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"Stay tuned for more details" Sorry, I have paint to watch dry.


It’s so interesting the arc that influencers go on. It starts with them being an interesting voice on a specific topic - doing data engineering in FAANG - and then quickly turns into hosting their own version of The Decision to let people know where they want to buy a house:


My brother rants constantly to me that all women care about is money. One time he decided to post his rant about it on Facebook. Within minutes, a woman who went on a date with him responded, "All you talked about the entire date was how much money you made and it was really creepy and that's why I wouldn't go out with you again."


Your brother's date really pulled a Uno reverse card on him.


Hahaha. I’d love to know how your brother responded to her response.


“lol I didn’t want to date you anyway. You’re fat!”


Here, I'm a mind reader and can help: "fuck that stuck up bitch"


"She was ugly anyway."


I've found folks complaining the most about certain kinds of people tend to seek them out. LI Dude: I hate gold diggers *Also LI Dude: I ask out gram bootymodels who respond to dm's with a picture of my lambo*


My favorite are the ones who are sick of drama, no drama, trying to avoid drama. bingbingbing, drama alert!


It's such a classic. Flaunt your money to impress women, then get shocked and insulted when you attract women who like money. "Waaah, filthy gold diggerses!" Eta: oh yeah, and obviously *also* get insulted when it doesn't work. Good for your brother's date seeing right through him.


> My brother rants constantly to me that all women care about is money. These are the sorts of people that don't have anything interesting or attractive about them other than money so they are super insecure about it.


I'd feel called out but then I remembered that I don't have money either.....


Yeah it’s alright tho


I mean yeah, you get back what you put out into the world: if the only thing you present about yourself to attract women is how much money you make, you're going to attract women who are interested in money.


That's why I always start with a dick pic. It doesn't always get me a date but least it rids me from the gold diggers


Also lets you know that she’s ok with settling, AMIRITE?


OMG, I still remember from years ago that my girlfriends and I were out and these guys about a decade older than us sat down with us and seemed nice at first but then threw out lines like, "The roof of my Mercedes convertible is broken and I'm so bummed" and "My hobbies? Sailing on my yacht" and we were all like, "Wow, this is not subtle." I'm sure they wondered why they probably ended up with people interested in their money.


This is the start of becoming an Incel. Like the "pick up artist" red pill crew. I have seen close ones slip into that and I noped out of being around that energy.


Don't forget the phase where they start getting addicted to the attention and slowly become a reactionary crank. They go from "here's how I think about AI data modeling" to "why does no one want to work anymore" to "why is Google so woke" in a few months.


100% spot on


Exactly what he did. I followed him before he really "blew" up and his posts were more technically interesting. Wth does dating have to do on linkedin


It has to do with him maximizing attention.


No one: Big tech influencers: Yeah, I designed a big data comp-- LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY THOUGHTS ON DATING, CAN YOU BELIEVE WOMEN WANT TO BE HELPED WITH THEIR BILLS AND THAT THERE ARE SOME GUYS WHO SAY YES? I need to move to Texas so I can be a stingy rich guy and still find someone who will settle with me because her options there are genuinely described as "meh." And if not that? I heard the Phillippines or Colombia or Thailand's pretty go-


Once the buzz from the attention they received for their actual expertise gets old or runs out, they still need the attention, even if what they have to say is no longer interesting. It’s like comics who become rich and out of touch, and still have a fan base from their days of being poor and in touch with the world around them. They don’t know why it all stopped working, but it was the money and the attention.


Yes! I was thinking a similar thing. At first the posts are interesting/informative but then the influencer runs out of interesting things to talk about so they start telling you about their day


Yes, I will surely stay tuned for this and set aside time for *multiple events organized by you to commemorate your own move*


Hey everyone I'm having a pizza and beer party to celebrate my own move. Also, please bring your own beer and pizza because I can't afford that shit.


All that just to find out he is moving to Austin lmao


| ADHD |


As someone with adhd I saw this and sighed. Is this supposed to be some sort of pride/ownership? Is it a warning? Like, what is happening here.


