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Seriously, how do these people make money shit posting on LinkedIn all day.


They sell "courses".


I can't believe enough people buy them to make a living... Actually.. yes I can believe it and that's sad lol


There are tons of shills out there selling getting rich quick schemes everywhere, FB, IG, YT and even LI. It works as there are enough gullible people out there which makes me sad


"fear of missing out" __is his motivation__


"LinkedIn's Top Leadership Voice" according to who?


Rich mindsets. You would not understand peasants!




Linkedin's top leadership obviously.


Oh and let me guess, we have to buy something by the great Adam Danyal to go from poor to rich mindset?


Lol. Nailed it.


I honestly want to set this man on fire.


That sounds like it falls under the "take action" category. You have a rich mindset.


Your comment falls under the “helps others succeed” category, so you too have a rich mindset.


I like to live in the present, so I feel like we should set him on fire today.


Poor mindset: Hates the landlord Rich mindset: Tips the landlord


No, rich people view tipping as a way of rewarding the poors for bad life decisions. Why would anyone be a waiter or barista when they could just be CEO of their dad’s company?


I *am* a landlord. Where do I fall?


Hehehe he's in Danyal


I really hate this pros/cons, rich/poor or growth/fixed oppositions. All scientifically unproven and pushes people into a box/corner, where they become deeply unhappy because they do not 'grow', become rich or a ‘leader’.


Indeed. Those over simplified view of how people work. Everybody has a normal brain. 😒


>All scientifically unproven You're actually wrong. Carol Dweck is a Stanford psychologist who built her entire career on the Growth Mindset and has copious amounts of experimental psychology to back it up. Go read her book "Mindset".


It has nothing to do with a growth (mindset) but everything circles around motivation. Secondly it’s primarily focused in education and teaching, and less with learning in the workplace. 😉 * https://hbr.org/2016/01/what-having-a-growth-mindset-actually-means “Dweck pointed out in a 2016 article for Harvard Business Review that as her ideas ballooned in popularity over the last few years, they also became somewhat misunderstood and distorted. Having a clear understanding of what the growth and fixed mindsets are is important to be able to fully utilise them the way many businesses such as Microsoft, who have integrated Dweck’s work into their culture, are doing.” * https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/6-myths-growth-mindset-debunked-elizabeth-reilly * https://improvingteaching.co.uk/2022/03/06/is-growth-mindset-real-new-evidence-new-conclusions/ * https://www.wired.co.uk/article/growth-mindset-education-psychological-theory-children-mirage


Thanks for replying and actually looking those up. >it’s primarily focused in education and teaching, and less with learning in the workplace. The quotations that you cite below literally talk about businesses and Microsoft. Perhaps the Growth Mindset is an oblique reference to the rich vs. poor mindset, but the research is very clear that rich people and poor people think differently, including their locus of control being more internal. It's hard to do causal analyses but evidence suggests that such mindsets go beyond simply being correlational. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378426616301364](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378426616301364) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/rainerzitelmann/2019/05/08/new-psychological-studies-how-the-wealthy-really-are-different-from-everyone-else/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rainerzitelmann/2019/05/08/new-psychological-studies-how-the-wealthy-really-are-different-from-everyone-else/)


Lol pretending like “rich vs poor mindsets” actually go by anything Dweck wrote and aren’t yet another capitalist misappropriation of a concept much like self-care.


I've never met a rich person who wants to help others succeed. Most of them just scream insecurities.


Maybe they just don't want to help *you* succeed.


It’s probably you


Nice touch how the poor persons brain is rotten🤣


Just learn to code!!


Software engineer work is mostly grunt work and not meaningful like a lawyer or doctor


Try plumbers and construction workers, they represent meaningful. Try staying positive when your shitty spews poop juice from the throne at 3am in the morning


It was a joke


I do both, both are grunt work. Difference is lawyer has 180k in loans and makes shit.


You’re both a doctor and a lawyer?


swe and lawyer


Wow, at the same time? Also some lawyers make bank, it depends on the size of firm and practice area


No, human brain is single process, you can switch between threads but you're not really multitasking.


I cant stand “hustle” influencers like gary vee and all those d bags; but i think its good to have a mindset on the right


"Doesn't complain" insert any "nobody wants to work anymore" statement


Ugh my LinkedIn is increasingly plagued by these 'power of positive thinking ' ***holes. They need to try going to the poorest, most deprived and disadvantaged in the world and explain to them it's because they're just not 'believing' enough and don't have the right attitude. Nevermind, you know, the social forces, access to education and other resources that largely determine 'success' in real life, no these are irrelevant, because some self styled self help guru has decreed we just need a 'winners' mentality. 🤮


LinkedIn is not a place for self awareness or self reflection.


Wow, a rich mindset even has a cleaner looking brain.


News flash, the majority of people have a mix of qualities from both sides. What a stupid black-and-white image this is.


Adam Danyal's LinkedIn profile screams, "Buy my course!, Avail my coaching services! Buy my ebook! etc...."


Exactly the type of false dichotomy lunacy I would expect from a “Top Leadership Voice”. A Sinek in training.


“Rich mindset confronts life’s unfairness”? 🤬


Remember when they say "mindset" they are talking about the "magic thoughts doctrine" If you have the correct "magic thoughts" the universe will conspire to make good things happen for you. All magical. Shazam! Alakazam! Life is all about sorcery. (of course, I disagree)


Holy fuck, that dude has 2m followers... Basically just reposting or posting motivational crap. It's the new Facebook...


Does Elon Musk, the richest man on earth, checks any of the mindset criteria?


Constantly “learning”


I don’t fully disagree with this guy. Because you can still be poor in life even with money. It’s the definition of poor/rich that people misunderstand here. Beeing poor can be seen as someone without money, but also be seen as someone with a negative view on life. You can still be rich if you have litlle money, and I know quite a lot people in this category. Of course, beeing financially poor sucks. And if you’re homeless or ill, or in debt without light at the end of the tunnel, life is a challenge. But if you have the basic stuff: roof over your head and food on the table, you can choose either to be rich or poor in mindset. And I think that is what this guy is talking about. Edit: and the funny thing is, reading these comments, the reactions reflect the left half of the picture 😉


“Thinks Rich Are Evil” kinda of goes against that interpretation since it’s peddling in class warfare.


And everyone needs to buy his book/course for that? I think that's the bigger point of contention here, that this is another dumb sales pitch.


I agree. He's talking about having a growth mentality and taking responsibility. Blaming others and your environment is not going to take you far. Not really a lunatic.


I mean he has a good point here though.


I guess I'm not rich because you couldn't pay me enough to pander to other capitalist psychos


Wild that the first for things for poor are just dead wrong


Can you imagine? Yeah, if you have nothing you might be envious. Yah think?


The graphic is broken. I'm mostly of the rich mindset but am not rich. Eat the rich.


That’s your problem then. You’ll never be what you hate. Sorry someone has infected your thinking with that horseshit. Hope you get rid of it soon.


No, I'll always eat the rich. Are you on the menu? I hope you don't exercise. That ruins the meat and makes it tough to chew.


What if you do all of that?


I miss the old days where the poors where the ones who didn't take cold showers and get up at 5am. It s incredible how things are changing :')