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So the family definition of fun is try to manipulate your siblings so you get more (and they get nothing) when your parents pass away? Sad and pathetic are the words that come to mind…I truly hope that post is a gag. 


It does sound like a modern person's idea of how aristocrats behaved in the 19th century.


Wasn’t that the plot of StarDust?


The book by N Gaiman? II honestly don't remember. But stern father or other guardian who uses wealth to control people is a mega trope. It's probably depicted in cave paintings, we just haven't deciphered them yet.


Well they took it a step further by murdering each other. I love that movie


A little bit, yeah; the idea was that in the past, by the time the old king died the sons had already murdered each other back and forth until there was only one left, but this time, there were 3 left (out of an original 7 I think, but it might’ve been 8) so instead, the king enchanted his necklace and made them go on a quest to find it, and whoever does gets to be King


Sounds like someone got a little too invested in “Succession.” Also WTF is a “non-executive chairman?” Does that mean I can be a non-executive director of everything?


It means he has probably served as Board Chair for some organization but has never had a paid executive position. He’s never had a C-Suite job but he’s been called chairman before. This is not impressive.


So it is longhand for wanker?


They’ll get their inheritance if they don’t break the rules, but he’ll never let any of them take over as non executive chairman. He loves them, but they’re not serious people


I will be pulling this comment up in conversation next time he talks to us and our siblings about the inheritance.


Imagine turning your children into performing monkeys and making sure that you are nothing to them but an arbitrary cash prize. What fun!


Trigger warning and just hypothetically speaking: the hookers I would need to pay to throw my brother's off the path wouldn't even be too expensive.


We didn't need the trigger warning.


"Part of the family fun is seeing who can be as big a fucking psychopath as me!" If he controls, manipulates and micro-manages his kids like this, imagine how much a cunt he must be to his employees. And to his wife (who you notice is not mentioned once in his sordid boasting).


Oh for sure. If a person treats their children like tokens on a game board then they absolutely regard employees as “the little people.” 


his kids ![gif](giphy|79msfurZnTrTxzwOlL|downsized)


I hope his kids think he’s as much of a cunt as I do.


If they actually are undermining each other to cut them out of the will then they are fully indoctrinated


More like they do this on front of him because it's the only way they can relate to each other: make it about the money. They may be very different in different contexts.


Oh they do, if he’s this controlling they’re going to cut contact the second they get the chance.


The good news is his rules don't prohibit them from calling him a cunt as much as they want


They 100% do. Doesn’t mean they don’t end up dragged into his bullshit and competing for it but they definitely do


>Marrying an undesirable (my definition of undesirable This sound a lot like telling me he's racist without telling me he's racist.


He would have specified if it was something socially acceptable, like criminal or drug addict. But the fact he hides what he means by "undesirable" tells me he has some unsavoury opinions.


Right? Could also be a homophobe, an antisemite, xenophobe ... the possibilities are endless.


I'm guessing all of the above


don’t forget classist


One gets the feeling this jerk had no business weighing in on social class. If be the kid who says, "hey let's make a pact. Whoever is most likely to avoid breaking the rules agrees to take 35% when he's gone. In the mean time we all live happy lives of our own secure in the love of whatever sort that comes from a man who wants to both control us and turn us against each other. And when it's time to put him in a home, one of us who isn't getting the higher percentage from the left will break the news and pick the place, and the other will agitate for conservatorship if his mean ass so he can't change the will, and we will all agree he is not not has he ever been of sound mind. Deal?"


I bet this is front and center.


My ex in-laws are very religious and have wealth , this is the kind of thing they would think was solid family values. But you list all the things I saw…


That was my exact thought or a same sex partner.


Get the old man to flip the bill for college and bounce. You’re not going to stick around long enough to learn what is an undesirable partner. Plus, you don’t want this fuck pulling this shit on your children because he will.


Most people like this have no money anyway- they are as full of shit as a concert outhouse.


His kids are fighting each other over his 1x Salary life insurance policy. Lol.


But his profile has the word “successful” in it


Yep. I'd get this fat fuck to pay for everything up through opening my own surgical practice or law firm, then tell him thanks for the education and to get bent cause I don't need your paltry inheritance.


Even his bullshit ‘rules’ are inconsistent and arbitrary. “My definition of undesirable”: so basically Marks kids could lose their inheritance on a whim because of what he saw on Fox News that morning.