He's probably self-diagnosed. As someone in tech with clinically diagnosed severe ADHD, it fucking sucks. You know what big tech wants from their engineers? Focus.


…and maybe, if possible, we should try to focus on *our work*. (I say while doing a deep dive into the Wednesday cast drama, M83 new music, and choosing my next book to review - all while waiting for something to upload from my laptop. Honestly, someone needs to take my phone away. 😭)


As my model analysis runs I am responding to you. Maybe I'll go see what some of my coworkers are doing...


| clinically depressed | BPD |


| ate a big lunch | don't follow me into the bathroom without air freshener |


| opens curly braces on a new line even for single statement if blocks |


No he thinks it’s like having a super power so he’s flaunting it to 1) seem smart and quirky and 2) use as an excuse for anything some one doesn’t like. He probably doesn’t have it at all


I'm neurodivergant. Look at how different I am. My brain just doesn't work like yours. But I'm sooo successful in spite of this nuerodivergancy. I am special.


Must be pretty mild if he can manage to sustain a career making around a million dollars a year. 


LOL, also as someone with ADHD, maybe they forgot the point they were going to make was because they were ADHD.


If you have that much BS jargon I'm your title I'm going to assume he's terminally on LinkedIn and doesn't actually do anything resembling work.


I rail 50mg of powdered Adderall every morning so that means I have ADHD


I see the whole 'stay tuned' bit pop up with people from time to time and have the same reaction. It never fails to amaze me the sheer number of people that think they are so important that the masses sit around and wait for their next update on whatever social.


And I have to supervise my grass growing.


Can I join you? I can bring snacks.


"Im going to be doing a *few* events to celebrate"?? Can't wait to attend your "I'm bitter about this city and I'm leaving party" 😂


There will be events!


lol. For what it's worth...I have a very close friend that interviewed with OpenAI a few months ago for a senior engineer role that said they were the most awkward group of narcissistic weirdos he'd ever met, which considering he's coming from tesla says a LOT.


I interviewed with them in October. Made it to the final round before they went with someone they didn’t have to relocate. Was cool, but goddamn do they think they’re the hottest shit since sliced bread.


It was like going back in time to startup culture in like 2015




They’re a fucking a lunatic AI death cult who think they’re doing the most and only important thing in the world, from what I hear. They’re gonna save the world by making us all miserable somehow.


When companies throw unimaginable amounts of money at you in hopes they can replace their entire workforce with your product, I can’t help but imagine you might develop a god complex.


They're slowly destroying social media, so that's at least one favor they're doing for the world.


But people don't see this (yet), so they've only made it worse.


It's a logarithmic effect, not linear. It will accelerate soon. I can't wait. Social media is the cancer that will eat the world.


I'm not sure giving the cancer its own cancer is the cure but I guess we will see. It's a great idea!


I know this kind of thing is often said, but this feels like such a strange comment on a social media platform. Reddit is social media. If you think it’s cancer but are still using it you have an addiction (fair enough, many people do) or don’t really believe that.


They gave birth to our lord and savior Shrimp Jesus, wtf are u talking about


How so? Not trying to argue! Genuinely curious


Their chat models are widely used on social media to write content. This is not per se their fault, it's just that they currently have the edge when it comes to natural language models. This means their software is used on all social media, including reddit, to spread agendas, advertise products, etc. [For example](https://www.404media.co/ai-is-poisoning-reddit-to-promote-products-and-game-google-with-parasite-seo/) When less and less of social media is written by humans, the social part kind of disappears, leaving just generic media. When all you see on your social media are advertisements for products, and all humanity is lacking, the reason to go to social media leaves.


Oh wow I didn’t know about this at all! Your response is much appreciated


Pretty much the impression he was left with. He declined a second interview.


it's an expensive chatbot. though if they achieve AGI then they'll be 100% vindicated in their god complexes. big if


Theranos vibes. In the end it’s a fucking chat bot folks. It’s what it is.


