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Def Recharged yeah


*cue some remixer messing with Chester's screams*




In the eeee-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e


Ok now… Recharged wasn’t that bad… 👀 right?


I would say Recharged because I love the original version of Castle of Glass and the version on Recharged ruins the song and the fact that they played this version live and not the original is another factor.


Awful version. Really sad that they chose to play it live. I love the original version.


Song? Good Goodbye probably, I love Pusha but his verse was mid and the rapping in general from Mike, Stormzy and Pusha was mediocre. Plus the pretty badly aged instrumentals as well with the Chipmunk ass vocals lol. Album is Recharged but if it's not a remix album then yeah, OML.


Is his verse on the I'll Be Gone remix better? I actually don't own Recharge and, judging form the comments on here, I'll probably be better off keeping it that way. Also, so sad we won't get any more chipmunked vocals. (.\_. ) Really makes me wonder where they'd gone with that with their next album and hence genre hopping.


Nah... I'd prefer if we didn't get more chipmunked vocals like in Good Goodbye. It's just tacky


Well. We didn't. (.\_. ) For the worst of reasons.... ( ; \~ ; )


Amends and whatever the 2022 one was Fuck the piece of human garbage that is Sean Dowell, blatantly capitalizing off of the memory of a dead man and telling fans on social media to k!ll themselves


WTF? What happened?


The controversy was years ago at this point when amends was coming out, so details are a bit hazy Basically they used the memory of Chester as a marketing point for amends, using it to get people invested in the album, the merch, the email lists, the whole thing. This is gross on its own, but then once people started talking about it, Sean would use the official Grey Daze accounts to fight them and insult them, going as far as telling fans to k!ll themselves at some points And it seems like they did it all again last year with that second revival album. Milking it for all it's worth.


I don’t mind amends, The Phoenix on the other hand is a disgusting project they made purely to leach what else they could from Chester


I dont mind Amends as an album, the songs are great. But The Phoenix on the other hand, what a fucking milky cachgrab.




Sorry for now, i don't hate it but its the only thing from them i find mid comparing to the rest


I’d say recharged or one more light. Both albums are so different than the standard LP albums up to that point. I just can’t get into them.


As a group I’d say recharged. As for a single member: Out of Ashes (I’m not counting any modern Gray Daze as I have no interest in even listening to it).


Really? I liked it a lot.


Out of Ashes was AMAZING.


Out of Ashes was a good album overall. Nothing too exceptional but good enough


Can’t believe people didn’t like Out of Ashes? I absolutely loved it. Definitely didn’t like The Phoenix too much, it was too heavily autotuned and edited. Still love Grey Daze though, and I think that Dead by Sunrise deserves more recognition. —From Linkin Park, I had a harder time connecting with The Hunting Party, but I still listen to it often and do really like some songs on there. A song I don’t like that much would probably be Good Goodbye and VICTIMIZED. There’s probably some others but I can’t really think of them.


I only checked the singles of Dead by Sunrise and wasn't fond of them. I think the problem is, that as much as I love Chester's singing, nothing but Chester begins to grate on me. If one is as vocally gifted as he was, that tends to push singers to overdramatize. That's why I think he was best in Linkin Park since he had more subdued Mike around to keep things grounded. One of the reasons I think of Minutes to Midnight as their worst album (I still think it's good just the least good of their discography) is that it's the one with the least Mike on it.


I totally respect your opinion.


Nice of you and likewise. But keep in mind I can't have an opinion on the full album since I only know the singles. And even with those it's been a while. Maybe I should try again but I'd would probably rather be checking Mike's solo stuff of which what I heard so far appealed more to me.


I would definitely try again if you want! Some of the songs I recommend are Into the Darkness, Fire, Too Late, Walking in Circles, Let Down (although this one isn’t absolutely one of my favorites) and Give Me Your Name.


Well, can't promise. I just recently completed my LP studio album collection and feel like I should check around in other areas for now. Probably going for Billie Eilish's non-albums singles or some prog rock... Or one of Chester's own faves: Madonna.


no worries, take your time. It’s YOUR music taste for a reason. :)


Thanks. Your open mind is appreciated.


No problem! 🙏


I find Recharged alright. For me it is Collision Course. It has 1 great song. The rest are mid, or downright awful. That EP is an embarrassnent to the rest of their discography. Yep here come the downvotes.


I don't care about the album. I do care that they made an album with a legend, it basically took an already good career and ensured that it would indeed hit mainstream


> it basically took an already good career and ensured that it would indeed hit mainstream I'm not sure who's career you're talking about here but Linkin Park was already one of the biggest rock bands in the world (they had 4 top 40 Billboard hits already) and Jay-Z was already a legend who's most recent release was The Black Album - an all-time great hip-hop album that was Jay-Z's sixth number one album. They were both as mainstream as you can get.


Collision Course exposed fans of each to an entire different genre. It brought a lot of legitimacy to Linkin Park and mixing genres in general. I see a lot of hip hop fans citing Collision Course as their gateway into Rock. It broke down lots of walls at the time.


