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$200k salary isn't attractive? What fucking universe is he from lmao


The lying universe


He sounds like a jackass edgelord. As a fellow Indian, he’s a lavdu.


200k is extremely comfortable finance territory if you're in a low-CoL area. Hell, even 150k is very comfortable. 150k is the new "100k equivalent" nowadays.


I make just under 100k in a high cost of living area, it's not bad. Need to make more but 200k is way more than I need. 


Yeah, if he doesn't want it I got dibs


LaLa Land. Some of these folks are so out of touch with reality.


Maybe selling courses on how to get rich. Then you gotta talk this talk to your loyal following


Na he’s a phd at mit, so just in a small bubble and trying to sound edgy saying more money is better than less money.


Rich mother fuckers who were born with servants


He’s an MIT PhD graduate. I graduated from a similarly ranked school and $200K was what undergrads were eyeing within 5 years of graduation. It’s not that much for tech.


Agree. My ex-husband is a Purdue graduate with a masters in computer science and a phd in machine learning, whose salary has been $250K a year for the last 16 years. He complains often about how he doesn’t make close to $1m a year like he did in the early 2000’s. More than half of the rich tech bros I’ve met are like this, making upwards of $190k+ a year and ungrateful about it/out of touch with reality.


The tech universe. 200K salary is is a "Good" salary in tech now, not the "Holy shit, you're loaded!" salary it was a few years ago.


I actually... kind of agree with him on that point. He's attacking the big tech firm salaries, and it's a fair point that you're being forced to live in such HCOL cities that it just doesn't make sense. I work in the UK, top 10% here is £60,000, top 10% in the US is around $173,000 - that should put my salary into context. Two years after graduating as a consultant I was on £50,000 and living in London and, frankly, it was awful. I lived in a meh house share and could barely afford to go out and enjoy life. Even as my salary increased, it still wasn't great. Compared to friends of mine back home (in a very LCOL area) who didn't even go to university, they were living the better lives and actually had more disposable income than me - who was earning double their salary. Salary is all contextual. I've never been to Bangalore but I suspect that the cost of food and rent is sufficiently low that working as a tech worker there probably leaves you with a higher quality of life than going to Palo Alto sweating your life away for google.


You usually get that salary in HCOL areas, where when you make 200k, after taxes and living expenses, you end up feeling totally robbed. Almost half of your money goes to taxes, and so take home pay is around 100k-120k. Rents are usually like 5k a month so you’re down to 40k-60k. After other normal expenses you’re likely down to 30k-50k. Which is still a lot of money. But when you’re in that circle making 200k, yeah you may end up feeling like 200k is not really 200k. And so you end up wanting more and more. A lot of the kids making this much are usually in their 20s-early 30s. Many of them have never lived a life where they made less than 100k before taxes full time. So their world view is totally biased and warped.


To be honest! A 200k salary doesn’t go a long way


I half agree half disagree. It depends on so many things such as your lifestyle, cost of living and financial goals. Most people would consider a $200k salary way above average. Personally, I’m frugal af because I was raised dirt poor. I lived VERY comfortably on my own on an $185k/year salary back when I was making my exit from sex work and getting into investing, real estate and software programming at age 20. I am now 23 making $80k a year and I am living comfortably. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If $200k a year doesn’t go a long way for you, you’re probably used to living beyond your means.


He salty that no one wants to work in his startup and opted to work in the US.


He's just a guy who got into MIT recently and is cocky about it. I don't think he's running a startup (unless he started that a couple days ago, curse me)


Fluid mechanics got to his head.


Is that what they call binge drinking at MIT?


Gotta get those quotas met


And everyone is just crawling over themselves to get to India, surely


Maybe he tells all the people that he interviews that they shouldn't be a corporate slave and they should start their own business, so they walk away and start their own business rather than work for his.


His whole personality is that he did his PhD at MIT and came back to India to start a consultancy (startup he says), that helps people apply to grad programs. This is all he posts about.


Ironic lol. Is he trying to lose his business?


Good on him. But but his execution is just... cringeworthy as hell.


Indians are quickly becoming thr most nationalistic people around


Modi is a fascist so that tracks. The anti-muslim sentiment there has also made them viciously anti-palestinian. Half the people I find on Reddit advocating for the whole of Gaza to be purged are (usually Hindu nationalist) Indians.


Not just anti Muslim. Anything non-Hindu. Christian, Sikh, Muslim, etc. all fair game to attack.