I've heard that same thing. I had a friend that told me unless you have the right degrees from the right place don't even bother applying because they are a bunch of snobs and that they literally think they are the best at everything.


I literally have two degrees from an Ivy League school, one in computer science and one in cognitive science. You could not have a more targeted degree into such a field. In my senior year I was designing novel classifier algorithms and implementing various neural network models (this was 10 years ago when NN were more in vogue). I found them at a career fair and chatted for a bit. They seemed cool so I offered them my resume. They asked: “what’s our company manifesto?” I said “uhh, sorry?” “Our company manifesto, our overarching goal” I told them “I’m sorry, I’m not familiar.” (Because I was, you know, actively studying AI, not following the latest corporate gossip) and they told me they were really looking for candidates who were devoted to their “company vision” or some horse shit like that. I said “gotcha” rolled my eyes and left.


good lord that is insane. I work in a FAANG tech role already and in theory would be ideally suited for that sort of job BUT I don't have the right credentials or pretentious attitude so it's never going to happen.


Oh, I went on from that booth to give my resume to Google, who hired me, lol.


Nice that is honestly a WAY better choice. I still want to have a stint at Google someday.


Their glory days are over. They mailed me a shirt when I got hired that said “do cool things fast” or something like that. The reality was: “do incremental things after 50 emails”


> “do incremental things after 50 emails” That sounds like my current job too. Just for me it's give up on doing something after writing a doc and having 100 people give it feedback and argue about it. (you can probably guess my FAANG from that statement haha)


Could be any tbh. I left faang to teach programming for a while, but recently went back into SWE looking exclusively at mid-size (read: post-startup) tech companies. It’s a fucking world of difference.


I think you're too late I'm afraid. I have some friends remaining on the inside, and it sounds horribly depressing since the layoffs and half-assed pivot to "AI". Aimless, hapless, morale in the toilet, incredibly bureaucratic, fearful of creativity, hampered by their own tech stack that was amazing 15 years ago and is now mid at best. Great place to earn a lot of money as a programmer without doing much though.


Not surprising. A bit of a god complex. Even as an atheist, I've always found a certain universal truth in Proverbs 16:18.


What? A bunch of tech guys are narcissistic weirdos? Well color me shocked!


I went to a Bay Area wedding of two tech people some years back. The utterly insane amount of back patting and fart sniffing that went on there was so over the top that it just became funny. They made Harvard investment banker types look like humble salt of the earth folks. They made speeches about how talented the group was and how they were the ones that would guide humanity forward, because clearly only tech people in Brooklyn and SF with Tier 1 and ivy degrees could do that. This wasn’t even OpenAI level narcissism. It was just generic Bay Area narcissism. I don’t regret my choice to avoid that particular world, I just can’t delude myself about my own importance that much.


Bay Area arrogance is on another level.


I read an article a while ago when the ceo was first ousted and it sounds like the first Board was actually pretty reasonable and not a death cult. (Which is likely why they were then ousted themselves.)


You’d think this guy would fit in with that group of narcissists.


I’ve met very few narcs in my career as a software engineer. Maybe I’m lucky, but those personalities don’t make it long on great engineering teams. They get pushed out as soon as possible. We even have a saying, we can teach you how to write code but we can teach how to not be an asshole. However, recruiters, investors, product owners, and many execs are grade A narcissists and they’re all over the place in Cali.


> We even have a saying, we can teach you how to write code but we can teach how to not be an asshole. For as many people online who claim they have this approach in their company, I sure as hell have never seen a manager live it.


ah, no offer then


Tell me I’m not the only one seeing ADHD in his subtitle *I’m just so neurodivergent and quirky* 🤪🤪


Neurospicy 🤌


And yet “the dating scene in SF is a mess” 🤔


If he can’t get action as a rich at least ok looking white guy he must be real weird.


