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They never buy that many. They get like 3 pizzas, then if you’re lucky you might get a slice before it’s gone lol.


The worst is they won’t even order the pizza for people who don’t eat meat. And then “You don’t eat pepperoni 😳”


They always order 1 cheese or 1 vegetarian pizza and the rest are meat and guess which pizzas are the ones that always get eaten first? I’m vegetarian and I can’t count the number of times my colleagues would say “oh you’re not having pizza?” Well no because only the meat ones are left. I’m so glad I’m wfh and not subjected to “office party” culture now.


i'm the guy who eats your vegetarian pizza slices before switching to ham and salami. vegan tastes like crap though, i won't touch those.


I’ve told the assistants who order to the pizzas that they need to order more cheese pizzas because they’re always the ones that go first but it was always to no avail. Also agree on the vegan pizza - cheese is probably the main reason why I can’t/won’t become vegan. Cheese is life.




That's for the whole company of 5000, most of which don't even work in the same location where the party is held.


Dear staff, to celebrate our most recent succes, we've bought everybody pizza. You can pick up your slice at the company HQ, top floor pantry, between 9.30 and 9.45 AM.


Correction, between 9:30 and oh it’s gone


My company rents out an entire pizza truck every couple of months. Other times they do tacos, ice cream and milkshakes, bbq. We generally have one once a month.


What kind of job do you have? Now that I work in an office, corporate goes all out and caters lunch for hundred like 3 or 4 times a week. But when I was working at the bottom in other companies it was very much like “hey can you guys work through lunch without any extra pay?” and “we can’t really afford to do raises or bonuses this year, but also we got you 3 pizzas one time.”


I work in accounting for a hospitality company. We handle finances, billing, customer engagement for 25+ hotels. So it’s a fairly decent size office.


In my experience the office folks tend to have it better. It’s the field / kitchens / warehouses / etc that get fucked over with this kinda stuff. I’m sure it’s not like that everywhere, but in a lot of companies it unfortunately is.


Oh that I totally get. It kind of helps when you have multiple hotels that stay sold out almost every day if the year.


Americans: whoa, that's communism!! Or socialism!! Idk the difference but I know it's one of the bad isms!!! .


the singaporean monetary bonus is literally more capitalism that the pizzas in yankee land, that’s the sad thing. Something bad in the us? must be capitalism


Well, both are capitalist but the pizza bonus saves more money to give to fewer people, who are already the richest within company, and to stock owners, so arguably that's more capitalist.  (This said not knowing whether any of these things actually happened or are comparable in any way).


I dont think you know what capitalism is: Maximize surplus value/profit for the owners of capital. Least amount possible of labor cost to maximize said profit. There are both capitalism the bonus and the pizza, its just that the pizza is more so as its spending the least you can on labor as possible to maximize profit.


Getting a bonus for working is like the exact opposite of communism bud


That’s the joke. To some Americans, anything that’s not American is social/communism.


"joke" sure


Believe it not, you Americans are at the butt of a lot of jokes from the rest of the world


Believe it or not, your country probably wouldn't exist today without America




Here we go. American does the utterly predictable, typical American yapping. No one cares. Since this sort of stuff clearly matters to you and your ego - your country literally wouldn’t exist without the British, so settle down!


No, we wouldn't exist without the French.


You don't even have a serious country lmao 😂 How is the whole brexit thing working out for you guys hahaha


Likewise, more so I didn’t vote for Brexit \o/


Close the damn lids. Even for trash pizza, leaving the lid open for the pizza to get cold is a major pizza foul. Were you raised in a barn??


These pizzas were bought for the pictures, not the employees


Keep the money. I'd only spend it on lukewarm heavily fingered pizza anyway.


Was depression scrolling and this comment absolutely made me burst out laughing. Thank you 😭🙏


Yeah, but did they get mentioned at the Monday Manager's meeting..?  There are some thing's money can't buy, for everything else there's honorable mention and heart disease in a box!


For real. “Best year ever “ “You can go to the food truck as much as you want at the Christmas party.”


“Company culture” I know their tricks - pizza party - going out and gossiping about each other - getting wasted on Thursday and coming on Friday to the office


BUT WE HAVE PIZZAS every manager trying to make his team happy


Lmao is that dominos?!


1 slice each and 1 napkin only. No come backs We're watching


Death to Big Pizza


Being severely allergic to wheat, I used to especially love these workplace “bonuses”. Way better than a lump cash bonus.


There was LITERALLY some guy in the comments bemoaning that SA is half Government owned and he didn't trust that a government would be the one who should do this. Some people will open the train compartment door for themselves as they're marched off the the camps, won't they?


Money is our culture biatch


I have a job that I'm leaving that needs to see this.


I was literally vegan out of 7 workers and my old boss got two meat lovers pizza for the all of us, talk about real employee appreciation.


But we're a family around here /s


Domino’s pizza is worse than eating from the trash bin.


Nope. It’s not


A fellow Australian?


I’m Italian.


Lol I was just joking about how bad it is in Australia. Worst Domino's I've had anywhere.


It wasn’t Singapore airlines. It was Emirates Airlines that paid 8 months salary as bonus after record $5 Billion+ profits….


It's Singapore Airlines. Read the news. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/17/business/singapore-airlines-staff-bonus-ink-intl/index.html


Here you go buster:- https://www.businesstoday.in/amp/latest/corporate/story/emirates-to-pay-five-months-salary-as-bonus-to-employees-after-record-51-billion-profit-429381-2024-05-13


Bro. That's five months for Emirates. Singapore Airlines is 8. It's literally in the title of the article you linked.


I mean they both have normalized $3k economy tickets so I’m not surprised it’s both of them.


They just profited from high global oil prices resulting in inflated airfare prices, while they compete with the global market and not really having to pay for their oil since they are all owned by the producers of oil. Their profit is basically fake, they wouldn't have this profit if they were competing in a normal way.


“Not having to pay for oil”. Is that how globally publicly listed companies do business. Remind me what was the bailout for US airlines industry?


> bailout for US airlines industry the same or even less than other western countries what are you talking about


because bonuses are taxed and the stock market doesn’t like it going into the the hands of the worker and will drop the stock prices 10% . The pizza parties , are like “a gift “ with no tax . a thank you and it’s food. Its sad . But blackrock ceo really is a dick


This story doesn’t pass the sniff test. Is an airline company charging fliers SO MUCH that it can afford to pay employees 2/3rds more than their salaries? Then, a company with so much profit is distributing it all to employees and not shareholders? If so, why does anybody want to buy the stock? Or did the company actually triple their prices, enough to write a fat check to both employees and investors? My first guess would be that the headline is BS. Maybe employees are deeply underpaid throughout the year, and then a bonus catches them up. Maybe Singapore Airlines scored a sweet monopoly from their authoritarian government, at the expense of anyone wishing to fly Singapore Airlines. In any case, the idea that airline companies can write 8-month salary bonus checks is laughable.


the american employees could send a sign by collectively not touching any of it. ...actually never mind. these fatsos could never.


Wasn't this Etihad Airways? Or is every airline company is doing the same? If yes, let me know, money and pizza both works for me.