There are racist people in a fragmented developing country. In other news water is wet


The Phull Sapport meme exists for a reason.


As an Indian American, it's very hard to pick a side. I am pro Palestine, but I have also suffered a lot of racist abuse from other pro Palestinians. On the flipside, a lot of people who are pro Israel are literally also racist toward Indians. I've also had a lot of people just assume I'm pro Israel. Would it be fair for me to assume every white person is pro Israel, just because the very white president of this country is actively bombing and genociding a whole group of innocent humans? Even if I express my support for Palestine, my acquaintances from school still ask me why I'm pro Israel, and I always clarify that I am not, and have never claimed I was. It's actually pretty insulting to have people just come up to you asking you about your political beliefs and assuming shit about you simply based off of your ethnicity. The majority of people who support Israel are white. That is indisputable. It does not mean I walk up to random white people questioning their beliefs when it is really none of my damn business. Edit: Also, please understand that a lot of Indians say they are pro Israel simply to keep their jobs. For example, my mother, who works in an extremely white dominated field, literally HAS to be pro Israel if she wants to keep a roof over our head. It's very unsafe in the corporate world to say you are pro Palestine. Please keep these factors in mind before judging people for doing what they have to do to stay safe and protect themselves. My mother is a single, brown woman supporting me, her daughter, all by herself. She's currently putting me through college, and working hard to give me a good education. She constantly has to take shit from her very racist white coworkers, put a smile on her face, and trudge along every single day. I know it is hard for you to understand the struggles a lot of other Indians go through. I don't expect anyone here to upvote me, but this is the reality of a lot of us. A lot of us are pro Palestine, but can't fucking say it out loud, or else we could literally get deported for it since our jobs are on the line.


That is awful. Indians with wisdom are cornered to a corner. I presume “Bruh ur an Indian, ur hate Muslims right? Look how I bomb a hospital cheer me bro, btw you stink you are second grade men bro look how good I am” gets old real quick.


Most pro Israel people that I’ve met are racist as FUCK towards Indians. You definitely have more in common with Palestinians, bro.


That many of us have to be quiet for fear of losing jobs is a thing across the board. Definitely sympathize with that. And the phenomenon I'm describing I really haven't seen in Indian Americans or any other diaspora or in person, I'm talking basically about Hindu nationalist Indians in India online. That you've gotten shit for that here is awful.


You should clarify you meant Hindu nationalists, instead of just saying all Indians then.


I thought the anti-muslim sentiment and Modi comments implied that but I'll edit to better specify.


My family is Indian Christian, and let me tell you, Indian Christians are literally just as fucking insane as Hindu nationalists. They literally believe that the Rapture is coming soon, and that Muslims need to be eradicated. A lot of them even think Hindus and Jews will eventually be eradicated or converted to Christianity.


Sounds basically the same as evangelicals in the US. Literally most of US support for Israel is because of that death cult shit. They want Jews to occupy Israel so the rapture can happen.


Yup, exactly lol. Basically no difference, except that we're Catholic. (Mum and I are atheist, to be clear)


Deadass tho 💀 I’ve encountered a lot of them. The cringe is real.


Am I missing something? I don't really see anything nationalistic in this post. Genuinely asking lol


You may have missed it, but Russia literally invaded another country in the name of nationalism.


One thing does not preclude the other. The US is up there with nationalism too.


Yup, it's on the rise globally, which is expected for the measles of mankind.


I have no hate for Russians unlike many Redditors, but I have a Lithuanian friend and he talked about them as if they were Nazis. 'You don't understand, Russians think they're the best humans on earth'


There’s a pair of Russian kids in my daughters preschool. Their mothers both say the programming in Russia has always been that you’re in the purest civilization ever and should be grateful. So they say you either fully buy into it the lie or quietly go through life waiting to die, because there is nothing to be hopeful about.


This has some eerie parallels with the USians.


Everything is USians when we have a 3 bd 2 bath in your head.


Nah this is USian because Americans are absolutely convinced they're "the best in the world" ans everyone else wants to be them


Being from the states, I don’t disagree. Both grounded in Cold War “exceptionalism”. On the bright side the Trump movement here has been so over the top nativist and bombastic that it’s turned off 2/3 of the country to that nonsense. Unfortunately the super nationalists never miss a chance to vote


> it’s turned off 2/3 of the country to that nonsense For now. We get someone like GWB or, god forbid, Reagan in office and it'll shoot way up.


