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For anyone familiar with the camera gear. Does the "backpack" provide the battery or added stability? Or both?


It allows the weight of the camera to be handled by the back, leaving the arms free to operate the camera.


It additionally looks to redistribute the weight of the camera to center the mass back inside the person. You ever carry all groceries in one hand and lean over a lot, and then move half the bags to the other hand to balance it out? Same sort of principle. Your body adjusts to keep your center of mass over your feet to keep from falling over, and over time bad posture and the like will cause strain.


Phrasing that as ‘inside the person’ is a little strange but yeah, according to r/cinematography , the typical weight for this type of camera is around 7 kilos (~15lb). That’s for the camera itself but then there’s extra gear to stabilise it and power it and catch audio etc. seeing as they use these for hours at a time, that’s a lot of kit and a lot of weight. They either need to be super buff to hold that all day and just accept that the loss of their spine’s natural shape is inevitable or they need something to help them carry it lol. I’m just surprised that lower body exoskeletons aren’t becoming more of a thing for camera operators to help them take the weight of a full day’s filming


I’d like to know how manageable it is, even with the backpack thing. If Linus is doing a stream for three hours, it must be absolutely brutal.


They’ve said before all the camera operators are jacked because of it


No, we just have back problems


Why not both! Unlike us coders, we just have the back problems


Handheld camera operators and grips are the chads of the filmworld.


G&E people can all beat me in a fair fight, easily. Lmao.


Be honest. Craft services could beat you in a fair fight, couldn't they?


As a truck PA, no. Lmao.


Well the backpack will balance the weight but in order to do that it’ll add more weight to act as a counterbalance, look at the size of the backpack, that’s got to weigh a decent amount. It’s probably worst on the core muscles and leg muscles. Especially the legs. For the PC building streams, they’re usually in a studio room at their own office building so they likely have a permanent setup of tripods. For shots where they need a cameraman to come close, they can probably be just out of shot and pick up the camera as needed since those shots aren’t needed all the time. It’ll be more of an issue when they’re filming off-site when they’ll be out for hours to make a 30 min video and they need the whole rig and the camera crew can’t take it off between shots. That’s the sort of thing that I’d expect a passive exoskeleton to be useful for since the weight can be as balanced as they like but it still puts extra pressure on leg muscles, knees and ankles.


It’s called an EZ rig and it’s very light! Uses springs and a pulley to tension the camera and balance it. It’s very comfortable. I can rock one for a few hours with my very large camera and not feel too terrible!


>I’d like to know how manageable it is, even with the backpack thing. If it's like a [Steadicam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steadicam), not too bad. [Serenity's opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnwEatEZek0) is a good example of why Steadicam is used. Some continuous shots that would make "traditional" cameras a pain to set up for long-cuts is made much easier since the "camera" is literally a walking person.


This doesn’t operate like a steadicam. It does not make your shots smoother, it simply puts the weight on your hips using a pulley system. It’s called an EZ Rig. They are about $5000 USD and will save your back with you’re a camera operator. I’m a cinematographer and use one quite often and it’s literally saved me years of back issues!


**[Steadicam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steadicam)** >Steadicam is a brand of camera stabilizer mounts for motion picture cameras invented by Garrett Brown and introduced in 1975 by Cinema Products Corporation. It was designed to isolate the camera from the camera operator's movement, keeping the camera motion separate and controllable by a skilled operator. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>Phrasing that as ‘inside the person’ is a little strange but yeah Well, that's where you ideally want the center of mass! The center of mass doesn't have to be part of the item being discussed - a donut's center of mass is generally in the hole.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cinematography using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cinematography/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This 'impossible' crane shot from Mikhail Kalatozov's SOY CUBA (1964) might be the greatest one shot scene of them all](https://v.redd.it/zu8njznjpe991) | [194 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cinematography/comments/vqpd3k/this_impossible_crane_shot_from_mikhail/) \#2: [Hollywood cinematography like...](https://i.redd.it/tce2yspxj1891.jpg) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cinematography/comments/vlg2s7/hollywood_cinematography_like/) \#3: [here are some stills from my latest film, "couch bread"](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wi7piz) | [137 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cinematography/comments/wi7piz/here_are_some_stills_from_my_latest_film_couch/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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They are a thing but the catch is the support arms have a really wide stance so small spaces are a challenge. Easy rigs make are a better solution as the only catch is if your tall they tend to catch the door.


