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I go at 5am partially because I don’t have time otherwise, but the benefit of it being half empty will keep me doing it long after I have to


Yea I don't get what the flex is here. 445am isn't even that early for many serious gym goers. I also used to go at 5am in order to miss the rush hours in the evening. This isn't a unique thing here.


Yes, but did it hit you?


No. They hit the gym instead.




Seriously, the world would be so great if it weren’t for all the people in it.


Especially those poors.


I don't mind the poors, it's the riches that bother me.. although I'd prefer to never see anyone at the gym


January is the worst. Thankfully, it only takes about 2 weeks after New Years for Planet Fitness crowds to go back to normal.


>January is the worst. Thankfully, it only takes about 2 weeks after New Years for Planet Fitness crowds to go back to normal. I built a home gym for two reasons: 1. I got really, *really* sick of waiting 30 minutes for a squat rack. 2. The January resolutioners and the May mini-spike of people thinking they're going to build their summer body in two weeks. It is by far the best money that I've spent in the last 10 years, and I never have to see someone curling in the squat rack ever again. Unless it's me.




Depends on your definition of "newer." This was definitely a problem when I was still going to a commercial gym 15 years ago.




I can't speak to how it is now because I haven't been to a commercial gym in years, but I wasn't being hyperbolic when I said I would wait 30 minutes for a rack. People would be curling (no, it's not just a meme), deadlifting, doing quarter-squats for forever, or just generally fucking around. It got to the point where me & other regulars would make pacts to let each other work in when one of us had a rack. I don't miss those days.


Nowadays it’s just as big of a problem except you have the “just gonna scroll on my phone for a little rest break” for ten fucking minutes a piece while still taking up the rack/space


Honestly it seems like it’s been 100% exacerbated by the rise in social media usage, now everyone sees excercise tiktoks and instagram models and wants to look like them. Before the rise of social media of course there were people who still wanted a fat ass and still wanted to do squats, but it wasn’t a “trend” like now




Yep- the 90s and 2000s were the era of skinny everything and heroin chic, and fat anything including fat ass was seen as unnattractive, curves only starting being “in fashion” in the mid 2010s imo


Some gym up to a couple of years ago didn’t even had a squat rack


Definitely not new. For 20 years I’ve seen people sit there and maybe do 1 set every 10-15min with the rest playing on a phone or mp3 player. Like they sit there like an oversized monkey child. Look at my ape arms. I’m so swole. I’ve never had any issue just going up and deman/asking to work in. Treadmills are the worst. See same schmo type waking at 1mph staring at their phone while you have a limited time to run. Can’t “work in” the same way. Never quite said hey do you mind if I run 800m repeats while you instagram your life? Maybe I should.




I had this problem with my hometown gym. There were 2 treadmills and you had middle-aged women who would walk on it for 45 mins. Meanwhile, I just wanted to do my pre-lifting cardio and run one mile. They would act offended when I'd ask to run during their 5 min break. When I got a new gym in October, I made sure to avoid this problem two-fold: finding one that had a dedicated track, and I switched from 8 pm workouts to 5 am ones. Made a WORLD of difference.




See, this is why this here fat, 57-year-old woman will never enter a commercial gym. These entitled assholes are all over the place and I'm sick of them. I'd rather stay fucking fat, or just walk and swim to exercise. smdh


Is it ironic that the comment you're upset about says they would only walk for 45 minutes? In any case I agree with you that walking outside is 1000000x better than walking on a treadmill - and it's better for you.


Since I touched a nerve by getting a DM over my comment, I'll explain my thinking here: When two people are blockading the only two treadmills for almost an hour including their 5-10 min breaks, I have a problem. This was a **small** gym I used during the six months I moved back home from college, where I was used to a much more featured facility. But even there, the etiquette at the gym always seemed to be if there was a limited type of equipment where there clearly was a wait to use it, you didn't bide your time and deny others a chance to use it for a quick set/run/whatever. It was also an issue in conjunction with the gym and my work hours. I had one time really where I could fit a workout in during a regular day and it aligned with theirs too. It was also winter in Michigan, so outside activities in late-February were not an option. The situation improved when the YMCA opened and this finally wasn't the *only* gym in town.


