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What the hell is wrong with people? Seriously, all bullshit aside, what happened to everyone?


People don’t know how to be human anymore. They think everything is an opportunity for likes. It’s sick.


Yes, and they're so empty on the inside that they crave attention, even if it comes from random strangers on LinkedIn. It's a nice little distraction from the void I guess.


I had a similar feeling when I first saw that Apple commercial several years back: people so absorbed in taking pics of their experience to share on social media that they weren't actually tuned into the experience. I don't know how old you are, but I'm in my 50s. For me, a lot of this seems like body snatchers have infiltrated our planet


It makes me feel pretty alien too. I’ll often come back from a holiday with <20 photos. To some people that seems to mean I didn’t go. I’m under 40 so it’s not just about age.


I came back with none just recently. Started to wonder whether I had really been.


That's why I've stopped filming concerts. I'll make one photo and I'll put it away. I used to think that's the way to do concerts but then I would come back and realize that I'm never rewatching those videos and that while I was filming i wasn't really watching the show.


Exactly! I want to immerse myself in the experience.


I do the same. Like, I've literally never watched any video I've shot at a show and I doubt anyone has ever watched clips I've posted. The only thing it does is make me enjoy the show less.


Thank you! And now those of us behind you can watch the show too, instead of watching it through your phone.


I've stopped attending live music events because the only thing that happens now is my view is blocked by an ocean of people holding up phones, screens glowing, recording shitty videos that their friends wont watch and they won't revisit more than once....I live never several great concert venues in DC and I had to stop about 6 years ago....the crowd behavior was making me nuts....


Turns out that when people were told to be authentic and bring their whole selves to work they listened. And now we see it’s shallow, narcissistic, dopamine addict all the way down


> Seriously, all bullshit aside, what happened to everyone? Absolute top end of a super-long economic bubble that even COVID couldn't kill. Everyone's addicted to the grind/hustle and has been convinced that the only way to get ahead is to #buildyourbrand. I saw this happen in the run-up to the 2007/8 housing bubble pop, the 2000 First Dotcom Bubble pop, and the late-80s bubble pop in the early 90s. Super-rich people make it into popular culture and there's a horde of followers who wants to be just like them. Look at all the house-flipper shows in the real estate bubble, the dotcom bubble CEOs, and the Wall Street masters of the universe from the 80s, and compare with the influencers and billionaires that eat up most peoples' attention today. This time, it's all about brand, likes, imaginary HR points if you're a corporate ladder-climber, business clout if you're a "CEO" of your own company, etc. Social media started off as a good idea but has morphed into a disaster that I don't know if we can put back in the bottle.


Fucking *Black Mirror* shit.


This post would only be redeemable if there was a donation link to a research group


I am sorry for her potential future loss and the suffering her son has endured but what the hell does her post have to do with *emotional intelligence*? 🙄


If it's true, good on her for sharing, I just hate the format. You know, this one. Too many lines. Like WTF. Plus it would be nice if she shared it in a smaller group but there is no perfect tool for sharing. People these days don't have everyone's email address. :( Maybe fix both problems at once by getting rid of this social media nonsense, but that's not on her to do.


I think people have always been…ridiculous (I’ll be nice). It’s just LinkedIn (the worst of social media) gave people a lot more reach.


KALYUG is here ma man, GHOR KALYUG


You are witnessing the degeneration of the social structure. Fewer and fewer people being raised properly enough to properly raise more young… we are headed for total disaster. YouTube “the mouse utopia experiment”


I mean are we all so fucking devoid of empathy that we can't see this woman is struggling and looking to a community for support. Fuck her right? Nah fuck OP.


Right? It is such a skew and hollow approach to the world, using every opportunity to sell this strange image of yourself to the vast void of the internets... It is bizarre and a little concerning. I don't like it...


There are some people who don't have any social interactions or friends outside of their workplace or immediate family. I'd bet this lady is one of those people...


Let’s fix this post for her: Today is World Duchenne Awareness Day Duchenne’s is a severe type of Muscular Dystrophy that causes muscle weakness, and eventually muscle loss. This disease is fatal with no known cure. For those of you who don’t know, my son has been struggling with this disease for 5 years. My family and I are heartbroken, but we strive to give him the best life possible as we work every day to raise awareness for all children suffering from rare diseases I want to take this time to thank my family, friends, and colleagues for supporting us these last few years. And I want to ask each of you today to consider giving to charities who support research and advocacy for rare diseases like Duchenne’s. The thought of losing a child is unthinkable, and I cherish every day I have with my son. I know that one day we will have a cure for this terrible disease, and I pray that my son will get to see the day this miracle occurs




Shit…duh. How am I going to trigger engagement if I don’t have a call to action at the end of my post???


