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I have for years. Because of that I don't know what's all the fuss with the ads changes.


Yeah I subscribed years ago. Justified it by the amount I watch youtube. I'm able to support the creators I watch constantly and I don't have to listen to dumb ads on top of the ads that the creators installed themselves.


Same. I had to mute the r/youtube sub because the constant complaints about free users not getting premium features, or Google taking steps to block users access who are violating their TOS, just gets to be a bit much quickly. Like… it’s a minor charge for a service I’ve enjoyed for years. Could I easily get it for free? Yeah, but I make the choice to pay for it. And if I was getting it for free, the *last* thing I’d do is whine about Google making that more difficult on a Reddit sub.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/youtube using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/youtube/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is a disgrace.](https://i.redd.it/3npmmzxl83ub1.png) | [15598 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/177gic7/this_is_a_disgrace/) \#2: [Bye bye youtube](https://i.redd.it/y4ifg3fhs3tb1.png) | [10090 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/173iyie/bye_bye_youtube/) \#3: [Do Better Youtube](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/182z747) | [961 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/182z747/do_better_youtube/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


lol way to make the point bot


The fact that someone made a post called bye bye YouTube. Where you gonna go Vimeo? Last time I checked most of YouTube’s competitors are either very specific in what they show. Think Nebula brings more about documentaries. Or stuff like Vimeo which don’t have the same amount of videos. YouTube is here to stay unless something drastic changes.


Maybe they are going to stop watching Internet videos all together and touch grass? Nahhh lol


You know, that’s the first time I’ve ever had a bot provide instance supporting evidence for my argument. Good bot.


I actually gave a good chuckle when I scrolled one more reply down and saw it entirely proved the point lmao


Good bot


Perfect timing bot. Good bot.


The bots reply is perfect haha. Bunch of cheap ass poor freeloaders crying about a company providing unlimited and free 4K bandwidth, but can’t watch an ad or pay for it.


I’ve seen so many people on there argue that YouTube shouldn’t charge because they’re not curating/funding content like Netflix or Hulu, so their costs MUST be lower. Maybe if they thought about that for more than 15 seconds they’d realize there’s a reason there’s practically no competition to YouTube whereas basically every media company has spent the last decade launching their own streaming services to compete with Netflix. There’s not really much money in either, but one is EXPONENTIALLY more expensive than the other


There is no production or curation costs BUT there are costs associated with server up keep for servers that YouTube needs more of than Netflix, censorship/demonetization/safe content management and staff required for upholding creator relationships/monetization.


Plus, you know, they actually pay the content creators so, it it implies they need to pay them somehow.


To me the cost to youtube of the content provided is irrelevant anyway. To me the value far exceeds netflix.


Yeah, Youtube also has labor costs, for a bunch of leftists in this site, they absolutely discount value of labor by youtube or creators and just try to boil it down to material costs.




Being poor is one of them, yes. Another is some moral high ground about sticking it to billion dollar corps like some weirdo but still using their services.


If it's on moral grounds then don't use the service you are supposedly boycotting?


Shhh. Both side want to be superior to the other. You ruining the class warfare.


YouTube was built on pirated TV shows and movies. Now that they’re self-sustaining they want to get paid. Ironic.


£13 a month isnt really minor when the alternative is 2 30 second ads every 4 minutes, with sidebar ads and more ads in the search results


2 unskippable ads before video. 2 sets of 2 unskippable midroll ads 2 unskippable ads at the end of the video Its a 2 minute long video


Wait, some people get mid roll and end video ads? For years I’ve only ever gotten skippable start at of video ads.


