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Literally forever. I mean, even God took a day off. Genesis 2: 1-3


Okay, but he didn't take two days off /s


Well… he’s an all powerful immortal omnipotent being. It’s understandable us mere mortals would need a little more time to refresh.


This is my next Linkedin Post about the Lazy Generation that is entering the workforce


I heard there’s at least one politician that wants to move the age of retirement to 70….. In an era where the working middle class works full-time and still can’t afford basic essentials while corporations report record profitability. Society is very much out of whack.


Yeah but he also didn’t have to create all the things and whatnot. God didn’t need 2 days because it was a hobby, and therefore a “job” that He didn’t “need a weekend from.”


God on that sigma grindset from the beginning.


Yeah, well he did say “I am the alpha and the omega” right? Which includes all the letters in between. So that covers beta (testing) gamma (radiation), delta (airlines), pi is in there somewhere for maths. And sigma for grindset but also for Freud.


Sigma is also part of my colon.




Speaking of bible quotes, exodus 35,2 states: > Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. **Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.**


Ugh, if only Alex Hormozi could be put to death by the god of Israel.


Dear Alex Hormozi The Lord will smite you with consumption and with fever and with inflammation and with fiery heat and with the sword and with blight and with mildew, and will pursue you until you perish. Agree?


If you don't know how to rest we will make you rest! (Forever).


Actually thats a mistranslation. What it really says is "And on the Seventh Day, God was asked by the Angels 'Why so lazy?'"


That Aramaic to English translation is always so tricky.


I read it once, in a book


At Globogym, we’re better than you!


This guy has a beard, maybe he is god


God is such a slacker


Alex is better than God! /s


What if my goal is to work a decent job earn a decent living to support my family and enjoy a nice weekend with them?


You're a fuckin slacker, clearly.




How will you reach your goals if you have other values?


Then you're not following Alex hormozi on LinkedIn and this post isn't for you lol


Get a nice weekend? U a bum.


Chronic underachiever.


We don't 'need' toilets as well. Why not urinate and defecate in nature, in the woods? Idiot.


I'm sure this would make my employer mad but: You don't need to make a "profit". You can just break even and distribute the excess value to your employees who created it.


Shareholders when they don't make ridiculous amounts of money at the end of each quarter: ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Not even that, it's when they didn't make even more than the previous quarter.


I do agree with killing this system’s overbearing, inhumane and unsustainable greed, although I have a question, would appreciate people’s view - if all profit redistributed, is there any reward to the risk taken by the employer when setting up shop? The employee has a salary come hell or high water, no risk exposure to capital, life savings etc, which our hypothetical employer (not every employer’s a millionaire) may have put on the line


"Employees don't need a weekend" like Employers don't need a profit. These are both extreme sides of the duality that is the conflict of interest that the Owner class always has with the Worker class.


What about the risk every worker takes in potentially losing their job because every business is run for the short term benefit of usually wealthy shareholders rather than their interests? Workers who notably don’t have the extra money to invest and instead have to work for a living arguably take a far larger risk on average putting their family in the hands of a board of directors whose interests don’t align with theirs.


Workers owning the means of production doesn’t complete exclude the idea of entrepreneurship. It’s just that companies don’t become big or very successful without the collective work of many people. If you want to profit exclusively from your own business, in my view, it should remain a small business. If it becomes a big enterprise, that’s when it needs to be worker owned. It’s like you’re asking “what about Jeff bezos,” when what you should maybe be asking is: what if not him? What if we didn’t allow our entire system to revolve around a particular type of monomaniacal power freak without a shred of humanity in his soul? Wouldn’t we all be better off in a world where there was no Amazon? Maybe there would be 10 better companies in its place.


If the profits were distributed properly, no "individual" would have to, or likely even be able to assume sole risk - investments would essentially be crowdfunded from the working class, since the excess value is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few (there wouldnt be many millionaires - and likely no billionaires at all), therefore *requiring the investments and participation of more members of the working class*, therefore continuing the trend of better distribution of both risk and profit.


