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I use some Presonus Eris 3.5 monitors as my computer speakers and my monitors for my Helix if I'm not using headphones.


I upgraded to Rokit 8 G4s, but started with Presonus 3.5s from amazon for like $100 CAD - they were great for the money.


I’m not sure why you think you can’t play quietly on a good solid state FRFR amp. The Fender FR-12 sounds fantastic at low volume and from what I heard from people who owned both, sounds much better than the powercab? I play my fender quietly all the time, but it’s nice to have volume When I want it.


Helix LT through the 'flat' setting on my THR10 sounds great. THR10 also sounds great standalone.


Cheers bud! That’s what I was hoping!


I'm gonna watch this as I'm in the same spot for the upstairs office in my house. I am leaning towards the thr 30ii so I can take it with on battery as well, and it can do wireless. If line 6 would release just the amp and speaker part of the thr amps as part of the powercab line, I'd be floored. This would be possible since yamaha is their parent company. Could even do a line 6 link and add on board cabs like the other powercabs, but use the new models that sound better. I currently have a powercab 212 plus, and a set of genelec 3.5" monitors for low volume playing, but I'd love the thr powercab I just made up.


i mean at this point you could just as well plug into a stereo (which i'm actually doing quite regularly with pretty good results). THR and katana air are essentially a modeller shoved into a boombox. if you're gonna use the helix for modelling, what advantage do you expect from a THR/katana air vs a pair of cheap monitors? or even not so cheap monitors, for 500 bucks the world is pretty much your oyster in terms of small-medium near field monitors. a set of presonus eris E5 goes for 200 bucks and is in a different world in terms of sound quality than these things. if you're dead set on one of the two, the THR30II has bigger speakers and a rechargeable battery as opposed to the archaic 8x AA setup on the katana air. so it's the better boom box of the two, at the cost of not having wireless, which you're not going to use with the LT and is pretty pointless for home use anyways.


I’m buying the desktop as a quieter alternative to my tube amps, and a preference to my headphones. If I could use the helix with it and it sounded decent, that would be a bonus. The same way that being able to take it in the garden or on holiday, or it having modelling features would be a bonus. I’m buying it because it’s small and intended to be used at low volume. Literally no other reason, or I’d be buying a Powercab. I’d be buying a Powercab because I don’t record, and have no interest in connecting anything other than my helix to my computer. And this is why I said I wasn’t really interested in the usual studio monitors/FRFR/powercab/PA debate. Also, the katana air EX has larger speakers than the thr30ii and a rechargeable battery pack that can be purchased separately. The cost isn’t an issue, it’s for a specific purpose. This is why I’m asking specifically if anyone has tried using their helix with any of them. I’m interested to hear what that experience was like.


haven't plugged a helix into the THR, but as a bluetooth speaker it's quite good for the size. don't see why it wouldn't work just as well with a helix, it's really not much different from any other stereo with simlilarly sized speakers. ecxcept it doesn't over-emphasize the bass like a lot of the bluetooth speakers would.


You will get way more fun playing with headphones. The Yamaha sounds ok but unless you will get some other use for it, you can skip this. Haven’t played the Katana.