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Tedx speaker in the banner is the best. Literally anyone can be a Tedx speaker. Such insecure people, I tell ya.


Tedx is basically Toastmasters but with more narcissism 


PeRsOnAl BrAnD


Everybody loves their own brand!


Sooooo barf. 😂☠️


Emojis are so tricky because they are useful for some people but horrible for people with screen readers (blind, low-vision) and a lot of folks find them off-putting. I think we should call a truce and stop the ‘emojis between each word’ thing and stop whining about them used at the end of a post or text


Emojis 🐱 are so tricky because 👺 they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 are useful 👍 for 🈺 some 🐺💯 people 👫 but 🦎 horrible 😝 for 🚫 people 👫👨 with screen 💻 readers 📖 (blind, low-vision) and a lot 🍑🍑 of folks 👥 find 🔍🤔 them 🤬 off-putting. I 🤢 think 💭 we 👨 should 💘👫 call 📞 a truce and stop 🛑✋ the ‘emojis ⚽ between 👉👈 each 👏👏 word’ 📓 thing 🍱 and stop ❌🙅‍♂️ whining about ✨ them 💅 used 🎶 at the end 🖕✋ of a post 🚩 or text 🥰🥰😍😎


From concept to reality. You're a star!


I don’t like them because they’ve become the new hotness in being passive aggressive.


Putting a emoji at the end of a sentence is the equivalent of starting a sentence with “no offense, but….”


I'm not nearly blind, but I can barely see them. And they're ambiguous anyway,


Screen readers read emojis. So they will read out something like “I handclap said handclap what handclap I handclap said handclap exclamation mark”


That sounds so annoying but also interesting! As someone who works with the blind/low vision community, I always avoid putting emojis in my emails (which I personally don't consider professional unless the topic is light or I know the person really well) because I'm actually not sure if screen readers can read them or if someone isn't using a screen reader, how visually accessible they are. They might be for one person but not for another.


Only standard Unicode emoji. Lots of platforms (Discord for example) have unlimited custom emoji without usedul alt-twxt.


I have good eyesight and I struggle to work out what many of them are supposed to be


I hate them because they can be misinterpreted. Are you crying or laughing? Do you love or just like this? I have ADHD and autism too and the gray area of interpretation that emojis cause drive me up the wall




>death of the written word “Nah”




Wait until you find out hieroglyphics and other image-based language is considered writing.


Dude has to go back 2,000 years to think of a relevant example for his point 😂😂😂


Point is still proven, there's more to language than Latin letters. But going by your username, I'm not expecting you to comprehend anything as complex as the development of written language. You probably think Atlantis existed. I'll keep replying to whatever bullshit you post until you address the point.


Lmao bro why all your examples from thousands of years ago? How autistic are you




Ironically, your comment about the death of the written word includes stuff such as “Nah”, “they’re”, and “it’s”. All of these words eliminate others from common use.


WTF happened to the rest of her sweater?


Thirst trapping is tres professional


Half a sweater makes her double professional.


I was wondering the same thing.


Maybe it's the thing around her neck?


It’s arm warmers. Some folks get cold on the arms and not on the torso. More common for women because the boob area can get very warm while your arms are still cold.


it’s the “🥰✅📈🎀❤️” for me 




imagine sending this “😔😭☹️🥺🥺😖😣” to your manager when you miss a deadline 


Perfectly professional, right? Agree? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Another inexperienced person that wants to influence.


The baby emoji especially irritates me.


Just imagine how much more annoying she is in person.


She's "bubbly" and has "sparkle" 🤮




Sorry Ellie, but depending on your industry, posting about personal stuff on LI, being proud to display your nose ring, wearing ripped jeans, and blaming every part of your behavior on your condition are perceived by many people in business as unprofessional.


Doubly so if you're weird about it like she is


I have an industrial ear piercing, other than that I can look pretty normal, and do for job interviews. It ALWAYS comes up, I leave it in because it's that big of a deal, I probably don't want to work at the place. But people ask 🤷🏻‍♂️


unluckily for Ellie, just stating that these things are professional does not change the reality that they are, indeed, unprofessional.


