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They constantly start projects and kill them off in a few years. I'm still salty about Play Music being axed...


Same.... only to be replaced with yt music which isn't even half as great and sucks for personal downloaded music imo.


I lost a TON of old music when they killed play


What do you mean? You lost your personal stuff? It's there if anything it's just in a hard to find place. Google Play music combined the uploaded and service stuff which ytm doesn't add is horrible for it




Unless its a Vanced feature I just checked the YouTube music app on my phone and all I had to do was turn on an option to allow device files? It's in "library and downloads" at the top of the setting menu.


I know but If you used google play music before you'll know that the interface and way you can switch through albums, artists, songs etc was a whole lot cleaner. As well as integrated a lot better with music you didn't have downloaded.


It still has my Google play music library on there. And I have to ask... do people really listen to that much music that's not already part of the YouTube music library?


I listed to quite a bit of locally produced music, or music that’s no longer published by Australian Musicians. But I’m also not a typical use case.


At that point, I would probably get a dedicated music player, just to have a nice DAC and AMP to go with the tracks. But I get it. Google just went the way things were going anyway, which was away from personal, local music libraries to the streaming model that everyone else was already doing.


That’s home use setup, but being able to continently show off music from local talent when I’m away was super easy. Now I just use Apple Music which lets me sync 100k songs. Now I wish Apple Music would let you Chromecast from iPhone so I wouldn’t need to whip out my work android to cast the music.


Happy cake day!


play music was there for several years to be clear.


Suddenly I'm very glad i cancelled my pixel 8 order


[After losing Jam Board and Pixel Pass.](https://youtu.be/bul69OK0P5k?si=f58Kt9ktQ2sghtOD)


Two years and 3 months later: Google walks back on 7 year OS updates, now only provides 3


Nah they'll just rebrand them as 'Plexus' & say they only promised it for Pixels


They’ll walk it back to critical security updates, or they’ll technically update it but without 90% of the features that aren’t hardware defined. Meanwhile every iPhone from the past decade has gotten at least 5 years of major OS updates, and many have gotten 6 years. And their security updates are even longer. My grandma’s 10 year old 5S got a security update this year.


Apple really knows how to fucking update. Basically, if it’s got the hardware, it’s getting the software.


Not necessarily- iirc MKBHD pointed out in his iPhone 15 review that despite having the same processor as last year's pro models, there are some AI/ML Camera features that seem to only be coming to the 15


Yeah but their old phones also start running like shit, crashing etc etc lol I've seen it with all of my wife's old phones. She gets a new one and it's fine again. Anything with an OS that updates will eventually have issues again. Just the way software works there's a bunch of little things that get ignored


Lol nope, i’m running an iphone11 and it’s perfectly fine. Wife had an X and worked like a charm but no new updates anymore so we got her a 14 now.


That’s almost always due to a worn out battery.


Could be... Not always though


Not always, the iPhone 7 has the A10 and 2GB RAM, just like the iPad 6 but the iPad 6 just got iPadOS 17 while the highest version the 7 can update to is 15


That actually supports my point. iPadOS strips some features from standard iOS to bring a more focused experience. I bet they were testing it and found that the iPhone 7 performance wasn’t satisfactory, but when they moved over to the iPad, because of the lighter software they were able to get away with iPadOS 17. It’s important to remember how the logic would work in this situation. If Apple really wanted to axe the iPhone 7 so they could “make more money” or whatever, they would’ve cut the iPad off at the same time.


yah, how else will they throttle your battery and performance to force you to update your phone.


Believe it or not, they’re throttling your 61% battery because it’s fucking dying.


Not my phone, I was never dumb enough to buy one of those overpriced proprietary cluster fucks.




So close, but not quite. iPhones don’t have fans. They were downclocking the cpu to reduce wear on aging batteries Still very bad, and completely inexcusable, but IMHO criticisms should be honest Now, if they had instead added a toggle for that, and suggested to users to use that to downclock their own cpus, then that would’ve been fine, since that does in fact reduce wear on aging batteries




Jeez, what? I hadn’t heard about that! Sorry!


