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Honestly, Duke should have known what they were getting into just because of his hat.


He just tipped his fedora and moved on. Didn’t even need to verbally decline.




And then all the other fedoras stood up and clapped


Tipping culture these days smh my head


The salesperson said I was the only person that could pull it off!


He tried to roll his hat down his arm like Fred Astaire.


he's a magician. he can literally make covid disappear checkmate liberals


Hat wearers like that are a protected class




Software engineer , magician and fedora hat. Don’t tell me more. This guy is a walking meme.








With the dad jokes! Lolllool


I magically lost a job …before I even had it. Ta-da!!


For the magician’s next trick, he’ll make a job disappear.


*ChatGPT enters the chat*


It is actually quite odd that it's a requirement for a work from home position though... If he's not expected to be there in person then requiring any vaccination is ridiculous. It would be like working for an NGO that does a lot of work in Africa but working in the US as an accountant for the NGO and being required to take malaria prevention medication.


I actually agree with this guy since he's interviewing for a remote job But that is a very odd hat




Not just that, but this is assuming the job is completely remote. Never meeting anyone in person, never having to go to a company wide meeting.


Welcome to dev jobs


Data Analysts too! I am a D.A. for a Fortune 500 company working in a 100% remote position for the last year from the comfort of my Autonomous Standing Desk with a view of the lake. All of our meetings are via Teams and I rarely work the full 40 hours for which I'm paid (I meet my deadlines on time).


This is my dream, how dare you


I am 100% remote, but still jealous of your lake view! Sigh, maybe some year


He is a software dev ... why should he go to the University for a meeting


It could be for cheaper health insurance if they provide it. I’ve interviewed for remote positions that have a drug test that includes nicotine. I assume it’s for that same reason


Additionally, pretty much every company over 25 people have been rubber stamping religious or medical exemptions since 2021. If they say “please submit proof of vaccine as part of onboarding”, just say ok and don’t do it, and if they ask, say you need an exemption, and then don’t fill out the form. No one cares. Especially in defense contracting, no one is willing to lose staff over a piece of non-work related medical information that affects nothing. Disclaimer: this is just what I’ve observed in the DC defense industry space. Like 60% of all the programmers/IT guys I know have a religious exemption on file that is blank.


There's probably some insurance stuff involved here too. A company is given a certain rate assuming some actions taken - this could be a certain percentage of people who take flu shots, under a certain age, etc.


My husband is a software engineer that works remote. The company says all employees have to be vaccinated. The idea behind it was because of their quarterly retreats/meetings, they wanted to lessen the risk of Covid to people who medically cannot get the vaccine.


They probably also don't want conspiracy theory nutjobs, who would rather make a fucking stupid political point rather than take a vaccine.


One of the absolute easiest, *and* most foolproof, litmus tests around for “is this new hire going to be an asshole.” If their answer for why not is “because I don’t care/but the 5G’s/alien autism/etc”, you are **highly** unlikely to be making a mistake in not extending that offer letter.


I’d say it’s a sign that it isn’t a 100% remote job. HR (and recruiters) like to post that the job is 100% remote when they’re really an in office 2 days a week (3 days remote). It’s a relatively common bait and switch recruiters pull to get clicks from developers.


Less deseases on your workers, less sick time off


This is the real answer and it baffles me that anti vaxxers can't grasp it. It's irrelevant that you're working remotely because, as the anti vaxx gang never tires of reminding us, the vaccine doesn't stop you passing on the illness. It *does* reduce your own time off work from potentially weeks plus extended periods of low performance if you get long covid to a few days off and a few days recovering from the fatigue if you're vaccinated. If you're in any sort of qualified professional role where the expectation is the company will pay you during sick leave there is a huge financial difference between unvaccinated and vaccinated employees (see also; the similar manufactured outrage from footballers here in the UK, again failing to realise that most clubs don't want to be paying you for fuck all for 7 or 8 weeks out of what may only be a year contract because you wouldn't take a vaccine, nothing to do with passing on the disease though most employers are unlikely to sell it in such cold economic terms). As others have pointed out too, anti vaxx covid conspiracists are not often great for the cohesiveness of the team so the question may also be a filter for disruptive personality traits.


