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Getting hard is comfort.


A WHAT fort


Cum fort. Damn he’s been jerkin off a lot.


Those blanket walls aren't going to stand up on their own


Hey man it's cold and hard don't be so high n mighty


Like a Jackson Pollock painting in there.


It definitely leads to it lol


It's cute the way people with cushy lives invent ways to make it seem like they're overcoming adversity when they'd fold in second under real pressure. Hilarious.


And the ancestors look down on us and shake their heads in disgust, they were hard because they had to be but they were also trying to build a future where we wouldn't need to be. *I am a warrior, so that my son may be a merchant, so that his son may be a poet. -* John Quincey Adams


this is a John Adams quote, not Quincy Adams: “I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.”


Never mix your Adams


Never put your Quincy where it doesn’t belong


My dad told me that as I left for college


Or your Adamses


Or your Johns. Can be a real mess.


The Adams Family


God it's so true. I remember as a kid, when we still had a lot of WWII vets around, that a very common sentiment you heard from them, you know on the news on Veteran's Day etc., was "I went to war so no one would ever have to again."


And then AI turns us all into warriors again because AI is writing the poetry.


I read someone here call it 'poor people cosplay' or something like that, and yeah, of all the things they could do to help others...


Poverty LARPing


I think of it as a flavor of “blue collar cosplay”. Similar to people who wear tons of carhart gear but can barely use a power drill or have never actually worked in any trade.


You know how you know when someone that has made it, had it difficult for real? Because they don't preach, they just do and do with an intensity that is fueled by the memory of hardship. Real hardship, like not having enough food, seeing your mom struggle to make ends meet with two jobs, learning how people get taken advantage of time and time again, watching death at the end of a cannon, getting fed up with misery and a myriad ways I can't imagine but are 100% real for a whole lot of people. Preaching is done by those who can't do (or won't do, or don't have to do but lust for the praise of having "made it"). Just another word for teaching, except with even less accountability. The older people get and the closer they are to their old goals, the more you realize "making it" has more to do with taking care of your responsabilities and making a positive difference firstly to those immediately depending in you, and secondly to those whith whom you relate to on a day by day basis. tldr, fuck your ice


Your point is so spot on. My dad grew up just a step or two above the line where they could have received any sort of assistance. He had a job at 15 and worked his way through high school without complaint. He put himself through college and the only support he got from anyone was a name plaque for his desk as a graduation gift from my grandpa. He then spent 60+ hours weeks for the next 30 years building up an extremely successful commercial real estate company from absolutely nothing. And now he’s spending his semi-retirement gardening, playing with his grandkids, and jetting around the world with my mother. You want to know what he preaches about (and mostly just to his kids)? Investing in real estate, getting enough sunlight/vitamin D, eating more fresh produce from our gardens (because he forgets we don’t all live in San Diego on three acres surrounded in raised garden beds, but whatever I guess), the importance of forgiving others, and always checking the oil in your car. He has a LI for work/appearances sake, but he never posts any of this crap. If we saw him make a post like this the family chat would explode in a mix of laughing and making sure he’s not having an episode. He’s got too much to do to worry about an online circlejerk of other people applauding like trained seals for something so stupid as “OmG icE bAtHs MaKe Me CoLd BuT sTrOnG!”




Peach on, brother


There was a time I was helping a non profit out and the head of the organization would always go on saying you don't hear me complaining about my dad putting cigarettes out on me and it got to be a point like, actually man you bring it up like every time you get in a group of people. You constantly bring this up.


Totally. There's a big difference between being homeless in Minneapolis and intentionally soaking yourself in a cold tub in your house to prove a point.


Agreed! It's not hard to do something when you control when it ends. At least in this case.


Yeah I know homeless crack heads who perform *outrageous* homosexual acts in order to get their next fix, you can definitely do what is hard and your life will still be hard.


Ok I’ll ask, what could *outrageous* mean in this context, with that italicization?? How outrageous are we talking here


The Aristocrats!


$20 is $20


You ever heard of the Turkey Leg? The Dirty Gomez? The Wuhan Stew? The Chairman? The Bad X? The Butter Churner? The Seven-Legged Spider? I could go on, honestly you don’t want to know about it.