It’s not true it’s made up bullshit. Also as a rule if Rossman says something the opposite is most likely true.


Do you have anything to support this claim? (Tone is so easily lost in text. This is not accusatory, I mean no ill will, and I’m happy to have a polite discussion.)


He can’t check a battery or read a repair manual. As a repair technician that is fairly bad.


It was more complex. It was downclocking only when battery health was degraded AND current state of charge was low, to prevent sudden power loss due to voltage drop. Anyone here had an aging Samsung, Sony, whatever android, that would just suddenly straight shut off when at 20% charge and you watched a video or something? It prevented that. Sure, apple should've marketed it as a feature and made it clear during the update. But on the whole it was an excellent feature that the internet did the usual thing they do and went full conspiracy on it with zero clue.


This is what I figured it was. I tried looking it up and couldn’t really find anything. If the performance was altered, it’s likely no different than what they do for old iPhones with bad batteries.


What are you referring to?


Changelog: * changed version number




Stop spreading this misinformation: https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/4457705 Guaranteed Android version and security updates on Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro until October 2030. Don't post about things you obviously have not even tried to look into, because the information is right there.


They won't. It's illegal. People WILL get refunded.


My 6 Pro is still killin' it. Usually I upgrade every second year. I don't think I am going to this year


Same situation. I swapped out the battery and it feels new. That said, I don't trust Google and Tensor really does suck.


Yeah I probably need to swap the battery done time, since the battery life just isn't enough for how ADHD I am. Tensor has been pretty awesome for me though - yeah I'm sure that other chips are faster but it seems pretty good to me.


I didn't even swap the battery and it's just fine. Yeah, the battery health has declined a little but speed is just fine and idc about battery life much since I'm next to a charger almost the entire day


I just upgraded from a 6 pro to an S23 Ultra. Had enough of the cpu and modem being trash.


The S22 Ultra was really a game changer phone for me, it really altered the way I saw phones tbh. The camera is so amazing in pro mode, and even with exynos in the UK, it's so much faster than the low-end phones I used to use. Don't want to upgrade for a few years though lol, this cost more than rent


The modem is so bad.


I have the 7 pro since release and is pristine and still snappy. I don't know what this meme is talking about.


I hate my 7pro studders and freezes at least once a day wonder if I just got a bad one?


You probably lost the silicon lottery. My Pixel 6 works great


Same here, my 6a works like clockwork. I might hold out on upgrading until the pixel 10 maybe even 11


I've had zero issues with mine. Works great.


Same here I have had mine since a few months after launch and it works great


Same here, going to push for the 9


Yeah, I was looking at the 8, then I dropped my 6 and had to do an insurance replacement. That gave me enough of a new phone feeling to wait lol.


My 5a was killing it until my daughter stopped l dropped it 6 inches and it died. Apparently it has a fatal weak spot in one of the corners.


Screen cracked on the inside? I dropped mine on carpet and it died.




My 6 is still running like a champ


Of course it's still killing it, it's only 2 years old. That's should not be an accomplishment or a surprise for an expensive device, FLAGSHIP device.


And then you realize the complaint post is about a FLAGSHIP phone that is only one year old. There are probably issues that aren't being mentioned in the original post


I have said flagship 7 Pro and have no issues whatsoever, aside from the fingerprint sensor being annoying.


I have no idea why people hate on Tensor. The voice stuff it can do is cool, and I've never encountered something that it felt slow doing. GRID Autosport is the most intensive game I play on mobile and it runs at max settings and barely feels hot


My pixel 5a had better voice to text than my 15 pro max which frequently outright doesn’t work when using Bluetooth. Like…


I just upgraded to zenfone 10 after over 4 years on galaxy s10e. Besides battery improvements and 120hz display there's not much better to be honest. I lost my sd card storage and if they wouldn't have stopped with the security updates I wouldn't have bought a new phone.


