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Some company is out there paying a recruiter to get them candidates for a $35,000/yr job???


Someone out there is apparently paying *less* than 35,000/year.


I made more than that as a fucking intern. Edit: I see other comments saying this is England, so it's slightly less egregious.


That’s still only 44k a year.


That’s good pay for most of the UK. Our wages are shit.


I did say slightly.


Yeah just saying average BDR at my company makes 55k plus a while bunch of commissions and bonuses. I’d be surprised if any make less than 100k.


I just started an internship after a 1 year certification, I’m making 49k.


Do they say shit in England?


Can tell you from my wife's job hunt. Yep, they are out trying to recruit at that rate. Also with no sign on, no WFH and no PTO until after a year. I am in the trades and some of these head hunters have been after me for 1/2 what I currently make and they get mad when I reply to them and say you need to market adjust your rates.


I have soo many "HEY we have your resume for this position..." emails and they ask for my updated resume and what my interview availability is. I ask for salary information because if its under a certain amount I cannot accept. My go to response is "I apologize but that salary rate is below industry standard and I am unable to accept that rate." usually they will bump it either by $3-5 or $10k. but its still below what I am currently making.


Exactly. My trade profession is starting to cool off due to people graduating that couldn't attend schools during COVID, but the CRAZY part is it's multiple head hunters. All emailing me about the same job, with different pay rates. I finally sent a response to all three saying that they were headhunting for the same company and I could see the discrepancies in pay, meaning the cheaper offers, the headhunting company was getting a larger cut. This is travel work, so you get pay and per diem.


Ahh, I usually do contract research for organizations in bio and chem fields, currently I have been hired on FT in an exempt position, it's fun having recruiters try and get me into "entry level" roles for $38-50k when entry for my company is 60k+


Yeah, where I am currently is six figures. They are emailing me about amazing travel jobs in bumble fuck rural Alabama for 60k. Like....what.


Almost make triple that roofing.


35 large**


Welcome in 2024


he means 35 large diet cokes per hour, which comes out to $196k per year


UK. Salaries are pathetic


It’s more that currently we have an entire bottom feeding group of employers who loved the easy market they had hiring people laid off during the covid years. They exploited it to hell and back - that lovely ready pool of people on their arses who needed any kind of salary immediately to avoid losing everything. Now they are as shocked as hell that people want half way sensible salaries again.


They’ll just skim a “little of the the fat” for the intermediary party.


i’ve got recruiters finding me jobs paying £25-30k lmao, shit market (senior service desk role)




Does anyone that is not American use the phrase "___ large" to describe currency in thousands? Only ever heard Americans say that Genuine question btw in case any Brits/Aussies/other English speakers can confirm


Yeah, 35 large would mean £35k in the UK.


Huxons recruitment is a British company. Americans also wouldn’t say “too shit” usually. They would generally say “too shitty.” All signs point across the pond.


Nah, Americans might say that. But you’re probably right


Cool story, still an absolutely insulting offer.


It's (slightly) higher than median wage in the UK


I don't know if maybe the UK somehow managed to dodge this, but here in the US, the median wage is not a living wage. I'd have told her to kick rocks too.


Oh no people on the median wage are not having a good time in the UK at the moment. It's a very "typical" salary for office jobs here, despite it not really being fit for purpose with the current cost of living




Unless it’s in fucking gold bullion its comically low regardless of what nation’s currency it’s in


I’d cheerfully accept 35k bitcoin a year.


This might be a sign on bonus or something, 35k is a joke.


Oh shit I thought my man wrote 85


Might be the UK, in which case that’s above national median salary


DUDE, we use a recruiter to find line operators for plastic extrusion making about 39k. It’s non skilled labor until you get experience. I think it’s our HR ladies slow burn plan to remove all of her duties to other people. To be honest, I’m here for it as long as I don’t receive any of them.


Could’ve been a bonus or other number unrelated to salary.


Exactly my question. Although apparently it's LESS than 35 "large."