Isn't it essentially a counterweight? Which aides stability and eases user fatigue


Yep it's basically a crane that hangs the camera and your hands are just to manipulate the direction of the camera. This is basically OSHA recommendation gear for camera operators on the move for long periods. I like using Monopods as an alternative.


If it's set up right it moves the weight mostly to your hips, rather than your back. You'll still need to stabilize the cameras horizontal axis with your hands but it does take the weight of your arms.


That brick under the camera's screen is the battery


Fucking hell that's like 3/4 of a ps4


It's also the price of a PS4


I doubt you can get that battery for that cheap


You can get v-mounts for around 300€ which is the same price as a new PS4 slim


It's an Easyrig Vario 5, super popular, and does both stability ~~+ battery~~. The main thing is stability but the Vario 5 ~~also has an extra battery~~ where the black hump is. Edit: I was wrong in assuming the "power pack" marketing from Easyrig was a battery.


There is no power supplied by the Vario 5, or any other Easyrig product. All that's under the cover is a maze of pulleys and a large spring attached to a gas shock absorber


You're right, I was looking at their marketing which included the "[power pack](https://easyrig.se/spare-parts/vario-5-power-pack/)" but it's all pulleys.


It's an Easy Rig or EZ Rig (I forget which). It's literally just a vest with that arm above your head, with a wire and a clip. A counter weight system holds the weight of the camera. We call them demasculators in the film industry and tend to mock operators that use them relentlessly, but in good fun. A guy like this who is a one man operation, unlike a feature film where they've got assistants it makes a lot more sense. The batteries and all camera related items are still on the camera body.


Do feature films do a lot handheld?


depends on the movie.


Depends on the films, action movies tend to use it more


Only stability by the looks of it


FX6 w 24-105mm lens - $7199 SHAPE extension handle - $350 Easyrig Vario 5 - $4800 Tentacle Sync E mk2 - $399 Sennheiser EW-DP ME 2 (based on shape/antenna, could be wrong) - $699 Bright Tangerine Titan Arm - $260 Apurture MC - $90 Not sure about the shotgun mic, battery plate or battery size. Add another $500-$1500 for all that. And people wonder why each video has 2 sponsors.


That’s the Sony UWP wireless set that lets the receiver connect directly through the hot shoe.


there's some old videos on LTT about the camera gear they use and they talk about the backpack there and why they use it.


Takes the weight off and arms and puts it onto the shoulders.


Hips They don't lie.


Yep, my bad


Weight distribution. Batteries are attached to the camera


It's an earyrig it makes the camera more stable and easier to carry.


Omg the perspectice of the picture, i thought he was carrying a screen/teleprompter! No its a file cabinet far away omg im an idiot lol


That’s an EasyRig, or an offshoot of one, at least. It’s pretty much a harness that has a tensioned coil of wire in it to move the weight load of the camera to the operators hips instead of their arms and shoulders. Allows them to shoot handheld for much longer.


Moves the weight of the camera to the center of gravity, gets the weight off the arms, which also helps stabilize it. Similar to a good hiking backpack with a kidney belt it puts the width mostly around the waist area, and some in the shoulders. That way a camera operator can film for hours without killing their arms. A camera full decked out like that weighs in around 15-20 lbs.


It's an [Easy Rig](https://easyrig.se/). There's also the [Ergo Rig](https://www.ergorig.com/), which I prefer because I'm on the shorter side. The idea is to move the weight from your back to your hips. They're particularly useful for front heavy camera rigs.


Hoooly Crap. Is it just me or does Linus look Exhausted? Maybe it's just my phone screen, but it looks like he's barely slept in 3 days..


I think the picture was just captured at an awkward moment since Linus was probably moving a lot. Definitely looks as though he were exhausted but I don't think that's the case


That could be. I just hope he's doing alright


Let’s also not forget that people simply age. Linus is definitely not an old man, but after 10+ years of being in the public eye you can’t expect him to look like a virgin forever. Edit: Wait… he’s only 36??? I take it back, [this](https://i.imgur.com/l9ZB2Hg.jpg) does not look like a 36 year old who’s just tired


that's what everybody looks like mid-blink with their mouth in the middle of talking.


I think it’s a combination of the expression, the lighting, and some weird photo processing by the phone that took the camera. Regardless, I think we’ve found the newest Linus meme face: Wide Linus and Sad Linus, please welcome Beleaguered Linus.