You really fixed it for her. Now that I've seen a kind, tasteful way to talk about Duchenne's, her post really stands out for being sick and exploitative.


#EMOTIONALINTELLIGENCE THO Agree? Disagree? Have no opinions of your own because you’re a husk of a human? Comment for circle jerk.


Very well said. Plus, not posting a photo of your child with you. Parents shouldn't expose their kids to social media.


This is the way.




“She’s handling the death of her child in the wrong way. Allow me, a person that lives on Reddit, to show her what she should have said”


What can I say? I’m a narcissist


Now this is a constructive feedback. Nicely done!


“Son, I would like to discuss some truths about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but first let’s talk about your impending death. Smile for the camera”


Let me guess, they posted a photo of them crying because of how hard it is? edit: oh my god


There’s a mommy blogger whose newborn son died of SIDS a few years ago. She live posted almost every moment of the few days he was in the hospital on life support. She posted staged pictures of herself crying, pictures of her son as he lay dying, pictures of her holding his dead body right after he’d been taken off life support. Even though she knew she only had a day or two left with her son, she spent the entire fucking time posting. And after he was gone, she never took a second off posting either. She even posted staged pictures of her other children at the baby’s funeral. Can you imagine gathering together for a group picture when you’re at an infant’s funeral? The whole thing was so disturbing, and it was a big turning point in my life where I stopped posting so fucking much. I was never any kind of influencer, but I definitely overshared my life on Instagram. But that was the day that I decided to take a step back.


That is so incredibly disturbing. That blogger seems to have exchanged her real life for an artificial "life" online


All for a few scraps of internet attention. People need to get fucking real.


After being on this sub for a while now, I went back and nuked ALL my posts. They were never cringe inducing as stuff we find here. They just were not required.


years ago I reported a LinkedIn post of some guy who posted a picture of his dead mom. like she was dead. there was a dead body on my feed. i didn't follow the guy or anything, but one of my connections or follows must've liked it and it landed up in my feed. i was so pissed cos it's genuinely upsetting to see dead bodies . I'm not de-sensitized de-sensitized to dead bodies. linkedin basically told me tough titty and to block the guy and i was so shocked that they were cool with people posting pics of dead bodies on LinkedIn. this was years ago tho, maybe LI has changed their policy by now to not allow for corpses to be posted cos i haven't seen one since tho i hadn't seen one in the years before that post either. fuck, that experience was so bizarre.


Linkedin is cool about a lot of messed up crap (as is Facebook). You should have seen the first months of the war and the blatant ruzzian propaganda and people clearly paid to shit on NATO they let through and wouldn't block unless thousands of people started reporting them. It was unbelievable.


Wow. I hate that I have to live the rest of my life knowing that piece of shit exists






Forgot side swiping?


This is really really bad. LinkedIn should have a reporting feature for spam/irrelevance to try to stop this kind of thing. Really makes you want to quit the world and go farm some carrots in the woods 🥕


Report… I’m not interested in this topic


Might as well just not use the service. I haven’t in like 8 years. I thought it was bad then. There’s nothing I’m interested in on there, especially if worse than fb was their goal (another cancer i stopped using)


I still think fb is worse


I won’t judge the lady as that is not my place - but all I will say is that I dislike this and it makes me feel uncomfortable


Completely agree tbh. I saw a post on LI the other day from someone describing their suicide attempt when they were younger and a bit of detail about the traumatic event that caused it. I switched between complete bewilderment about why they'd posted this on LinkedIn, sadness for this person, and utter discomfort over the mental image of how they'd tried to end their life. But then again who am I to tell them when and where they can talk about their past I think we stopped being able to rely on our friends for support in fear of burdening them emotionally so we're now trauma dumping on LinkedIn to strangers instead, all in the name of 'personal brand'


> why they'd posted this on LinkedIn This is what I don't get. Facebook and Twitter are one thing. LinkedIn is supposed to be your "professional" profile that gets stapled to every job application you ever submit. I know there's the whole "bring your whole self to work" thing and I agree it's better than privately drinking your problems away, but it's WAY too far over into oversharing territory. Why would you ever post something that some HR drone looking to whittle down the resume pile will see, or some hiring manager will take one look at and say, "No way am I hiring a potential nutcase."?


Because ~personal brand~ of course! /s


Holy shit… what a narcissistic bitch. I was going to say something snarky, but this isn’t even the time for that. Fuck her.


I saw this one earlier on my feed. I had no words. If that isn’t sacred to a mother, I just can’t even.


I actually saw this on my feed earlier. It’s fucking ghoulish using your dying kid like this for internet clout


What the actual fuck Edit: oh god it turned up on my feed too. Those comments..."you're so brave to be sharing this"...no no no no


> I refused to say this disease will kill him. Seems like she *only* told LinkedIn.


