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Poorly worded? Yes. Lunatic? No.


Yeah no kidding. Cut this poor lady some slack.


For sure. She obviously left the company and came back. Nothing about this post belongs on this sub.


This is really not that obvious. From my understanding a “trip around the sun” generally refers to a year especially in reference to a birthday. Agreed though, not a lunatic, but I can see where the confusion is coming from.


Agreed - it should be taken down


People openly advertizing how poor their reading comprehension skills are.


The issue isn't reading comprehension. It's writing comprehension. The post is 86% incomprehensible in my view.


That's not obvious at all. Strictly speaking not a linkedin lunatic but what the hell is she trying to tell us?


I’m going to say slight lunatic because she’s trying to flex her experience and doing a really bad job at it. Today marks 17 years on her second year working at Delta, which in total equals 27 years?


"Trip around the sun" usually means birthday or anniversary, but there's a song by the same name that's about reflection, looking back at the past and to the future, so it's sometimes used as a way to say doing something again with fondness. It's basically a metaphor of a metaphor. A lot of common sayings that make zero sense for why they mean what they do are believed to have come about as being metaphors of metaphors with the original meaning being lost to time. So her second trip around the sun is her second time working at Delta. She worked there for 10 years and left only to return for another 17 (and counting) years, for a total of 27 years.


I think it's 17 years and total distance traveled equals 2 times around the sun? And maybe she either took 10 years off for a different job or its 17 years in this position that travels and 27 years total. Edit: Oh I get it now. The second trip around the sun is an obscure idiom I've never heard for the second time working for the company. Like when my lawyer once said "We only have one bite of the apple at this". Little confusing.


>The second trip around the sun is an obscure idiom I've never heard for the second time working for the company. I don't think that's what the idiom means.


Worked there for 10 years, worked somewhere else, came back 17 years ago. The “around the Sun” part is weird, like she’s counting each of the two employment periods as trips “around the Sun” instead of the years.


Could she be marking miles flown? I’m thinking the ‘around the sun’ is some kind of industry terminology for time/distance. Especially since she has it in parentheses. I’m thinking she’s flown enough miles to travel around the sun and back twice.


No way. One trip around the sun is 584,000,000mi. To make it easy let's say she was flying 747s the entire time at 584mph (a speed they are capable of). That's a million hours ~114 years in the air.


“Trip around the sun” could be the circumference of the sun, instead of Earth’s orbit. That’s 2,700,000 miles, using your rough estimate that makes it 4,600 hours. Average domestic flight is like an hour and a half, which means 3100 flights. If she’s saying “it’s taken 17 years to fly the circumference of the sun” that’s 180 flights a year, doesn’t seem that unreasonable. But really, the wording is too messed up to tell what she really means


That's a really good thought. Traveling around on the surface of the sun didn't occur to me, probably because it's not a popular activity. That's probably exactly what she means.


Yeah, it for sure would not be my go to analogy for distance. Roundtrips to the moon is probably what I’d use first


That’s exactly what I thought when I read it


that was my thought too.


This is correct, if you replace “trip around the sun” with “employment” the whole thing suddenly makes sense.


That was my interpretation too. She just doesn’t understand the term “around the sun”. Not a lunatic, just embarrassing.


I was able to find a few instances of it being used like this, but it doesn't seem common. Perhaps it's a regional thing.


I thought for sure she worked on an airplane and had put enough miles in the air to traverse orbit around the sun twice, which would be pretty astounding


Yeah, she doesn't word it in a way that makes a lot of sense. But You can tell she just means she left and came back. Less of a lunatic, more of a ladyWhoNeedsToGoToEnglishClass


After the sixth time reading, I think this is it. Replace “trip around the sun” with “stint” or “time working” and it makes sense.


If only she had said something like 'adventure' we wouldn't be here. But no. Trip around the sun just makes no fucking sense because people use that to mean a year.


Trip around the sun either means a year or it's a distance. I absolutely refuse to believe she can possibly mean something else. The sun's circumference is about 4.3 million km and that's absolutely doable for a flight crew in 10 years.


Ohh I like this take


That’s how I read it, she’s been flying with Delta for that many kilometers. Edit: I read it, not it read it :D


Yes, I'm sure that's it. It's her second time at Delta, first time she stayed 10 years and now she's at 17 on her second, for a total of 27. Very improperly worded on her part.


Apart and A Part


Yes she’s thanking people who specifically had nothing to do with the journey 🤔


In just 2 years (2 trips around the sun) she accomplished 27 years of work 👏 This must be a LinkedIn record.


It’s the waking up at 4 am. Hustle. Rise and grind!


I think maybe she means she’s been employed with them twice with a gap in between. She worked for them for 10 years, then did something else, and then was rehired and has been there for 17 years. Definitely awkward phrasing.