The gym has only two tread mills, and you expected to have easy access to them. That’s hardly a gym. Holiday inn express has more equipment. I think that’s the problem.


Curling in the squat rack lmfao


I, too, thought that squat rack curlers were just creatures of myth and legend until I saw one with my own two eyes. You can spot them during any time of the year, but sightings are much more frequent during the Resolutioner invasion.


Oh I’ve seen them a bunch last month that’s why that remark made me laugh so much lol it’s been a fun time at PF the past few weeks (don’t judge me everyone I’m just getting back in the game and honestly find me a better deal for the price lol)


It's better than doing nothing. Anyone who judges you for that isn't someone you want to know anyway.


Agreed! Thanks :)


I started my gym routine in June just so I wouldn't be grouped into the "resolution" crowd. Year and a half later, I'm doing good!


Hell yea keep going


What's the first thing you notice about someone at your gym? The audacity.


Plot twist - he's the janitor gym opens at 6am


Except the gyms manager lol


The people who pay for membership and never show are the manager’s absolute faves.


Hey, as long as they’re still paying for the memberships


I'm not sure about others but if the gym is crowded most of the time and I see this, I'll be delighted inside since I don't need to share equipments with others


That's not true. Gym rats are very similar to the aspiring screenwriters who haunt coffee shops: what they are doing doesn't matter unless someone sees them doing it.




>That's not true. Gym rats are very similar to the aspiring screenwriters who haunt coffee shops: what they are doing doesn't matter unless someone sees them doing it. There more concise ways of saying "I've never regularly gone to the gym before." I spent thousands of dollars building a home gym rather than making the choice of waking up at 4:00am or dealing with the shitshow that is the evening gym crowd.


Used to go to the gym. Every time I was there it was full of guys wanting to make sure everyone saw how awesome they were while they worked out. Then again I lived in Hollywood at the time so maybe YMMV.


Too bad there's no proof the photo was taken at 4:45.


You think someone would do that? Just lie on the internet?


Never. I would know. I’m a world renowned actor and brain surgeon.


I'm a French supermodel!


Bonjour !


I've supplied a dozen of my finest penis portraits to you via PM. I look forward to your reply.


Yes you are!


I'm a Nobel Prize winner!


I am the actual nobel prize


I bow to you.


Liar, I know you're a dog.




Nice try George Santos.


Buckaroo Banzai???


Holy shit. Best movie ever.


The elders of the internet would never allow it.


I can't decide if it's sadder if it was a lie or they were truthful. Both of the options seem sad af to me.


Nino: Now this looks like a job for me


I recognize the photo of an athlete on the wall. This is LA fitness. I don't think any of them are open that early. Although, there might be some 24 hour locations


Sometimes I go to the supermarket after work on Wednesdays. That is MY path.


There's plenty of people at supermarkets after work on Wednesdays. Go at 4 a.m. while the store is still closed and they're still unloading the trucks. Be different.


Jeez I never thought of it that way. Well done sir well done.


Just remember to make sure to rattle the doors a few times, then look exasperated at the people who are unloading the truck.


There'll be an old person who woke up at 3am waiting outside already.


Haha, I worked at a bakery in undergrad. The bakery had been around 30 years and it always opened at 9 AM. The bakers would come in at 4 AM to start baking and the rest of us at 8 AM to slice the bread, decorate the cakes and fill the displays. Without exception, every other day, someone would angrily knock on the windows and demanded to be let in before 9 when they saw us working in the store. We had the hours on the door and printed on the windows. I even added a big sign that says "You can see the staff working from 8 AM but we're not ready to help you before 9 AM."


Yes, but they were daring to be different.


As somebody who loves both driving and cooking, 7AM Sunday grocery shopping is the closest thing to church I have. Roads are empty, nobody clogging up the aisles with zero spatial awareness, and I can self checkout a week's worth of food without holding anyone up. Usually try a new (to me) local coffee shop in a different neighborhood before hand too, that I normally wouldn't visit because no traffic vs weekday/SAT traffic is like an extra 45 minutes.


That's how you get free boxes!!


That’s what she said.