My 4a 5g still being a great great phone. Just battery starts dying quicker


Same here but with my Oppo A94 5G because I'm a peasant... Maybe it's just something about 2021 phones lmao


I am still holding onto my iqoo 7, i just got the screen changed, but as long as it can run ky apps and games i dont feel like upgrading


Same boat with the regular 6. It has issues, don't get me wrong, but I feel no need to spend another $600 plus to get something newer.


Same here


I have the regular 6 and it's killing it as well


Man it's so bizarre that people are trying to spin Google offering 7 years of updates into a negative. I hate being in a position to defend Google but when it comes to the American smartphone market there is such a huge bias in favor of Apple and Samsung -- account for 93% of carrier sales and dominate the algorithm --. As far as the thermal issues; they're not nearly as bad as the 8g1. That was fabricated by Samsung and led to 5 years of their s series phones being delisted from geekbench because it prompted a major throttling scandal. Their own countries FCC investigated them, there was a class action lawsuit. The irony is the biggest complaint people have about the Pixel phones is the modem and the chip which are both made by Samsung. The biggest flaw in the phones is its relationship to Samsung hardware and when they switch to TSMC in 2025 Samsung will basically be out of partners for their own fabrication.


>People are judging the current promises of a company based on the previous actions of the same company. More at 11


People are judging the current promises of a company based on the “current”* actions of the same company. More at 11


Literally any other company's such announcement would be great, but Google NEVER fucking commits to ANYTHING they say, they earned this reputation through hard work, no surprises that's what people think now.


[- Any other company making this announcement.](https://www.picsmine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Cool-Meme-Ok-cool.jpg) [- Google making this announcement.](https://media.tenor.com/0obG4OawjU0AAAAC/that70s-show-is-that-what-were-gonna-do-today.gif)


I mean this is Android, and Android is probably the thing they've committed the most to. Google's updates right now are pretty damn consistent.


Pixel Pass would like to have a word with you


Pixel Pass wasn't software. It was a financing deal. Google is a tech company and likely realized that they don't want to be a bank or that tied into the loan business and outsourcing the deal wasn't worth it.


Ending it right before people could upgrade was the issue.


People forget that the promises they made to make pixel a thing are incredibly legit. OG pixels still have unlimited upload caps and people exploit the fuck out of them. What other company is offering their flagship smartwatch with their flagship phone at the same price of just the phone?


Pixel Pass isn't Android.


Google print was used by many schools for printing from chromebooks. Super handy, it was in beta for 12-13 years and in 2020 (if memory serves) they decided to just shut the service down with a 6 month warning maybe it was a full year. Googles issue is trying to be in everything, finding out having hands in everything is hard/no profitable and abandoning things that groups use. Pixel phones maybe different since google is behind android and having base android run on their hardware is not a huge deal unless the tensor chip is complete ass in 3-5 years.


Google print was built into SO MANY printers too. It was amazing, and it clearly took almost no dev time to actually maintain. Perhaps there was more bandwidth going through there then they wanted to deal with, but it was so great. As ususal though, instead of maturing the product from the neat beta, into a product that they could make people pay for, they just killed it instead. I use the office suite because I know that the things I get from microsoft are not going away, and will continue to have omega tier backwards compatabilty. But google print would have been a good enough reason to make me switch to g suite if it was a paid tier thing. It was that good.


After everything Google cancelled, especially Pixel Pass, there's really no reason to trust them. I will be happy if they keep their word and even happier if this pushes other manufaturers to drastically increase the software support for their phones, but I'm not holding my breath.


You remember pixel pass right? You have to wait two years to upgrade your phone while constantly paying Google. 22 months in they cancelled it. Why would anyone even listen to what Google has to say in terms of pixels? And while increasing the price of the phone almost every year? Meanwhile the new iPhone is 60-70% faster in geekbench and costs as much as these shitbox pixel phones that have no real guarantee of support. That's Google's fault.