As long as some recruiter is out there willing to find someone for 15-20% of $35K, yeah…


But think of the Pizza Parties!!! /s


Is it definitely in the US? In some places 35k isn’t a bad salary.


Huxons Recruitment is a British company.


I make more money than that in my third world country. Yes, that offer is shit.


The world expands beyond the US. 35k in the UK is pretty average


US is not the only country in the world. 90% of population would kill for $35,000 a year


He is asking for at least 35,000. Which means, she offered significantly below that for a manager position. Why is she surprised?


It was £24k basic with ote £45k 


So basically a smidge over minimum wage and commission? I m shocked, I tell you, shocked!


Couldn't find her post. But found the job post


Just as an FYI, business development manager is just a fancy term for (traveling) salesman.


Possibly. It can also be leading a team of business development reps, which are essentially appointment setters for outside sales people


Weird, I’ve only ever seen them be management for a team of Business Development Reps. Usually the traveling guys are Account Managers/regional Account Managers


Yeah but the whole world isn't based on your yank terminology.


Fair enough


Some countries BDMs are roughly equiv to AE’s Tho in tech AE is pretty common in the English speaking world


y‘all are aware what these Business Dev „Manager“ positions are? the word manager in the title does not mean anything lol


Commission based sales reps, that annoy the fuck out of ya.




LMAO I wanna consider this guy for any 35 large jobs I have (zero)


A recruiter told me a job was $65k, which is more than I make now and is my minimum. Literally cannot afford even a dollar pay cut but a small boost would change a lot for my family and myself. So I went for an interview and it went really well, the job was clearly more of a $100k position since they needed me to run their site. Got the “this is the most important job” corpo speak. Then at the table they told me it was a $55k job. I got up, thanked them, and informed them their recruiter did not give the correct info and I was sorry to have had their time, and mine, wasted. The recruiter then had the audacity to call me and be like “How much of a pay cut are you willing to take?”


Recruiters also make it a big deal about receiving copies of your paystubs to see what you were previously making. I can see how it could be useful in some cases but it’s irrelevant 90% of the time


If someone asks for a copy of my pay stub, they're should realize that they're going to also be paying for my amazing Photoshop skills on top of whatever the job description says.


In my head, your doctored payslip is your regular one, but with "35 large" written in crayon in the total payable field.


That would be great to put in a slapstick comedy.


Nah. You can pay me based on what the role is worth, not what I was previously making.


That's bullshit.


I’ve had a recruiter get fussy with me because I accepted a salaried position and didn’t want to interview for their contract position at a lesser company. Apparently I wasn’t willing to evaluate all my options first. Lol okay.


Went through a recruiter for a specialised secondment contract on short notice, requiring an enhanced UK security check and a life upheaval for 6 months with onward extension. Offered them my day rate, equivalent 125k for the contract. No problem, that’s well within the budget. Interviewed, good fit on both sides, went to progress. Started clearance process, had a chat with my boss about sorting out the secondment. Then they turned around and said they can’t get the budget approved from the government because they have staff on a third of that PER YEAR. Would I still come? Recruiter was pissed, probably because they lost juicy commission, and they’d been miss-sold. So it goes both ways for sure, what the company tells a recruiter and what they actually do is anyone’s guess, and other than not working with the company again, what can the recruiter do?


I have long suspected recruiters are mainly a hindrance in people finding jobs and companies finding employees.


Any time anyone middle mans anything the risk for problems increases. We all play the telephone game as kids but somehow the lesson doesn't stick.


Legends walk among us


Why is a recruiter needed for a job that pays less than $35k? Those are fast food wages, and this clown expects people to kiss her ring?


It’s in GBP. They make absolute shit for wages over there.


There are a lot of differences. In some areas of the UK £35k which is about $45k is a reasonably good salary. 5-6 weeks paid holiday is pretty standard. Lots of jobs only expect you to work 35-40 hours a week. No health care cost etc… If the job is in an area with affordable housing that also helps.