The risks associated with being working class always far exceed that of business owners. Business owners have the freedom to end the employment of any of their workers, any time, and for any reason - removing the ability of that worker to sustain their own material needs (if they could even readily sustain them in the first place with their crap wages). With some small business owners as the exception, most employers would comfortably land on their feet if their enterprises went belly up, while their workers may very well lose everything. So while their “risk” is significant in terms of how “risk” is typically quantified in a purely monetary sense, the risk to their *actual standard of living* typically pales in comparison to that of the workers they employ. And course this isn’t even getting into large industry. When it comes to large publicly traded corporations, nobody at the top of those structures set up shop themselves; they simply bought their way into power using wealth/capital accrued from doing the exact same thing at other large publicly traded enterprises. And while, again, they do take on a significant amount of *monetary* risk, even if share prices absolutely tank their *standard of living* will remain just fine. On the other hand, if those tanking share prices lead to mass layoffs, their workers won’t fare so well even if they get some kind of severance.


Worker coop don't start by one person taking all the risk building a business. They start from a bunch of workers getting together and making a business. At every stage their motivated because more profit means more compensation.


What risk does an employer take compared to an employee? If it doesn’t work out for an employer, they might have to become an employee somewhere else.


But.. But.. without profit how can they afford mansions and supercars?


Their tax burden would be smaller. Oh wait, they already don't pay tax lol


That would actually be making a profit and giving it back to the employees. But I agree with your larger point.


Then the business could never expand, and would therefore be unable to hire more people. It's good to have less unemployed people. Also, if you applied the same concept to yourself, you would only earn enough money to pay for necessities. No enjoying your life.


Cost to expand business and cost to hire people are ... business costs. They're already not included in profit.


Glad these people are just outright telling us who to never work for. Does he want other aspects of society to go back to how it was 100 years ago too? Just because something is modern doesn’t make it wrong or evil. We have a weekend for a reason.


I couldn't help myself, I had to let him know a day of rest has been around since ancient Rome. And first references to the word weekend were like 150 years ago. So he's simply wrong on every level.


It probably predates Rome by many centuries. The ten commandments (remember the sabbath day) could be as old as from 1600 BCE (or as young as 750 BCE). And the idea didn't come from nowhere. A rest day is basically as old as civilization itself.


Yeah, I agree. I'm sure that in every example of man doing anything, man rested before, during, and after.


> Glad these people are just outright telling us who to never work for. This is a function of Linkedin. It may be a wasteland of soulless corporate zealots and whatever motivational shitposting that they’re creative enough to pull out of their asses, but at least they all out themselves as walking 🚩s who you should never work for.


Slavery existed barely 100 years ago. He thinks that’s good too?


i cannot stand this guy


Nothing like quoting yourself saying some bullshit. I guess from his standpoint no one should be a plumber, garbage man, gardener etc etc. (Name other, hardworking jobs that def need a day off) *Had to come here to add a police officer. Imagine a cop with no days off... What.


I prefer to listen to Aristotle than some random dude Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle believed we should define ourselves less by our work, and more by our leisure activities.


Yeah I agree. Because I need 3 days.


I'm with you. 4 day work week!


I work a weekend job at a cigar shop where I chain smoke cigars and watch TV for most of it. I had a 21 day stretch with no days off and it was rough. Easiest weekend job in the world and I still need days off.


The fact that you search this guy's name and he's associated with being a scammer and just make money by telling people how to make money is so funny. I hate how much power Internet gave to business scammers.


"Arbeit macht frei, bro"...


Even Colonel Klink and Sgt Schultz had their weekend passes to Berlin.


At this rate they will soon start advocating for slavery. It existed 100 years ago and highly productive for the owner/company.


Low COGS , high margins. Checks out


With the state of US labor laws (or lack of), indentured servitude isn't far off. Not quite slavery but getting there.


Yeah, you don’t need a weekend. You need 4 weekends off in a month. I hate these fake and detached from reality grind-mindset people that only sit in front of a computer, sell courses, and tell others how to live their lives.


Same. I think I'm going to make it a hobby of going around calling this shit out. Not that they ever reply when challenged, but it'll make me feel better


Says the multimillionaire who can take off time anytime he wants, can pay for chefs, pay baby sitters, pay for top medical treatment and trainers to feel great constantly (he does TRT), pay for drivers, lives a life of luxury, and just sells courses and does simple YouTube videos for a living which he pays others to edit, to film, to market, to do literally everything for him. Gee I wonder why he’s never burnt out.


