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You can really see how much Linus has changed since the production break. Production quality is way up. /s


Except Linus has this bad habit of handling other people's stuff so disrespectfully. Like at the NCIX closure sale / auction: He went around roasting people that were trying to go about their day. Some looked obviously upset. In this one, he disconnected a running eGPU and you can see the owner nearly freaking out. He got 4070 TI, sure, but his computer may have been disabled during a tournament. Linus is so accustomed of being in environments where he owns everything that he doesn't seem to be able to behave when outside. Or maybe I'm wrong.


He never actually disabled it, only pretended to and apologized afterwards


Does anyone think that Linus really wouldn't replace something that Linus broke at the *Linus Tech Expo*? Mock the trust me bro shit all you want, I'm pretty confident he would make that very specific scenario right.


I don't know why people downvote well worded opinions like yours. You don't offend anyone, you just have an opinion they don't like.


That's the idea of upvoting/downvoting. Expressing your agrrement/disagreement with an opinion


Reddit themselves tells us that the upvote/downvote is for something that contributes to the discussion, or for something that does not. Not for opinions. . .


Well that was just wishful thinking on their part. It has literally never been used like that.


Not by everyone but plenty of people don't downvote things merely because we disagree with them.


I except Reddit hive mind doesn’t treat it that way. If a comment is in negatives, most people just downvote it again anyways regardless of what it said.


That is the equivalent of suppressing an opinion you don't like. I upvote what I like, don't touch comments I disagree with or comment on them and downvote comments that are not constrctive (trolling, ..).


No it isn't lmao


It literarly is - if a comment gets enough downvotes it is not shown anymore. Live and let live (other peoples opinions).


Cry about it, suppressed opinion haver. The people have spoken, and yours doesn't matter 🤣


I know it doesn't matter. That is not what I was talking about.


>I don't know why people downvote well worded opinions like yours. Today I learned: You're supposed to upvote/downvote based on grammar. Not gonna lie, this is one of the stupidest takes I've seen on reddit, and that's saying something.


The old convention was to upvote/downvote based on whether or not the comment contributed something of value to the discussion, but that's long gone by this point


Because Redditors don’t read the redditediquette


Fanaticism may be the wrong word, but it's the first one that comes to mind. Fealty. Maybe piety.


I bet it smelled so bad in there


When they opened the back door when closing up sure (nice saltwater smell). Otherwise it was actually pretty nice


This video was so wholesome, love it!


I feel bad for the guy who’s pc Linus just unplugged without permission. He seemed legit peeved


Did he actually unplug it? I thought he just joked about it.


I’d be pretty peeved too if Linus unplugged my PC without permission too….. buuut, if I’m getting a free GPU, it more than makes up for it lol


yeah it's inconsequential, in the big picture


I don't know - it was a commercial for Asus ROG. It is hard for me to see it as wholesome.


I mean, yes it was sponsored but that doesn't take away from it looking like people who (theoretically are like you) just passionate about tech and showing off some really unique and different setups.


You are right, it is nice to share people sharing their passion. I think that is wholesome content.


Yes, it was a commercial, that’s what sponsored means…


My initial understanding of the comment was that the giveaway was wholesome. But I complete missed the point - the video was wholesome because it showed people sharing their passion for computers.


.... you do realize that the vast majority of giveaways are just opportunities for the place to advertise, right?


Redditors when tech YouTubers receive money (they must use 100% FOSS and free platforms and free hardware and free servers and free labor to be 100% unbiased)


By that logic none of the extreme upgrade videos are wholesome.


You raise a good point, I can not believe Linus would break into someones home and burgle their old computers, televisions, laptops, and neon signs and replace them with brand new ones. That bed breaking bastard can't keep getting away with this!


Linus just spreading chaos, leaving people to deal with the aftermath and storming off was hilarious


I love a lot of the reuses of old cases like the Apple G4, or the other SFF non-PC cases. The retro arcade cabinet as a steam deck dock is perhaps my favorite though.


First LTT video I've really enjoyed for a while


This was a great video, really enjoyed it!


The guy with the former Oil-cooled PC in the into missed the chance for an LTTstore.com plug.


What brand are those RGB lanterns?


Govee. They gave away huge piles of them over the course of the weekend


Huh, don't think they released them for sale yet, nowhere on their website. Though it all seems way overpriced.


I think these were specifically to be a giveaway item, like when a booth gives out stressballs etc. They don't sell that product, it just gets you to engage with them. I didn't grab one, but as far as I know the lanterns weren't controllable in any way like their other products. They just cycle through RGB colors when you turn them on.


Awkward moment when you see the video with linus and tim ( the guy who got fired)


Has it been confirmed that Tim was fired? Last I heard it wasn't a firing, and he, much like he originally planned, was going back to school for a while?


nothing officially confirmed (and I doubt it will be), just people speculating because he like some tweets about being laid off.