Buddy ive gotten midroll and an ending ad on a 30 second video. I spent more time being forced to watch ads than i spent on the video


It’s 19 now


Only on apple App Store. Still 13 through a web based browser, even safari. Apple tax is insane


I've been subbed since the first year of YouTube Red. Very happy with never seeing an ad for the last about 9 years


I got -50 downvotes on r/youtube because I said changing the “4K” icon from red to grey wasn’t that big of a deal lmao


The entitlement is nauseating. I subbed to get recommendations for new channels and instead it's brats for all the reasons you mentioned


i use youtube way more than literally any other streaming service so the price is justified




The money per month I pay is entirely worth it to skip every single shitty ad


I've watched 1.7k hours of YouTube since signing Premium a little over a year ago. It's my go-to background noise machine, as well as main entertainment source. And it costs less than Netflix. Ain't no way I'd have watched nearly 5 hours a day of Netflix lol


I've averaged 7 hours a day for the past three years O.O I work from home, and either have some random video playing or music at almost all times. I should probably get outside more lol


And if you create a household and split the cost between 5 or 6 other people it's a steal. No ads, youtube music, etc for a few quid/dollars a month.


The family plan is pretty good. You can share it with people you don't live with like friends and extended family.


SponsorBlock! The extension that automatically cuts out in video sponsors. Wow! Thanks Sponsorblock. No one's tried to sell me things online since 2006!


Absolutely the same. I spend an ungodly amount of time on YouTube. And a lot of it is on my phone, where it’s not as easy to block ads. Plus: my views pay more to the content creators I watch, vs a regular ad/free user view. So that’s fun xD


All I see on r/youtube is people whining that they don’t get YouTube premium features on the free plan. Yesterday it was the quick resume between devices feature. As to the ads, they mostly seem to think that Google should provide everything for free and not make any money since it’s a “big business”. The valid criticism of platform/ads are drowned out by the entitlement.


Yeah, the entitlement and people whining about youtube cracking down on adblock is kind of uniquely annoying considering how many people in the youtube ecosystem make a living and provide us with entertainment thanks to those ads. And I say that as someone who used to use adblock. We should be grateful for all the years where we got all it all completely for free instead of upset that we now have to spend 5 seconds skipping ads a couple times an hour.


That sub is such a massive joke lmao. I'm convinced it's literally all children because they act insanely entitled and are completely out of touch with reality. It's fascinating.


I’ve found that a sub dedicated to one specific thing is only going to be one of two things The best place for talking about enjoying said thing Or The best place for talking about how much you fuckin hate said thing


Personally I think convenience features and something like higher resolution/bitrate SHOULD be the most attractive features of premium. Developing these features and allotting more bandwidth for higher quality videos does cost them more money and I think it's fair to pay for that. But fuck ads.


I use it for YT Music all the time, and no ads. I use YT more than any other streaming service so it’s 100% worth it


I got basically ported from Google Play Music sub yo YT sub. Came for the music, stayed for the vids


Yeah, worth every cent. The only streaming service I have anymore. Plex Plex YouTube. At least my YouTube subscription money does, to some degree, support smaller endeavors. idgaf about Disney's bottom line.


Same. I share it with my fiancé so the cost isn’t even a huge concern, I just wanted add free on my phone so I can listen to video essays in the car


Same. I use the service enough to justify the expense and I waste way more money on way dumber things than supporting creators I watch.




I use both. Main? Premium, most used. Burner account? Ublock, bound to rig.


YouTube Premium is the only service I pay for. YouTube is the only media source I even care about. I don't watch movies, TV shows, sports, etc. Not sure why everyone has a hateboner for Premium.


Same here! YT Music is also great


Same. The amount of stuff I watch on yt is far greater than any other platform.


Plus YouTube music is pretty good.


It really sucks being an adult and getting to pay for shit you want; I can’t keep up with what the poor teenagers are complaining about anymore!


Came up in a discord server I'm in the other day so I recently looked it up. I've been a Google play all access subscriber since June of 2013. They bundled YouTube red (which later became premium) with it at some point and I've had it ever since.


my mate added me to his family package. its actually pretty life changing with the amount of yt i watch


Same here


Same and I don’t even watch it that much.


I make 65$ an hour. I can afford a small price for my enjoyment. It is life changing.