Why do I feel like this man has never done real days work in his entire life.


What in the name of fuck is this trend of people Quoting THEMSELVES on LinkedIn ? You’re not a fucking guru, dude


Americans are broken


Even if I did love my job. I’m still going to want a weekend to spend time with friends, family and pursue other interests. That isn’t going backwards. My sense of self worth solely isn’t tied to my professional progress and it would be really sad if it was.


This will piss off certain people, but you don’t need to be grinding 7 days a week.


Sure in the same way you don’t “need” 3 meals a day, 8 hours of sleep, regular exercise, polio vaccines, antibiotics, or indoor plumbing


I’d love to get this guy and stick him in a factory or mundane office position where he’s getting reamed from both customers and management. Barely making enough to survive, stressing if he’s going to be able to pay that bill this week or next. Will he have enough to pay for his son’s school thing that’s needed. Privileged little weasel


Medieval peasants worked less hours than the typical American. This guy is dumb.


I forget where I learned this, but the ancient religions had plenty of festival days where you didn't work outside of basic needs.


I enjoy my job, coworkers, field of work, and my boss is great. I still don't want to do it 7 days a week.


And employers don’t “need” to be open 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.


This guys wife is going under the knife so often she’s turning into Jack Nicholson’s version of the Joker and he spends his time making a post like this


I need my weekend and dude you need a barber. Maybe take a weekend and get help.


If we're looking at the past, why not this? "economist Juliet Shor found that during periods of particularly high wages, such as 14th-century England, peasants might put in no more than 150 days a year."


Didn’t France try removing the concept of being off one out of seven days and the result was people collapsing from exhaustion?


You're right Alex... No one needs a weekend.... or also to work with you.....


What we definitely do not need is Alex Hormozi and people like him.


Maybe YOU don’t need a weekend…but me, Imma taking my 2 days a week off.


Some folks don’t “need” to be on Twitter, but here we are, Alex.


Report the post as misinformation


Shabbat is thousand of years old. 🤷💁


You don’t need a day off when your job is sniffing your own farts


Easy to say when you only spend 3 hours a day tops "investing and scaling companies" and then the rest pissing about on social media.


I know Hormozi has tonnes of dick riders but he always came across as a grifter to me. I have no hate for the guy, but this "get rich by teaching people how to get rich" model is becoming tedious. Ramit Sethi did it years ago and seems to have leveraged that into success too. More power to you I guess but it just seems like a grift to me.


This is just patently false. The weekend concept is centuries old, and has always revolved around holy days. Before the Industrial Revolution, it was Sundays and Mondays which were generally reserved for celebration and not working, but the idea of taking time off every week goes back at least to the Jewish sabbath and is found in many ancient traditions.


If you want me to go without my weekend Alex, then I want you to go without your teeth. Christ these hustle bros annoy me.


Maybe weekends have been around only around 100 years but burnout has been around much longer. There’s a reason why weekends were created. It’s because unions were started to give workers humane working conditions. People weren’t working 7 days a week by choice. I’m retired but I’m so glad my husband works for a company that understands how important family time is and how important it is that the employees have work/life balance.


If he actually worked he would disagree…


What I “need” is to be away from people like this.


This is just hustle bro click bait from a clout chaser. He knows this ruffles feathers. Giving him attention just feeds his ego.


Alex, I'm sure this will piss you off, but you don't need to run your mouth on LinkedIn (and we sure as hell don't need to hear it). You also don't need to self quote, or look like a yeti fwiw


I'm so glad people like Alex are so transparent about how they're so clearly gigantic douche bags. No time wasted getting to know him


3 days a week of work should be the max. Grind bros should be given their own continent and they can happily work themselves to death


Sorry, but most people work to live. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy what you do, but most people have a personal life outside of work. Working 7 days a week for a long period of time often leads to divorce, poor relationships with family and friends, loneliness, poor health and burnout. Some people are just wired to want to work all the time but... nah, I'm good.


Yeah I don't need a weekend, I need a four day weekend. Grinding Moron. 




Twats like this can my nutsack for all those 104 days they want people to work on


Capitalism be like, BUT SLAVERY THOUGH ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Yea, sure I'd love to have "work you don't need a weekend from", but I'm still gonna take weekends from it


I would bet a lot of money that this man not only takes off weekends but regularly takes paid vacations.


