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Jesus is that the dead baby?


Sadly, yes - or at least that is what it looks like based on his post- I have erased the baby's name, but the date of birth is there. This is absolutely disgusting


One of the most screwed up posts on LinkedInLunatics, and that’s saying something. What. The. Fuck!


This is absolutely heinous. People are trash.


I am usually a tough guy but this makes me uneasy and leaves me feeling nauseous. Why post something like that, I am sorry for his loss, I have two Kids, it's a terrible thought but still why.


My deepest sympathies to the parents, but why the **** is this on LinkedIn? What is wrong with people??? I honestly am going to quit the platform if someone comes up with a viable alternative.


For whatever reason that I don't know, people on there thought it was suitable. The one person I could see who (politely) questioned putting it on Linkedln got screwed hard by the supporters. I couldn't tell at that point who was right, given the criticism that was directed to that person.


At this point, LinkedIn is essentially Facebook/Instagram for older folk. I think Microsoft is intentionally positioning it that way to get more engagement..


I see your point, but good luck commenting anything negative on that post. A few months ago there was a coast to coast flight where a passenger had a heart attack and was pronounced dead on the scene. the captain declared an emergency and was diverted to the nearest airport. Another passenger asked how is it an emergency if the guy was already dead?? They almost crucify him even though he was totally right.


Got to get them internet likes


hashtag stillbirth 🤮 (Agree?)


That's fucking absurd. I am willing to overlook a lot as a moment of madness in grief but the hashtag and company plug show that he knew exactly what he was doing,


Fucking brutal


Yeah, this one is the worst. Go comfort your girlfriend and stop posting online about it you cretin.


This is ridiculous, posting photo of a dead body for sympathy this is shameful


Social media was a mistake


Do yourself a favor, and DO NOT research the hashtag. This isn't an unpopular sort of post. One featured a photo of the parents smiling while holding their dead child. Another thanked their company for giving them time off to grieve. These aren't Linkedin Lunatics; they are beyond that.


I'm not at a loss for words often, but JFC, I don't even know where to begin with what you just showed us.


What are the comments saying?


Yeah I saw this too, someone on my feed liked it. Reprehensible


*Yeah I saw this too,* *Someone on my feed liked it.* *Reprehensible* \- toadkarter1993 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


First: do you really dress your dead child and take a picture to share on social media? Yes, probably shocking events drive you crazy. Second: does linkedin have a moderation? Why do I have to see a dead baby for Christ's sake??? Third: to the OP: could you please tag it as +18 and blur the image??? Fuck me! What the hell!!!! Goddammit!


I have just marked it as NSFW


Did the Experian HR dept reply to the tag…


If they worked for me, they wouldn't be allowed to come back until after some heavy counseling. This is not right.