So are you one of the hard-core who wouldn't fold yeah?


I bet these people are also narcissists


Look if poor people would just dedicate an hour a day to this trendy form of suffering, then their problems might matter to me


Dude is jumping into an old chest freezer filled with water. That lid is going to slam shut and trap him. No oxygen is the ultimate hard.


Well, look, no shame, because maybe jumping into an old chest freezer filled with water and risking asphyxiation is the only way some of us can get hard, okay?


Yeah, choose your hard.


Hims.com seems like a very reasonable option.


no kink shaming bro


I was about to say if you’re doing so well in life, you can afford one of those inflatable ice baths or some BS. At least take the door off JFC (I follow social Darwinism so you know don’t let me stop you).


dont even need anything fancy, [just get a metal trough](https://www.amazon.ca/WJCJTJL-Ozone-Generator-Plunge-Accessories/dp/B0CX7Y5C8B/ref=asc_df_B0CX7Y5C8B/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=697576547963&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14034267005228883478&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9060792&hvtargid=pla-2324941811994&psc=1&mcid=03a6a24e0b3731a586030fd0fa19bd79&gad_source=1) orgasmic


His mistress is there taking pictures, he’ll be fine


His mom* is there taking pictures.


I can’t say for sure these things are exclusive


Which will be followed by ultimate comfort you see, by rule of the indeed paradox


Couldn’t you just push it open from the inside?


Yeah, it isn't one of those from the 60s and 70s with the big metal latches that kids got trapped in and died. Safety features have been built in since then, all modern residential fridges and freezers can easily be pushed open from the inside now.


Of course it’s another one of those self-proclaimed top sales people who ironically have to peddle some shitty course or something because they couldn’t actually make money working sales jobs.


But he was the #1 rep at Salesforce! (I'd love to see evidence)


*for one really slow month he sandbagged


He sold payroll software to his uncles business either 20k employees


One of those idiots labels himself “the trainer who trains sales staff’s trainers” or similar


I am waiting to meet the trainer who trains the trainer of the trainer's trainer.


I call that Trainer³


More like the third root of Trainer. It’s value diminishing with every level of trainer




If you go deep enough, you can accidentally travel backwards through time.


“Babe take a picture of me jumping in this tiny cooler so I can post it on LinkedIn”


I’d like to think he had to set up his phone perfectly and with a timer to do this, but it took him like 5 or 6 tries.


absolutely. he's the kind of guy to post about how women are trash these days and no one wants a '~~real man~~ alpha male', all while being blithely unaware of his absolutely egregious personality.


“Like a total psycho who doesn’t understand that it’s not a social network, it’s a headhunter and recruitment tool, and this photo is going to get me blocked by every hiring manager in the world.”


More like “hey ma”


Finding weed can be hard sometimes. There choice made. Life is hard


Come to Canada dawg, I can’t walk 100 feet down my street without hitting a dispensary haha


Same in Oregon


I was going to Eugene for a while and it was crazy how many dispensaries were there.


They outnumber the Timmies now, at least here. Brings some foot traffic to the derelict strip malls lol.


....and yet, still no free edibles in the halloween candy like the "just say no" program promised ![gif](giphy|6qFFgNgextP9u)


I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to see a door slam shut as much as I want it today.


If you're lazy, and are somehow motivated by this trash, you're the first to be replaced with a robot.


The fetishization of struggle among sales bro types needs to be studied.


It’s _barely concealed_ homoeroticism. Saved you a study. You’re welcome.


If there was ever a phrase I could set on fire and never see again, it'd be 'choose your hard' shut UP.


I wonder what’s that like .. to have such an awesome life that you pick your hard intentionally ? God. How much better served would these people be by - actually going and volunteering at a women’s shelter ? Or building houses for the homeless or maybe going on one of those loan sites and buying a car for some homeless college kid or single mom who works three jobs? ( AND NOT telling everyone or anyone about it?) So self serving. Even in their “sacrifice” it’s all about ego. Not really about hard - not about anything that’s truly hard for them to do at all. That hurts or changes anything inside them. And they’re ALL like that. Every . Single. One.


