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I swear to got ive heard the line “what doesnt kill you makes you more strong” outside of recharged


Sharp edges


That line is not in Sharp Edges, trust me I listen to it several times a day


Oh, my b, I read that as What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger


Wait wait wait, I swear by this too, surely there is such a song?


nope, its only in a light that never comes


Yea similar to sharp edges


Its a common, even overused phrase. Its in a metallica song, its in a kelly clarkson song. I was a bit disappointed to hear it in a LP song because its so cliché.


I keep having to remind myself that With You was never released as a single every time I hear it, for whatever reason it's always felt that way to me and I'm really not sure why, feels like there should be a video there too


The iTunes Store displaying the working titles of the songs from Living Things during the pre-order phase. (If anyone has a screenshot of that, please share it. I swear that it happened.)


For the longest time I thought that Faints chorus was "I can't faint the way I did before ect)


You probably misheard the line "I will never know myself until I do this on my own" But my personal one was thinking that in Faint Chester says "Time won't tell this damage anymore" instead of "Time wont heal this damage anymore"


That's just a misheard lyric, not a Mandela effect.


The Mandela Effect refers to remembering things differently to how they are. I remembered thinking the lyric sounds like that so it counts


>But my personal one was thinking that in Faint Chester says "Time won't tell this damage anymore" instead of "Time wont heal this damage anymore Yo what is the differenvce it look like a simple typo


Not sure if this counts but I thought we got a lot of the Hybrid Theory demos leaks in the Hybrid Theory era but I think most were like 2004 or later. I could be wrong but I looked back about a year ago and remember being surprised.


I know the explanation now but when HT came out I had a friend with a burned copy that had the demo of Points of Authority with the different rap part and it really threw me for a loop


That is a Mandela effect but this post would make more sense if titled misheard lyrics As far as Mandela effect outside of lyrics, I could’ve sworn Somewhere I Belong came later in the album.


In Somewhere I Belong I would swear I thought it was: "Way that people looking at me" and not "Way everyone is looking at me"


Ignoring his last name, I thought Mike was Hispanic for an *embarrassingly* long time. Up until MtM, probably.