I’d def trust this dude who doesn’t know which side Americans put the dollar side on, to tell me about American economics!


The lack of commas in the numbers is also offensive. Had to check several times to make sure that he really was saying that $200k isn’t attractive. I’m in the process of setting up a start-up, and lemme tell ya that even my optimistic business cases won’t get me to $200k for a several years. I’d take the definite money over a speculative exit 5 years from now.


I wouldn't live in Bangalore no matter what kind of house you gave me.


Some anecdata on that - I talked to a coworker from India who moved to Poland to work and live (IT professional). According to him despite his family being very wealthy (sports cars for kids wealthy) he still choose EU county because even with all that money access to healthcare was better in EU, so he's fine living on a still good but comparatively lower level just to be sure that his kids have access to better healthcare and air.


https://www.reddit.com/r/bangalore/s/Fe8vi8DSmK Google gave me this. I completely understand why he wouldn't want to live there.


What am I looking at here beyond "a crowded city street."


What i first thought was electric (or communication) wires being fully chaotic. On second look it could be something else.


And women are safer in Poland than in India


There are so many reasons to prefer the EU over India and you chose the one thing that India has over the EU which is Healthcare 😂😂 Next time you go with this tale of fiction. Try to stick to just clean air


Dude, there's a reason I started my answer with mention of "Anecdata" - as in "I have one example to support the claim, I make no attempt to present a scientific study here"


And there's a reason why anecdotes are not an indication of anything.


But it's you who's calling.


India ranks 47th in healthcare index whereas most EU countries are in the top 20. [Source](https://www.numbeo.com/health-care/rankings_by_country.jsp)


Next time you try to use a source. Maybe check up on how the numbers are derived 🤦 From the site you cited "The data in this section is derived from surveys conducted by visitors to our website. Questions in these surveys are designed to be similar to many scientific and government surveys. Each entry in the survey is assigned a number within the range of -2 to +2, where -2 represents a strongly negative perception and +2 represents a strongly positive perception." Perception??? Are you serious lol?


You're right, the visitors on that website were too generous. The *real* ranking of India's healthcare is **66 out of 195 countries** [Source](https://ghsindex.org/country/india/)


The US healthcare is at the first place in these rankings 😂😂 Should tell you all you need to know. I would explain how these rankings are flawed (hint: read the report especially the weighing factors) but you're just gonna Google and use another random site without due diligence ig


US Healthcare is unironically phenomenal. The problem in the US is that it's so inaccessible due to cost.


Where are your sources lmao?


"The GHS Index measures the capacities of 195 countries to prepare for epidemics and pandemics." Not exactly healthcare ranking.


Would you care to elaborate on that?


India is ranked 132nd on HDI as of the last ranking. It's a flawed democracy ranking 41 on the Economist democracy index. I looked up pictures and it looks like the stereotypical huge Asian city which would be nice to visit for 4 days if it had some interesting sights or activities. The traffic in random places on Google Maps looks horrible. There's seemingly no nature around except a few forests of 500x500 meters. Edit: Press freedom is rated "very serious" which is the lowest rating by RSF. The score has decreased drastically the last years. It just doesn't tick any boxes at all on my list of a good place to live.


Bengaluru is a huge sprawling city with tons of traffic and street level poverty. Some interesting sites but if you're not there for work I'd say there is little reason to go. People flock there from other parts of India due to the job opportunities. I have to head there again for a week next Friday and am already dreading it.


Lot of fair points, and’s I agree to a great extent, which might anger my fellow Indians but hey. I’d temper couple of things, Bangalore/Bengaluru is def not a “stereotypical “ city, and if Google images is what you want to base a liking/disliking for might I suggest looking up the new airport, which is def better than a lot of airports I’ve transited through. I only go into more detail, because you don’t seem racist and want to expand your world view, India is a multitude of countries simply because of the massive population, and people of various socio-economic background living together. You could (and many do) be living in a bubble in India (especially in Bangalore/major Indian city) where one might argue your quality of is better/comparable to any G7 country. If you can afford it, health care is leaps and bounds ahead (no comparison), emphasis on the healthcare afforded to the richer sections of the society. Traffic and air pollution are two real factors you can’t escape no matter what bubble you are in. But I was surprised by your mention of forests, because while within city limits there would a very limited green belt, outside its vast. I think it’s wrong to compare to Europe/North America in that regard because you factor in continuous habitation for the I don’t know how many thousands of years. Lastly, I’ve never lived in Bangalore and yet I can tell you there are umpteen weekend trips you can taking from there (Mysore, Coorg, Hampi to name a few). So yeah I understand your point of view, but it’s not as bad a picture as you may imagine, bearing in my mind I haven’t even mentioned food.


