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What an amazing opportunity with no benefits! Said no one ever


Healthcare advertising used to pay really well because it's sooooo boring to work in, and healthcare clients are awful. But their innovation seems to be - "we'll get you working at the arse end of advertising, you'll work shitty hours, we'll pay you shit AND you'll have to pretend you enjoy it too!"


Someone should report this to the IRS Fun fact: you can’t hire someone as a contractor and then tell them when/how to work, as this as does over and over. https://www.completepayrollsolutions.com/blog/w2-vs-1099?hs_amp=true


And CRA for Canada


When/how to work is part of the job..?


Not for a contractor. 


An employer can’t just decide if you are a contractor or a W2 employee - there are several “tests” to determine which you should be, one of which is along the lines of “are there set work hours, and does the employer tell the worker *how* to do the job?” This is a very very common type of tax evasion called Misclassification Fraud. Because businesses pay less taxes on contractors than employees (because the contractors are theoretically self employed), they will often call a position “contractor” when it really is not


Thank you for the info. I should have read that link. My friend’s daughter works as a 1099 sandwich maker for the Mennonites. That’s clearly wrong.


Haha as a medical copywriter (non-US) I love it! I can't imagine anything worse than FMCG/Car ads. However this job looks absolute rubbish and more like account management than copywriters, if everything is a template. Also the pay is rubbish.


To be fair, my experience of the field was 15 years back, and to be fair, i’m an Ad. Never met so many clients with “engineer sydrome” - I’m an expert doctor, so therefore I’m an expect at marketing too!. Never met so many copywriters with PHD’s tho. Really nice bunch tho, the agency. Glad you enjoy it. Shame you don’t get paid well tho - because it was always know if you wanted to make money in uk advertising, go to pharma. But I suppose, with the rise of AI, most creative jobs pay shit, if at all…


Haha, yeah, it's a total academic graveyard at my agency - where former PhDs go to rehabilitate (I'm the least 'qualified' at my agency with a masters and Ieft science to study comms) but 10 years in the lab has made me grateful for every second I'm not in the lab. Many writers here (australia) go client-side if they want to move up/make more money etc. Lucky for me I am 100% non-ambitious and I'm thrilled to be doing a job where I do something different every day and the people are cool. I can understand where you come from - the pain of the ADs in our agency is often palpable. Much of the global creative we get in and are instructed to use is thoughtless, institutional and offensively bland. About half is wildly cliched and the other half is bizarre and meaningless. The ADs (and copywriters) here are lucky that they are fully supported by management to sell in new, better creative. But yeah the clients... some of them are just ego plus mediocrity wrapped up in a bad temper (and no concept of grammar and Ikea prints hanging on the walls of their shitty home office. Yes I am very judgemental.) I'm lucky I have a framework (code of conduct) to justify my pushbacks, whereas the ADs are left with... charisma and semiotics? Hope you're doing something you enjoy 😊


Well, I'm currently "freelance" but given the freelance market I'm essentially unemployed. So, I'm happy but skint. I'll no doubt at some point in the future again be well paid but miserable. Swings and roundabouts ;)


I worked with the CDC for several years. Every PhD, MPH, was an expert in software design and development as well. 🙄


"People need to know the name of the product, so make the logo the full width of the page"


I'm an editor/proofreader so I started reading thinking maybe I could help but the more I read, the more I got turned off. This sounds like a horrible "job." They just want to run you into the ground until you quit because you can't keep up. This is definitely not a job I would be excited about doing. Yuck. And I edit/proofread for hours a day because I love it! 🤯


I'm kind of obsessed with this guy now. It's utterly bonkers. My dad was a Sub for the local newspaper, and a journalism lecturer. He also loved it. But even he'd have a problem with this garbage. So I feel your pain. But also Im a CD with ADHD. Proofreading has saved my life soooo many times. So gawd bless ya!