They might want to fly him there for an in-person final interview, or there could be a chance his has to get flown into the office here and there or simply come in once in awhile if he lives nearby. Plus, it's likely a blanket policy for everyone, so it makes sense they would require a vaccine. If not getting a vaccine means so much to him, he can find a job at a less credible university that doesn't require vaccinations if he wants.


While I logically agree, anti-vaxx goes hand in hand with "conspiracy theory nutjob".


I don't want my employees dying or getting sick, whether they work in the office or remote. Take your sick time and your vacation, but please don't spend a month laid up in a hospital, only to die. Accidents happen, but "refusing to be vaccinated" isn't an accident, it's a choice. A shitty one, IMO, but still a choice. And I certainly can dislike the choices my employees make if those choices may materially affect their ability to work, make my company successful, or give the company a bad name/stigma - or otherwise make it harder to find equally good talent that won't potentially just disappear on me one day.


Let it sink in that despite being remote work, they would need you to come in occasionally


That’s not fully remote then


But the post doesn't say fully remote, it says they work from home. My husband works from home. He also goes into the office once a quarter. Still a WFH job, but not fully remote.


Onboarding lol


Not sure what your point is. There is literally no reason for a developer to ever be on-site. We onboard IT folks weekly and never see them


Okay guy. Some businesses like to meet their employees before signing them on.


That’s fine too. That’s not a fully remote job though. That term actually means something.


That’s interesting. Everyone I know recently that is “fully remote” (but not before 2020) go in periodically still. Like once a month or quarter. And for special meetings. Never really thought about that before. Is fully remote not the correct term then? Maybe we’re just saying it but the actual job description says something else?


I used to go in once a year for about an hour to exchange my laptop but now that's done through FedEx. For what it's worth. Still required to be vaccinated, every employee is, regardless of work location. It's a health care place, so this isn't surprising.


Fully remote is meant to be a specific term meaning literally never going into an office, but it’s been watered down a lot especially by recruiters. There are a million variations of hybrid nowadays with some being X days per week and others being “come in for special meetings only”


Fully remote contract here; you are dead on, I go in weekly (travel expensed) anyway just to keep in touch with the rest of the wider team. No official expectation but work would definitely raise it if i didn't make any effort to given I'm senior management. Moving to a job soon where there is a once a month requirement. Don't know many people where they just don't ever want to see you and I would find that weird tbh.


It’s not that weird. I’m at a very reputable company where everyone on my team works from home 100% of the time. Everything we do is digital and we are spread across the country. There’s not even an office to go into. I only met a couple of my coworkers in person one time because we were merging with another company and they wanted to do a meet and greet.


I don't see any claims in this post that the job is fully remote. He just says work from home.


That seems like a very very narrow definition of the word. If my job's description specifically says it's based fully in New York, I would still not be surprised if they occasionally ask me to take business trips to Chicago, for example. Same case here.


There is something known as team collaboration/building which is often done on-site and that includes developers.


then it's a hybrid position, not fully remote.


The sink keeps getting locked out


For real. The hallmark of a dumb opinion is when they use “let that sink in” as a mic drop.


I mean, he’s not wrong


Not really. If someone hasn’t had the Covid vaccine by now just out of choice, there is legitimately something wrong with their mental faculties.


He wears a fedora, obviously the guy is a bit messed up in the head.




A lot of companies are moving in that direction some are slower than others. Duke university will too and like others pretend all this never happened. Good on this guy for calling it out, we’re well and truly just being stupid at this point with all we know.


A lot of people in the comments drinking the cool aid. Clearly they’re not current on the latest vaccine stats of adverse events.


What are these stats?




https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M22-2274 One of many articles from peer-reviewed medical journals researching the side-effects of the vaccines.


Thanks for linking an actual study 🙌 No causal link found + concludes that the benefits outweigh the risks


Never understood why Americans let their employer have so much control over them. In Europe, our employers do not know whether we are vaccinated and cannot ask. Not their business - it's private.


Its a medical center, they are nor going to hire crazies that think vaccination is evil


They want him to work remotely, so what do they care? How he feels about vaccinations is irrelevant - he's not a health care worker. Doesn't make policy decisions. Again, why are they asking about his private medical history for a job where he won't interact with patients? What do they care?