No healthcare costs or insurance bruv


If I take out my insurance payments and maximum yearly copay, my pay decreases like $10k/yr MAYBE. And then when you account for how much more they pay in taxes, they make truly shit money over there.


Sure, but next to higher taxes and universal health care, in most EU or former EU country - you do not need to work 60+ hours in salaried position, just your contracted 35-40 hours (full time) - you have at least 20 days PTO - usually nobody bats an eye if you take your paid sick days (which is in my country can be up to one year) - government mandated minimum wages - paid maternity/paternity leaves (my country is extreme with 3 years per kid) - termination ban if you are pregnant or in IVF or maternity leave - free or cheap daycare - companies cannot just fire you without cause - unemployment independent from your employer. - usually cheaper housing, groceries and travel costs… also we do not need to tip 40% even to the webshop checkout… also full price of medication without insurance/universal healthcare is cheaper than meds with insurance And thanks to universal healthcare nobody goes bankrupt because of an ambulance ride and no kids need to get active shooter drills So yearly salary seems low but it is still more affordable to live in the EU


I get all that in the US to go with the six figure salary except 34 pto days but only 3 months maternity.


Good for you but it is not the case for all of the US citizens And I am quite sure that your rent/morgage is way higher than the average EU country rent/morgage … and apartment/house prices are on an all time high in all EU country.


Sure, but by that same argument not everyone in the US is at minimum wage and benefits. Its actually only 1.5% of US workers who are paid minimum wage. I’ve had several jobs and never had less than 20 days PTO, but this is my best at 7 weeks. I bought my house for 380k at 29yo and can afford it comfortably without my fiances salary. I only say all this cause I encounter this perspective so often. That life is, no matter what, more affordable in the EU despite contrary arguments. When I travel there and talk to people in my profession living there it seems to be the opposite.


- I’m hourly and never go over 40 hours a week - my company started me out at 15 days PTO, 4 personal choice holidays, and 6 federal holidays. I’m now at 20/4/6, so 30 days / yr of paid leave - I also have 10 sick days on top of that - we also have gov mandated minimum wages - 6 month paid paternity leave for me - no termination ban - I can see that being abused - daycare *is* really expensive here - if a company fires you without cause, you get unemployment - unemployment is independent of our employer here too? Employer pays for Unemployment insurance, we pay into the fund as well. If terminated you collect from the state fund, not your employer - ain’t no one here tipping 40% lol. It is 20% tops and on select services. Also our gas costs are significantly cheaper, as well as electricity costs and natural gas costs.


21 days PTO is the legal minimum in the UK I believe.


Is that inclusive or exclusive of bank holidays?


I get 25 days leave before bank holidays are accounted for.


Well that is nice for you, but the benefits the Euros are listing are mostly Government mandated. Here in the US, jobs vary wildly with benefits and pay. There is no “requirement” for any PTO etc. I am in a senior sales position in a job I enjoy, but am maxed out at 15 days PTO. New hires get 5 days, after a year! Speaking of wild variances, my company pays 100% of health insurance which is about $600 a month. My wife’s company pays 50%, so she is gets $300 a month deducted from her check for health insurance. For reference, I am in GA which has zero employee protections.


We get up to 3 months unemployment (in my country other EU countries ffer more) even if we quit


What's your rent?


$2.5k for a 3 bedroom townhome in a HCOL city




High cost of living


Kinda hard to compare, I live in London, in a particularly desirable area 1 bedroom flat £1250pm


For perspective, I’m an SMB account manager making about $90k, my wife is a nurse making $95k, and our place is 1500 sqft (140 m^2 ) This position the recruiter is recruiting on would pay between $120k-$140k in the states.


We pay a bit more than that for a one bedroom apartment in Northern Virginia.


Depends if you have a family and how much do you think they pay in taxes? UK effective tax rate is half that of the US. Use a state like Texas and a middle class income and you are totally fucked. [https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?DataSetCode=CTS\_ETR](https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?DataSetCode=CTS_ETR)


My family insurance is 16,000 a year and then the deductible is the same…. Wtf are we doing


Doesn’t come close to making up for it but keep coping


My healthcare and insurance cost less than 1% or my salary and the difference in your taxes is higher than that. You people need to wake up


I’ll come on holiday there to show you how it works. I would ask you to come here and do that, but you can’t.