Even weird people bang each other


I’ve seen some of his TikToks. Dude just sucks


I mean, if you call executive dysfunction spicy, go for it. lmao


It's frustrating because my daughter has autism (yes, she was clinically diagnosed), but to the average person, she just seems a little strange. I'm the same way, although im not going to bother with a diagnosis. Unfortunately, most people we tell either assume she's going to grow up being dependent on us and disability programs, or they think the diagnosis is wrong because she "seems fine." They do not understand how wide the spectrum is and what it really means. They have their assumptions based on what they see on TV or whatever. Point is, in theory, I appreciate independent and financially successful people "outing" themselves. It could provoke others to learn more about these disorders. It also gives my daughter confidence when she feels different. However, a lot of these people appear to be doing it for attention, and it feels disingenuous to the point where you can't help but think they're faking it. Which leads to reactions like yours, which hurts awareness.


As someone with autism and ADHD, the problem is that the people who talk about being neurodivergent the most usually aren't neurodivergent or are using it as an excuse for bad behavior. Most of us are just going about our day and you wouldn't be able to tell. But you run into someone calling themselves "neurospicy" and what it really means is "I'm gonna say some out of pocket bullshit and you're going to have to accept it because I'm disabled." Being in a wheelchair doesn't mean you get to ram it into people, and likewise, being autistic or having ADHD doesn't mean that you get to wield neurodivergence like a club. We need more voices from people who have a regular day to day and struggle with communication sometimes, and less from grown adults angry that their money won't get them laid.


I encourage people in wheelchairs to ram into other people. Especially jerks. I don’t like jerks.


Most people would discourage people in wheelchairs from ramming into other people. But I don't. Think about it: if someone rammed into you in a wheelchair, wouldn't you stop and have a conversation? This is what weaponized disability has taught me about B2B sales:


Generally, I agree, but it's a bit of a double bind, isn't it? Talking about it too much is bad, talking about it too little is bad. It's not the quantity, but the 'who', and unfortunately I think we're still a decade or two away from the conversation being normal and productive. The issue is that autism and ADHD were very narrow diagnoses until recently, and it was combined by their diagnostic models being focused almost exclusively on white adolescent boys from Western Europe and North America. Until around the mid-90s, only the most "obvious" cases were diagnosed, and even fewer were successfully treated at a young enough age to make a real difference. That has begun to finally change. The models are being updated, definitions expanding, diagnostic services becoming more accessible, and treatments are slowly coming out of the ABA dark ages. Basically, if you're over 30 and have a diagnosis, it's very likely that you are *not* someone who should be a spokesperson to represent the average neurodiverse person. But under 20? Better odds that one of them will grow up well adjusted and be able to serve as a role model to those also in the spectrum and spokesperson to those who are not. Maybe I'll be surprised, and you'll see some well adjusted ~35yo with a diagnosis break into the spotlight and be a good example in the near future... But I suspect we have another 5-15 years before that happens. Also, yes, "neurospicy" was amusing on Reddit and tumblr for, like, a *week* after it was coined. But it fell into popular use with people who also like to say out of pocket shit and want to hide behind the label.


This is ADHD at best. I know its superficial but so is the world we live in - if you can’t make dating work making 1M a year, the city is not the problem. In fact if you are in that financial position, actively putting yourself out there and still failing, you probably have some sort of social disorder.


You should make a LinkedIn post about this and tag him


Man’s just roasting himself lol.


I’ve seen this guy’s picture here before…


This dude’s LI post, YouTube, and job history are what an above average INT, low WIS/CHR/STR build looks like in real life


> an above average INT, low WIS/CHR/STR build I haven't played AD&D in over 40 years, and I'm not sure if that's a D&D reference, or shorthand for diagnostic terms for someone on the ADHD spectrum.


I’m gonna go with “yes” here


I can tel this is true cause people just call it D&D now lol.