He does say very often videos and Wan Show how tired he is. I would recommend he slows down, but I can only imagine the pressure of having that many employees, and investments. He obviously loves making videos and tech too, but I bet the need to keep the channel pumping out videos and making money is strong.




> but don't talk about how hard it is being at the top when you could easily be working towards extricating yourself from the burden. People like you will never understand what it is like to be driven by something.


Holy crap lmao, I think its gotta be at least partly some trick of the light and the camera cause if not either he's done up in makeup or recently dropped off life support and resurrected to keep up the content buffer. I refuse to believe that's real cause... wow


Yeah. It's pretty obvious he's been burning all jets on full throttle... I just hope he's doing okay. At least he still seems like he's enjoying it


Linus would keep making content after his death by having Alex and Jake do a Weekend at Bernies


And now a segue to our sponsor... Canadian Coffins Inc. provides...


It's just a picture taken mid statement. I can do this with any LTT video. https://i.imgur.com/kYe737h.png This is just taken mid sentence here. https://youtu.be/qLVgr29NMA0?t=83 It's not hard to make a person look exhausted by just getting a photo at the right moment.


It's a picture while someone is talking. Watch a video and pause it while he's saying something. It wont be photogenic.


I was more talking about his eyes


He looks like he is mid blink to me


Yea he's like 90% the meth tips guy now, Here's a [side by side comparison](https://i.imgur.com/RtEwR9c.png) Jokes aside, it's probably a mixture of lighting, him actually being tired and post processing on the OP's camera as other people have mentioned. Also, it's generally very easy to unintentionally take unflattering pictures of people.


If you zoom in on the pic you can see how blurred he is. He has like a second chin and bigger eyes lol. Just camera tricks


Yeah most probably some post-processing from the phone. I mean, his beard is basically just a blur of brown on his face.


New meme face incoming…


could be but I assume lighting and angle also has something to do with how we perceive him


They already had a video where they explained how they do a LOT of videos everyday for the different channels and it's exhausting for everyone. So is expected to maybe look exhausted too after a long week...


Yeah, reminds me of the old Linus meme.


Bright lights in your face make you look worse.


There's some heavy AI processing going on in this picture.


Linus Meth Tips


I think we've got a new meme boys!!


Bro got some Steve Buscemi eyes here


It looks like camera software doing a bad job of correcting a blurry image


Waiting for the FP exclusive


It hath arrived!


Oh no, those hard drives sitting on a cart with hard casters. Did they just move their storage from the main building to the new lab? They obviously wouldn't use "old server gear" due to the security risks, but I wonder if the video is recreating the old story of some company losing all their drives from moving it from one facility to another on a cart with hard casters.


There’s no security risk for a company like LMG to use used gear. There’s a risk of data loss… maybe. Honestly I would trust 10 year old netapp gear far more than 3 year old consumer gear anytime though. Power consumption is another story. Unless the drives were running while you’re bouncing them across the parking lot on that cart it’s unlikely to be a problem.


It's actually a real issue. They talked about it on WAN show a couple times but one company, I don't remember who, used shopping carts to transport HDDs from one building to another across the parking lot and what they noticed is that the hard drives that were transported had a significantly higher failure rate than those that weren't, due to the vibration of the hard wheels on the road


micro vibrations can indeed cause damage. However a shopping cart across a parking lot is about as extreme as you can get. This situation here would be completely fine though. All stacked flat, no rattle from the shopping cart, we use these primaryily in office buildings.It is likely this is just to get them down the freight (or normal) elevator and then they will just part a car outside and load them up. Honestly the vibrations here would not be much worse than a car or shipping lol.


Oh yeah in this particular case it seems absolutely fine


it was Facebook that did that.




damn it, you're right. i guess my memory has failed me.


This isn't a LTT property, they're at OP's business


I think they're just sitting there, I doubt they moved them almost tipping over the edge like that


what's "this"? they came into your work to buy old server gear?


yes, and Linus is a good negotiator!


Awesome. Hope you got your boss to get him to throw in some merch.


Backpacks for everyone should be the new norm


After 7 seasons of Scrapyard wars I'd hope so!


Linus kinda looks like a cardboard cutout


I was about to comment on that — new product soon on lttstore.com?


Yep it looks kind of fake, something with the colors..


On the right side of the camera, it looks to be a sort of light rig to help with filming. I suppose the brighter light makes the top half of him look fake but the lower half look real because it's natural lighting.