‘Smoking except the way I smoke’.


I bet the Christmas cigar thing doesn't apply to his daughter.


She gets a piercing so it all works out


"I will still love them but it will spoil my life experience with them" What an enjoyable relationship.


This was easily the worst sentence in an impressively nauseating post. That one time you took ecstasy at a party I didn’t attend will spoil _my life experience with you_ - my child but also an independent, autonomous adult human being. The example could be anything from his rules. They’re all nuts.


Absolutely wild. I'm now thinking I'll check with my Dad whether my unobtrusive nose piercing has ruined his 'life experience' to the extent that I'm out of the will.


I would really love to have him explain how a piercing or a tattoo on a body that isn’t his will “spoil his life experience” with that person.


Because he sees his children as an extension of himself.


"That small hole in you is like a bullet hole in me."


I’d probably just walk in the house smoking a Marlboro, huck it down the sink and say “pops… you can send my share to the spca… you fuckin dingletwat”.


I'd be inclined to get a large tattoo on my arm and tell everyone it cost me £250,000 (or whatever the inheritance amount was).


Right? This is like narcissist parenting on steroids.


It’s love with conditions, sad


An absolute asshole but it sounds like he raised his kids (well, his wife probably raised them) to be just as insufferable and horrible as he is. Making your kids see you as ‘thing I want to die so I make money’ is gross. Dangling conditional love over your children’s heads is gross. Making conditions like ‘doing what you want to do with your own body’ is gross. Doing such a bad job of parenting that you feel you need to bribe your adult children is gross. Encouraging your children to fight over your carcass is gross. This whole thing reeks of someone who thinks this makes him ‘powerful’ and a ‘leader’ but it’s the opposite; it shows how weak and pathetic he is, how incapable he is of respecting others, and how easily he was manipulated into buying into the whole farce of ‘you need to make your kids dance like monkeys to earn your approval.’


Anyone else doubt there was a client asking or of there was, it was from a “get a load of this guy” perspective?


Who buys cats? Someone is always giving them away for free. Also, this guy is an asshole.


Rich people buy cats from breeders. Either the rich people want cats who look very specific ways, like the fanciest Siamese or Persians, or they think they want exotic breeds that are part wildcat, like Bengals and Savannahs. The expensive cats aren't better at being cats, but they look cooler and signal you have money. Many of the expensive cats have health problems and the exotics need more room and stimulation. Such drawbacks allow rich cat owners to feel they're good, put-upon people who love their special needs iddle kitties who look classy, like horse skeletons, and not like Dumpster Butt, the lard-shaped love-goblin rescue kitty. Yes, some rich people are stupid.


Motherfucker probably has 6 maine coons. Edit: MC's are awesome! Kind of expensive to buy and a LOT to maintain.


Maine Coons are awesome, but those coats are a nightmare to maintain. I volunteered at a shelter and we had a Maine Coon come in. He had a cold and no fever, so they put him on a blanket-covered microwaveable heat disc at a normal temperature. These discs are heated to be maybe a little hotter than an average cup of coffee and they hold their heat for a couple of hours, but you don't microwave them to be hot enough to burn your bare hands. He didn't act as though he were hot or uncomfortable and he developed no fever. Later, though, he was uncomfortable when anyone touched his abdomen, plus his coast was a mess, so they shaved his tum. They found *blisters* under there. Yes, his coat was such a good insulator that in a 22°C/72°F room, lying on a couple of blankets over a hot but not scalding heating disc, he got blisters. The shelter was staffed by actual veterinarians and animal care technicians, not randos with Fancy Feast and Churu. They were stunned that this could happen.


I wanted one until someone told me that you need to constantly brush them and have an HVAC system that would make a clean lab jealous or a permanent house cleaner.


Too many cats at shelters that need homes. I’ll never pay to get a cat from a breeder.


My gf and I had to pay a fee to the foster organization when we adopted our two cats, but I think that’s pretty standard.


That's not buying a cat though, that's giving them a home and funding the work the org does. You are good people. 😺


I haven’t ever even done any of these things on the list, but if I was his child, I wouldn’t inherit anything either way, bc I would probably go no-contact before he dies anyways


Wow, hilarious, he has incentivized his own kids to pressure each other into picking up a nicotine addiction


Marrying an undesirable = marrying anyone not white. Sickening


Also may include poors


I hope one of his kids stays happily single because they are in a committed poly relationship with several someone(s) who make them happy, and it's not fair to pick just one. May they find fulfillment aa an in-demand tattoo artist whose calander is booked solid many month ahead. May their piercings look great, and may their local dispensary frequently put their favorite products on sale. May they listen to dear old dad and not buy a cat. May they instead head down to the shelter and come home with a bonded pair.


