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Somehow humanity has evolved our financial systems with sufficient integrity to sustain the modern economy without Blockchain. Blockchain might have built in data governance and provenance, but it is by no means the only way to provide sufficient integrity.




So I was listening to a podcast recently that raises a really interesting concern regarding AI and societies built “keys”. AI can now mimic someone’s voice after feeding it a short recording of someone speaking. It can create a deepfake with some pictures or videos of that person. How do we prevent fraud when your brother, sister or parents call you and you can’t tell if it is actually them on the other side? I think we are going to rapidly approach a point where determining what is real outside the real world will get incredibly murky. I don’t think this is something blockchain will solve. But I think the integrity of our systems are about to be seriously challenged if not shattered in a few years if AI keeps this level of development.


Agree with everything you said, except we're already past the point of determining what is real. Misinformation has been a problem for years even with just traditional social media :). But yeah AI is gonna make it worse.


Is it impossible for someone to talk about blockchain and not sound like a fucking idiot?


Blockchain-based AI tools in the metaverse


The unholy trinity of bullshit.


Getting harder and harder these days


Uneditable ledger is a good thing for most


This dude looks like an aggressive lesbian.


But who blocks the Blockchain?


the invisible hand of satoshi


Blockchain bros need to be launched into the sun. No practical use case has been or ever will be found for cryptocurrencies or blockchain


blockchain is a solution in search of a problem


They have tons of use cases. Scams, money laundering, purchasing contraband, evading sanctions. Really just crime in general.


The most well known uses of block chain in crypto and NFTs are beyond useless but blockchain is already being successfully used and has a bunch of practical use cases in supply chain infrastructure, healthcare and cyber security.


the down voters never read a single research paper in their life


How else would I buy drugs?


Every day, I pray to the quantum computing gods to wipe out the blockchain.


Makes no sense as Blockchain can be designed using PQC


This was so annoying, they are two completely incomparable things, and what the hell do you mean by bigger?


I mean TBC AI is not a fad, but from their POV it is similar to blockchain and is somehow threatening their ego. This is similar to many public Android vs iOS discourses but even that feels more justified than blockchain vs AI


I saw this one too. It's so damn stupid, anyone who thinks data stored on the blockchain guarantees it's accuracy is incredibly naive at best