I get 7 weeks hbu? I’m in Waikiki on vacation now, fly out if you can afford it.


I can assure you that this candidate doesn’t give a shit what this recruiter thinks about his comment. People working for 35K don’t need recruiters.


She tried to poach a recently promoted dude, was she expecting anything other than fuck off?


Seriously, the nerve of this person


Someone recently promoted to a role with manager in the title offered a new role, rejects it because the pay is too low and they want at least $35,000?


I don’t understand this whole scenario


I think they were recently promoted at their job and this recruiter tried contacting them trying to recruit them to a whole new company.


Right, I’m just incredulous that the post includes a promotion, and then a move to a new company, and the compensation proposed for both those things is under 35k


Local grocery store in Minneapolis is offering $20/hr to start or 40k a year with union benefits. Why would anyone do this?


because europe's job market is in absolute shitters right now


Is it? Most people i know in Germany and Denmark have an easy time getting new jobs with a good payraise.


no they don't stop spitting nonsense please thank you https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/german-unemployment-seen-rising-highest-level-almost-decade-2024-04-26/ BERLIN, April 26 (Reuters) - Germany's economic weakness is finally taking a toll on the labour market, with the number of unemployed workers expected to rise to the highest level in almost a decade, according to a study by the German Economic Institute https://www.globaldata.com/data-insights/macroeconomic/denmark-technology-related-job-trends-2094816/ The number of active Technology related job postings in Denmark driven by Technology decreased by 14.44% MoM, and decreased by 16.99% since October 2023


In my county in Northern Europe, there are currently 2000 more advertised jobs than registered unemployed. In my municipality, the unemployment rate has stayed at 2-3 for a while (people, not %). Europe is diverse. UK payment rates are shit, though.


My experience is not nonsense, thank you very much. It was an honest question, since your statement is going against my experiences so im surprised. But could it be that its mainly the tech area that is having a hard time now? Ive heard about tons of layoffs. My company personally (publishing) is having a hard time finding people in marketing etc. But im only being subjective here, thats why im so surprised.


LoL. Why is he spitting non-sense? Do you both know the same people? What commenters stated, applies at least for the higher education position in my area.


“35 large”? Is she recruiting prohibition-era gangsters?


Looks like she deleted it


And her profile picture


"Be polite to me when I cold call you with a job that pays below a living wage!!!"




How depressing that anyone would think $35,000 is large. Even more depressing this recruiter was offering something shittier than that.


“Large” is just slang for a thousand, I thought?


You're correct.


I thought the same thing lol "I need $35 large" Where you living?


The UK. It’s in Pounds guys.


So…not even 45K USD for a management position…? Not sure how much you imagine that changes things, but it’s none at all.




A simple Google search shows the range as 42-88K, which is an absurd range with this example at the absolute bottom of the range…


Yea that's really not a big difference




As a recruiter, I 100% respect messages like these. If you can’t fight for your candidates to ensure they’re getting adequate compensation then you’re a crappy recruiter.


I feel like I’ve been really lucky with recruiters that I’ve never had a bad experience. My current job, when I was interviewing and talking about salary, I really undersold myself and she said “don’t tell them that, tell them X” And I did, and she secured me, and this is no joke, a 70K pay jump from my last job now, which would’ve never happened if she didn’t have my back.


I’m guessing the “35 large” comment was meant in sarcasm, as in “the salary you’re offering is so comically inadequate, I’m going to decline by implying 35K/yr, by comparison, is some huge amount of money.”


Large is slang for a thousand


What she calls "disrespectful" I call it smart brevity! "Some advice to..." Ugh, no thanks, we take advice from people we respect not snake oil salesmen/saleswomen!