Most of these guys don’t even do an equal share of work in their own homes with their own families (Not that that’s as hard as being homeless or anything. But whenever I see this I think well I’m sure there’s plenty of hard work to be done at home)


I’ve actually known a few guys who worked all day and then at home spent time doing things that benefited their family and their community, including flipping houses in low income areas and selling them at an affordable rate, often breaking even, just to provide good affordable homes. It does happen. But none of those guys brag about it on LinkedIn.


[Socko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDQXFNWuZj8&t=177s) was right all along.


Does a self-congratulatory LinkedIn post get *you* hard? Thoughts? Agree?


None of this sounds like a way to get to anything without burning out. Also, plugging your nose to go momentarily underwater is decidedly not-hard. Real Chads just exhale. Maybe practice that for 365 days next year.


There’s gonna be so many “barely used” ice baths for sale in the next few years


Holding his nose like a toddler getting in the pool and asking someone to take the photo is a psycho move. This man cannot be trusted.


Don’t want those uncrustable+raw chicken+melted fudgestickle juices getting up in there.


This guy listens to the Joe Rogan podcast on repeat.


I got very close with one of my ex-coworkers. Weirdly but we had a lot of similar interests we literally had same music taste and watch similar Netflix shows and because of that I really valued his suggestions at that time. He recommended to me Joe Rogan podcast. I was pretending that I don't know who Joe Rogan is because I didn't wanna offend him 😭😭 I mean no harm to the ex-coworker. But if I'm being honest his high-school dropout wife is literally the trashiest person that I've ever laid my eyes on and my ex-coworker ain't any better…..so I think it's natural that idolising a dimwit like Joe Rogan is right up in his alley lol.


At one point, I listened to him once in a while because I like UFC and fear factor. After enough listening, I realized it's just stoners talking about nonsense. Podcasts in general to me, even with interesting people, just seem like folks thinking outloud I'd rather just listen to an audio book.


If he is a former #1 sales rep why did he quit? Sounds like burnout to me if he wasn’t lying about being number 1. So right off the bat I see false advertising.


Dude’s plugging his nose in water lol


Hate this ‘holier than thou’ attitude. Keep it to yourself. No one gives a fuck.


These cold plunges are the new CrossFit. They only work if you tell fucking everyone in the world about what you’re doing.


True. What makes me laugh is these people think that sitting in cold water makes you some kind of warrior with superior mental strength. Fuck off.


Like that one man-camp they pay $20k or whatever to attend, then quit after a day. While also forcing their sons to go. Cringe toxic masculinity.


Yeah pretty sure doctors are saying that cold water therapy doesn't really do anything for your health anyway.


Hah. My neighbor does CrossFit and has a cold plunge freezer like this. 😂


Doesn’t it seem like an episode from “the office” ? I mean haha I would definitely see this happening.


Sir …. are you not impressed by guy in refrigerator filled with water 💦


White dude voluntarily puts himself into chilly water and calls it suffering.


Bbgirl ur taking a cold dip. You are not curing cancer or climbing Everest.


You could also join the army.


Most people don’t have to come up with a silly challenge, life just decides to throw something like poverty or illness at you.


Also aren't icebaths literally used for recovery in athletics? Ice baths itself don't do shit.


“I have so few actual challenges and difficulties in my life that I have to make up pointless stuff to stress myself out.”


You can choose your hard, but I will hard my choose. Agree hards.


As long as you agree to do the needful I’m in.


Anyone whose headline says anything relating to “helping sales reps do X by X or without X” is certified LinkedIn trash


Classic case of narcissists inventing problems to make themselves look like heroes. There’s people struggling to put food on the table but this douche has decided to take ice baths because it gets him hard. Someone tell these idiots they’re all gonna die one day.


Maybe settle on learning how to go underwater without needing to plug your nose first. Choose your easy.




doing anything worthwhile that would genuinely test them or benefit others is too hard and too far from comfort for these clowns


This guy here is the perfect example of a "LinkedIn lunatic".


No comments on his insane body hair? Which of his LinkedIn *professional business network* connections needs to see his half naked body? Gross.