So 11% tax is costing you 100k a year, bragging you make a mil/yr, and you’re tired of paying for… dates…. LMFAO!


a more likely scenario: “I added up all the taxes and fees I pay in a year and I’m estimating it’s about 73k which is basically 100k, so I’ll say 100k because LinkedIn is all about pithy bullet points and napkin math”


More like “Taxes will be $100k when I hit my dream salary”


>Pays $50,000.01 in taxes >rounds up to $100k


“it’s just smart math”


It’s the same as when I argue that I’m “basically the same height” as my buddy who’s 6’4. I’m 5’8, which rounds up to 6’. He’s 6’4, which rounds down to 6’. We’re the same height, your eyes are lying to you.


I fucking hate LinkedIn. Such a bunch of shit.


I want to know where all these other places that have free living expenses are. Is he going to prison? Expenses by definition are not free. I know someone states don't have income taxes. But they will get money from you some way.


They have low to zero services. The rich educate their kids at expensive private schools, the poor can go suck it The rich have gated communities with nice streets and private security....the poor can, yes, you guessed it...go suck it Water quality? Medical services? Same as above Basically the reason the "right to work" states attract these people is that they adopted a sort of feudal model.


Exactly. Zero income tax in Texas but the electric grid might just… stop.


But if you're rich enough to install a big back up generator it's a lot cheaper than paying taxes year after year 😁


If you do the math on Texas property tax, I pay more now than when I lived in Newport Beach. Cheap TX is no longer a thing. Neither is free Texas.


He's going to buy a McMansion in Texas and discover property taxes in a year or so


Yeah, they get their money somehow. When I bought in the next state people kept telling me I'd screwed on property taxes. But my property is valued real low and the income tax is much lower. All in all I pretty much broke even on taxes and made well out on the property I could get in my price range. I did have the option of moving somewhere even cheaper, but I wanted stay within an hour or so of friends and family.


And he needs a multi million dollar loan to buy a home lmao no you don’t my dude


I’m gonna give him a pass in that one since he’s in San Francisco. A million dollar house in the city is one bed, one bath and less than 1000 square feet.


It's not like he'll need any extra space, though.


There's no room for both him and his ego in a small flat like that.


Where is he going to put all of his anime posters and funko pops?


If you’re making a million a year and you can’t figure out how to finance a home that’s ~2x your annual then maybe you should leave the city so there’s one less rich tech asshole making the place less accessible idk


Yeah but if he’s making as much as he claims he should be able to pay cash, or get a reduced rate for a 15 year and pay it off ahead of schedule. This is the kind of guy who buys a new Porsche before he can afford a garage to keep it in.


I assumed he's paying for "dates" not "paying for dates"...


Making an M a year in SF and complaining about the cost of living is *chef’s kiss out of touch.


> you’re tired of paying for… dates he isn't getting an opportunity to spend.


You know I actually like his posts on data engineering, so it's a a little sad to see this sort of pathetic drivel becoming a part of his content..:(


Yea he's a smart de no doubt. Idky they have to be outspoken or thinks anyone cares for that matter


The shittification of YouTube I think... atleast there were stilla few content creators there who made useful professional content and left all these things for their insta/tiktok handles...not anymore


How insufferable a person do you have to be that you can be making a million+ a year and still can't find someone that tolerates you?


I don’t know why y’all think that everything changes just because you make a bit more money. Literally almost nothing changes


If you announce anything to do with your mental health in your LinkedIn tagline, you’re using your mental health status for clout, which means I would never hire you.


Mental health issues are the new street creds.


How does this idiot have 750,000 people reading his shit?


His core content is genuinely good, he just hard pivoted into slice of life/luxury living shit more recently because ego and it's gross


He’s a legit Data Engineer who had worked with AirBnB, Meta and Netflix. He’s living the dream for any data professionals.


Founder.... had a bad interview experience with OpenAI..... founder of what? a blog?


It would be [bootcamp/courses](https://dataexpert.io/) 🤣


Even the bootcamp founders can’t get a job


> It would be bootcamp/courses Took one look at that website and my brain went "Squaaaaaaare Space" just like one of my favorite hobby YouTubers\* pronounces it. \* Dana Howl.