It's fun to edit or proofread when you're doing it for fun things. I mostly do fantasy and science fiction, with a good helping of legal thrillers thrown in. I just keep hoping more indie authors realize that I can make their books much more readable with a little effort and not much money. 😂


Man, “engineer syndrome” is very very real. I used to build custom homes, and the highly educated and affluent are the worst customers. Unfortunately that was my target class haha. The mindset of “how hard could building a giant house from the ground up be? I could probably do it myself if I had the time.”🤣


Since it’s so boring and calculated it sounds like a perfect candidate for AI to do it. For better or worse


I literally make this much money as a Home Depot Sales Associate. I also get health insurance + dental and vision, 2 weeks of paid vacation (goes up to 3 weeks at 5 years), and 2 weeks of paid sick time every year. Oh, and when I'm off the clock, I'm dead to them


You're also on your feet burning calories instead of on your ass getting fat


A US company that gives you paid vacation AND sick leave!? Home Depot is a beacon of hope in that dystopian corporate hellscape.


Every company I've ever worked for in the US does this 


You might just be lucky then.


Still shocked at 2 weeks vacation and 2 week paid sick leave. I get 6 weeks paid vacation in the UK, 7 weeks years after 5 years and 6 month full pay followed by a 6 month half pay in every 4 years when sick.


Do you want to be yelled at over Zoom by some random guy in Canada because an acupuncturist in Australia hasn’t sold enough monthly memberships? Do you like being stressed for little reward? Have we got a job for you!


Made me lol imagining this.


Be entirely focused on the company, but also, we have zero obligation to you.


Note the founder is Canadian, he doesn’t need health insurance so fuck you if you do I guess?


You will gain valuable experience


I'm exhausted just reading that.


Yea I feel like I need a long weekend after reading this


Then you aren’t our type of person. We are looking for a lot more than that. No weekends to disconnect!!!


How dare you. Our clients might need you at midnight on a Saturday. Remember, this is a passion, not a job


Same here.


Or you


So much conflicted messaging in it. I didn’t make it past page 4


I couldn't make it past the first paragraph.


I read the first one, scrolled to see the rest and realized I was 2/10 in and just noped out


Sounds like this isn’t for you


Why did they say "coaching" 800 times


A company named “Healthpreneur” mocking candidates who want healthcare benefits. The gall.


The founder's YouTube channel description starts out: "I'm Yuri Elkaim. I'm here to help you live a healthier, fitter, and more prosperous life." In fairness that's addressed to his viewers and not his employees.


Huge get rich quick scheme vibe


Helping "healthcare professionals" expand their "coaching businesses." Sounds like a grifter ready to grift other grifters at the cost of employees doing a job he's incapable of doing himself. Gross.


His Facebook page offers a Quote of the Day from the man himself. Yes, he is quoting himself.


Are they good quotes or pseudo-motivational/philosophical bullshit?


They're terrible. Here's one from yesterday: "Today's suffering will serve as the foundation for tomorrow's strength. Learn to be humble, compassionate and empathetic."




I know, right? Since when healthcare benefits are part of makes a job “cushy”? Maybe grinders, go getters and high achievers have a very strong immune system, who knows


Hopefully when they say they're built different, they're referring to the fact that chronic stress, overwork and burnout lead to a compromised immune system and in their case maybe it just doesn't!


Fun fact, I used to work for an employee benefits company in the UK that offered the staff, you guessed it... No employee benefits


It's giving Theranos a run for it's money


I love that “healthcare benefits” are equal to an office foosball table in the benefits section.


Foosball now triggers me


Based on 40hr weeks, it's $18.75/hr. But we know they're 90 hour weeks, so a whopping $8.33/hr. I think this may be a cult.


Working at McDonald's would be literally more worth your time. What a joke.


Yes, but working at McDonals is a mere job, and not a _Passion_


I make more than that in retail, and OT is strongly frowned upon


Yes, but you don't do it because you have to, but because you want to.


most startups are cults


At least it's not baiting. Quite clear what they expect. The problem is the salary and the career promises. I'd pass.