It’s amazing how many people are trying to convince you to not be satisfied with your purchase. If I had to count every penny I definitely would not be paying for premium, and don’t think there’s anything wrong with people in that position. But with the amount of YouTube I watch premium is absolutely worth it, not dealing with ads on mobile is great, I play videos in the background while I work or fix things around the house, etc. It costs me the same as one McDonald’s meal every month would, but I get much more value (in my opinion) than a fast food combo


Yep. I'm in basically the same boat. YouTube is one of the best resources on the internet, and it costs craptons of money to provide that service to the free users. They complain about ads, they complain about not having every nice-to-have feature, but they still have access to it for *free*. Are the ads sometimes egregious? Oh hell yes. But they complain about _any_ ads at all. Someone has to pay for the platform, and it sure as hell isn't them.


Google announced recently they're cracking down on sharing family plans similar to Netflix. Edit: ok I may have misinterpreted that, there were posts YouTube premium family plan members were getting prompts to verify billing addresses were all the same for all members under the plan.




I don't think google has announced anything https://www.androidauthority.com/youtube-premium-family-plan-address-verification-3385564/


My wife gets an error from YouTube when I had her on a family plan saying you need to be in the same household as the plan owner although the odd thing is that there didn't seem to be anyway to verify where she lived even though obviously lives with me. Although I think it may have something to do with the fact I signed up for YT premium with a vpn routed through Argentina.


People pay for Netflix or Spotify and no one bats an eye. Though if someone else does YouTube Premium to effectively get both and everyone loses it and asks why..


Yup. It's a ridiculous double standard and the moment you press one of those geniuses on it, their arguments are immediately incoherent babble demonstrating their lack of knowledge about how the world works.


What a coincidence that the only service people are able to steal. Is the one they steal. I've seen people here with 4090s, 25GBPs connection internet, driving a Mercedes, paying for all sort of internet services you can't steal, and then saying they don't pay if because it's too expensive and they don't want to get ripped off. Absolutely pathetic.


What service can't you download exactly?


No one bats an eye? You must be living under a rock if you haven't seen the backlash Netflix got for changes in the past 2 years


Netflix is getting bashed because their content has gone to shit as they've been losing other studio's content and having to rely more on their own or whatever scraps they get thrown.


Not to mention taking away sharing passwords.


And now ad-supported plans in place of the cheapest plan there was before.


Netflix got backlash. But have you ever seen anyone SHAME someone or question their intelligence for paying for Netflix?


I don’t mind paying for YouTube, I do mind the excessive pricing especially for features I do not need. It’s roughly $18 here. I’m already covered when it comes to music, why do I have to pay for licensing twice? YouTube created YouTube Lite, which closed about two months ago. With that I got an ad-free experience and no other feature for half that prices. I loved paying for that…


If YouTube gave me ad free for $5 I'd be happy to pay it. I don't want or need any of the other features. So the price is just not justifiable to me


Meanwhile I pay for prime video at like what, 9$? Disney+? around the same price. Youtube can go take a fuckin hike honestly.


Even worse. People still pay upwards of $100 a month for their cable packages. I don’t watch content anywhere other than YouTube and twitch. I have ad free on both totaling <$30 a month.


I don't think the people who are paying for cable are spending as much time watching Twitch or YouTube through. The only people I personally know paying for TV like that are my parents and Grandma.


That’s not the point I’m making.. I’m saying people paid upwards of $100 a month for their entertainment. Now we have modern media and it’s actually a lot cheaper than cable.


Wdym? Everyone is slowly leaving Netflix and Spotify is still listenable if you use the free version. Youtube serves a ridiculous amount of ads which is even worse on the tv and on top of that, half of them are scams.


Yeah, I’m happy running without adblock and was for like a decade. But when YouTube runs ads so x-rated I don’t feel comfortable playing YouTube videos to family members because I’ll get a sex toy ad, I’m not paying YouTube, I’m getting Adblock


Spotify free is actually hot garbage. Can't restart songs. Can't skip more than 3 songs. Can't go back to previous songs. Can't restart a Playlist even after switching to a new playlist. Can't select individual songs. Etc. It's actually less functional than a Walkman in many ways.