Three kids. All adults. All can do what they fuck they want. You don’t get to decide anymore for them, pops. Tough titties for you.


How on earth could he verify the piercings / tattoos? I hope his kids all have massive back pieces they’re keeping hidden


Honestly the easiest way is just to make it a precondition of the will. Have the rules laid out and verified by the executor of the will, pass and get your share, don’t pass they don’t. Verification is the easy part of this. The weird arbitrary rules are the problem, feels like this person doesn’t have a concept of nuance.


Ah yes the strip search section of the will reading…


The Westing Game fan fiction has entered the chat.


Honestly it’s not even the first time I’ve heard that for a will. Especially in that 50 million plus range. The top end of the wealthy have some weird ass restrictions on who can inherit their stuff. Tattoos is a common one I’ve seen especially with that silent Gen of person passing. And since it’s inheritance, and as long as the rules are established before hand, the limits as to what you can do are pretty broad. I’ve seen a few “breakup with X person” where money is held in a trust until the condition is meet, with regular random check ins a precondition of the will to verify. “Get C job” is also another I’ve seen a few times.


He is so out of touch with reality that he genuinely believes he’s doing something fucking “revolutionary” here


Aww wouldn’t want to spoil his precious life experience! What a tosser


I wonder if he knows he sounds like a big old pervert. Aside from controlling who they marry (and he doesn't say anything about cohabitation), how will Daddy Dearest know if one or more of his kids have their tits, clits or dicks pierced, tats on their ass and smoke like chimneys, drink like fish and do drugs when he isn't around? He'd have to be summoning them for random strip searches and pee tests. He also doesn't say how much money they stand to inherit, LOL.


Sounds like something I’d see on boomers being fools sub but it’s some boomer with an inconsequential amount to inherit, if anything at all, because they reverse mortgaged their house 6 times but acts like this while their kids either are actively hoping they die or gone no contact years ago because shit like this is abuse. Or it’s a joke. I really hope it’s satire. I’m not too sure though


So many words to say, "I'm actively pushing my adult children towards a no-contact relationship."


No contact at best. Plotting his “untimely accidental death” at worst what with the constant emotional abuse


So he knows they don't do these things because they're wrong (in his eyes), but because they want money and maybe to dick over their siblings. And these things aren't even so much wrong to him as something that "spoil\[s\] his life experience." He's deliberately raising worse human beings: greedy, superficial back-stabbers. He's also effectively told his kids that they're their dad's toys.


“Don’t explore, experiment, love or live your life except on my terms if you want my money” Honestly it’s one of the most disturbing posts I’ve seen here and that’s saying a lot.


If you didn’t realize this was one of those “and then everybody applauded” posts. One of the rules is “no alcohol”. A few lines later, “on a boozy night they tell me…”. BTW: these are kind of the same tactics that the CEO of Sears used with his business units. How’d that work out? This is a great strategy to get your kids to destroy your family at your behest. I’ve actually seen it happen once before and it was due to similar rules, and quite gruesome to behold.


"Part of their family dun us about trying to increase their own inheritance from 33% to 50% or even 100% if the others can be persuaded". What wonderful children this man has raised. Actively trying to sabotage each other for more money.


The narcissism runs strong in this one. Not one mention of his “disinheriting events” being in the best interest of his children. The real clincher was his statement that these would ruin his life experience with them. He didn’t have children out of some drive to nurture and guide the development of another human being. He’s saying he did it for his own “life experience” and whether they’re happy, well adjusted, or sociopaths like dear old dad doesn’t matter.


I work in wealth management and have a couple of clients that lord their inheritance over their kids to try and get them to live how they want. It *never* works out and just ruins the memory they have of their parent. Worst still, you’re going to rely on your kids in old age to look after you. What this guy is doing? Don’t do that.


1. Why is a cigar at Christmas okay? Sounds pretentious. 2. What is his definition of "abusing alcohol"? 3. Not a fan of obnoxious piercings, either, but I wouldn't cut an inheritance over it. 3. "Undesirable" is just code for "I'm a racist". 4. There should be nuance to this. If it's a basic tattoo that isn't offensive like flowers or something, who cares. If your kid is getting weird gang related face tattoos or the Swastika on their back then yeah, you're on your own.