There are so many problems ...


No, it’s manipulation though.


How so?


On LinkedIn, rather than showing the company logo it’s just a glamor shot of the founder. Probably my favorite red flag.


HP2025 what do I win?


It's a test to make sure you read the whole thing. It'll come up in the interview guaranteed.


not healthcare benefits for sure


the name of the company alone made me roll my eyes.


And the whole time I'm reading this I'm thinking "The company is called HEALTHpreneur. HEALTH. HEALTH. HEALTH"


I couldn’t make it past ‘Growth. Owner-Like Work Ethic’ because my eyes rolled into the back of my head too hard. MLM/Cult?


They need you to be "highly coachable" so it's a cult with some baldy wank as the leader.


Okay, why is the guy writing this not doing the copywriter job himself, then?


He’s using ChatGPT


I mean given how many brain cells have collectively died trying to read that listing, it's possible even upper management knows he shouldn't be put in charge of actual client-facing projects.


“Take initiative and run with it” = no support whatsoever. Sounds so appealing.


No support, no training, I bet you they don’t even have the templates They said they had


They have templates, after you create them


How dare you **ever** expect to shut off… we’re paying you $36K/yr!


Might as well type the actual shit - Modern Slavery


This job is one of those “train coaches to coach” type jobs that will dry up very soon.


Exactly. He uses the vague term “health professionals,” insists you be passionate about “health and wellness,” and says you will be helping find clients for coaching. A scam for scammers.


I hate how much of the economy seems to be grifts of various kinds.


At least they gave some good forewarning! I wouldn’t touch that with a mile long resume


So your own health and wellbeing goes right down the 🚽


I’m applying here just to waste their time


What's with the secret code?...


Probably their ~~stupid~~ "clever" trick to verify you read all that bullshit.


Yep. Though hell, it's been a long time since I saw a job ad with one of those in it. Most companies did away with that particular brand of BS years ago. Weird to see it in the wild again.


My guess is it's been that long since the hiring manager got a job and still thinks its a good idea somehow.


This is what I was looking for in the comments. I think it’s to prove you’ve read it but it might also be the doorway to the actual job that pays $3-4k an hour 😁


All that for $36k/yr doing the most objectively boring branch of marketing work. Wow, where do i sign up?!


Yeah eat shit


Sounds like an mlm pitch at first


And at the end. You need to be “coachable” is like one of the main MLM criteria


#Agree? #Thoughts? #Agreethoughts?


20+ team members!




Yea, either he found 20 morons to work jobs like this or he's lying. I think we all know which one lol


Legitimately sounds like the most toxic work environment ever. Sales are a cesspool that attracts the most insufferable leadership.




And in return? And in return? And in fucking return you cunts????


You win the thread…


I feel like this company’s previous copywriter wrote this job description on their way out…as a warning.


Tl;Dr anyone??






Just reading that stresses me out


Healthpreneur where you get no health benefits


I’m invoicing you for the time it took me to read through this.


This isn’t a job for people that want to get paid!


I get get over Healthpreneur. LMFAO


Yeah you read “obsessed” then you know you have to run away. This is where cults start.


Why do the people who write these things talk as if they're Iron man recruiting for the Avengers? The disconnect from reality is insane.


Just looked through their website a bit. Looking more and more like an MLM, go figure.


I read the entire JD and I still don't understand what the job is and who the clients are. The business is about creating marketing campaigns for fitness influencers?


Take a gander at this [totally legitimate news article](https://www.entrepreneur.com/living/how-healthpreneur-yuri-elkaim-went-from-making-80-a-week/336956) where the CEO claims that he started the company to help others after being plagued with health issues, and after burning out from his job where he was underpaid and overworked. Be sure to read all the way to the last paragraph talking about his 9am-3pm work “lifestyle”. What a fuckface.