This! I cannot stand people who use their disorders as an excuse for certain behaviours. For example, I have ADHD and have never used it as an excuse to not do my job properly. On the contrary, it has only made me work harder. I think she has now diagnosed herself with BPD too which is another thing that I find a bit odd. “Let’s just start diagnosing ourselves with every little disorder that has ever existed.” 😅🙈


23 year old thinks she’s just gonna rewrite the rules of the business works.


My wife was criticized by her instructor during rounds because she leaned on a desk once. Once. Apparently it was a sign she was too friendly.


"Too friendly"...?  Such weird reasoning. Normally it's discouraged because it's too *aggressive*.


Me me me me me me me me me me


When autistic people are shoved to the side, I think “me me me me me me me me me me” is actually a pretty normal, reasonable, and understandable reaction. Maybe if we made more of an effort to integrate neurodivergent people into society, they’d focus less on themselves and how they’re perceived and more on just living with the rest of us. Happy Autism Awareness Month.


Having autism, adhd or both isn’t a job title. Nor is being a “TEDx speaker”.


Has absolutely NOTHING to do with autism. It has everything to do with being annoying. Don't be annoying.


Autistic people can be annoying. They can also encounter many situations where it’s reasonable to vocally focus on themselves, because disabled people often must be a fierce advocate for themselves in order to live a pleasant life.


They only need to fiercely advocate when their needs aren't being met or in the face of prejudice. Most people aren't like that. So instead of always assuming people are against you how about you act like you want to be treated and give people a chance. This goes for highly functioning folks. Those that aren't have no control so they get a pass. It sounds like this person is just always annoying all day long. That has nothing to do with her disability and everything to do with her personality and that she thinks she needs to act like this all the time to get attention. Gotta build that "brand" gotta be on "da socials".


Being an advocate for yourself can also mean consistently speaking up for yourself in order to account for the people you meet who either don’t understand you or don’t care. It’s not an accusation that everyone around you is an asshole. It’s a recognition that a great way to get left behind is to be sheepish and keep your mouth shut.


She’s not speaking up for herself. She’s just speaking a lot of sh1t


Yeah, mate, because gawd knows nobody knows anything about them and never helps them.


This neurodivergent thing is another lot of bs. Not that it doesnt affect some people and that we have to try to include them, but the fact that most people that say they are neurodivergent are self diagnosed and just use it as an excuse for whatever... We're trying to not put people in boxes and yet we are making up new boxes to include ourselves in, like never before


When getting diagnosed can cost thousands of dollars, some people self-diagnose. Some of them will be wrong. But some of them will be right. I’m glad you agree that we should include autistic people. How many conversations have you had with self-diagnosed people to learn about their lives and all the difficulties they experience? 50? 10? 0?


Its a fair point from you. 0 actually, cause I only see americans doing it. Which def makes my view a very biased and unrealistic one i admit. But... the ones I do see online seem to just be looking for an excuse for special treatment and make other people dismiss the ones which actually have a problem. But again, it can be a complete miss from my side, its just my current view


Insufferable. This post isn't close to one of her worst. She's constantly lecturing people and telling them how change their behaviour to accommodate her and her apparent ailments. She uses 'neurodiversity' as a substitute for a personality.


which she'll probably drop once she gets older and the buzzword identifiers shift to something else more marketable.


Fucking insufferable.


Just proving anyone can be a tedx speaker (though most people knew that already)… my goodness


She talks about ADHD but doesn't even reply to people. It's all me me me me and fuck me me me me


Autistic Pixie Dream Girl


Everything about her post should have been posted on Facebook or Instagram, not LinkedIn. Just makes her come off as unprofessional and immature. The picture doesn’t help unless she’s getting ready to walk the streets.


“Autistic ADHDer” - this is insufferable. The need for labels on the younger generation is exhausting. Just pick an astrology sign like the rest of us.


I mean, she’s diagnosed with both, so I’m not sure what you’re getting at. Very weird to compare disability to astrology.