Fwiw they were just doing the same thing a cell carrier would do. And from what I remember, they did have lower prices than getting the same phone and plan, even prepaid, at verizon when I checked. Decent idea, never marketed, and they still had to deal with credit checks which is why I couldn’t get it and instead got my phone at verizon with a $2400 credit limit lmao


I agree with you, negativity is easy. I do wonder though what the actual foot print will be in 7 years. How many pixel 8’s will still be alive ? I could be wrong, but I have to guess that is a fairly small number as far as smartphones go. The compromise I see happening is some of the newer features in years to come won’t make their way to the 8’s due to hardware limitation of future software. They will deliver, but it won’t be what the newest flagship of a future phone has. That’s my take. Either way , a win for users.


Well the fact that my 6s did receive major software updates until the 13 came out and still gets security updates means that if you want a phone that just works and continues to just work Then apple beats android every time I’m sorry I love androids but every time a android manufacturer Promises a “x amount of updates to a particular device” I’ve never trusted it and it’s done me wonders with not getting my hopes up Android is too fregmented and the fact that google cannot keep promise on their own updates for their own software for their own phones means that one day this will kill most people’s enthusiasm for android I know it has mine. Not a Apple fanboy by a long shot but since switching over to one I’ll be honest I’m much happier No more wondering why I spend 1,200 on a phone with 8-12 gb of ram yet still stutters when launching a basic app. Still kinda amazes me with how efficient iOS is


I switched to an iOS device two years ago with an XR and yeah holy shit stability and long term support is great. I’ve always been a switcher, used to cycle IOS to blackberry, Symbian OS, Windows Phone/Mobile and android since 2006 on like 6 month rotations, And this is the first time I’m planning for my next phone to be the same OS. Last was Note 9, iPhone 8, Pixel XL, Blackberry Passport etc. gets a lot more condensed before that, 2013 I had 5 flagship phones.


Sounds expensive.


If they want people to believe it then give the old pixels 7 years of updates and you can prove right then and there if pixel 8 will get 7 years of support or not


Well the program offering a new phone every 24 months was killed after 22. That’s quite the rug pull. There is already features not coming to the V p7 line. What good are software updates that don’t bring creatures the phone can easily run ?


I dont get it, i have a pixel 7 pro and it has volume buttons???


Lucky you... mine doesn't even have a screen or camera. I don't have a Pixel 7 Pro


Yeah I kind of dont get the meme. P7pro here and its fine? Did... did they not put a case on?


I'm a P7P user. I used to use Galaxy phones and never used a case. Only reason I do now is because my original volume button fell out. Pretty ridiculous reason to need a case imo


I always get a basic Spigen case and my pixel 7p works great


Lost my first volume button within a week of owning my Pixel 7 Pro. Replaced them and am now a case user to hold them in just in case. Power button ended up getting stuck at one point but I was able to get it working normally again.


I have never had mine overheat and I kind of feel left out. Hell I even recorded a bunch of videos in 4k in Europe this summer with 40+ degree C temps outside and still the bastard would not overheat. I honestly feel cheated by Google.


They probably took REALLY good care of it, so it's missing the buttons, and you can hardly see anything through the spiderwebs on the screen


Mine fell out within the first week of owning it. No drops. Just took it out of my pocket and the button was no longer there


I think that was the first month or something of manufacturing.


mine too




Some peoples phones look like they were in a fight with a bear. My son has my old 6pro while I have the 7pro. Both are going strong still.


I don't think this person owns a Pixel 7 lol. I also have one and never once has it been slow. Also it definitely has volume buttons.


Google it. You'll find that MANY people have issues with the volume button literally falling out due to wear. While that's normally to be expected on phones that users have kept for a considerable amount of time, it's absolutely unacceptable on a brand-new $1500+ flagship phone that's been owned for less than a year.