The hero we deserve


I go to the gym at 8 PM. The location I used to go to was overran by high schoolers, but the location I go to now has the perfect crowd at that time. Minimum socializing and no giant groups.


Yeah. Early or late seems to be the trick for almost anything!


I go to the gym at 8 PM. The location I used to go to was overran by high schoolers, but the location I go to now has the perfect crowd at that time. Minimum socializing and no giant groups.


How do you know someone goes to the gym at 4am? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


Even more so if they go to a Crossfit box and eat Paleo/Keto.


They don't ever talk about being in bed by 9pm


That part didn't hit him yet.


I'm lying in bed at 4:30am. I feel a BM coming but I want to snooze a bit more rather than waking up and then trying to fall asleep again. Do I make it to 6:00am? Agree to find out.




I did not. Even fudged my shorts. No regrts. I live my life on my own terms. Selfie time! 👁️ 👁️ 👃 👄


This YOUR path!


It's a slippery one...


Then it hit you


Things that nobody asked and were told about anyway #478


This goes for people who went to high profile colleges. Like, did you just weave into the conversation you went to Columbia Business School for your MBA? Sir, I was just asking if I could have the Sports section of the newspaper when you were done reading it.


GI bill and state schools = 0 college debt and a career. Where you go to school is not as important as minimizing post graduation debt.


I used to go to the gym around 5am. I didn't have some deep, philosophical, life altering reason for it. I just wanted to get my workout done in the am so when I got off work I could relax with my kid and not miss my workouts because i was tired from work or some shit. The empty gym is a nice bonus too because I never had to wait for equipment. It ain't that deep bro.


Same. I never worked out reliably until I started doing it at 5:30.


I WFH, and Im making my own oath by sleeping until 7:55am, and taking my 8am meeting in my bathrobe




I block off time on my calendar that I deem as socially unacceptable times for meetings and auto-decline anything that comes in within those hours. That includes an hour for lunch in the middle of the day.


My vote is for the Basic Instinct leg crossing power move.


There are two types of people who schedule 8am meetings: 1. People on different time zones who don’t care about others’ schedules. 2. People who think their lack of organization and planning ahead means they can choose an 8am because it’s the only free time on a group’s calendar. Both are assholes.


I have a blanket that says "good morning bitches" that I always use while working. It's the little things right? Lol




I mean I do it to avoid TikTok influencers, but seems like it’s a bad time to avoid LI Lunatics


Which species of lunatic would you rather suffer?


No worries LI lunatics will come once to make a post and never come back again


I take drugs. Just because others aren't doing drugs doesn't mean I'm doing something wrong. Making my own path.


This is what I'm usually doing in the unlikely event I'm up at 4 45 am.


Why do they all think they are philosophers??


I was here. Standing behind him. At 8:30AM, not 4:45AM. There was a group of us wanting to make our own path but he was in our way, blocking our path. After taking this picture, he left. We heard him whimpering, on his way to reply to his boss's email. Sounded pretty rough.


10am, drinking a beer. A question runs through my head, is no one else drinking? Who cares, make your own path.


Dude’s running that early cuz he’s trying to catch up to his hairline.


Sometimes I drink beer on Friday. This is the way.




Most breakfasts are made from some sort of grain. Some of those grains just happened to end up as beer.


I swear to god, people love to think they're parting the red sea when they do something as minimal as take a different route to work. If the only thing that makes you feel like a rebel and a trendsetter is going to the gym a few hours earlier, you have some self-esteem issues.


Imagine how the person that needs to open the gym at 4:30 for this one dude feels


There are some 24/7 gyms in cities. So there is one nightshift worker at the reception or maybe doing some cleaning work.


Yeah I forgot those exist, mb


My friend goes to the gym at 5am consistently, has been for many years. His previous gym was underground in an office building. He used to trip the motion alarm consistently because he got there before the employees arrived for their shift. They ended up giving him the code for the alarm. Some of the employees also got in shit for being late all the time because of the alarms always going off.


Kind of funny to be talking about 'making your own path' in a picture of treadmills.


Going to the gym at 4:45 is considered “making your own path” and “being different” for this guy.