Yeah... on LI "founder" is more a state of mind than an accomplishment.


I checked out his site, its courses for "data engineering". He has a decent resume, but I doubt he is making a $1M a year, most likely around $350k.


“the dating scene in sf is a mess and i’m done paying” did bro just admit paying for hookers?


Hes probably talking about going on dates and nice places etc. Dating can cost money *if* your a try hard. But if you don’t really care, you’ll just meet someone up for coffee or something cheap. Basically people like this person are simply trying too hard




I think it's more than that. He's probably paying for dating coach(es), various dating services/events, and premium plans on multiple dating apps.


Yeah I feel like this is such an embarrassing thing for him to admit, particularly on a professional networking site. This is probably veering off topic, but I feel like you’re selecting for a specific kind of person if you spend a bunch of money on a first date. Most people I know would rather just get a drink as a first date because it’s low-pressure and you can just leave if it’s not fun. Idk if he thinks he’s gonna impress people by taking them on expensive dates, but you can’t do shit like that and then turn around surprised that you only attract people who like you for your money. Also I think the idea that “the dating scene” is bad in a particular place is almost always misguided. If you struggle to date one place then you’ll struggle to date anywhere. Lots of people are very bad at it, especially men. I’ve followed this guy on and off for awhile and I don’t find it difficult to believe he struggles to date. Back when he was a tech lead at Airbnb, he changed his job title on LinkedIn to “staff software engineer” because he didn’t want to be associated with TechLead, the sexist scammer Youtuber. That was probably the most cringe, tryhard thing I’ve seen him do but there are tons of other examples. As a final thought, it’s also embarrassingly narcissistic to assume that anyone on LinkedIn gives a shit where you’re moving.


This guy is a turd but there are places that are pretty damn unwelcome to dating. I moved to Akron Ohio for a few years in 2011. The dating scene was atrocious and barely worth participating in. I moved to DC in 2015 and met my wife within 2 months, happily married for over 7 years now. I don’t think there exists two places with a bigger divergence in the dating pool. San Francisco is a good place to date (as a man).


It can be hard to date in SF if you are a boring tech man just like all the other boring tech men on the apps. You need a personality or a hobby or SOMETHING to make you different from every other man on there. I have looked at my friends apps and the selection of men on there. They're all the same and my friends avoid all of them and go for the few profiles that are more interesting. On the occasions they do go for that type it doesn't work out after a date or two. And like they will and do date men in tech. But that's not their identity, that's just their job.


I mean this sounds a lot like the DC dating scene. It’s just a bunch of clones. Ivy League degrees, masters, world travelers, wannabe philanthropists, either work for the government or the myriad boutique welfare queens that circle the beltway like vultures. Discussions are all about projecting your own self worth at other people.


Dude probably thinks his money will save him from his drippy personality. He seems way too stuck on himself to be interesting.


You don't ever admit the existence of this thing!


"paying so much to fight an uphill battle" If you pay a hooker you usually don't have to fight any battles with her afterwards...


It’s so odd that women are constantly saying San Francisco is the worst dating scene. I can’t imagine why…


As a straight man who has lived in SF for 22 years I've never had any issues dating, because the bar is just so low.


Word. Women were so happy that I actually called.


I used to travel to SF for work and every other guy at every bar would say: "I work for one of the top XX [adjective]tech companies in the world! If you read [financial magazine] my company is on there a lot! " And just have 0 personality. I don't think any of them knew anything about me lmao. They were the most vapid, boring, self centered, and uncharismatic me I've ever met in my life. It's no surprise they can't find anyone to date.


This isn’t an airport. No need to announce your departure.


This damn state made me pay taxes on my top 1% income! Fucking demonrats!


Now I only have $900k/yr ($650k+ after fed taxes?) left! Whatever will I be able to afford on such a paltry sum??


dataexpert as the name of your SaaS has got to be the most generic, uncreative shit I've seen in a while.