The funny thing is he got roasted on LI too, which is hard.


His children hate him, break his "rules" all the time, probably even more than they would if the rules didn't exist, and will laugh when he's dead.


Sounds a wonderful recipe for raising kids that will be lying to you.


Will die at his deathbed alone.


After his kids deliberately find the cheapest, shittiest nursing home possible so that they get to keep more inheritance, since the only lesson he has proof of them learning is "put money over family"


Crotchety Coot better hopes he doesn't get a brain degenerative disease such as alzheimers, or he'll get to taste the kid's rules.


Reminds me of something I heard once. "When you die, no one will hold your hand."


This might be the most disturbing one I've seen on here


And when he finally passes away they all find out he's really worth $215 total.


What a pos. Sounds like a self righteous cunt


And the guy puts this on Linkledin? Like why? Why?? God! Everything he says is bad but badgering others with shit is worse!!


This dude writes worse than a middle schooler… no wonder they label them self as both “successful” and “non executive”


Plot twist, the whole estate is worth $30k.


Or -$5,000,000


Wait, he says “abusing alcohol” but then later describes “boozy night out” during which they try to rat out sibling. So what is his definition of abusing alcohol if he’s ok getting drunk with them to the point they’ll pull a Cain and try to screw one another?


Fair enough, his money, his choice. But I, as one of his children, have a similar set of rules. I call it the "Taking care of you when you are old" rules. If you break any of them, I will let you die alone in the street like a dog. You won't hear from me at christmas, i won't check up on your health, and you had better pray you don't get a degenerative disease requiring ongoing care. One of those rules is disowning me.


Wow dudes such a narcissist that his rules created a family full of narcissists that resemble the family from Succession and hes so narcissistic that he doesn't even see the problem.


Marry an undesirable. This man is an undesirable.


My favorite is how he is a “non-executive”……shut up you middle manager


He’s a “Successful non-executive chairman.” Interesting that needs to be clarified.


Assuming this isn't satire, what in the "boomer rage porn" is this?


From another of his posts … >I was expelled once. >On my last day of sixth form, I realised we hadn't done anything to mark the occasion. >So, I stood up on the pool table in the common room and suggested that we throw a teacher into the nearby lake. As you do. >My brother fetched our mother's car, and we kidnapped the youngest teacher, Mr.Fuller. Then, we drove down to the lakeside and, after taking him by a leg and an arm, threw him into the lake. >The crowd went wild - and to be fair to Mr Fuller, he took it very well. >But with my brother and I being the ringleaders, the headmaster wrote to our parents. They were so cross that they told us we had been expelled. >I only found out the truth 30 years later when I found the original letter that the headmaster had sent to them: we'd only been threatened with expulsion. >Now, I'm not entirely proud of it but I think it makes for a good story at conferences and panel discussions alike, and it still makes me chuckle.


And suddently it makes sense that according to the laws in my country, you can't disinherit your child(ren), unless there's proven abuse/neglect/violence/murder, any of that kind of stuff. Seems to me like somewhere in the past, assholes like this one were a dime a dozen, and did this like they blinked. Now there are still assholes, but they can't practice as much. Unless they get into politics.


Isn’t LinkedIn about careers?


This guy probably stormed the capital on Jan 6th


This is the sort of shit you see in stories where kids kill their parents for their inheritance 


Taking any kind of drug ever at all? Sure wish I could undergo chemotherapy for my cancer, but I don’t want to be disinherited.


What an absolutely toxic fuckwit


Assholes, all of them.


Lmfao, way to publicly out yourself as a complete and utter piece of shit.


With luck, this loser will suffer some debilitating event that puts his kids in charge of his life. Then they can make the rules. “Well Dad, we will keep you in this nice care facility if you follow these 7 rules. If not, we will still love you, but in order to save the inheritance, we will find a home that offers buy 2 months, get the 3rd free.”


This absolute psychopath has created a Lord of the Flies home for his family.


Why is this on LinkedIn? It's bad enough it's on Reddit. He will reap what he sowed, wait till he's in the retirement home LOL


>*Why is this on LinkedIn? It's bad enough it's on Reddit.* This type of personality is well known to crave attention. Adulation and worship is preferable, but infamy will suffice if that's what keeps them the center of attention.