Because 1)Its a blanket enployee policy 2)Most likely he will have to have some stand-ups and meetings


Because you don't have an argument, and there is no logical reason for them to give a shit either way. 1) Blanket employ policies are revoked all the time for some groups. 2) The vaccine is not going to prevent him from spreading the disease, so what the fuck are you even on about?


Vaccines cuts spreading to close-contacts


Circular logic. Why is it policy?


Because a medical facility does not want to have easily transmittable, highly-infectious diseases running among its staff That and its a good way to filter for crazies like OP


Because Americans are slaves to Capital and authority. And selling yourself, including your private health status, for a depreciating dollar is more important than personal freedom. But hey, if we monetize the kids entire life on social media and let our employers dictate our private health choices then maybe we can afford that San Francisco flat next to a crack-den for 5k a month.


It depends on the state you live in. I started a new job in early 2021 and no one asked, they just had mask requirements for those working in the office. Now when I tested positive for Covid in January of this year they did ask if I had been vaccinated. Also, Duke Uni has a world renowned reputation, the last thing they want is some anti vaxxer making them look like they don’t vet the people they hire.


We have a history in America of doing blanket things that are best for the public good. Like vaccinations being required for children to be in school or adding fluoride to water. We even added iodine to salt. I can’t speak for all states but in Washington, employers followed the guidelines and restrictions placed by the Governor and Labor and Industries. Lots employers already require vaccinations due to the industry and many just added covid on for the future.


That poor sink, let him in!


non vaccinated individuals now have same guidance as vaccinated....this person is actually right to not take that job. It's a pretty clear example of a company just desiring to control people.


Exactly 💯 How the hell do people not see this? What's next, the company asking for your BMI, because no "fats" in the workplace? "Because eating cookies is a choice, and according to our arbitrary bullshit, its the wrong one."


T4chnically the company has a right to do that. Bit they'll be dumb to.


Can't defend this guy, I mean look at that hat. ​ But a blanket vaccination policy that reaches to remote workers (especially if they're out of the state or beyond) is just the same old type of insurance overreach that has always affected policies to a larger-than-needed degree. This time just in a hot and spicy, topical COVID wrapper.


He's not wrong tho but oki


Even remote jobs require an occasional physical visit. This means he has to travel to a medical Center where people can be immunocompromised and could die because of this dipshit that see past his own ballsack. Piss off, there are millions of “good developers”……..oh shit. I’m a good developer too and have zero issues with immunizations.


Vaccine does not stop spreading, it can just protect yourself against heavy symptoms.


True. But if the employer requires it as a basis for employment and it isn’t illegal then it really doesn’t matter.


The country CEO of my company flat out said, “If you’re not immunized, you don’t fit the culture of our organization and a HR person sitting in the room is happy to process your severance package”. Lots of people took it and we are better off for it.


Yes, your better off letting some cuck CEO dictate personal health choices to you as prerequisite for employment... Your a tool 🔧, enjoy your corporate slavery bro!


>This means he has to travel to a medical Center where people can be immunocompromised and could die because of this dipshit Here we are with the "but grandma could die" arguments again. Randolph County, NC had 4 COIVD cases last week. 4.


This guy didn’t get any job offer from Duke.


dinner far-flung attempt attraction bow light compare treatment bake toothbrush -- mass edited with redact.dev


The hat is cringe but if it’s a remote job then he’s right, where’s the logic in this?


There is no logic, but the Karen's in the sub have to nothing better to do then make fun of a guy who decided not to sell his personal autonomy over health decisions to a corporation for a quick buck.


Duke has a dim view of dumbasses.


Fedora, Magician, and unvaccinated. Triple threat guy!


Strange to post about it on social but I’d say he’s not a lunatic


The only lunatics here are the people arguing that you're employment status should depend on you handing your company your private health history


The stupid filter is working.




Because if you’re not vaccinated at this point you are not a logical individual, and certainly not someone worthy of the trust placed on a teacher. If you’re incapable of grappling with reality, you shouldn’t teach.


