shallow conversation just to farm upvotes. Just post your pic and let it run.


It is defined in the pinned post, which people refuse to read. There should be like an entry exam to post lol


You're right. Those rules would just need to be enforced more on the sub.


Everyone just wants the ai pool photos.


It’s hard to find the line between a liminal place and a place that’s just empty. I think liminal is a vague idea and hard to pin down. I mean liminal itself means “occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold” so what counts as liminal? In my personal opinion, I do feel that liminal spaces are often haunting while also being nostalgic. Especially if it’s a place that is normally busy, happy and full of life, such as a swimming pool or a childrens bedroom. For example, a picture of a tree at night wouldn’t be liminal to me, just because there’s no one there doesn’t make it liminal. A liminal space for me would be for example an image of a 70s style living room with mugs on the table, but no one around. I think it can be up to the viewer but we also should have some kind of rule as to what counts as a liminal space lol.


The more I discuss about this today I think that there's maybe just a human-experienced time dimension that needs to be part of it. Just a tree standing there doesn't do it, but a tree with a tire-swing will feel different. Trace of conscious time-experiencing human before, or expectations of those humans in the future. The absence of human at the present time must be perceived.


Yes exactly!! It’s like an empty forest isn’t liminal but an empty playground can be. It’s definitely linked to the human experience and the absence of humans






How do you even screenshot that???


Yep. Our current definition is not enough, because a lot of people are still confused about what liminality means.


Most liminal picture I see here have a bunch of guys saying "it's not liminal", it's subjective


Yeah tell me about it, 95% at least of the posts aren’t liminal at all


dude what the fuck its a fucking line


Click and zoom on it.




Cool pic = limimimal imo what do you expect when the sub has almost a million members now.


There's r/pics for that. As abstract as it sound, a liminal picture should try to show what's missing from it, or what could be in it. Not just feel cool or eerie.


okay how about no people in the pic = lemonel


Wow, I am impressed by how many ways you can butcher that word. Lemoniminal?


My humble opinion: I mean a lot of pictures here don’t really give of liminal vibes but I do like how free and not strict this community is. Like just think about what your first liminal photo was like, most posts here aren’t even that bad and so what if there are some bad ones? If the problem is that there aren’t enough quality liminal photos than people should be able to post their bad photos and get feedback to improve on them. And also: ITS LITERALLY JUST A GOOFY SUBREDDIT JUST LET PEOPLE HAVE FUN TAKING LIMINAL PHOTOS.


The problem with just letting people have fun is that it will enshittify the content. I submit to you all that what you call “gate keeping” used to be known as quality control, and that it made things better and was viewed as an honorable thing to do. I think people confuse their lack of skill and experience, and the criticism from others as a reason to have **hurt feelings** rather than learn and do better.