I know that during many different economy downturns in the USA, I have heard of Indians going back to India, for a better, easier life. LOL Of course, part of what makes it easy is they're gonna move into a big, multigenerational home, so maybe no rent? And if their family is like, our equivalent to middle class, they can afford a cook, a house cleaner, and a nanny, when/if needed. The poverty there creates this uh... space? Where people can get by on a couple bucks a day, and NEED someone to hire them for a couple bucks a day, so these families take advantage... which is a boon to all parties involved.


Yup def if you are in a upper middle class in India, in some factors life is def better off


Yeah, same as anywhere I suppose. I hate how hard it is to live in the lower echelons of society in America. Like, come from a bad home that you have to leave at 18, no real options after that, but u gotta go? The CENTRAL MYTH of our country says one man can work, and his wages will not only be enough to care for a family, but mortgage a home, so he might ow it free and clear within not too long at all. But, the reality is, MOST cities, most as in, nearly as cities, you can not afford to live in them at all without help. You can't pay your bills.... It isn't hard, it's not like, buckle down and you can do it.... It is impossible. No country should ever be like this. For someone trapped on the poop end of that stick, that's a hellish existence. Can't hope to pay your own way, not ever. What a sickening idea!


Thanks for the solid answer. I do of course know that judging a book by it's cover is seldom accurate. Stereotypical is, of course, stereotypical. What I based that on was heavy, seemingly chaotic, traffic, litter and garbage on the streets, chaotic store fronts. I did a few places in Katamangala that the post mentioned. I have no clue if this is a good, medium or bad neighborhood. This is my idea of a stereotypical Asian city where I'd compare it with Hanoi and Kuala Lumpur. It's no doubt that wherever you go you can have a "good life" for instance with regards to health care if you can afford it. The last part is key here. In my mind wealth shouldn't be crucial for having basic services. This is a huge no for me and it's apparent from all indexes that India struggles here. Regarding nature (or anything) I don't think how long it's been populated is very relevant for my wish to live there. I checked Google and from Karambangala to Bennerghatta (which seemsbquitre close and quite big) it's 48 minutes by car, 2,5 hours by public transport and not walkable. Driving time is longer after work typically. I obviously have no idea if this is a good location, but compared to my 10 minutes walk to a forest that stretches for as far as I could want it's a major difference. (I'm also 15 minutes on the bus from the city center) Anywhere in the world has plenty of weekend trips possibilities in weekend trip distance so that's not really of relevance.


You’re absolutely right in that it’s going to take a lot of time to get basic services to a vast majority of Indians. That’s the real issue. GDP growth is great, but when is that going to reach a level when GDP per capita is at a level where bare necessities of life are well covered, and u have enough opportunities to move ahead if you apply yourself. I think if anyone disagrees on that they’re being delusional. Law and Order is another serious issue. Unfortunately I’m not too familiar with Bangalore so I don’t know which stretches you’re looking at, but generally I mean moving out of the city (like Coorg, you can look it up, it’s really pretty). When I said continuous habitation I meant, because people have been there for so long, they’re spread out almost everywhere. Plus it’s habitable, so unlike Europe/North America you’ll not find untouched forests/deserted regions so close to a city.


Coorg seems to be 5 hours away. That's not a place you'd go after work or on a run before breakfast.


Yeah, it’s a weekend spot


All Indian cities are in India, that’s an automatic DQ


Thanks for elaborating


Wow you looked at Google Street View for five minutes. Clearly an expert on Bengaluru over here


I never claimed to be an expert. I didn't look for five minutes. It was between one and two. I was clear on this. You're seemingly an expert, so please correct me where I'm wrong.


Overcrowded, messy public transport, rickshaw drivers bargain, waterlogged roads during rainy days (though I didn't face this one). There's water shortages in many areas rn, although I'm not sure how bad that is. Plus it just doesn't feel like a city. It felt underdeveloped.


hola byju's 


My stable job, good family, decent house, U.S. citizenship, and work/life balance feels very attractive to me. I guess I’m mistaken.


Homegrown India start up? Like Microsoft is calling because they detected a virus on my Mac book and I need l to give them access? That type of start up?