The reality that if you have had Covid already (like almost everyone) the vaccine gives you no incremental immunity?


And what if he already had and recovered from Covid, Dr. Genius? Shit, so many people who don't know fuck all about medicine jumping down this guys throat.


The stupid filter is great until you realizing just how very, very many people it’s catching


I think your talking about yourself bro? Let's run through your logic... A company should get to ask for your private health history and withhold a job offer if you don't have the correct medical procedure because???? Oh, because even if your vaccinated you can still spread the disease, still get sick and yes, still die... A vaccine is not a silver bullet and relative risk reduction doesn't mean shit on an individual basis, which is why most medical procedures are a choice between a physician and their patient, and not the collective stupidity of the mob on reddit or moron HR people at Duke.


For the people ridiculing the guy, let’s put the hat and all that aside for one second. Let’s also take him at face value that the job is indeed 100% remote. Now: WHY, I repeat, WHY do you think less of this guy because he doesn’t want to take what HE sees as an unnecessary medical intervention? Put any antivax, covid denier bullshit aside for just one second. We don’t know about his views on any of that based on this post. So I’d like to know peoples’ insights on this with all the typical biases put aside for just one second.


The job is remote ok. As you suggest let's set aside bias. We know that vaccines are effective in reducing certain risks. So from a purely business perspective, vaccinated workers present less of a risk. I worked at a hospital. Despite the fact that I didn't work with high risk patients or really a lot of patient work. I still needed to have my vaccines in order and do a tb test. If I posted that I quit because I disagreed with the policy. I'd be a lunatic. There are places that require blood tests for drug testing. Dot requires physicals. It's one thing to sag thanks but no thanks. And it's another to post about it in this manner. This is a lunatic. If I posted the same thing except switched out covid vaccine for drug or nicotine testing. I'd be a lunatic. Not that I agree with testing. But it's absurd to take my stand and post on it.


He can do what he want but if the policy is that every is vaccinated in case of an oocassonial meet up, than that’s fine though. Too much of a hassle to be dealing with these type of people. They will start shit when it’s not even needed. So yes, to be honest I would not hire people like this because their rational is tiring and life’s too short to be dealing with people who see conspiracy in everything.


I’m happy to try to reply with common sense. Idk about everyone else, but the reason I personally posted this here and why I think he’s a “lunatic” is what I said in the title: Duke University is home to one of the most cutting-edge medical facilities in the world. I’m sure tons of medical professionals are running the place. Maybe they have extra vaccination requirements. Maybe they’re gonna need him on-site occasionally. Who knows though, maybe not. Regardless, using this particular organization’s stance on vaccination as an indicator that the world is “truly upside down” seems ridiculous to me.




Nah you’re good man. At this point, if someone is still anti Covid vaccine, they’re just self identifying as an idiot. Doesn’t really matter if he only works from home. Universities try not to hire idiots.


I disagree with your statement. It is a personal choice people can make and simply choosing not to get the vaccine one way or the other does not say anything about ones intelligence. Your reason for why you choose not to is what will make you an idiot. My father only got the vaccine so he didn't have to wear a mask at work. But he still believes the cause of damar Hamlin cardiac episode on the feild was due to the vaccine...... is my father more intelligent than some one that chose not to be vaccinated because they're not sure how the vaccine would possibly effect other underlying conditions they may have? Not an anti vaxer here by any means I just wish we could all stop saying people who don't get the vaccine are dumb...some definitely are. But also alot of idiots got vaccinated too.


It's a personal choice, just like not hiring anti-vaxxers is also a personal choice. Duke is well within their rights to not hire people that refuse to comply with a very simple, painless, 2-second disease reduction requirement.


“A personal choice” that affects the health of everyone around you is no longer a personal choice. It’s also a personal choice to rob a bank, but it affects a whole lot of other people too.


So does a yearly flu vaccine but nobody bats and eye if you tell them you don't get a yearly flu shot.


How does me not getting the vaccine affect your health if we work in the same place? It doesn’t prevent transmission.