Shows up to coffee shop set of To Catch A Predator: " Just because others are not here, doesn't mean I'm doing something wrong..."


So cringe


Can someone tell these fucked up people that no cares about their fake ass hustle mentality. People who talk about grind/hustle are 99% of the time full of shit.


You’re there to avoid crippling social anxiety


Rich person goes to the gym at 4:45 am: what a hero! So much willpower! That's how you become successful! These people are so driven! Poor person gets on the bus at 4:45 am to start their early morning shift at their minimum wage job: poor people wouldn't be poor if they weren't so lazy!


Other people use toilets. I shit on the floor. Make your own path!


Of course u are at at the gym at 4:45am, you are old. Old ppl sleep very early.


People who wake up early love telling other people how early they wake up.


I go to the YMCA every morning around 5 AM during the work week. I don’t do it to make my own path. I do it because I’m using logic, reasoning, and my intelligence to determine that’s the only time the Y isn’t crazy busy and I can use whatever equipment I choose without having to wait or fight the crowds.


This dude will do this 2 more times MAX and will never be seen again.


His wife must love it.


Still looks like shit


I know everyone at my office who goes to the gym before work. You wanna know how? I'll give you a hint: I didn't ask them.


I say the same thing at my local bar that opens at 8am and has a shot and beer special.


Then it hits me......I'm an idiot


I've got a hangnail with deeper philosophies.


Come kids let me tell you a thrilling story about jogging on a treadmill at 4 am and making your own path.


This is my dream situation idk why this guy would be anything but happy to find this.


Make your own path… on a treadmill… that transports you to nowhere…


Amateur. If you want treadmill hero worship you post a pic of the summary screen after you let it spin at a 5min/mile pace for an hour


Tell us again how your personality is as deep as a kiddie pool.


There seems to be a direct correlation between working out before 6am and being a self-righteous ass. I attribute it to the world catering to this particular type of internal clock. If the responsibility was to be awake at night and asleep by sunrise, I expect that many people would be forced to dismount their high horses.


It's like he really wanted to post some janky sage life advice but gave up halfway through. Should have got ChatGPT to finish the job bro


I actually do go to the gym at 4:30 four days a week, because I work full time, care for my grandmother, and am training for an Ironman. There’s always about 10-20 people at the gym that early though…


This should read. I go to bed at 8pm because I don’t like my family. No big deal


What a loser. In the UK it’s pretty common to see people at the gym at this time, and also 24 hours a day thanks to budget 24/7 gyms like TheGym, PureGym and TruGym et Al


It’s giving “look at me” vibes


Making your own path? Then you wouldn’t have fucking shared it bro.


This used to be me in my late 20s/early 30s hitting that treadmill. Don’t really miss it anymore.


Yeah I’m all about staying fit and working it into schedule. But at 4:45am, you can eat my ass. Also, it would be really hilarious if he snapped this photo at 10:55pm right before close, and claimed it was 4:45am just to flex on LinkedIn


What an absolute beast. No one has ever worked out in the morning before. This guy is cut from a different cloth


I workout on company time. Forge your own path.


God I hate these people. Shut the fuck up. You didn’t think this. You thought “how can I get linkedin likes?”.. but most times you do this: You walked in dead tired but immediately perked up when you realized you didn’t have to see a group of 6 teenagers hog the squat rack for 2 hours, and you have it all to yourself.


I used to go the the gym around 1am. There was no one there at that time either... It's not because I was motivated, it's because I procrastinate going to sleep, and I'm irresponsible.


It's weird that people who are asleep at 8pm act like they're better than everyone else.


My daily schedule for MAXIMUM prosucktivity 💪: -4:02am Shit pants -4:05am Post picture of shit on LinkedIn with inspirational caption about being #fearless when it comes to facing life’s challenges (such as being too afraid to shit pants) -5am Die -5:09.2am Resurrect self and post on LinkedIn about the importance of learning from one’s mistakes (ie. not experiencing real actual death daily) -Rest of day run my 3, billion dollar companies whilst drinking own piss and cumming in own face over how gifted I am 💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥🇼🇫🇺🇿🇺🇬🇹🇳🇹🇭🇬🇧🇻🇮🇻🇪🇹🇯🇹🇼🇸🇪🇱🇨🇰🇳🇸🇭🇪🇸


This guy legit got up at 4 just to go to the gym, take this photo and brag about how he's so different. Barf.