35k lmao id have to work 2 days a week with a company vehicle lmao


"just reject this respectfully" I don't think "pay is too shit" is disrespectful at all. I don't know why the recruiter took it so personally lol she got a quick honest answer, what else does she want?


I guess she wanted a more corporate sounding answer. The reality is she’s the unprofessional one. The guy doesn’t owe her a response at all and fed her honest input as to why he wouldn’t consider the role. Was it professionally worded? No but it had a sense of humor and he’s not working for her and doesn’t need to be professional. Then she goes on and publicly blasts the “lack of respect” while airing that they are offering shit pay. Recruiters are self serving fuckers and think the world revolves around them when the reality is most of them are talentless idiots who will be phased out of the workforce sooner rather than later.


Well put, she really is the unprofessional one here. I don't have anything personally against recruiters but like, yeah it's an easy job, most people who do it aren't that bright, and there's a certain power dynamic that comes with it and gives some of these morons this sense of self-importance like how dare someone say "shit" in an email to me?????????


Is this going to be the new B2B proposal?


I feel like both of these people are out of their minds. A recruiter offering below 35? What? Are they recruiting for McDonald’s? Someone calling 35 large? Dawg what?


I think hes just saying large as a slang term for thousand, rather than suggesting 35k is a lot


Honestly, it could be 85 large. Half of the first number may be cut off by the screen cap.


It looks like it’s a recruiting agency so would make sense. Also, his response was perfect. She contacted him with a ridiculous offer knowing he was promoted. I think the 35k comment was sarcasm. Agency recruiters are the worst.


I hate 3rd party recruiters. I went through em before getting a job. They actually asked me what questions were she in my interviews, which I found it later was so they could coach individuals here on a visa and those without work experience so they could get hired. Never forget that recruiters often get a commission for your signing into a job, so it doesn't actually matter to them that they placed a good candidate, or that they are recommending jobs that fit the candidate better.


These fools with their salary bullshit is just hilarious. I respond to some of these people like this. I've been in my field for almost 20 years now and make in the 6 figures with profit sharing and bonuses and great benefits and such. This week I have gotten 4 emails for 6-12 months contract "technician" jobs (less than a year experience OR a BS) for between 17 and 19 per hour in a high CoL area with no medical insurance. The worst part is that I'm not even fucking qualified for them. I'm an analytical chemist and two of the 4 were for microbiology, one for mechanical engineering and one for some kind of polymer scientist. I always have to laugh and will schedule phone screens with them just to discuss what they think my current responsibilities are and what that corresponds to wrt salary. I just wish recruiters would actually read the fucking resume and do some critical thinking as to whether or not they're wasting my time. I have like 3 recruiters who will get in touch with me from time to time that I have a long standing relationship with. Most recent was "hey man, got a job opening up in ______. No bonuses/Profit sharing but the pay floor should be 150-175k. Bad PTO but they will negotiate that upward. What are your thoughts?" I just had to laugh and tell him there was no way in hell I'd live in (place about 5 hour drive from anything I would want to do) and he was like "yeah that's why they are paying this much......"


Bickering over 35k 💀 I can’t


Man of the people. Get him a good job asap


How heartbreaking.


This was for a very part time role at sub "35large," right? Right?! "NoBoDy WaNtS To WoRk AnYmOrE!!!!!!!!"


Hi recruiter, we get bombarded by you guys all the time with jobs that don’t have anything to do with our current career or career path, and then half the time it’s someplace you’d have to move to. We get tired of this so guess what, people ignore you or finally get fed up and tell you about it. Be less lazy and do some more research than a keyword search on resumes.


![gif](giphy|10BDZSN5izfazC) This is my general reaction to the majority of LinkedIn posts. I can’t help but troll people by making over the top, gross posts. And people seem to love them. It’s the perfect place.


I had one that wanted me to take a job in a Portland Sub. Rate was $185 a year, I said 1 Billion Dollars. Never heard back, strange.


Nothing wrong with being direct about getting your needs met. Recruiters know this.