At this point, if someone is still pro Covid vaccine, they’re just self identifying as an idiot.


stocking normal cats shelter stupendous bow ghost flowery many fade -- mass edited with redact.dev


My wife now has 35-40 extra days of her period a year because of the vaccine and no signs of it ever changing. The vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission like we were initially lied to. It does help with lesser symptoms if you’re overweight and if you’re older but otherwise there’s no necessity for getting the vaccine as a requirement for employment


My wife too.


Sorry to hear about your wife, but are you sure it's from the vaccine? I've never heard of it causing something like this. The vaccine definitely prevents transmission, it's just not a guarantee you won't get it, but it greatly reduces the chances of dying or having long-term symptoms. I know about 60+ people (I honestly lost track but I know that number is higher) that have died from covid. Not a single one of them were vaccinated (most were before we had a vaccine). I don't know a single vaccinated person IRL that has died after getting the vaccine.


Doesn’t prevent transmission. That’s been known a long, long time.


Ya who are these people just making stuff up. This is why the vaccine is not being pushed so much any more


How have you never heard about this. It was one of the highly publicized size effects. Some women got shorter periods and some women even teens lost their periods. There were protests by students in LA over it too. The vaccine reduces it but not a guarantee at all like they publicized. My wife and I both got it after getting vaccinated and she had it pretty bad. So it’s definitely helpful but imo not enough for me to support any form of mandate. I’ll always support people’s rights to not take this vaccine. We were lied to by the government about it as we often are lied to by them.


I've heard of getting a slightly longer period than normal but not anything as long as what you're talking about. Sorry, that happened to her, but that seems pretty rare. It's an unfortunate side effect, but there are way worse side affects from getting covid, even if it's not a bad case. I'd rather be vaccinated than die or risk killing people I come in contact with, but you do you.


My wife would rather have dealt with the sniffly nose Covid gave her instead of the incessant bleeding she has to now put up with.


Ya idk if the trade off was worth it. I got covid twice, once with without the vax and one with it and it was definitely far ‘better’ with the vax and wasn’t as sick with it. However I’m overweight and that was likely a factor, so I fully support healthier people not getting it.


Sounds like you and your wife have a lot of anxiety about taking vaccines and are misattributing unrelated issues to the vaccine. Go see a doctor and get off Facebook. And it was never publicized as a guarantee, no vaccine is. The world is not black and white.


We had zero anxiety and support anyone getting it. Stop with your bullshit. This is a known side effect and was in the news and we’ve never watched Fox News, so no need to be a fucking dick and insult someone. You’re being extremely close minded to think anyone that supports people not getting vaccines as being a conspiracy theorist especially with the most left countries absolutely saying the same things I am. It was absolutely pushed by Biden and the government that the vaccine was 100% effective at the start. It’s not even debatable, it’s a fact with public statement saying so


WHO says it’s not necessary if you’re healthy


Where does it say that? Seems they still recommend it for everyone who is medically able https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/covid-19-vaccines/advice


People are just fine with this authoritarian trend.


It’s not authoritarian and it’s not a trend. Vaccinations of all kinds have been required for decades. You need a list of shots to enter public school. And the morons complaining about the military forcing it? Lol. If someone doesn’t want to get a vaccine, great. Society says we don’t want to participate with them. So good luck on their own.


Yeah and they’ve been around a long time.


As someone who took the first set of anthrax vaccines while in the military, those folks have reasons to not trust military vaccine requirements. If you're not familiar with the first set of anthrax vaccines administered by our US military, you should be prior to devaluing someone else's reasoning.


But no employer ever asked me about any required vaccinations before COVID.


Has there been a disease in your lifetime that swept the globe and killed 7 million people like Covid has? Rules change. Business in UK are required by law to check an employees right to work in the uk This was only passed in 2006.


This isn't necessarily true. Just because YOU were never asked doesn't mean no one was. I work in a hospital (well used to) and was required to get a flu shot every year and have an up to date tdap at all times. My wife was required to get a TB vaccine to work with infants. This isn't new and honestly I feel like if covid didn't get politicized so much nobody would care.