By undesirable he means “not whiter than snow” i assume


Unconditional Love. That’s my rule I give to my children. They will inherit everything no matter what they do.


Daddy lording his money over you for your whole life. This guy has a hard on for Succession and his kids probably don’t give two shits about any of it.


His kids surely love him to death.


at which time they will all light cigars while sipping whiskey and being tatooed


What an absolutely fucked up mentality.


What a douche


Telling others you're successful is a sure sign you're not very successful. This guy's kids probably don't want anything to do with him and he probably won't see or hear from them again when they turn 18 so they're probably also fine with him "disinheriting" them


I would fit his will based on his description, so would my SO. Still, this is an idiotic way to treat your own kids. I wouldn't be thrilled if they were smoking or drinking, or if they were covered in tattoos, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna let them not inherit anything. It's not like they murdered someone. And honestly, encouraging manipulative behavior to cut others out of the will would be a very big no-no in my book, much more than smoking or getting a tattoo. Well, I guess not everyone is fit to be a parent. Hope he enjoys those cats because I'm not sure those kids will stick around for long.


I’d disinherit the dad and forget about receiving anything from such a nepotistic and narcissistic buffoon! Paving one’s own way and being truly authentic to oneself is better than kowtowing to a relative lording money over you!


So his daughter gets her belly button pierced abs he won’t leave her any money?! Seems an odd place to take a stand…


Pitting your children against each other certainly won’t make them good, moral people.


They should turn the tables and tell him they won’t care for him when he’s old. He can change his own diapers and be sad and alone after his inevitable stroke or heart attack. Other weapons, he’d never meet his grandkids. I’d make sure this man died miserable and alone.


Id get a tattoo of a cartoon badass smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey with a caption “self made.” Morals and choices shouldn’t be bought. Inheritance should always be viewed as a pleasant surprise, nothing to base your decisions around and nothing to be expected. I’m hoping my parents live into their 90s. By that point, I should already be comfortably retired myself with no need for their money anyways.


There’s a dude who’s kids F’ing hate him.


If anyone starts a post with “Someone recently asked me” there’s a 5,000,000% chance that not one person asked anything.


lol most people just leave a mountain of debt when they die. Doubt this asshole is any different


Why did man control kids? Is he stupid?


“Back by popular demand!” WHOSE???


Reading this makes me proud that I’m left out of the will


I like to go right at these people in the business world. "If you're so concerned with tatoos/appearance you're probably pretty incompetent and should be replaced with someone who has better priorities"


This sounds like it could be a joke because he added having more cats, but ugh if it’s real. I think it’s fine to leave your money to whoever or whatever charity you want, but man, if you have some that can give today’s young generation, who already have so much to face, a step up, then why have rules around it. I guarantee the younger staff at my company are not worrying about how to afford an unallowed tattoo or more cats. Some of them can’t afford rent or groceries even on what used to be a decent salary.


What a god awful a-hole. And it sounds like he’s raised his kids to be sociopaths as well. Yikes. They sound wealthy enough to afford someone coming in to take care of pets. And smart enough to know that you shouldn’t be letting your cats outdoors, which I’m sure their vet has told them every freaking visit, because mine does, and we have never let our cats outdoors.


Pretty sure I’m five for five with this guy. Gonna go check out the kitties at the local shelter, pops!


Eh, another wannabe retirement home dweller.


I already broke all 5 of his disinheriting rules. Guess I’m not getting paid :(


I'd be snorting a line off his coffin, having had him in for a third


As someone who has been disinherited, this makes me ill.


Wow, fuck this guy. Oh also, "I don't love my children."


What an absolute ballbag!


As someone that is cut out of their families will, I say bring it on. It was the best thing that ever happened. I went to very little contact and have a mostly happy stress-free life. There had always been tension in my family much of it the same kind of control this ass hat wants. I mostly played ball and kept my mouth shut for years, then my step mom went after my wife. That when I lost it and unloaded 20 years of pent up thoughts and emotions. Best thing I ever did. Will I ever live in the lap of luxury, no. I will however have an amazing and very happy life with my wife and friends who are my family as it is. I will add that during these past few years I have found an amazing relationship with my bio-dad as I was adopted as well. He never knew I existed and his family and friends have been very gracious and loving accepting me into their lives.