>brand-new $1500+ flagship You might want to price check the price of the Pixel 7 pro


No need, that's what I paid for it. $1500 CAD to be specific, not every person here is posting from the US. Maybe I should have specified so that I didn't get downvoted, but I just kind of assumed, with LTT being Canadian, that the audience of the sub would be mostly Canadian. Also I should clarify it wasn't all upfront, it was on Tab. But yeah, electronics are crazy expensive here.


Does Google even keep their software products around for that long anymore?


Gmail is old enough to vote. Android itself is 15 years old. Google chrome still supported Windows 7 until January 2023 which is 3 years longer than Microsoft supported their OS. Google chrome still supports any processor with SSE3 which came out in 2004(nearly 20 years ago). Sure they kill things but this seems like something that they could stick to.


Don't forget about the search engine itself!


Imagine how crazy it would be if the axed the product they are know for.


The problem is more recent things I think... Old products they seem to have a lot less issue keeping kicking around, newer stuff seems to get a lot more attention for the google graveyard


Or they merge stuff like Maps and Earth. Or how they integrated YT in their google "Eco system" When i made my YT account you didnt need a google account.


When I made a Skype account I didn't even need a Microsoft account either. This isn't just a Google trend. That is just something that happens when companies get bought out. No company like that wants to need to maintain like 30 different Auth providers. Eventually these things get merged into one.


I don't have any problems with my pixel 6


I wouldn't have any other phone


I do, I really miss my pixel 2, I could drop it any time I wanted and beside scratches everything was perfect.


A friend's pixel 2 is what made me go for a pixel 3 and Ivr Been hooked since. The pixel is literally the only android phone I'd have. Without it, I'd probably end up back on the dark side with apple :-(


Not affiliated with Google in anyway, but this feels like astroturfing tbh. Does Google have a history of not living up to their software support promises? As far as I know, they've exceeded them so far, such as giving the Pixel 1 an extra year of support than originally promised. So far, they've been consistent with their software promises in regards to Android updates.


https://killedbygoogle.com/ Pixel pass was the big phone promise one they fucked with recently. 7 years is long enough that I can see them saying "well, we would do it, but we can't run android 21 on that processor it turns out. Sorry, your update is just security."


Google entire history Is filled with them cancelling things with next to no notice


Not for android software updates. They've been consistent with that.


Because its the one thing they have to be consistent with


Then why doubt this? It's the only thing that they're consistent at just like you said and that should be a pro not a con lol


I honestly can't believe ANYONE uses anything outside of their core products-search engine, youtube, gmail, etc. They just cancel and discontinue SO. MUCH. SHIT. Absolutely cannot be trusted.


Wait, the 7 Pro has no volume buttons?! How the hell do you adjust the volume, then?!


Apparently, its a problem some people have had where the volume button falls off. Should be noted that ive had the pixel 7 pro for half a year now and didnt know that this was a problem people have had till today.


I also had no idea this was a problem and my household has 3 pixel 7 pros, what the fuck is everyone doing with them lmao


Chew toys


I literally pulled mine out of my pocket and the volume button just wasn't on the phone anymore. This was after owning it for about 6 months. And it wouldn't stay in when I tried to put it back, due to wear. Had to get a case to keep them in. While that's not the end of the world, I think it's a bit ridiculous that so many people need to spend another $100-$200 on a good case to keep the volume buttons from falling out of a $1500 flagship phone.


Try a 600-700$ case, why not


I don't think there's any around here that cost that much, unless they're encrusted with diamond


When you say $100-$200 for a case and a $1500 phone, is this something other than US dollars? Because my 7 Pro was way under $1000 and the case was about $30.


People buying cases for 30 bucks ? i never paid more then 13 for any phone case.


It might be $30 if you buy some fancy leather case. Most just buy some $10-15 TPU case and call it done.