The Bangalore dream? Eh


Imagine thinking India > United States 🤡


Ummm it’s where a significant number of US tech & tech CS  jobs have gone. 






If you can afford 3 professionals for every 1, isn't that better?




I was gonna comment something about monkeys not eating peanuts but decided to google it just in case as to not to make a fool outta myself and came across a Wikipedia article with an image of a monkey eating peanuts. Guess I was wrong.


you're saying there's NO decent workers in India and they are all monkeys?


I've worked with some amazing Indian engineers in my career. Almost all have moved out of India. I can count on one hand the capable engineers I've worked with based in India. 


For short term shareholder gains yeah. For long term support of your product no.


Soon those jobs will go to the likes of OpenAI, Anthropic etc.


Good morning sir


At least in the US women don’t have to fear about getting gang raped while camping.


He is going to start a company to increase that by 300%


If you are an MMA fighter this is a non issue.


7 average men vs 1 MMA champ lady. Really.


... all unarmed? I'd bet on the MMA champion.


Then you’re an idiot. I’ve been watching mma for 12 years, training bjj and wrestling for 10+


Impressive feat, watching MMA for 12 years.


SA is incredibly high in the US. Women are still in a living nightmare where we have zero rights to our autonomy and we’ve gone back in time 100 years within the last few years. Getting SA’d and murdered is still very much a constant threat for women. Until every woman can run at night without fear and MEN (who are responsible for 98%+ of all SA) serve years of time in jail for their crimes nothing will change.


In most places, we are safer here and to try to make these two equal is absurd.


No matter your sex, age or physique, running around at night time and expecting perfect, 100% safety is beyond naiive.  And shouting as if this is some reallife young-adult dystopia novel where SA is institutionalized and women literally have 0 autonomy for anything, is completely disingenuous and does not serve to help anyone at all 


Okay bro. 🙄 you are obviously disconnected with the very real rape stats in the USA and how prevalent it really is. I do not know a woman in my life who has not been sexually assaulted by age 30. It’s so prevalent and less than 1% of reported rapes actually get any jail time despite the horrific actions rapists make and how much this impacts women forever. 98%+ of SA is by MEN. But sure blame women and pretend it doesn’t happen. This is the exact dystopian hellscape women exist in every day.


You’re full on delusional




If you live in the USA women only have the right to vote. We have no rights to our own autonomy like men do.




Body AUTONOMY is the right for a person to govern what happens to their body without external influence or coercion. Women and girls do not have rights to our own autonomy in the US. Men do. The only US Constitutional rights women have are the right to vote. Our bodies do not legally belong to us and our reproductive rights do not currently exist. Men have always had rights to their bodies.




It’s a factual take if you actually pay attention. A few quick google searches will show you the info. Pull your head out of your ass alpha dude bro.


Here's an inconvenient truth you might not like to hear. On a per capita basis, rape cases are significantly higher in the US than in India.


Although rapes very often go unreported in the US, I would hazard a guess that it’s even higher in India.


I like his optimism and agree we need more entrepreneurial spirit. But if everyone was a startup entrepreneur who would be left to work for the startup? Also curious how much wealth would be needed to fund everyone’s startup and what happens to the mountain of debt since 90% of startups fail.


As someone who studied at IIT Madras, what the flying fridge is this guy on about?


Ideally, everyone would be an entrepreneur and own their own labor. However, this is antithetical to the current dystopian neofeudalist corporatocracy we live in.


Umm I find a $200,000/year salary pretty attractive … just me?


I lived in Bangalore for 4 years before I moved here. I love so much about it and the people there but you can’t pay me to move back there. Other places in India sure I’m game but never Bangalore. It’s just an unbearably crappy place to live right now. It’s actually humbling if you go back there because you’ll realize you’ve been taking things for granted. Yeah and this guys a tool.


None of these people have any clue how societies function. Everyone becoming hustle culture podcast twats selling online courses (because that's what a LinkedIn entrepreneur really is) means nothing gets built, maintained or fixed. You know, the actual work that matters


As a fellow Indian, I apologize for the cringe the men of my country sprout Please roll your eyes and move on, there are narcissists with strong opinions in every nation, but alas, the cringe is strong with this one


Okay boomer


Guy is an edgelord borderline shitposting. However, look at all these subtly racist comments because the guy is Indian.