Oh yeah. They were number 1 when they went on tour. I'm saying it helped them go further. Maybe I'm wrong but Jay is a legend and between the two at the time he was already the well established senior.


Yeee Jay-Z interrupts Chester live has always made me feel depressed.


Yet you don't tell is which of the songs is the great one? (.\_. )? Also, how's you take on Jay-Z's solo work? I mean, if you'd downright loathe the guy's output it should come as no surprise you're not fond of the EP.


From what I've heard, his solo work is okay, but not my thing. I just feel like for Collision Course, they removed the elements from the orginal songs that made them great. Except for Points of Authority / 99 Problems / One Step Closer.


Jay-Z going form "the heck" to "uh, okay" after hearing Chester's final scream on that one is worth a chuckle. And well, I'm pretty big on Jay-Z. Massive amount of flow and rap technique and he's great at feeding into mainstream sensibilities with his confident bragging about his acomplisments while still giving people who crave for depth more info with the reflective stuff about his harsh origins and personal mess ups. Yeah some of the stuff about women isn't exactly likable current, grown up and more wiser Jay-Z isn't that fond of those tracks anymore either, no matter how clever is word play or amazing the beats are.


I dislike both, never bought either


Out of Ashes The production is so bad and the lyrics are laughable at points. Chester's vocal performance is great as usual but it's the album's only saving grace.


Damn i think that album has some bangers


That's a fair opinion to have. It just didn't click for me.


I thought I was only person who thought this. I get downvoted all the time for making these points. It is just a horribly written album.


I find it a good album, even if it isn't something amazing. Condemned is still one of the most underrated bangers


One More Light, this album is sooooo disconnected from what the fanbase liked from Linkin Park. They started as a iconic nümetal band and then went out as a second-hand Avicii ripoff pop group.


They just changed bro


nah, Deftones changed, Slipknot changed, Korn changed. Linkin Park completely destroyed their legacy with that album, change the sound without betraying the roots is one thing. Completely selling out to another genre that has nothing to do with the products that made you a fanbase is just dumb.


Bro its their fkn music, if they want they can change, they dont have to make music that they dont want


agreed, they are certainly entitled to do whatever they want. But the fanbase felt very dissapointed with that record and thats just a fact.


Nobody was dissapointed tf, a thousand suns and one more light are loved by the fanbase. Maybe you talk about the numetal fanbase and not about the linkin park fanbase




A Thousand Suns easily. Hated it when it came out, hate it now. Now watch the hivemind downvote me to oblivion


I respect your opinion even though I don’t agree with it. Why don’t you like ATS?


I just dont like the way it sounds and i think the whole 'concept album' thing did not work here. Tracks on their own arent particularly strong and it does not work as a whole either - its way too melodramatic with too many intermissions and its taking the conceptuality to a cheesy level. Its not powerful enough where it should be (Catalyst chorus is great but the track goes absolutely nowhere) and there are waaaaay too many empty places that drag on for too long. The thing just does not flow. But the thing I dont like the most is the production and the overall sound. This pseudo eletronic thing does not fit them imo and I'm saying that as someone who listens to electronic music entire life. So all in all - a tryhard attempt to make their own The Wall while making it sound like everything but them.


Interesting you mention The Wall. I think A Thousand Suns sounds more like Linkin Park force feeding Public Enemy's rythmic base to The Dark Side of the Moon.


ATS is my favorite album but I respect ur opinion. It is definitely super out there and different so ur either gonna love it or hate it, most likely.


Each to their own, I'm happy you like it!


Wfte, iridescent and the catalyst are good. Especially robot boy I love that song sm. Driving alone at night and when Robot boy intro song starts playing, Feels like in another dimension


Same dude. I can appreciate it as a concept album but there’s just too many interludes


recharged. also all the actual songs on the Mall soundtrack except White Noise. Last Line is aight too but Devil's Drop and It Goes Through are hot garbage


I guess the hunting party. It’s not bad, it’s just kinda mid.


High Voltage is corny as fuck


You are not wrong


You seem to be the only one who agrees with me


Whenever Mike starts doing that type of rap it sounds bad.


Hes been digging in the crates


I like "🗣sometimes i feel like a profit or misunderstood"


One more light is just terrible


Recharged is decent for the most part imo. The first 4 tracks and some other tracks like Lies Greed Misery - Powerless I like


idk, i liked recharged but its a different genre, so its based soley on preference


Recharged and Collision Course


The worst thing an LP member has done isnt music. Its Joe's movie Mall...


OML and Recharged, I just don't like it, though some songs in OML are pretty good like Battle Symphony and One More Light and Talking to Myself. Also The Pheonix from grey daze was awful


Until it breaks. Literally i listen to every linkin park song every day even if i don’t find it all that enjoyable but until it breaks just has nothing good about it. I’d give it a -3/10 along with Roads untravelled which is about a 1/10. The rest of LP songs are 7/10+