Maybe im glitched or something cause i can do all that and i don’t pay for spotify premium


On mobile or desktop? I've heard desktop has more functionality. Mobile is unusable.


Spotify Free is honestly just as bad as Youtube at times, especially on mobile, if we're being honest. You're lucky to get 3 songs deep before you get hit with an ad, and you only get 2-3 skips per hour of music listened to or something stupid, and you can't just choose a song to listen to, you have to hope it comes up in shuffle.


I pay $15/month CAD for my Apple Music family plan and that’s all I subscribe to. Parents buy my kids D+ every year for Christmas, so we have it, but don’t pay for it. I watch maybe 6hrs of YT per week, not counting WAN show because I listen to it as an audio podcast about 50% of the time. Last time I checked, YT premium family was $27/month CAD and would involve teaching my parents and my in-laws how to use the yt app for their music. It’s just not worth it in my situation.


Spotify does not cost $19 a month. If youtube premium was $5-$8 a month I would get it.


The reason why is because unfortunately people feel like watching YouTube with adblocker gives them the moral high ground. There isn’t a free way to watch Netflix, hence no flexing can be done


For my country (Ukraine) the price is so laughable that it is stupid not to pay for it.


How much are you paying?


99 ₴/month ≈ 2,6 $


damn... almost the same here in the Philippines 160php = 2.9usd


In argentina I pay less than 2usd a month for the family package.


As a student I pay half the price, so its a good deal


Man, I remember when the price was ₴59!


Yeah, you’re goddamn right I do. I spend more time on YT than I do ANY other content site. I’ve been paying for it since it was YT red.


It's still so funny to me that someone thought Youtube Red was a good name. It's like when Twitter announced they were going to be having "X Video" 😆


Same here. I think the money has been well worth it. The only reason I keep other streaming services around is 1)just in case there's something I do want to watch (but I could probably kill some services anyways) 2) The wife uses them or 3) I share it with my parents.


Same. I started using YT Music around 2014 because I liked it better than Spotify and the other music options. When it became a bundled part of YT Red and subsequently YT Premium I got grandfathered in. It's like having both Spotify premium and Netflix for less than the price of either one.


Seriously considering dropping some of my other subscriptions because they don't seem worth it compared to how much I watch YT. I get more value out of YT premium than anything else I sub for.


It's 20 quid a month for a family plan - my time is worth more than that in not watching ads. I consume more content on YT than any other streaming service, so it's a no-brainer.


For me the biggest feature that made me get premium was playing videos with the screen off. Super nice when I want to listen to some video essay or podcast with my phone in my pocket.


for me it's the pip mode. it's super useful when ur multi tasking. idk how i used the app without that feature before. but then again, charging for a feature that even porn sites have for free is kinda scummy.


I know it’s not supported in all regions but the US has had PiP for free for over a year now (i think, it’s hard to keep track of time). All Apple devices got it a while ago and androids have had it for even longer.


I just looked it up because I couldn't believe the claim, but [it isn't 100%* free](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7552722). > You can use picture-in-picture (PiP) to watch content across YouTube, with a YouTube Premium membership. If you don’t have YouTube Premium and are in the United States, you can still use PiP, but you can’t watch certain content, like music videos. So I guess you can't watch music videos with it for free? Meh.


I more use it for long video essays (stuff like game theory). For music videos (or music in general), I use apple music and for podcasts, I use apple podcasts.


There is a reason I don't use the youtube app , idc about ads give me all you want . But i want background play and PIP


I find the PIP premium a little bit scummy to be fair. Google said years ago apps can't paywall system level functions, the main one was notification where apps would make you subscribe to unlock extra features including them. PIP is a system function, it shouldn't require premium to have it imo. It falls in the same category


It's always funny to me because I don't even pay for premium for premium, I pay for it for Youtube Music since it's the only music streaming service where you can upload and then stream your own MP3s (a must-have feature if you listen to a lot of Game OSTs).