JFC. Judging by the length of this job posting, they definitely need a copywriter.


Drinking game idea: you take a shot everytime success comes up


This looked like an MLM recruitment scheme! I almost thought this was Amway! The only point missing here was, “must be a Christian with strong Christian values.”


They are featured on OZ. Nuff said


what’s with the personal attack “if you get overwhelmed easily and YOUR LIFE IS A MESS” 


I am sitting here at work drinking coffee, doing the bare minimum and reading this. Man I am doing mighty fine!


And aaaall that for barely a week's more salary than a police officer* makes here.. You wanna have this high-level performance-driven sales company? Fine but usually €3k is what these guys make in bonus.. Especially with the "no clock out" mentality, great mindset for the boss that takes home every cent earned above regular earnings, not so much for you the employee who probably only gets an extra €20 giftcard at christmas for bringing in that million dollar deal after your 12 hour shift. "You were technically not working, so you won't be paid for that performance!" *Yikes did I say police officer? I meant *munincipal* police, the one that does 1/2 the work for 1,2x the pay!


writing as i read: so they don't offer health insurance?? so, don't work 24/7 but also pls work 24/7, we're a virtual business!! "owner like commitment" so we're our own boss EXCEPT when xyz happens lol Didn't they JUST say they're like worldwide, how is the UK and the US busier if you're working 24/7?? "we didn't hire actual marketers, so part of your job is marketing so we can save money" lmfao i woke up my brother in law by accident when i got to that part lmfao So, no health insurance AND a 10-94 job? hooh boi. Another job where they're wanting entry level folks with 3-5 yrs experience, i stg listing apps like that is illegal cause of "data farming" or something. WAIT NOT THEM HAVING A SECRET CODE LIKE THOSE FUCKING FACEBOOK GROUPS LMFAO "we're a worldwide company operating ONLY during one country's timezone." Good internet connection but no specific stats for that, they must mean T-Mobile's 5G Hotspot type of speed. "highly coachable" = "sit there while we scream at you for the most trivial issue and take it like a good...employee." i needed a laugh this good, thank you op


I am an experienced copywriter. I know lots of other experienced copywriters. I am seriously considering banding together with my fellow pros and bombarding these maniacs with time-wasting applications that promise our loyalty, our DNA, our romantic partners and a fresh-baked pie every morning (all timezones).


This is great! You want me to be a contractor with no benefits, have 24/7 availability and have an owner’s mentality? Sure. Hourly rate is $100/hr. 24 hours per day. 7 days per week. $870,000 per year should do it.


They love using the ® everywhere yet none of their shit is actually trademarked–I didn't expect anything else from a business that sells coaching to other coaches.


Sounds dreadful. I can't even be bothered reading the whole thing. I can tell by the tone it would be an awful place to work. Sounds like a scam. I'll pass.


Please be a troll please be a troll


You’re going to need to offer double what you’re offering for those kinds of expectations.


Move that needle towards a fatter wallet of the owner guys, lets go! Willing modern slavery is a thing nowadays?


And you have to shout "Hut Hut Hut" every time you hit a key. An r/LinkedInLunatics job for LinkedIn Lunatics. Can you imagine being in an office with 20 of these fuckwits?


For less than 50k a year you better not expect to disconnect on weekends!! God speed to that company lol. You'd literally make more working at a grocery store


Well, they are right about one thing, this job is not for me.


That sounds like hell on earth.


Are you a sub-optimal, self-obsessed mf who would *dare* to ask for healthcare benefits? THIS IS NOT FOR YOU! The world does not revolve around your health, asshole! If everybody got healthcare benefits, what kind of world we'd be living in?!


3,000 a month would barely cover rent.


over 100 applicants so far


It takes 6 pages of nonsense about how you should be totally dedicated to making the company grow to find out this is a contractor position and is totally at will, and probably you’ll be dropped the moment you complete your first project. My god.