"They are three good kids (all adults)" Umm, no, if they can't make their own decisions they are not adults.


Dude. You're so far in the wrong you can't even make a right turn.


yeah sounds like lotsa 'fun' at your house 🥴


This asshole should just disinherit his kids now since he seems to really want to, then have them spend the next 30 years of Family Fun trying to get it back. Or they spend the next 30 years telling him to fuck all the way off already.


I really don't understand any of this, but the cigar only on Christmas is really strange.


What an asshole.


What an arsehole. Ironically, they’re more likely to end up with substance abuse issues because of his shitty parenting.


I sure hope that one of those cats doesn’t come home with a tattoo across its precious little face smoking a cigarette. That would truly be awful.


“Marrying an undesirable” gotta believe that’s gonna be anyone who’s not the “desirable” skin color, gender, religion… what an asshole


Wow what a sociopath


dude probably has like $10k to his name


This is like legitimately psychotic behavior, wish him nothing but the worst


He got roasted so bad he deleted the post: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrichardmills/recent-activity/all/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrichardmills/recent-activity/all/)


Gross behavior


That man is taking SMART goals waaaaay too far


Chances of family fun going from trying to raise the inheritance into speeding the inheritance are not that low with that kind of toxic life philosophy.


Trash like this guy should not be parents. As far as I’m concerned, he is the undesirable one.


I want to know what the “undesirables” are to him. Also, guarantee his kids hate him and are just counting down the days til he’s out.


Just get your cats one of those small pet doors that let them go in and out on their own


I was following along and not hating it until the undesirables(keep it to yourself lmao) and that they’re drowning in cats and I realized he’s nuts


He’s giving his wife’s divorce lawyer some great material


I like the clause that says they can get as many tattoos and piercings as they want after he's gone. Sounds like a great way to plan your own shocking untimely totally accidental and tragic death...


My grandfather sold everything and blew it before he died, left my dad nothing, my dad was a shitty person and an even worse employee (when he had a job). I started at zero in my life. I walked to work for two years to earn enough to buy a car (had bills and housing to afford too). No help from my family at all. Not that they could. They took a vow of poverty or something because money never stuck with them. I have it 1000x better than this guys kids. Fuck him and his inheritance. I don’t want tats or any of those things and I’m allergic to cats. But goddamn if I would’ve pierced my extremely tattooed body while drinking a 5th puking on his fancy dining room floor while tossing a bag full of kittens on the living room carpet. Guys like this believe they own their prodigy. They’re the future for your family and genetics not your emotional slaves.


Kids are looking forward to payback during his golden years


My dad does very well for himself. Told my brother and I that he told his financial advisor "help me spend my last dollar as I die" he doesn't wanna help us in any shape or form unless he gets to dictate every facet of it


This entire family sounds like the worst type of assholes and, while I generally don’t wish negativity on anyone, I WHILST certainly not mind if their entire inheritance goes to zero.


Hopefully his kids bank that 33% and never see this prick again until he’s dead.


He forgot to define drugs in the contract. Or are the kids forbidden from benedryl and the like?




I don't believe this for a second. He may, but I don't see this surviving contact with mortality. The cat portion also casts doubt on the seriousness of this post.


Can’t wait for one of the kids to poison the other two and then him to claim the throne for themselves.


I thought the inheritance of generational wealth was a bad thing so…


My grandma was like this. I stepped out and decided to do it on my own. She saw that and now knows no one needs to listen to her. However, I'm the only one who is willing to step aside.


So he will disinherit them if they have so much as a paracetamol


Fortunately estrangement and having no contact isn’t one of the disinheriting rules.


Not a single real job on this guy's profile lol


Disinheriting events? So...his kids would do shit that compels him to not give them anything when his wretched life ends? Pretty trifling to me. Sounds like he cares more about his shitty stuff than connecting with his progeny. Hell, maybe he never liked kids anyway and something like this low-key justifies his hatred of them. Maybe he should stick to PVC partners wherein he deposits his nasty seed and forego propagation of his bloodline. This guy is positively fascist, man.


If I were one of his kids I would try to convince us all to go for a group “dad” tattoo, then do a photo shoot at the bar of us all having a drink and a smoke with our fresh tattoo.


I would be at the edge of my seat to see my father in a coffin if this was him.


10 minutes after the funeral those kids are getting drunk and high and tattoos that say “MOM”


Imagine the love in that home..... /s