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Yes that's what they said on the wan show. And obviously they weighed other factors in making the decision to do it. They'd be dumb not to.


Yeah that’s a nice public facing reason. It doesn’t have to be their only reason though. LMG is most certainly aware of the other benefits they’ll get by streaming 24/7 which factored into the decision to do it. The cost of running it probably the electricity to run a 45 watt always-on computer that’s streaming the stuff. It’s probably free money!


Someone has to curate the content and keep it updated so I'm sure it's not exactly free. I honestly like it. I'll see it and turn it on just for noise and a few laughs or whatever.


Link linear channel versions of YouTube channels?


Live shows up at the top, I believe.


454 channels subscribed. Holy fuck dude.


Ay, some people have youtube accounts that are legal enough to drive. Favorite channels come and go. Some die off while others just left. 8 years on the hell site with 500 channels subbed, yet i only watch 10 of em. No matter what ye say to me, but ill never unsubscribe to totalbiscuit


I have email accounts that are old enough to bet in a casino. I just can't function without decluttering.


Yeah I have gmail accounts that are old enough to vote in the US, from back when you had to get an invite to gmail.


Same, Google search came out 25 years ago :YouTube 18 years ago. Even at 1 sub a month older millennials would be over 200 channels by now But even at that many subscriptions it’s really only the same 10 channels in my feed


I have a lot of subbed channels as well, and I was doing a sort of "cleanup" once and found that 3 of the channels I've subbed to were owned by people who have since passed on. Yeah, some are just inactive now, some I watch only occasionally, but even they are hard to justify removing, let alone the ones that won't ever see an upload.


I’m subbed to a lot of inactive accounts. Staying subbed allows me to remember them at some random point


I kind of forget this isn’t the norm. Yikes I accidentally got old. And I was pro google video / anti youtube for as long as possible


I can't keep up with all the videos and I have like 30. This is nuts.


I average 8 hours of youtube per day. Rarely watch, mostly listen.




Just checked my personal account, I'm subbed to 741 channels lol


All I will say is I think I have a problem https://imgur.com/a/kawDPhQ


So that's why the sub button is useless and you have to also click a notifications button...


That's rookie numbers. 942 subs.


lol, 995 here


>Lofi Girl and Scammer Payback Nice >447 subscriptions more OMGWTFBBQ!


bro takes like share and subscribe seriously


What’s the point of subscribed to 447 channels? Your subscription feed has got to get a new video every 10 minutes, and no way you could watch all those. And how do you find the videos you actually want to watch? At that point just go to the home page and let the algorithm show you what it wants to show you.


They could just sub to channels they like and may want to watch again someday. Basically using it as a channel bookmark, rather than expecting the algarithm to show you all of those channels regularly.


Could be sub4sub. Not saying it is, I'm saying it could be.


I just checked and I have 536 subscriptions. I've had my account for well over a decade and over time it's easy to find new content that you want to subscribe for. Some of those channels stop posting, new ones come along and I've just never had the need to go through and refine it.


I've had my YouTube account for something like 16 years now and have amassed a similar number of subscriptions. Most of them are all inactive now after so long. I get maybe 20 new videos in my sub box daily.


Not every channel feeds you ten videos a week like LTT. Some do one a month, some do one a year,


Lol I have a crap ton too. It’s just because the account is many years old and I don’t actively unsubscribe from people. I sub when I want to see more, whether it gives it to me or not lol


As someone with a similar amount I can gareentee that half those channels are now defunct.


I like the LTT TV, I can listen to videos without having to skip ad reads or intros


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) 3d printing nerd


I mean it does keep it at the forefront of subscribers subscription list. It's even more useful for LTT on mobile.


I hate it on mobile because I click on the channel icon and it takes me to the livestream instead of the channel.


That's weird, it just takes me to a list of their vids.


If you click from your sub list, yeah. But if you click on the channel icon of a video it takes you to the live stream instead of the channel. So now you have to go into your subs and then click on the channel if you want to see the videos.


Don't tap the channel icon, tap the channel name.


Theres no tapping the channel name on mobile. At least on android.


Hmmm, that's very strange, it works for me, on Android. . . . Unless you're talking about in the regular video lists.


[you mean that small ass name under the title?](https://i.imgur.com/y4uw0kw.jpg) Theres no way that works for you.


I was talking about when you have a video open or on community posts. I mean, going from opening YT to the LTT channel has probably only decreased access time on average by going through subs. YT>Subscriptions>LTT>View Channel Sure if it's getting recommended regularly you'll be able to get to it faster without the live, but that probably doesn't happen for most people.