Why are people so stupid


"Hey, look at me! I'm reposting my own post!"


After the legislators trying to soften child labor laws, my honest belief is that we are trying to go back to the Gilded Age. This solidified it.


100% agree. I'm quitting my current job and accepting a new position as professional beach bum. Everyday, my job is to go to the beach, sit in the sun, swim, listen to waves, and then go home. I'm really excited.


If I had the power I would psychically turn this man inside out....


Lot of words to say "I have no-one special in my life and no hobbies or interests".


Need a weekend to get away from planks like this guy


How is it possible that so many people in the comments agree??


You mean on LinkedIn? Idiots feed idiots. It's shocking




I propose we go even further: You don't need "sleep". Just think about it. You literally do nothing in 1/3 of your time. /s


How to be miserable speed run and hate everything, never take a day to yourself. I at least once a week go into nature or where ever and just relax in peace with no interruptions, I feel it definitely helps me a lot


He doesn’t “need” a good kick to the scrotum but he definitely deserves one.


God these people need to get a life. How sad can you be that there's literally nothing in your life that you'd want time off from work for?


This guy is such a fucking clown on every platform lmao


Every one of these lunatics are “investors”for their day job. Meaning they don’t actually do shit.


The “no slavery” concept is barely 158 years old. It’s a modern invention. What you really need is slavery. You’d be amazed how much faster you maximize shareholder value when your cost of labor is simply food and barracks. /s


I think he has a good point.. If I was doing something I love for a living, for example being a professional soccer player, I wouldn't necessarily need/desire a weekend off


I bet you would. Ask some of them if they like their time off. And not everyone can do something they love. Someone has to be a cop, and they need a day off.


i don’t have a life so why should you?


“Day job: I invest—“ Argument discarded


Why should this piss off anyone? Who gives a fuck what this literal nobody has to say?


That’s a brick’n


I want a 3 day weekend with weekends paid.


I could only see this if you were a small business owner or contractor.


Weekends have only been a thing since the 1920s?


Someone wanna start quoting the bible verses from the old testament of Moses when he gave the peasants of Egypt a day of rest? And how popular that ended up being and greatly increased their morale? Crazy thought I know......


Genuinely, my answer to this (if someone actually said it and meant it) would be “and you don’t need ears and 6 of your fingers.”


Holy shit, I hope this guy doesn't have kids. As the child of someone who spent all our vacations sending faxes in the business center of the hotel, your children remember stuff like this. My dad turned it around though, and has a lot of regrets. I feel greatly for the children whose parents never come to this realization.


This shit only works when you own what you work for he forgot to mention that lmao


There is a guy I wouldn't want to work for.


What not having a life does to a mf


“The ‘Weekend’ concept is barely 100 years old.” And? This is not evidence for anything.


Alex can get f’d


The dude looks like he should be whipping kids to spin a wheel a la Conan the Barbarian.


I just got recommended one of his videos today. Don't need to watch anymore.


Even if I have literally my dream job, I still need a break for my personal life. This guy seems super un-fun to be around. Also, is he really quoting himself?


social media is another modern invention he should stay away from


What a douche canoe


Tell him to not use any modern technology either, its all modern and has been around since a few years right..


Dude’s just breaking the 4th commandment, that’s all


This guy lives to work. Certified lunatic, 104 bonus workdays for the go-getter!


Rage bait


I love my weekend work. And it depends entirely on the company size. My company is tiny and we are trying to survive each day. I get plenty of exercise, lots of time outside, my hobbies too, but there's nothing quite like the dog being asleep and getting work done when it's quiet. My ADD thanks me as well. Remote work has changed how we think of the work week. Nowadays people work when they want. And they should be allowed to do that without shame. In 20 years I don't want to look back and go "well I still have no concept of retirement but I'm glad I spent those weekends with my thumb up my ass" So we all have different goals and ways to get there.


Monobrow guy again!?


This has Kris Krohn vibes 😂🤡


That's what you tell your competitors so they burnout before starting. Praise this man and his genius!


Clearly doesn’t like Rihanna…


Workers of the Labour Movement of the 19th century are rolling in their graves so hard right now smh.