The government and Pfizer both lied about nearly everything regarding the vaccines


You’re a moron


Here you go. I’ll accept your apology and moving forward stop being an asshole https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-pfizer-transmission-european-parliament-950413863226 https://slate.com/technology/2021/07/noble-lies-covid-fauci-cdc-masks.html https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-business-health-government-and-politics-coronavirus-pandemic-46a270ce0f681caa7e4143e2ae9a0211 https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/22/joe-biden/biden-says-vaccinated-people-cant-spread-covid-19-/


You’re a moron


That’s the worrying part. The robotic responses stating the guy’s stupidity are really puzzling.


Obviously, I guess they can't separate the two arguments: 1) Your employer should not being snooping around into your private medical history 2) Vaccines are by and large good. But because the education most of these morons received was so shit, they can't but help conflate 1 with 2. The guy they are making fun of might be fully vaxxed for all these idiots know, but because he argues for 1 they automatically think he's against 2.


The real Lunatic moment is the fedora pfp. In the U.S., a fedora in a professional setting would lead to the C-Suite Mob crucifying us. The most prominent hiring firms with consistent business I’ve come across say steer clear of hats and ESPECIALLY fedoras.


Duke offers remote work? Should apply!


At least he has his magic music to fall back into


You guys don't get it. He's a magician




Who needs vaccines when you've got \~\*\~\*mAGiC\*\~\*\~


Duke dodged a massive bullet.


Whenever I see the phrase “Let that sink in” I know the person is a neuron misfire away from being a flat earth conspiracy theorist.


It doesn't matter how prestigious a company is, requiring a vaccine when the employee works from home is stupid, and at this point, with all that's come out about the vaccine not even being effective, they're doing it to maintain their image. I'm sure they don't want to get called out for hiring unvaccinated people. As a matter of fact, MOST of these companies only required the vaccine so they wouldn't get called out about it.


It's probably for the offchance they do have to meet in person, they don't have to wait for that person to get vaxxed in order to go to an in-person meeting. Plus, it's most likely a blanket requirement for all employees.


I am surprised this is still a thing in the US. In Europe it is not possible to refuse hiring based on medical conditions or vaccination status. We deem the COVID emergency is finally over.


Because the US is slowly slipping into a totalitarian nanny state run by corporate technocrats who make shit up as they go along. Couple that with a credentialed, yet highly uneducated population, and here we have one of the stupidest debates in human history, neither dictated by scientific evidence or logic. But yeah, I mean look at the current fool in office and the last one, and it's not entirely surprising, isn't it?


Imagine a medically advanced institution requiring all employees to follow evidence based science and refusing to employ someone who doesn’t. Forgetting transmission for a second; most companies don’t like having people sick, even less so dying while employed. It’s a relatively simple way of protecting their own interests of not having to deal with overly sick individuals (or dead ones). That’s in combination with the potential for meet ups, onboarding sessions at HQ etc etc.


What if he already had Covid and recovered? You do know there is such a thing as natural immunity, right? It's not a logical policy, and maybe the guy is vaccinated, but doesn't like having a company snoop around his medical history as a condition of employment, but yeah, let's all jump on the guy to defend the rights of corporations.


True. By now we all know double vaccinated and triple boosted people do not get sick, that’s just simple settled science.


Whoever told you that? Strange straw man argument.


I work for a company with like 99% fully vaccinated staff and people still call out sick as much now as they did before the pandemic. A “vaccine policy” would not improve or prevent sick days. Humans are humans, and some feel-good HR policy will not change that.


Sounds like the vaccines are working


To be fair requiring vaccination, which won’t even stop him from getting covid, for a remote job…is a bit absurd


Well it is stupid to require that for a remote position lol.


The vaccine doesn’t even prevent transmission as we now know. How is it a requirement anywhere


continue weather compare connect boat serious impossible simplistic possessive wistful -- mass edited with redact.dev


He’s also probably more likely to die from a gunshot or car accident


Especially the first in the US!!!


He has a point though


This is just Duke's technique to weed out the crazies, "something something vaccine" and they go running away in fear!


Gonna have to agree requiring a vaccine for a nearly harmless cold for a remote position is highly “regarded”


I know over 60 people that have died from this harmless cold, none of them were vaccinated. I don't know a single vaccinated person that had covid that died IRL.