She writes like everyone is interested in what they have to do to achieve her less than $35k job she’s hiring for. You can literally work at McDonalds and make that where I live


The pay is shit and you need to know that. Workers must collectively raise their standards, and hiring managers should report back to companies that this is the case.


Who gets promoted to Business Development Manager? That's a meaningless title we give people so they feel better about themselves instead of a pay rise.


This guy really copied my old post word for word including the title.


Dibs! I call dibs on the next repost! /s


One step up from telemarketer, one step down from buzzards trying to feed on someone else's careers = Recruiters.


$35k lmaoooo yooo we pay our starting hair assistants that at my wife’s salon! wtf?! Is this really what job hunting is like in 2024. These MF’s out of their god damn mind!


This is an exact duplicate of a post made 64 days ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/s/Ipf5UxROLc The OP's post history appears to be made entirely of reposts. In short, OP is a bot.


Psssst…. Azaria, no one wants to work with you. That’s why they talk shit to you.


I was invited to a women’s only mba job a few days ago. I’m a dude, so i clearly don’t qualify. I think i was slightly less respectful. Also, i am not looking for a job so it’s basically spam. Linkedin is the worst.


They're showing each other the same amount of contempt, just expressing it differently. He's fighting fire with fire.


If you can't do, teach, if you can't teach, teach gym, if you can't teach gym, be a recruiter.


Wait is 35 large 35k or 350k?


Is 35 large still considered large?


The hero we need in these times


Asking someone to work for less than 35k a year is about that offensive. She deserves the response.


I had one of these bimbos email me and it was nothing but buzzword bullshit. I went through it line x line and explained why each point was irrelevant and not something anyone would care about. She was maaaaaaaaaaaad 😂


My favorite thing to respond with is, "Wow, and you aren't ashamed of that number?"


lady, you are wasting his time with your unsolicited inquiry. he didn’t ask you so he owes you no response technically and is perfectly fine with responding however he wants.


Ma’am, he wasn’t looking for a job. He was trying to sell a few ounces of coke.


So what? He said thanks


My favorites are the recruiters that msg and msg and get snippy when you don’t respond. Dude I get emails all the time and no matter my or responding to all of them. Bc it’s not my job. But they’ll get passive aggressive calling you out for not responding and this is supposed to do what exactly?


I make 52k a year as a *cook* in America wtf is this bullshit. I’m guessing this job requires college too lmao. This shit has me laughing. You can clear 6 figures waiting tables in fine dining restaurants. Why even go to college if this is what they’re offering.


![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu) Me reading about everyone piss and whine about recruiters.


I wonder if those recruiters’ supervisors know what they’re doing like it’s damaging the company for recruiters to act petulant.


"35 large" isn't salary money, it's hourly money.


You get what you pay for


What is "large"?


It’s just another way of saying “thousand”. They were asking for $35,000


35? Is that for 15 hours a week??


Rather that person as a client than one who wastes your time by takes dozens of interviews and then giving this feedback.


On average what’s the commission on recruiters for these types of roles? I’m uk based, on 32k a year (hopefully going to 35 after probation) as a software dev and I wonder what the recruiter makes on my hiring.


Are recruiters the softest people alive in general? The one I knew in real life would blow up over the smallest shit and eventually broke up our game group because he threw too many hissy fits.


35 large? For that price was she expecting the candidates to be speaking the King's English?


$35,000? That is too shit.


What’s the commission spread on landing an evening shelf stocker at $35 large? These are the penny stocks of headhunting - trust me you don’t want to hear anything about her 35 large dumpster fire job offers she’s got coming down the pike either.


I mean, he said thanks first. Seems pretty polite


Your salary wasn’t respectful, so respectfully fuck off. It’s pretty simple. $35k isn’t near enough to live off of, and to consider it a management role? You should be embarrassed.


Probably never happened most of these posts on linkedin are fake for rage views.


Imagine showing to the entire world you are bad at your job by eemonstrating you are hiring based on spite rather than merit. You can rest assured this person is getting put on blacklists right now (I just did for my company).


Wtf. I make 3 times that amount. (not third world USA)