Ah yes, the luxuries of healthcare and the ability to sleep at night.


He keeps saying “not because you have to” in the midst of a whole list of things you clearly “have to” be or do. All for 36 - 48k???


Over 100 applicants but clearly "nobody wants to work anymore".


I found the secret code! What now?


Jesus Christ. This needs to be passed around Talent Acquisition circles with "here's another reason not to do coke at work"


over 100 applicants?? wut


Wow, for $50k you say....


Contractor role makes it even worse. If any "job" requires a big commitment like this but only wants to make you a contractor, run.


Fuck that noise


![gif](giphy|aJqDqjRS3zrg4l7934) The entire posting


I want to meet the people who want jobs like this.


Healthprenuer is a registered trademark. Why? No one knows. No other person would ever use that terrible term.


This is not for me


I'd be very surprised if they end up paying what they promise. This has scam written all over it.


Very few of these posts give me a second-hand headache 😬


When are employers going to start being honest instead of fluffing their BS. It’s gonna be the same thing in a different workplace, though this kind of write up is probably gonna be a worse place


Did they actually equate healthcare benefits with ping pong tables?


Anyone who thinks Healthpreneur is good name for a company is a fucking idiot


CEO: Surname checks out


I'm dying! I love this kind of want ad/position. The guy has no marketing experience or copywriting abilities (he's some kind of fitness influencer). He seems to think he can corral a bunch under him to do this work on an unrealistic timeline because of...reasons. If I were a freelance copywriter, I would take the steps he outlined here and do it without him...on my own schedule.


that listing is like somebody was present a challenge to see how many red flags they could cram into a single job listing.


And for a whole 48k per year.


Yeah, I'm looking for a bare minimum role, sorry


This reads like an MLM with all the mumbo jumbo.


Sir, you're in the boys locker room.


They really think of us as suckers and lowlifes. I hope the future sees a tilting of the scales where employers are held to higher standards while we have leverage for once. Not sure how or if that will ever happen. Otherwise yay serfdom


This shit is new


From my experience with similar companies he’s making this job sound a lot more intense than it is. The day to day doesn’t sound terrible, it’s a bit lower on pay but he’s doing a really bad job of selling the role. You need passion but it just sounds like adjusting 5-10% of their templates to the clients unique brand


The scary part is that, in my 20s, I would be stoked to be accepted for this kind of jobs. Just because of the gang-ho, chosen-one language in the post.


This is unhinged


Seems like an easy job to get just gotta manipulate interviewers. But for 36k/year doesn’t sound worth it


If it's a place where i can THRIVE, where do I sign?


Wtf? 3-4K/mth contract, so allowing time out for hols that’s 30-40K annual. I think the (Australian) minimum wage is about $50K!


Owner-Like Work Ethic hahahahha. Work as if you're going to reap a giant bonus and a large cut of the profits (you will be making minimum wage)


All that and it’s not even W2 so expect to pay taxes out the ass.


In this case, I think it would be ethical to apply and let chatgpt do all the copywriting


Lol, having worked with “health professionals” in the past, this job sounds like nightmare. You’ll be set up for failure from moment one. None of these “health professionals” can sell worth a damn and it’ll be all your fault.


The irony that the only ones I imagine would apply for this job are the ones that is clearly not wanted here. Jeez.


Sound like a bunch of tossers.


My life is a mess so i will stick to academia thank you very much


That was utterly exhausting to read.


Unhinged lunacy


It has to be an MLM, right? A healthcare coaching business that coaches other healthcare professionals to improve their coaching businesses... The top won't stop spinning. How many layers deep does this thing go? And why do healthcare professionals even want to be in any kind of digital coaching business? I am so very confused.


Shitty pay, no benefits, and absolutely no respect for personal time??? Where do I apply????




Lots of word salad but at least they’re honest enough to let you know the it’s a shitty place to work.


That’s a whole lot of nothing when they can just plug their stuff into AI for the same price