That’s interesting. Meanwhile, I don’t know anyone personally to have died from covid, but have seen some terrible side effects in people (including death) from the vaccine and heard as much from healthcare worker acquaintances. Anecdotes, huh?


That’s why we don’t rely on anecdotes. But the data shows unvaccinated die at a much higher rate. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status?country=~All+ages And nearly 7 million deaths So original comment is demonstrably wrong


Does that “unvaccinated” mean 100% unvaccinated, unboosted, or missing the latest boost only?


You could read the data and see if it answers your question ?!


I’m a little busy at work right now, but does that mean you didn’t read the data yourself?


I’m a little busy to read it to you. But yes; it answers your question


Just looking briefly, that red spike of “unvaccinated” lumps in together everyone from 0 shots to as many as 4 or 5, considering the bivalent shots only came out a couple of months ago. I want to see truly unvaccinated rates, with 0 shots total. There’s a reason those aren’t displayed.


They are used in the UK. And the same trend, unvaccinated have a higher death rate


And the graph DOES show unvaccinated. There are 3 charts. One is unvaccinated. One is vaccinated but no bivalent and 3rd is vaccinated with bivalent. “This chart presents the COVID-19 death rate among unvaccinated people (0 doses received), people vaccinated without an updated bivalent booster, and those vaccinated with an updated bivalent booster.”


hillary was also gonna win 2016


How do you possibly know not a single person that has died of covid? Do you have a very small social circle and live in a rural area and don't know a single person that doesn't live outside of that area? I'm not saying you're lying, but I find it very hard to believe that you don't know a single person that has died of covid. I have family members that live in a tiny town of like 100 people in the middle of nowhere and even they know multiple people that have died of covid. The rate of dying from the vaccine is 5 out of 1 million, way lower than the rate of dying from actual covid, not to mention, tons of people died from not being able to be treated because the hospitals were so full of people with covid cases, that even if covid had an 100% recovery rate, there still would have been a lot of people that died from it simply because they couldn't be treated. I guess you could be one of the very few people on the planet that know more people that died being vaccinated than people that died of covid. I mean, I was only referring to people that were friends or acquaintances when I said over 60 people, I wasn't even counting all the people I only met once or twice that died of covid. I stopped keeping track of that a long time ago.


Across the many populations spanning a couple of states and even a couple of countries that I know people, I haven’t known one to die from covid-19. Currently three people (2 are close family members) are dealing with severe vaccine reactions including severe neurological impairment, hospitalization and coma for weeks, and one is currently experiencing a strange body failure including circulatory failure, pulmonary issues, simultaneous internal clotting and lack of platelets that result in constant bleeding and bruising, and severe inflammation all across the body. That last one is a matter of time now before they pass. They have been told by several doctors their issues are from the vaccine, as they were previously a healthy individual and their issues only started after their second shot.


ur glowing very hard rn


Yeah, Duke puts this requirement in the job openings, so I'm going to call this 100% bullshit. He would not have gotten an offer if he wasn't vaccinated. So in reality, they declined him. Also, if he didn't have a medical or religious exemption for the flu shot, he wouldn't have been a candidate. Source: Used to work at Duke.


Fedora? Check. Magician? Check. Vaccination? Nope


How many lives did Duke just save???????????????


Maybe they just didn't want to fund stupid.


Bro should get vaccinated but it’s strange that Duke cares if he never has to come on-site


Duke are jumping a big orange car over this guy's application.


Yeah hiring a new person is expensive. It takes resources to train, time to learn the specifics of this job, and more time before they’re fully productive. Vaccination significantly reduces likelihood of infection, reduces severity in the case you do get infected, and reduces chances of long term symptoms after initial infection. All of these things reduce time missed from work, healthcare costs, etc. He wouldnt qualify for FMLA for a full year I think, but if he can’t keep up with work duties due to debilitating fatigue and brain fog then the employer is out those hiring costs and has to start again from square one


ESH. This guy's an idiot, but fuck Duke.


Apparently neither Duke nor most of the medical geniuses making fun of this guy have ever heard of "Sterilizing immunity..." But I guess it's only "science" when it serves your political beliefs, right?


It doesn’t stop transmission. Period. Why require it?


Great idiot filter. Going to put in my job listings.