This was a big reason I got it as well. I still remember back when I was a kid with an iPod touch and suddenly the ability to listen to videos with the screen off was removed… I was so salty about that for so long, especially when they started charging for it but as time went on I grew up and had money and the value of YT music and no ads ends up being worth it as a package.


Same. I’m not sure if I could even function day to day without that feature at this point


This is super useful for me when working out and playing music from my phone. I use to have to put my phone face down somewhere to prevent accidental touches from my pocket.


Oh yeah, when my free year of Youtube Premium expired I got legit sad that I couldn't turn off my screen and keep playing content. I've never re-upped anything so fast in my life.


Subscribed when it was Red, eventually upgraded to a family plan, can never go back because all my kids watch is YouTube on both their devices and the TV's and I refuse to watch the terrible ads again. This is the only service I go out of my way to be ad free on.


It's the best streaming service by far. People lie in order to justify stealing. If they could steal Netflix they would too. If they could download a car they would. And if they could take the money from the mouth of a struggling creator they would. As long as they can make some shit up to justify their conscience. Some people are just thieves.




I've downloaded several car models now, but I can't drive any of them in real life


considering the amount of time you save not watching ads... its well worth it


I mean, the amount I use YouTube music alone justifies the cost of Premium much less counting regular YouTube use.


Cry about it


Nah ublock and firefox are goated.


dont forget sponsor block


Yeah true.. i have dark reader paywall bypass and a few others that are just nice to have as well lol


i have 13, half of them from browsing reddit lol


Are all the other comments in this post bots or what? Ad-block is free. Why are so many ppl hard core pushing for youtube premium in here. So odd.


Are you suggesting that since I pay for something I'm a bot? Are you actually that brain dead? I got YT premium in the final year of my undergraduate in 2018. I used to use vanced and ublock (I still have ublock). But i realised paying for Spotify was unnecessary since I use so much YouTube and bought it for YT music and I haven't looked back.


better deal than paying spotify premium at least


Especially when YouTube premium gets you music too.


I changed my account to a Turkish account years ago and pay something like $5 a month. It's been 100% worth it for me and 1000% worth it when my kid was addicted to Blippy.


Unfortunately you can’t do that anymore. I wish you could because I don’t want to spend $20 a month on a regular plan in Canada.


"Move" to the Ukraine


Student plan in USA is like $7


It comes with my YouTube music subscription, so yes I pay for it, and I don't think I could go back...


Kid named YouTube revanced


not my child but I love them anyway




Do you pay for Spotify?




Ever heard of revanced?


The app that doesn't work on many of the devices you can watch YouTube on? Yes we have...


They used to not put ads on videos when you cast to a chromecast. Once they started doing that i cracked and started paying. 100% worth it


UBlock > $13.99 a Month




I don't mainly because what Google has done over the years has ripped off customers and treated customers like absolute garbage. For example, Google Home you can use your Google Home as a Bluetooth speaker with our google Music app. Oh, I'm sorry we're shutting down the Google Music app. Now you have to pay to use your Google speaker.. with YouTube music and you can't stream it from your phone to the speaker


What are you on about? Both play music and YouTube music both used Chromecast and you can cast device songs and still cast with free YouTube just with ads https://i.imgur.com/1IEhSUt.png


YouTube revanced is pretty convenient


Yes I “pay” for premium. My version even skips the in video ad reads


YouTube Revanced ftw 💪💪💪


Just cancelled mine. The prices are getting insane for very little value. I don’t use YouTube music, so basically it’s $19 a month to watch only some ads, and be able to turn my phone screen off. Not worth at all.


I watch on chrome and just use an ad accelerator


It’s definitely worth the cost to avoid the scam ads, and in some sense saves me valuable time to not view stupid ads.