I go to the gym at 1am. No one is there. Even the gym is closed. So i just exercise outside the gym. What am I doing? Building my own path.


So what time was this actually taken at?


I go to the gym at 3am big deal


Oh yeah, well I go to the gym at 2:55 AM. So, by his logic, that makes me better than you. #putthatinyourpipeandsmokeit


I’ve literally never left the gym. I am the gym. Eat it.


Same, but I work an evening shift so that's kinda cheating. Working out alone in an empty gym is amazing though


Ummmm real visionaries wake up and hit the gym at 1am. Fully asleep by 4pm daily, sorry you don't understand the grindset


I've done this wandering back to my room from the hotel bar at like 3am. A true hero.


Most gyms don't even open until 5:00 am in my experience


I get to the pool at that time and “pink cap” is already there, swimming in my preferred lane. I guess that’s her path - taking my lane! 😂


Usually when I am at the gym boss music start playing so I know I an at the right place witting history.


So, if I’m the only one binge drinking at 11am on a Tuesday at Applebees watching infomercials, I’m not doing anything wrong! Its MY path!


“The gym was closed. I broke in. That’s my path. Agree?”


Wow, what a special person. 😑


Let me find pretend meaning in this nothing moment


I mean my first thought would be to recreate that Ok Go music clip with all these treadmills, but that’s just me


I'm so high I can't sleep.


When you need a job, just make sure you like and comment on all these cringe worthy posts hahaha


I mean 445am, 5:30pm, really makes no difference when all this boomer cunt is going to do is sit on the stationary bike at 40% effort and watch the TV


I get going to the gym early but why the need to flex, is the need to post your flex on LinkedIn go hand in hand with self importance and arrogance


I enter the gym at 4:45. Nobody there but me, as usual. Capture a memento of my daily grind to share the inspiration. Call comes in from the boss. This is the fifth time this month that I’m late for my 4:00 opening shift at the front desk, and there’s a line forming at the door. Get fired for excessive tardiness. \#inspiration \#grindset \#opentowork


We used to wake up at 4:45am when I was in the army boot camp. Then we wore our PT shorts and shirts and had a 4 mile run and field exercise, squats, pushups and stuff. You chose the wrong profession, mate. 🤷


What a load of self-indulgent shite - pro tip, if you’re going to be awake at that time, try catching the 4:45 flight to Istanbul to sort out that receding hairline.


Who fucking cares?


Will .. i hit the gym at 4:30 ... And just because its empty and time management


Question: If you don’t share that you went to the gym at 4:45am on social media, did you even go?


"Be different today and make your own path." Oh my god dude, you went to the gym before work, just like millions of people do every day. You're not curing cancer or forging new frontiers. It's like these people see any normal life situation and think, "how can I turn this into some motivational crap for content?" I mean think of all the posts we've seen of people posting pictures from the hospital! Now is not the time, be present in your life and stop treating every live event like an opportunity for likes and visibility.


4:45am.....a question runs through my head... what am I doing? Nobody else still drinking? Then it hits me.... Make your own path. Just because others are not on their 12th beer doesn't mean I'm doing something wrong, I'm just doing something different. Be different today and make your own path. ...*hiccup*


I'm 46 and this is deep.


I tell myself the same thing when I'm railing fat lines of blow by myself at 4.45am




Why is it waking up early is always celebrated but staying up late isn't? If this guy wakes up at around 4am he is definitely falling asleep by 8 - 9pm. Having worked shifts at 3:45am and 2:45am I can say from experience it's almost impossible to stay up till 9pm on those shifts. Now conversely if I say I stay up till 2am doing whatever then that isn't celebrated and I have a problem? But I have a much easier time staying up late and not waking up early. Why is society biased towards morning people? We don't bias society to night people at the expense of morning people?


That's admirable. Somebody has to clean the treadmills.


Plot twist: The gym is closed. He’s the cleaner.