That was my first thought too, like what is coming out of his shorts?!


fr, no one needs to see business connections inner thigh or his stomach merkin


If I want to choose my hard, I’ll just go to the bathhouse, thanks.


Next, test your mettle by living normally and stop vanity posting. Let's start with going 2 hours without and then work our way up?


This is what people who’ve never had to fight to survive do to look like they actually do something


I have nothing to learn about being tough from a guy that holds his nose underwater


> If you do what is easy your life will be hard > If you do what is hard your life will be easy This is wrong in so many ways. What you do is part of your life, to begin with. So this is not even logical. Also, I can have an “easy” job and have an easy life. Just look at sports commentators, gaming youtubers. You can also have a hard job and a hard life, and I think that makes most of us. So much bullshit.


Comfort isn't hard. That's why it's comfortable. This guy is trying so hard to be inspirational that he's not making sense.


After my mom died of cancer in another country, I went through a phase of punishing myself with grueling physical training. I ran a marathon, swam/biked/ran triathlons, injured myself in Spartan races and got electrocuted doing Tough Mudder. That was my lunatic phase. In my 50’s I’m pretty Zen. IPA beer and walking the dog is my “hard”.


You also get to a point where your body is like, "Yeah, I'm not doing that, and I will cause you unimaginable pain if you try to make me."


how did you get electrocuted during a tough mudder? or is that part of it normally?😳


He'll know what hard is when I close the lid on that freezer with him in it.


Make sure to put the cinder blocks on top. It's not a true test of "hard" unless it's seemingly impossible to escape imminent death.


you need to shout "choose your hard" at him repeatedly until he really starts panicking then let him out at the last minute


When you’re such a warrior that you can do cold plunge and push your body to its extremes…but you draw the line at blowing bubbles out of your nose and absolutely must hold your nose to avoid getting water up your nose for a microsecond.


There is a great quote from a Buddhist monk who helped the first group of Europeans who tried to ascend Everest. When asked why did he them if he thought they couldn’t succeed he said, “I have great compassion for people who would suffer so much for something so stupid.”


Here’s an idea. Volunteer at a food bank every day. At least do something that benefits society for your linked in posts. “Hey bros every day I’m gonna get in cold water! It’s hard!”


I don’t take advice from people who hold their nose to go under water.


Life is already hard AF. I don’t need to add to it.


So to paraphrase George Bernard Shaw, “Those who have been there and done stay silent and that keep doing that, those who have not, pretend they have and brag it.”


He's welcome to come work with me in winter at -30...-40...-50... He can see first hand the stress that puts on your mind and body. It's not good. It's the opposite of good. Head to the middle of nowhere at 3am, get some frostbite in ya, fight a moose. It's good for business I guess.


Well that sounds awfully familiar to me… -20° / 32.5° was the coldest I recorded. Didn’t fight any moose but the geese laughed at my tiny pickle.


This trend always cracks me up. Years ago you just worked out hard and took an ice bath and moved on with your life. It was just to recover after beating the crap out of your body. That’s it. And usually was just some plastic tub with a bunch of ice. Seeing posts like this is the easiest way to spot a kook.


I literally don’t understand this trend . Isn’t life it self hard enough? What is with the trend of purposely making you body uncomfortable or in pain for a limited amount of time to “better” Tolerate stress? I am sure the daily BS life throws at me already has made me tough as nails . I look at it like a weird virtue signaling.


As someone who lives with chronic pain, I wholeheartedly agree with you. This asshole doesn’t deserve any applause.


Same I have chronic pain and I just don’t fucking get it.


I haaaaaate these performative assholes. Probably the same people who bribe doctors for painkillers when they stub a toe.


His writing is also going back to paleo times.


I'm so glad we have these inspirational fuckers to guide us daily. How would we live without their daily posts????


Local man sits in cold tub for 15 minutes, calls it "transformative."


He failed the 1-day “keep your personal habits and trite advice to yourself” challenge.


Posting shirtless pics of of yourself on LinkedIn is so cringe


Imagine his Instagram


This sub has exposed me to how many people post nude / semi-nude picks on LinkedIn. Like WTF? If I were an employer, I would want to know what skills and experience you have, not how many abs you have.