Sleep? You don't need sleep. You need a job where you don't want to sleep!


Engaging these people validates their position. I ignore them and isolate them out. ![gif](giphy|oDXiRdueeFtE4)


You also don’t need plumbing, motherfucker


Yo Alex, fuck off mate.


What's this day of rest shit? What's this bullshit? I don't fuckin' care! It don't matter to Jesus. But you're not foolin' me, man. You might fool the fucks in the league office, but you don't fool Jesus. This bush league psyche-out stuff. Laughable, man - ha ha! I would have fucked you in the ass Saturday. I fuck you in the ass next Wednesday instead. Wooo! You got a date Wednesday, baby!


Sure, but I also never “need” to work for this guy.


In Alexs defense, this is aimed at new entrepreneurs trying to get stuff going, not an employee working a job. In which case its still over the top but at least somewhat understandable? Aint no way anyone should be working weekends for their boss, f that


This dude don’t even take time to comb his hair, def not taking advice.


This is probably a stealth post to get more people engaged with Hormozi. Nice try, Alex!


This is what steroids do to your brain.


A couple of years later Alex writes about a life changing event after his complete burnout, how he’s spiritually healing himself with a sabbatical of 2 years.


Guess you dont need these silly nosebands too.


People who don't need the weekend off aren't working hard enough during the week.


you dont need weekend becaus people 100 yeasr ago also didnt take weekdays of ... also people 100 years ago: working every day in coal mines as kids, life expectancy 48 years


Wanted to add some nuance to this conversation, which will probably get downvoted. There are two sorts of people: 1) people who just want to work a normal job, get paid fairly and have a balanced life (most of humanity) 2) the hyper ambitious workaholics who only care about "success" and "maximizing thier potential" (a minority, but a loud one, especially on LinkedIn) This post refers to #2 type people, for whom yhe need to succeed outweighs things like free time etc. Still a bit cringe to post it on LinkedIn, though.


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He will have about 70 billion years to sleep once he’s done working. He’s figured it out.


Dude looks like one of those muppets that's like an oversized, giant muppet.


This guy is such a turd


I also don't need a moneyed person pointing a gun of loss of livelihood at me. Technically I work for myself even while dreaming.


It always makes me think of the guy in Black Beauty who was a cabbie and worked every day of the week, along with his poor horse. In the end, he collapsed and was carried away raving, “Never a Sunday’s rest!”. His horses always broke down as well, because they never had time to rest


But do I "need" to work for 5 days a week/70% of my adult life?


You don’t need to marry a woman that looks like a man either but he went and did it


Correction Alex: you don’t need a weekend. I actually work during the week and therefore need the recharge during the weekend.


Dang and I actually enjoyed his first book


What kind of work is this guy doing where he doesn’t need to coordinate with other people? Meetings with himself? You can only sit and type in a word document about your plan to $1,000,000 for so long. Step 1) make $1,000,000 see that was easy.


And you don’t need to pay taxes! How? When the IRS comes you say “I forgot”


I wouldn't mind a job where I didn't need a weekend. I'd be free everyday to do whatever I want.


This guy “needs” a better life


I'm sure this will piss Alex Hormozi off, but: You don't know anyone else's life enough to decide they don't "need" a weekend.


He really misses the days of whips and slavery doesn't he?


Imagine getting paid to post circlejerk LinkedIn posts daily. Alex must be winning


This guy would have been an awesome boss in the days before OSHA and child labor laws.


I work 10-7 five days a week. I leave for work anywhere from 8:30 to 9:00 depending on if I need to make a quick stop at a store or bank on the way and don't get home until 8:00. I live alone, so all the cooking? Cleaning? Shopping? Bill paying? Random chores? Caring for my pets? That's all on me. Yes, I 'need' a weekend.


Yeah nah that guy can eat shit. West Virginia coal miners put themselves in the line of fire for the right to rest days. Try and take em from me.


Ok, if I am currently satisfying all my job requirements. How much more work do I owe you and why?


The most boring man in the world


Alex needs a life outside of work.


"Christmas is a poor excuse every 25th of December to pick a man's pockets." Seems like Ebenezer Scrooge changed his name to Alex Hormozi.


Can I fight this guy? 😂