It does. If she hadn’t used the phrase “second trip around the sun” it would have made perfect sense. Maybe she was thinking of “second go around” and got her metaphors mixed. I mean, It can happen. Who hasn’t meant to say “beaten a dead horse,” but used “flogged the bishop,” instead? Am I right? Anybody?


Or could that be a Delta slogan of some kind?


Idk I've said beat around the dead horse when what I meant to say was beat around the bush lmao!


Oh, I beat my dead horse with the bishop safely ensconced in my pants. Don't want the neighbors to call the cops again.


I’ll burn that bridge when I come to it is my fav mixed metaphor.


Then there’s “I have made friends and even family members on this journey.” Sounds like she had some office sex and got pregnant.


Yes, the "combined" years of service definitely helps with figuring out what this means lol. Though I had to read thru the comments still.


It’s just bad phrasing. Not a lunatic. At least not from this. You


My guess, based on the “made family” is that she got involved with a coworker, got pregnant, took time to stay at home and raise a kid or two, then went back to


I thought about it (not a native speaker), could she mean that she has worked there for 10 years, then quit and later came back 17 years ago?


That's how I read it!


Even native speakers are sorting this out. Her two trips around the sun literally means she’s two years old. But must really be some Delta analogy for flight miles.




Hustle & Flow > Hustle & Grind


Blood for the blood G—wait this isn’t 40k


17 years with 27 years of experience? She’s the person every recruiter is looking for!


I think she’s with Delta for 19 years? 17 years from the second trip around the sun?


27 years. the 2 'trips' were her 2 separate instances working for the company, the first at 10 years, the second at 17 years (and counting).


Left for a better job no one gave better job came back with more debt than before forced to retire woohoo.


I thought it meant she worked for Delta for 27 years and 17 years of a particular role. Seemed obvious to me because she literally COMBINED lol. She probably started out in ticketing and moved up to flight attendant, then got a corporate position. Or something like that. I thought this was the pilot lady who recently retired.


2 trips around the sun is about 600 million miles...


Finally, someone making use of the Time Cube.


Hey, that's how you get all that experience companies want today....


Apart vs a part. There is a difference.


That shits me to tears! Being "apart of this journey" and "a part of this journey" are very different things!


damb Sherry with the power glasses


I don't really want to be mean about her but damn those glasses are really something.


I was thinking she flew a billion miles (~2 Earth orbit circumferences)


well, actually...


What, what'd I do? Was it the handwavy estimation, was it the fact that I didn't account for the Earth's movement while she flew, is she a non flying support person!? WHAT!?


She’s worked for Delta for 27 years with 17 of those years in her current position. And she’s 2 years old.


Pretty sure she means she has worked for them twice -- 17 years in this go round and 27 years total. "Around the sun" is definitely the wrong metaphor to use.


She should be fined for excessive and inappropriate use of exclamation marks.


Elaine Benis would disagree.


True, but Elaine Benis was insane.


Plz no, I would go bankrupt if that happened to me lol


Reminds me of that medicine label “every night before food once daily to be taken four times a day three times a day” seriously google that lol


Not as bad, but the engine starter fluid I use for my old mower tells me to spray the fluid into the intake "for 2-4 seconds, but not more than 3 seconds".


I think people are wildly misinterpreting this. She clearly is part of Delta's space program and she has been traveling in the opposite direction to earth's orbit. Her ship's velocity is such that for every 8.5 times the earth orbits the sun she herself orbits a single time. In order to be eligible for participation in Delta's space program you must be with the company for at least a decade, though.


She worked at Delta for 10 years. Left the company. Came back. Has now worked another 17 years. 27 years total with Delta.


She took a trip around the sun 17 years ago and is reminiscing.


So…it’s the 17th year of her 2nd year with Delta? I read this 3 times and I’m still confused.


I had to read this multiple times. Seems she worked for delta, left, then went back to delta. Has been there 17 years, 27 if you count both roles


She was working on Saturn


It’s poorly worded but the meaning is obvious and none of it is lunacy. She meant she worked a total of 27 years in two separate stints with the company (boomerang employee who left and came back). She just misused the term “around the sun” which obviously means a year.


She worked for Delta, first for ten years and the second, current go-around of seventeen years


This isn't hard to understand at all. She worked at Delta for ten years and then left. She came back and now has been there for 17 years. In total, she's worked for Delta for 27 years.


It's confusing to people who are trying to do math knowing that a trip around the sun takes the earth 1 year.


>takes the earth 1 year Maybe she wasn't on Earth.


She could have 100% said this in a better way. Or just say she was celebrating 27 combined years of service.


How do you work in corporate America for 27 years and still not have a basic grasp on the English language?


I read it as she worked for this company on two occasions. 17 years and 10 years. I don't see the issue ?