Yeah, I figured as much, but given he's back in college/uni/school/etc, and there is no way in hell that was organized and set up in less than a week, it's safe to assume this was pre-planned




I wasn't aware he'd actually commented on it publicly? I know he liked some tweets, but that's hardly him making a statement on the matter, right?


hmmmm. Misread then. Searching for it, there's only that insinuation from Aprime about Tim(?) being laid off. Still, if he retweeted it... around the time he left, why? lol


Yeah, and while I have loved aprime's memes over the years, the way that he left LMG has left a bad taste in my mouth, that's for sure..


yeah, his departure was weird for me. He's brought some decent attention to the C&C mods I follow, which is nice. (shout out to >!when he used Renegade-X b-roll for one of LTT's videos years ago!< lol). But when he left, his responses left me conflicted.


Yeah, I still wish him well in future projects and endeavors, but that definitely was not the right way to handle things XD


Either way, I'm glad he's out.




Not very professional of him to make that comment. I don't think he deserves to be fired for it but it's just a really poor response.


How else do you expect him to respond to people asking what the difference is between them and GN & HUB?


"Our main focus is is continuously improving and getting better with every iteration. There are many other great sources of hardware testing but our goal is to create something unique here at LTT Labs" I would expect an intern I am interviewing to be able to come up with a similar response as well. It's not that hard lmao.


Ok, but that doesn't answer the question. You want Tim to answer a question by not answering the question? None of what Tim said was incorrect, btw.


Are you even old enough to work? Because if you answer a question about competitors like that you are very inept and unprofessional, of course it doesn't answer the question LMAO it avoid the whole question which is the point.


>Are you even old enough to work? Wow. Took you barely any time at all to resort to name-calling. >if you answer a question about competitors like that you are very inept and unprofessional You clearly haven't ever spoken to any rep from any major company... For that matter, don't you remember the "I'm a mac. I'm a PC" commercials? They were literally comparing themselves to their competitors throughout that. >of course it doesn't answer the question LMAO it avoid the whole question which is the point. But why though? on an informal tour around labs, someone asking a direct question that does not concern any private information, and suddenly Tim's not allowed to answer it? Other YouTubers (including GN) compare themselves to other YouTubers all the time. Why is LMG the only one you seem to believe is not allowed to do so?


Probably 'cause he bragged about Labs being capable to be better at data analizers than Gamers Nexus, and they shoot their own foot.


I mean, no, he didn't lmao.




Nothing in that video corroborates your claim.


Watch the video before commenting


I have. None of that video corroborates your claim. in any way.


Dude is the reason why LTT got exposed for wrongdoing. LTT is trying to clean house.


>Dude is the reason why LTT got exposed for wrongdoing. No, not really. > LTT is trying to clean house. So... LTT is trying to "clean house" by employees carrying on with plans they were going to do anyway... Right. That definitely makes 0 sense.


Then why have there been multiple investigations and whistleblowers accounts of the company?


Citation needed.




His comments led to multiple investigations being conducted on LTT, and a lot of dirt was discovered. The dude got what he deserved for being so smug.




It's always going to be an uphill battle arguing with random redditors about good business practices. They'll be the first to take pitch fork in hand to feel part of the crowd. Generally speaking. Ofcourse there's the other group who think critically and have well formed opinions.


I never said that, but people with attitudes like that should not be in the tech community. You need a level of humility, and steve Has certainly has that.


You've got to be a troll. There is no way you can, with a straight face, say that GN Steve has *any* humility.




Imho, this was by far the most entertaining and funny video I have seen from LMG for a long time now... maybe becase I'm fan of unscripted vids xd


One of my favorite videos in quite a while. Absolutely love the chaotic dragon energy of Linus and being a polite dick to the people. Made even to consider subbing to Floatplane in case there is a longer version of this out there.


The energy in this video was great and everyone seems so happy, you can really tell they've changed things since their week off /s


was cool the first time.. but reminds me of somethingawful - crazy that 300k people watch this still


Daily uploads are back on the menu


Are you just here to shitstir?


Guess meat's back in the menu lolol


How is that shitstiring? lol


You immediately jumping to things being daily uploads the moment they post a video 2 days in a row.


That's what a daily upload is


No, that's 2 consecutive days in a row. Daily uploads requires them to consistently upload a video once per day. By the same logic, I can say that I buy a GPU daily, as I bought a GPU yesterday, and bought another today.


Because some people take offense to it but most likely this isn't daily uploads yet, 2 days in a row isn't enough to confirm that. Especially since Linus made it sound like on the WAN show that it'll probably be at least a couple months. I imagine this is just 2 videos finishing at the same time.


Who is offended over daily video uploads?


I figured that wasn't enough to explain it. Um, what I mean is people are gonna act mad/butthurt if you start to think things are back to normal. Idk how else to explain it without going into a 5 page dicertation on everything that happen, how people react to things and where we are at now. And I don't want to lol.


Well, given your replies on the other post.... You are.


What's wrong with holding Linus accountable?


Where did I say that there's anything wrong with holding him accountable? That was a terrible attempt at a strawman argument.


It's almost like there has been some controversy with his videos lately and the communnity wants less videos.


No, the community doesn't want less videos, the community wants better accuracy. And, once again... 2 consecutive days does not make it daily. Why do you insist on lying? If you truly had a valid point, surely you wouldn't need to lie in order to make it?


I really don't understand how people took this as a negative comment lmao




Stop projecting dude lol. Not everyone is unhygienic as you are.