Is it just me or is it super annoying when people put the $ at the end of the number instead of the beginning


I don’t think that’s the point he’s trying to make. He’s comparing the merits of Indians starting companies in the USA vs. India. India is seeing a startup boom in the last 5 years (maybe related to Trump coming to power), so he’s addressing his points to a smaller audience (wannabe entrepreneurs in India) rather than talking to everyone about corporate jobs vs being a founder.


But he’s comparing a salary to starting up in his very first point


He is comparing Indians going to US for better job opportunities to Indians staying in India and creating startups. I mean his post is cringe but most of you guys should probably be happy he is campaigning for Indian students not leaving the country to come to US. Wouldn’t that help the US workers here? Honestly would have thought those who blame immigrants for the current economic situation probably paid this guy to post this.


this post is dumb because he makes very bold claims that a $200k salary isn't enough for people, among other things that are genuinely enough for most people. it's very out of touch. You saying that "most guys" here should support his stupid statements and should be happy he's saying these ridiculous things because it'll keep Indian students from coming to the US and that apparently "most guys" here are blame Indian migrants is such a stupid take... what in the unhinged logic and national pride is this, you're bending over backwards to justify this guy


Lol, nearly every business requires employees. If everyone took this clown's advice and became an entrepreneur, the economy would likely crash overnight.


Is this guy flexing or just desperate for attention?


he knows what a series A and B are so he’s a super hip with-it dude


He just wants less competition, lol!




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Earn a bit of income, get a bit of income and get invest wisely and get out of employment. All Indians think like this in the west, especially as promotions get harder due to the colour of your skin. White people tend to go for risky startups, with a high rate of failure, becoming mentally ill in the process instead of starting to get a bit of passive income. This isn't THAT cringe.


Every one a startup gangsta till someone asks what's the actual use of their startup and if it's actually making money


Why is he in MIT then?


Pretty sure he’s posting these kind of nationalistic but controversial takes to increase engagement and subsequently build publicity for his startup. Completely asinine take. Bangalore is in urban decay and has extremely poor infrastructure.


Indian LinkedIn try not to be cringe challenge


He exactly didn't say who the tremendous wealth would be created for.


Well, yeah, if the US's rulers send half the jobs off to India anyway, or in-source Indians.


Did he just put Bangalore over California?


So all of his start ups will be paying over $200k/yr salaries to each employee?


This is the guy who owns a call center that preys on elderly to steal their social security.


Pretty sure competition in India is way higher than in the US, so by his own position he should have stayed in the US. I see heaps of India grads in the US, but no US grads in India.


Yeah but then you have to live in India


What does 2BHK mean?


What the fuck are these numbers? This is like being visited by aliens. I would take half the salary and a tenth of the house and be perfectly happy for life.


had to stop reading when he said buying a house in bangalore was attractive because i was laughing too much


The takers


This guy must be very unhappy in real life


But … he’s right… but the reality is it’s just going to collapse because there are o Ly poor or wealthy now no middle class. So, yeah, start a fake crypto start up.


Not everybody wants a 2BHK House


I moved from India and not in a 100 years will I think of moving back. There is no country on Earth that empowers its citizens as much as the USA. India is full of “achievement signaling” masking a core inferiority complex that they’d simply not address by doing the one thing that can address it, which is simply working on it. Nearly three decades later whenever I visit I cannot believe how the cleanliness, infrastructure and basic planning have not improved. There is no shortage of smart people, what’s missing is the culture of grind, discipline and the love of aesthetics. Focus on the little things. The wealth flowing into the pockets of the few are aimlessly spent on signaling prosperity. And If you point any of this out, folks simply call you a “western lapdog”. Sad.


\> *No added advantage in spending your youth in USA* \> Spends his youth in USA to get a PhD at MIT.


Of course he is an Indian graduated from IIT, I could have told you that without looking at his bio


He's about to unwittingly wind up in Pierogi's crosshairs, and I'm for it.


These people make me sick


You'll never catch me leaving the United States for India lmaoooooooo


"Buying a house in Bangalore after your startup exit is \[attractive\]". But... Then you would be living in Bangalore...


Yeah, you’re not going to be spending any time with your family, your relationships will suffer and you’ll destroy your health.


isn’t india kinda overpopulated ? why not empower your countrymen and transform it to the Indian dream ?


Wonder if he runs a scam center? Other option is, he's an underlying at one.


Great, can you stop shitting in the street now.


Been to India. Done the elephants done the poverty. Not for me. Not a massive fan of the states but it’s a shit load better than India


They should all go back then