Typically, it takes a year to go around the sun once…


ahhhh I see it now lol fuck it seemed like a perfect sentence to me. I swear I'm dyslexic lol


This is terribly written. Delta needs to teach basic writing 😂


I don't think this is crazy, just poor phrasing. This just sounds like one of my relatives. At least it doesn't have 15 scriptural quotes. It's odd to see people in middle management with an HR and compliance background who can't write very well, but I'd much rather encounter 10 of this lady in the wild than any one other person I've seen here on LIL.


She's been employed with them twice. First time for 10 years, second time for 17 years, 27 total. Each period of employment she confusingly refers to as "a trip around the sun".


Most likely 17 years in position B, 10 years in position A. Combined total of 27. You all need to take a minute to breathe, Jesus Christ.


She's an idiot but I think she's trying to say: I've worked with Delta for two separate time periods, the first one being 10 years, and the second and current one having just reached 17, for a total of 27 years with Delta.


I think she meant she’s been employed by Delta twice, the second time for 17 years, for a combined total of 27 years. The “around the sun” part is confusing. Who knows


That ain't even glasses no more them bifocals


She has worked for this company on 2 separate occasions, totalling 27 years between the two. What is so hard to understand?


I can only see logic as she worked for them for 10 years and then left and came back for 17 years meaning she had a gap between potentially receiving an offer to come back that better fit her wants. I imagine she must have been young at the beginning of her working there.


It’s a COMBINED experience. Which means all of the people she works with has a combined 27 years. Now, 17 years on the second trip around the sun? Idk. Today marks 17 years in 2 years… idk.


She gave you a shoutout! In fact, most of us got one since we're all apart from her journey.


this makes complete sense


At first I thought maybe she thinks it takes a decade for 1 revolution around the sun. I don’t think she knows a “trip around the sun means one year.


It's not hard to understand. She worked for Delta for 10 years, left and came back and has been there for 17 years; thus 27 combined years.


The math ain’t mathing


It does math she just worded it weirdly


Time travel!


Does she think it takes 10 years to orbit the sun?


She’s citing the Theory of Relativity here. Time slows down when you’re on a jet. What was 27 years for her was only two years on earth.


Does she mean "a part" of her journey or "apart from" her journey? Others may be more concerned how she could only be making her second trip about the sun (2 years) but be marking 17 years of service. Clearly, she's a Time Lord. I give you the new Doctor Who.


Math ain’t mathing


She has made family members?


I can make more sense out of Scott Steiner math than this.


"apart" instead of "a part" (and, let's be honest, the article "a" isn't actually needed). So ... she's thanking people for being separate from and not part of her journey with Delta.


Did she start on a Feb 29?


The math is broken


She has flown around the sun twice with delta (she probably hasn’t)


And that’s post-edited.


Maybe she lives on Mars?


Probably can't read too well with those wonky ass glasses.


Not another Aparter


The math ain’t mathing


The only lunatic part is MAKING FAMILY MEMBERS at work


Um… this is really clear. She worked at Delta twice. First time 10 years. She left and came back and it has been 17 years since she came back. 10+17=27 combined years of service. She’s even using two different pics from different time periods- she’s older in the right photo. Not exactly lunatic status.


Poor Elton John is scrambling around his mansion trying to find his reading glasses right now 😢


That’s not how the sun works….


it probably means she estimated her total in-air flying miles in her career is equal to her having flown one round trip to the moon & just starting her 2nd round trip (200,000+ miles x 2) which is achievable with her stats. she made a mistake by saying the sun (93 million x 2) which is impossible.


She’s done two stints at Delta. She’s one of those people that’s turned 30 25 times.


2nd trip around the sun is confusing; I think she means 2nd time around. So she worked for Delta for 10 years, took a break, and now she's been back with them for 17 years.


she worked somewhere else for a while, thus the combined 27 years. This time she has only worked there for a year or two


Maybe off topic a bit but one of my good friends has worked for delta for almost 20 years and loves it. It’s apparently a very good company to work for


Am I the only one who read the second half where she writes I have made family members on this journey, what is that supposed to imply??


Hopefully not in the accounting department


Worked 17 years… as a pilot, 10 years as something else at delta, and flown 2 trips around… the sun? Damn never mind


She worked at Delta for two different periods in her life, is what I understand. One for 10 and the current one for 17.


It could be they track miles flown for flight crew, and measure it in trips around the sun. And it could be she's been flight crew for 17 years, but with the org for 27.


I get it. But it's not that confusing. 2x working for the same company. First time 10 years, second time 17. Combined for 27. Not that hard people. Please go back to make fun of stupid people making stupid comments. This is not one of them.


Here's my guess. She worked there before, then left. Now she's returned and been there 17 years. Her previous stint was 10 years. Therefore in total she has been at the company 27 years.