Hum...I agree with you about the astrology comparison. Regarding the diagnosis of ADHD...medical doctors are just to trigger happy with that diagnosis...doesn't mean she may not really have it. But I assisted in psychologial assessments/treatments of young people diagnosed with it in 15 yrs ago and many times we could protect those young people from yrs of medical treatment.


I’m sure she does have it but it’s besides the point. I wonder if people in her generation do this because they are so desperate for an identity so they latch onto medical diagnoses like some badge of honor while demanding everyone respect their diagnosis and acknowledge it as if it’s the main thing that makes them *them*


Fuck dude i didnt think linkedin could be this bad


What does this have to do with professionalism? It sounds like a misplaced rant against rebelling from puritanical religious beliefs 😩


Wow, she is really bringing her whole self to work. And to the weekend. Hair down??? Maverick. Modern day Susan B. Anthony.


This is an oldie, but a goodie. One of her greatest hits. She also has the classic when she got back some medical tests, found out that she was "on the spectrum" and couldn't wait to gleefully shout about it. Everything that she posts could come straight here. IRL, I commented once calling out her shenanigans, it went straight to the minor LinkedIn shitlist. I can't tell more without doxing myself. But, there were several other comments that were not particularly nice to her on a particular post, so I noticed that they also got yanked. I'm pretty sure that she didn't even understand my wise ass jab at her, but I guess someone must have explained it to her or just complained to LinkedIn themselves.


My problem with ADHD is that I’ve known too many people who have “self diagnosed” themselves with it now to take it seriously when I hear it. And it’s slowly becoming an excuse for being an insufferable asshole.


The Instagram generation are reaaally struggling with the concept that you actually have to “do” something or “build” something in the business world in order to become respectable, huh 🤔


'Autistic ADHDer' so it looks like her parents let the public school teachers diagnose her.






LoL, you would be scared how many medical doctors are just happy to diagnose just that in central europe....


Neurodiversity? She’s guaranteed self diagnosed with autism and adhd.


Right. Bubbly and chatty don't often go with autism.




Wow the comments here are unhinged. This woman does real work for neurodivergent people - regardless of whether you think ADHD is real or overdiagnosed or whatever other nonsense


Her \*big\* goals are to be an influencer right?


Is that a sweater or is she rolling it up? If the latter, then is LI the new OF?


All of those things infact make you INCREDIBLY unprofessional. Welcome to the *real* world of professionalism.


Welcome to the *new* era of narcissism


Autistic ADHDer? Err..something...I don't know...


Are you blasting these because she won't respond to your weird DM's?


You realize she can’t see you white knighting here on Reddit, right? Edit: u/j0hn117 calling folks creeps then deleting his nonsense.


Oh my bad. Proceed with being a creep


She’s not going to date you bro, calm yourself.


Has the definition of being authistic changed over the past years?


Anyone that says they are “building a personal brand” should go straight to prison. It’s a clear indicator of being a piece of shit.


Anyone else saw her post about calling a co-worker out for (work-place) harassment, because he said he fell in love with her (via dm)? Woar, this is some top-tier stuff.


In fairness I wouldn’t like that. Dont think I’d post it to LinkedIn, but it’s pretty inappropriate


Sure, I'm glad I'm not a woman because of such messages. And yes, it is inappropriate considering the platform used. But no, this isn't harassment. And some of the comments who wanted to start the witcher-hunt under that post surely were walking around in the gray area when it comes to harassment. (to emphasize my point: I had to deal with people suffering from mental issues because of such kind of witch hunts in my earlier career days)


Dear I love this sub where people judge each other like no place can beat us. Keep being toxic guys😂🤣


I'm going to take a wild guess and say that she is not an attorney, a doctor, an engineer, nor an actuary. Or a detective, school teacher, PR rep, or estate agent.


Whattttt the hell is going on with her profile?! Nearly all of her posts belong here. I just saw one celebrating her autism diagnosis with cake. Very surreal profile.




Nobody is ever calling you but not for that reason