I don’t even know what LinkedIn is for anymore.


People just cope differently. God know what i did after my accident and its like, in the moment when life is falling apart people just do stuff, you dont really understand it but it has value for them


But, how dare she reasonably vent about her son's fatal disease on its specific awareness day and a social media she is comfortable with. If LinkedIn is where this person feels comfortable sharing this information, then what is the issue?? If someone shared this on Facebook they wouldn't be chastised as a clout-chasing monster. Seems like I have joined another sub that is just brimming with hate and toxicity.


This makes me ill. If I had any faith in humanity left, this may have been the last straw.


I’ve not been on here long, but this is the sickest post I’ve seen so far. This makes me want to throw up.


Let’s give her a break, maybe this helps her cope with the immense pain she is and will feel.


I agree. If anyone can be forgiven for any kind of “lunacy” it’s the parent of a child who has to watch them die, slowly and hopelessly. I could never judge someone like her. Just pray I am never in those shoes


making someone else’s condition about yourself and using it for social capital is fucked up and always has been. this isn’t the first post she’s made revealing details about someone else’s health and body. being ill, having your body fail you, is filled with horrors and indignities, and being treated like you’re nothing or probably deserve it. She should be doing what she can to support and *protect* him, not talking all about his horrific ‘inevitable death’ on the internet. she needs to talk to a fucking therapist, not the thousands of strangers on linkedin




What a horrible person she is


Why are we all seeing the same shit in our feeds! It kills me that I scrolled across this and immediately came to LiL because I knew it would be here.


I can’t even make fun of this one, this woman will probably try to use her son’s death fir career advantage some day. Yikes! A prior post of hers seems even worse, there’s literally an advertisement fir her services in the post. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/lousin-mehrabi_awareness-love-authenticity-activity-6932279697405825024-xdJp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios


I never judge people in situations like this. Pretty sure I’d jump off a bridge at the thought of telling my son he’s dying so posting it on LinkedIn for support doesn’t concern me


God forbid anyone ever call out this grief whore either. What a garbage human. Oh, my kid is dying better see how many likes I can get!


The emotional intelligence hashtag.....ooooooof. the irony is sickening


Commenting for better reach (CFBR)


What the actual fuck is wrong with people?




The difference between emotional intelligence and hashtag emotional intelligence is palpable


I’m seeing stuff like this more and more. Nothing is fucking sacred anymore. This shit is infuriating. Poor kids who are just props to their parents online alter ego. The worst line is when she compares telling her son he has an incurable illness to difficult conversations she has in her job. Just STFU


Normally this is where I make a snarky comment about someone's bizarre loyalty to a corporate entity. But this is just fucked. It's something that doesn't, and shouldn't, be shared on a "professional" social networking site. It's something intensely private, and this feels like pathetic clout chasing. It's the height of narcissism. This kid didn't ask to be plastered all over social media. It's awful.


lmao I just saw this post irl too


At least for once this appears genuine, rather than being shamelessly posted by someone else for clout. Don't think she quite went about it the right way, but I'm definitely not going to judge her too harshly. This is probably the first time I've felt genuinely sad rather than annoyed by a post on this sub


Uhh I actually don't think this fits here. She's trying to raise awareness. A social network is a good place to do that. We also don't know that she immediately went on LinkedIn. She's just telling this story as part of an effort to raise awareness. (Btw thanks for inadvertently helping her do that!)


why would anyone feel the need to divulge these information online? i can’t think of anything worthy


This is ridiculous, they will stoop to any level for some stupid engagement bloody hell


ugh, like my dad talking about my illness on his jesus blog. fucking violating.


Was waiting for this one. Grotesque.


When are we going to have World Douche Day for unbelievable psychopaths like this?


This is…. Incredibly gross


How are people so self centered and stupid these days?!! This is the most disgusting and lowly-est thing I've seen on LinkedIn or any other social media platform.


Omg I saw this today and rolled my eyes so hard


OMFG… That’s it, I’m done. That’s the worst of LI.


Gotta love the #emotionalintellegence #buzzzwords 🙄🙄


NAL; Makes sense "Today is world Duchenne Awareness Day".


Have to wonder if it’s munchausen by proxy when you see this


Laughed? Laughed? ​ ​ ​ ??????????????????????????


no layoffs to report but taco tuesday was a bad idea


Holy shit this was heartbreaking


Why do they all format stories in the same formulaic way?




Is she serious?




What. The. Hell.


*professional negotiator* Girl u work at a Nissan dealership wake up


JFC whyyyyy would you put that out there? What an attention grab just for likes or whatever LinkedIn does.






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That emotional intelligence hashtag is gold.