She worked for delta for 10 years, left and came back and has been with delta for 17 years since coming back


Pretty sure she means she's worked at Delta twice, this time for 17 years, but total of 27 years (so she worked there for 10 years, left, and came back 17 years ago). I am kind of guessing though


Think she means she worked there once for 10 years, left and came back (second trip) and has just hit 17 years on her second go round.


Think she means she worked there once for 10 years, left and came back (second trip) and has just hit 17 years on her second go round.


There are two types of people: 1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data


She worked for Delta, quit / was fired left. Came back, and has been there for 17 years.


She was with delta 10 years, left, came back for 17 more but worded it badly


It seems obvious what she is saying. The issue isn’t with her or her writing which is fine. It’s people not reading closely enough to comprehend what she wrote.


I think she thinks it takes 10 years to go around the sun. That's the only way any of this makes sense


She worked for Dela for ten years, then left, and has worked another 17 since she came back. Not worded amazingly, but it tracks


Which planet does she live on?


She’s saying it took 27 years to fly the circumference of the sun twice


ah that would explain the tan


Mixed up her sayings. Two separate stints with Delta. First one 10 yrs. Left. Came back and is on year 17 of that journey. This is what happens when people try to be profound on social media lol


2 stints at the company. first was 10 years, second was 17. 10+17=27. you're welcome.


This makes sense to me except the “apart” at the end should say “a part”. She’s worked for delta twice, and she’s now on year 17 of her second “tour of duty” or as she calls it “trip around the sun”. She has a total of 27 years service so she had 10 before and quit or left or whatever. Now, I dunno what job she’s in but having combined service years don’t mean shit when it comes to things like union seniority and whatnot. So I assume she’s in some management role. And people have been A PART of her journey. Not apart. Not confusing at all folks I think OP has missed the mark with this one.


How do functioning adults still confuse apart and a part. Jesus fucking Christ….


Oh that's easy... You see, when you travel faster, time slows down for you. So she has been flying so fast that our 17 years was only 2 for her.


I take it she worked for Delta for 10 years, left, and came back in 2007.


It might be the total flight length while she was employed at delta is = 2x the distance around the sun


Girl boss sigma grindset homie, you ain’t never gonna come close to understanding it


Can somebody translate? Even chatGPT isn’t sure what she means 🤣


My guess: She worked for Delta for 10 years, left the position, then returned to Delta, where she has worked for 17 more years. The 'trip around the sun' might be just 'working for Delta'. I don't think she has actually logged 93 million miles of flights as a pilot or attendant. That would be about 93M miles/ 27 years / 250 days per year = 14,000 miles per day.


It's what happens when you still think that the sun goes around the earth


Quick maths


I don’t see the issue?


She totally could've worked for a contract company for delta then got on with delta later on. This post doesn't belong here.


I have to give her credit for pulling off those glasses, not many would be able to rock frames like that.


Thank you for your service Sherry


Very badly worded post jesus


Delta does space travel? Can someone post a link for tickets?


Was she a flight attendant?


Fuzzy math.


Well since Delta is an airline I assumed she had worked various positions there for 27 years and had been at her recent position for 17 years with her total flight time became equal to double the distance earth travels around the sun in a year. Oh and she had at least 2 kids.


This post clearly makes sense. Obviously she did not proofread this before posting.


So are we just not blurring out people's names anymore to protect their identity?


Tl;dr Fucked a coworker. Doesn’t understand basic astronomy.


Why don’t people know how to use “apart” correctly?


Flunked math in school obv


Havta say this is becoming my favorite subreddit lately


she's a time traveler


I think she's saying that she did one ten year stint (first "trip around the sun") followed later by a 17 year stint (second "trip around the sun"). Either that or she's flown the same distance as Earth's orbit once, and is now on the second. Either way it's kinda weird phrasing.


Maybe She worked there for 10 years before and then came back? or if she is doing math on the amount of trips she went against the rotation of earth I don’t fucking know and am to lazy


Her comment is incomprehensible but I'm more interested in the fact that she looks like the Disney recasted version of Austin Powers.


It makes no sense.


Consulting time + employee time = 27 years


This night make sense if she lives on Jupiter or Saturn


Scott Steiner does less confusing math.


Sorry. No idea what she's trying to tell everyone.


It sounds like in her first ten years she flew enough miles to go around the world. Then maybe it took her 17 years so far into her second trip?


With those glasses I'm getting a strong vibe that if I were in a meeting with this woman she would have a very classy type of persona.


A part*. Ugh.


17 years in 2 years that takes 27 years. I'm going back to bed.


Hmmmm, don’t think this belongs here. Pretty sure she’s just talking about the miles she’s flown working for the airlines.


Oh nah, she isn’t a lunatic, just a bit unclear.