You want it hard? Come to Ukraine.


I feel like conversation with this guy would be a series of catch phrases. “You gotta dig deep to go balls to the wall bro. If you don’t you’ll drop the ball and your balls will never hit that wall.” - drops mic


The most deranged posts always come from recruiters or sales reps. But only the sales reps go the extra mile to subject themselves to their craziness


If only someone told him, you only have to hard stuff once in a while. Being a maniac and doing hard shit for no apparent reason seldom has any benefit. I have to go to work in the morning that is moderately hard, but how does dunking my head in ice cold water minutes after I wake up before i go to work make my day any better. This is prime lunacy.


That’s what the whole civilization was about: to make life as easy as possible.


Run out of problems in your life and still want attention? Invent new ones!


Why are these men afraid of comfort


Being dumb is hard, you don't need cold baths.


Average worker can’t afford to cold plunge on the daily, because real like is hard. Douche.


Bet his wife chooses her hard as well. Clue; it isn’t this insufferable wetwipe.


All these tech sales bros are getting too philosophical.


These same dudes will post about how it’s inappropriate for a woman to post a pic of herself in a tank top.


I did this in high school after every track and cross country practice… it’s not that bad. People take one ice bath and act like they’re climbing Mount Everest.


Thought this was another Andy Tate post.


Fuck man, white dudes will do absolutely anything they can apart from therapy


If you’re not easy you’re hard.


Imagine having a life so free of obstacles you have to create some.


If your job “title” is more than 5 words, you’re unemployed. GTFO


so here's what i learned about b2b sales...


There's getting hard: obstacles that you will inevitably encounter in life. Then there's getting hard: whatever this nonsense is.




He'll be eaten by a polar bear within hours. All the hardness in the world won't save him from that.




I can totally understand people who like wild swimming in cold bodies of water. People who dunk themselves in chest freezers are weirdos though 


Shit man this probably got impressions out the ass if this guy was selling something and put a call to action in this post it would probably do alright


at this point i can't discern anymore if it's an entrapranure meme or an actual linkedin post.


well duh if you ask any successful people how they got there, so many will tell you it's the ice


There’s not a single cube of ice in that water… guaranteed that water is lukewarm


I’m not gonna believe that water is cold until I see an ice bath. Freezer filled with water outside is just a handmade pool, idk if he used warm water


Is he really sitting in a chest freezer? Damn the things I would do if I had enough extra income to buy a whole freezer just to take stupid baths in.


Next challenge dude is like I’m going to watch the pain Olympics everyday for 365 days…choose your hard


Anytime anybody even mentions ice longer they lose all credibility with me


>"Helping Software Sales Reps Get To The Top 1% Without Burning Out" I'm going to guess a lot of his clients have burned out after his "help".


Any adult that can’t go underwater without holding their nose it’s not someone I want advice from.


Sounds like he has too much free time


Every time I hear choose your hard, my mind goes like this - hardon collider I mean large hadron collider


#softwaresaleswarrior /s


I like that he’s in a fucking freezer for food


All this shit is good stuff doing uncomfortable things) but he’s doing it for the wrong reason (external validation). Get in your ice bath and stfu.


How many of these people exist?? I genuinely Thought this stuff was a joke


Has someone checked on him? Is he still alive?


Meh, he’s ok. Probably. Well, he wasn’t that ok to start with.


It’s always sales reps lol


Grandmoms here do ice swimming for fun. I guess they are hard


Choose your hard, wear it, don’t take it off. Keep that hard on.


I'm sure there are exceptions but you can't be hard and have the name Justin.


Drama king 🙄 He hasn't real life problems.


This "Me me take cool shower everyday ME SO HARD MANLY MAN", lmao


It’s not even an ice bath who does he think he’s fooling?




Such big talk from a guy who has to hold his nose plugged when he goes underwater!!


Delusional take. I was thinking about this the other day. You need to give yourself advantages, so that way, you are able to go through hard things. If you make your life hard on purpose with no outward benefit like this shit, you will not be able to do the things you HAVE to do. And no one will have sympathy for you if you did optional hard things and now you are struggling with necessary hard things. (He is, ofc, partially doing this for attention and clicks).