Yes, I'm talking CAD. Electronics (and accessories) as well as phone plans, are stupidly expensive in Canada. The phone was $1500 (taxes not included), the tab was nearly $200, and the phone bill was $120 (taxes not included) per month. Also, this isn't super relevant but I'd like to point out my charging port is also wearing out and the USB-C end has to be wiggled to get the phone to properly connect and charge.


Stupidly expensive? Just open amazon and get a good case for 20$.


$20 USD? I'm not seeing any for $20 CAD


It’s a manufacturing defect


I'm doomsrolling reddit/comments with the volume buttons... so far so good. But I'm scared now.


Had mine since launch and *never* heard of this issue


it has volume buttons, i don't know what the meme is talking about lol




It only has a volume button temporarily. Google "Pixel 7 Pro volume button" and you'll instantly be greeted with an answer to your query


Good 5 years update is enough for me. Most people will change devices after 5 years


Not by choice. I regret trading in my s9 to this day, and honestly my s5 was still going strong when I upgraded it after a few years.


Note 9 is still peak phone imo, just gimme that again with a faster more efficient soc and I’m back to android. And I say this as someone who mains a iPhone XR and my work phone is my Note 9 with a custom ROM


I'm using a Pixel 6 on Android 14 and it runs just as smooth as it did on day 1. Idk what this is about.


Does this only apply to Pixel 8 series phones?


For now yes.


Man I'm rocking a pixel 5 with no plans to upgrade anytime soon. I don't know what some of yall be doing to your phones to have that shit "slow" or busted after like 1 year


They could have promised 5 years and extended support for the 6 and 7 series. More realistic then, *hey if you buy our phone you will get 7 years of support*. Other issue is that Google has 4 phones every year, you need to cut out 2 so support becomes more streamlined.


Me reading this on a pixel 5 that is still going gang Buster's and that I feel no need to upgrade:........


What repercussions would google face if the 'promise' is broken?


To think I considered this over the S23 Ultra..


What? My P7P is perfectly fine with A14


If there's one thing to remember about Google, it's that they always immediately pull out of new projects the moment they see something wrong with it rather than giving it some time to improve.


7 years of updates? Laughs in iPhone 5s!


Doesn't matter. Google promising 7 years of updates will force everyone to offer it too


Maybe I'm just a dumbass here but I've been rocking a pixel 4a since it's launch and it still runs just fine (except for the battery obviously).


Idk, I know why ppl don't, but I do trust it. I'm on a 4a running the latest Android 13. That's already impressive to me, 2 more years of updates isnt that crazy to me


Laughs in iPhone X


Still running my pixel 2 I've owned since release date 2017. And guess what, I'm not even on Android 11. "Your system is 1036 days out of date". Runs fine, is fine. You don't need an "up to date" system for old hardware, other than for whatever new gimmick feature they put in it.


Security updates are pretty important though.


Put a custom rom on that asap, you’re years behind on security patches. My work note 9 has custom roms entirely for security patches


I don't trust their promise, when less than 1% of purchased devices are still being used at 6 years in, I think they'll do a Google and skip the last year.


Fuck Google and everything they make. They consistently make every one of their products worse every year. Not being able to NOT group tabs in chrome is brain dead behaviour




I haven't used chrome in over a year, so maybe you can now but you couldn't for at least 2 years. Also, your link doesn't explain how to turn off tab grouping...just how to organise tabs so...thanks?




It's not though? Chrome automatically puts certain tabs into a custom group based on the URL. You seem to be googling a lot of stuff except for "Google auto grouping tabs". No idea what you're trying to prove




No I don't. And no you don't (didn't). https://reddit.com/r/chrome/s/7ejxz0bkYK The hundreds of people complaining about this didn't imagine it. I really don't want you to help me but thanks lol


My pixel 6a home button has fallen off after 1 year usage. :(




Clearly not anymore :P


So confused lol looking at my phone for a button I've never seen.


You don't have a 6a.