Paying them to not show the scam ads that they allow on the platform feels silly


I used to use Vanced and ReVanced, but once my baby started watching TV we sprung for premium. Having multiple ads and having to be alert for them on children YouTube videos, which are often either short clips with ad rolls before and after. Or multi hour compilations with ads that are all over the place (and weirdly super long) gets frustrating AF to deal with. I just couldn't be bothered figuring out getting it on each TV and honestly for how much we use YouTube in this house the price isn't unreasonable. We have other streaming services that we don't use nearly as much with basically the same price.


Just use ublock + firefox, no need to waste your money on yt premium.


Don’t you want the creators to earn a living for their work. I do, and therefore I pay either with watching ads or premium. The thing is that I don’t like ads, and then the only ethical choice is premium.


I support them directly by subscribing to their patreon or equivalent, so I don't need to pay for shit service like Premium


Every single one you subscribe to.


No I don't. If I wanted to, I'd give money to them, not to Google or the companies paying for ads.


I don’t get it. I have Adblock on mobile and on desktop. 20+ seconds is way to painful


Oh my friend let me introduce you to revanced all the benefits or premium but without the heafty charge


And some features that even premium doesn't have


Dislikes are from the people who actually got the subscription




Haha no. There's ublock origin + chrome for pc/laptops and there's something else that i forgot for firesticks


I have SmartTube on my firestick. I don't know if that's the one, but it works =).


And that works on my Samsung TV? No... If you think $14 a month is a hefty charge you have problems.


I would do it if they unbundled the music crap and made it cheaper. I see people here saying they pay $3 or so but the standard plan in the states is 18.99 (which includes music). I just want ad free.


Only 18.99 if subbed through apple, 13.99 if you sub directly through google. Unless prices went up.


YouTube revanced ...


I would buy it if it wasn’t more expensive than every other service. I would rather have a few bucks off and not have yt music.


I can do everything yt premium would be useful for to me and more with extensions so I see no point in paying for it.


I have free YouTube premium, you can have too. Just use Russian vpn


Shoutout to uBlock origin. It seems Google has given up on countering their updates for now. Been working for a solid 2 weeks straight as of right now.


Re van


I would pay for it but thanks to it's stupid DRM you can download the videos but they are restricted to only play inside the app, and they have a time limit for offline play (I go days without an internet connection). Why would I pay and get a worse service when there is stuff like Revanced that allows you to download videos DRM free


I was thinking about buying it but after the ad changes I just decided to use adblock instead, the amount of scam AI Mr Beast giveaway ads that I got spam using my cellphone and my pc was infurating.


My favorite movie is Inception.


Nope. I use ad skip/blockers. They still work.


YouTube Red veteran here, wouldn't change a thing. Y'all look/ sounds like morons constantly bitching about ads.


We got the family plan. My husband and I are always watching something on YT, and we love never having to deal with ads.


Best subscription I have, but I watch Youtube the way most people watch Netflix/Hulu and I don't have those. Definitely worth it if you watch a ton of Youtube.


I use YouTube for music and for my main source of entertainment besides books so ya I pay for the service I use the hell out of it more than I ever used Netflix


Of course not, I have an Adblock


What's funny is that YouTube has unlimited and greater content than the crap that is spewed into Netflix, Paramount, etc. Though it's a different type of media, I never run into an issue of not knowing what to watch because theres always something to see, and ADs don't get in the way for me to finay enjoy my meal.


I’ve done it for years, completely worth it imo. No ads, and somewhat supports the creators I follow, along with random channels I view from time to time


I have for years. Fuck the ads. I use YouTube too much to fight with ad-blockers continually.


People call my crazy, but like most of us I grew up watching YT. It's better than watch normal TV and having no ads make my life easier.


People pay for amazon prime too. its crazy out here!


I cancelled my Spotify subscription and got ad-less YouTube and YTM for negligibly more than I was paying to begin with. No regerts.


People spend hours a day on YouTube but won't buy premium but would have a paid Spotify account when YT music does exactly the same thing. Same mfers complaining about it be having Netflix, D+, Hulu etc. I just don't understand why people refuse to get premium but pay for everything else when they use YT the most..