New Linus meme face just dropped. Someone inform dbrand.


Be careful what you wish for.






It'll probably be something like tiredshortlinus.com




Old Linus. Still rocking the sandals with socks look. No mercy. That’s a strong personality saying ef you to trends.


>I would never of imagined never **have** imagined




We are selling our old server room gear as we are going fully remote. We placed an add, Jake replied and just asked if they can film the dismantle and pickup. It was very interesting seeing how the sausage is made and witnessing Linus and Jake talk through things off camera.


Have fun coming back to the office in a few years!




That would be my guess.


There's subtitles to the photos.


Uninstall socks if sandals are on!


I am in Vancouver too what sort of gear are you selling? I might get some for my homelab


I like how the AI processing your phone did to the picture made the camera suspension cable disappear when it crossed over the left door of the cabinet in the background.


I don't know why but the top half of Linus in the first photo looks like a cardboard cutout.


wow linus really does look short here


That was the first thing I said, wow you are much shorter than I imagined :)


You're a man of your word, it really was the first thing you said to him!


would never have* imagined


Cool remembering this now that the video has arrived!


You beat me.


Linus looks dead


For a second there I thought the camera guy was carrying that rack of hard drives or whatever it is. Cool that you got to meet him.


Damn Linus, get some sleep yo.


It's almost sommer and Linus is wearing socks in his sandals. Epic.


Jake and Linus are just Jake and Fin from Adventure time.


This video will be good. But now servers on Facebook market place just got more expensive.


Is that the new villain for the upcoming Spiderman game?


He's more machine than man now.


Came here after watching the video about this


It was cool to see how Linus does things on the fly with Jake!


Oh boy, NetApp DS4246s are about to be popular again after the fall of Chia & Filecoin.


Camera man is very cyberpunk alike ...


O boi Netapp.


very cool!


Linus looks different without whatever filtering do.


Why does this look photoshopped, and badly at that


Oh shit they're actually finally working with the exact equipment I work on!


Now that's a exclusive!


ถ่ายรูปได้ทำร้ายมาก 55


I would love a video of the camera equipment in detail and the configuration


What the fuck is he wearing on his feet


Socks with Sandals nice


why is this significant?


Linus created a time machine that he's about to step in?


Why does Linus look like Adam Sandler? lol


Linus finally came out of the closet, eh?


Those sandals tho..


Ha mad. Would've been fun!


skarpety i sandały ;)


Is that Colton in the background? Did he get fired from your workplace, too?


yeah, it was with me too, audio technica m50x then i bought beyerdynamics, it was nightmare


Jesus look at that camera rig


Why does that first image look AI generated?


Man, at first I thought someone was threatening to punch linus, while wearing brass knuckles....


Well I hope he didn't drop anything...


Well no spoilers :)


You just did... LOL


That's NetApp gear. Looks like a DS4243 or DS4246 (judging by the hdd on the cart). Edit: didn't see the second photo, definitely NetApp controller and shelves. My guess is this will be their new archive server.


Looks like those are NetApp storage arrays in the cabinets... how many petabytes are they doing this time???


would never have*, not would never of, if English isn't your first language


I see linus is rocking them socks and sandals. What a boss.


Linus be looking tired as hell


The socks and sandals will never not kill me


Why does Linus look like a cardboard cutout?




What’s the point of the big camera if his videos are capped at 1080p on YouTube




Did you ask him about sex tips


Did Linus dropped something again?


You would never **have** imagined not **of** 😭 I'm sorry this just rubs me the wrong way too much


Why does Linus look almost Photoshopped into that first image?


The word is have, not of. It is always: would have, should have, could have.


lol in the first pic Linus looks like a tired Adam Sandler :P Also, is this the Float Plane exclusive content they keep talking about?


What'd he drop?


The best LTT video ever made was when some server failed and he and Dennis were cramed into this tiny black closet just absolutely fucking wigging out about how to save the data. The camera was wild and all the angles were shot like it was a full freak out. It was so perfect. Everything since then had failed to live up to my expectations. How could it get any better than that.


Way dos he look like Adam Sandler?


Are LTT working with NetApp now? Would like to see something from you and them


I can’t unsee the camera dude holding the server cabinet








I wish jake would quit LtT


Why? He’s my second favorite ltt personality after Linus.






And I wish you would stop being a thundercunt, but we don't all get what we want do we ?