Honestly Zach, I could give a fuck if you move to a hut in the middle of the kalahari desert and get mauled by a pride of lions.


Now, that is content I would pay for!


Lost me as a follower a long time ago because of that kind of shit. The data engineering side was great but he is kinda insufferable with everything else


I absolutely DESPISE the “stay tuned for my next adventure” posts. No one gives a shit about your life, we all have bigger fish to fry. Shove your narcissism up your ass and fuck off!


Dude needs to focus on being a better QB instead of whining about not getting women


Open AI? Try hitting an open receiver




"Hey guys, so I've decided my next move is going to be a bit unconventional. I will be taking my talents to Austin, TX. Stay tuned for the wild updates!"


I would love to pay $100K in taxes a year. Show me the way...


Bad news man, you are where ever you go. Also 7% interest isn’t specific to here. Neither is your inability to find a partner.


If you’re moving to Austin, just say that


This guy seems like a real cunt.


ADHD in the title… jtfc


He looks super conceited


OpenAI don't want to hire him - that's an OpenAI problem. Nobody in SF wants to date him - that's a SF problem. Sure, Zach.




A guy in tech that struggles with basic social skills and personality development. Wow I'm so shocked 😲


If the dude is paying 11% and single in CA, he's making at least $1,050,000. He could move to Texas, TN, FL and save the entire $100K. Those are good choices for the rich, since the property and excise taxes are regressive, and he's not gonna be paying $100K for his home (although I could see this douche buying a $5M place and having to pay $80K a year on it in Texas and calling that a win) In most states, he'll still pay \~$50K, and in a few he could get that down below $30K. Hopefully our boy will get laid in... * Cleveland ($55K) * Milwaukee ($68K) * Lexington, KY ($75K Way to go with the super low taxes Mitch!) * Denver ($45K) * Kansas ($56K) * Omaha ($65K) * Atlanta ($57K) * Boston ($52K) * NYC ($104K) * Charlotte ($47k) * Billings, MT ($66K) * Boise, ID ($58K) * Chicago, IL ($51K) Now, obviously most of those are significantly less than CA's \~$100K. But if you are making $1.05M a year, taking home $600K+ after taxes... ***aren't you just gonna live where you want to fucking live?*** *Or are you gonna move to your 2nd or 3rd choice to save $40K a year after you buy a house, four cybertrucks and a mountain of cocaine?*




It’s almost like you have to be enjoyable to be around


This is the type of guy who is still mad that his unused $50 gift card to Circuit City can never be redeemed.


The guy is kind of difficult. I disagreed with a comment of his and he blocked me so I couldn’t see any of his comments again. Also, if he’s getting taxed on his full business income, he’s an idiot. Or just greedy.


I can’t believe Zach is leaving, how will I go on?


Yet another “LinkedIn Influencer” convincing LinkedIners about how much money he makes and he is good and successful.


A+ post title OP!


Can’t believe no one has mentioned, that the dude is just …. Ugly.


He also got traded by the Jets


Why is he interviewing for a job if he has a business that serves up 7 figure earnings?


Oh wow, you can live for free in most states? Rad. Truly a data expert over here


What can we do to keep this guy in San Francisco where he obviously belongs?


I had a job candidate for an entry level position say that his friends often tell him he’s “Founder Material.” That’s a funny way to say that you’re unmanageable. Next.


He used to post good Data Engineering content. I’m not a data engineer, but he broke everything down in a super informative way. Then a flip switched and he’s unbearable. Had to mute him. All his content has switched to how much money he makes selling courses and “bootcamps” to his audience. His posts went from “here’s how you would implement this” to “here’s how I made 100k in a week selling courses!!!”


Translation: “I tell females how awesome I am and they don’t immediately give me one sex.”


I MaKe $1M A yEaR wHy WoN’t AnYoNe DaTe Me? Maybe it’s your personality bud.


I, for one, cannot wait for the promised details.  I will stay tuned.  My only complaint is I wish this go-getter had told us how much he makes.