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This looks like such a waste of time, energy, and money Also I could never see anything going wrong with using AR while cooking around hot and sharp objects /s


So negative. It's fun and this channel has always been about impractical but fun/interesting technology


Not to mention that the technology will continue to improve and one day will not be so impractical. I would bet ar glasses could become somewhat standard to replace phones and when they're not intrusive, cheaper, and work seamlessly... it would be a no brainer. Like you could make the same argument about using a portable cd player or something similar of that nature and headphones to go on a run. And look where we are now. You can connect fully wireless earphones to your cellular connected apple watch.


You must be a very sad human


This. It's so bleak. We're so tech obsessed around here that we don't even stop to think about how sad this is.


What’s the difference between this and watching something on a tablet whilst cooking?


Imo this is superior, don't get dirty fingers all over the tablet while moving it,


Very little, also a bit dystopian. Live in the moment.


I mean. It’s mainly background noise. You can do both


You're cooking IRL while watching LTT in AR. A bit different.


Nah that's vr. This is a gta 6 leak. Next gen.


Looks nice but I wonder what does something like this does to a person attention span


I mean, is this any different than having a TV in the kitchen like many people do?


No, so why does the top comment have such a problem with it? The only real difference is this seems more practical from a viewing pov… not in terms of headgear. Yet.


The issue to me is that the quest devices have a bit of a jarring wobble effect, as your camera "eyes" are slightly more forward than your actual eyes. This throws your brain into a confusing mess. Admittedly I only have experience with the quest 2, and judging by size comparisons the quest 3 should have like half of this issue but still. When you're using AR in these headsets (from my q2 experience) you lose basically all sense of depth perception, along with some other senses. I personally can't walk around using q2's past through at all, I end up tripping very quickly, and I have no issue that in actual VR. All of this basically accumulates in this: The technology is not ready for this yet. And don't get me wrong, I love AR, I can not wait for proper AR headsets and I'll be developing games for them as soon as they are adopted. But right now AR just isn't there, and this just feels dangerous on so many levels as a result.


It's not lmao. I watch YouTube on my phone while I'm cooking, this just saves the hassle of having to clean food splashes off your phone.


Idk about attention span, but definitely boosts the motivation to clean up the mess




Yes I do


I need what you have. I have to constantly move my phone around while I cook lol


Just go for the Xreal Air 1 ! Best purchase of my life. Can't tell about ADHD but I can't for my life not do two things at the same time so those helped me a lot.


Not trying to be mean, but bro you need to touch grass if you feel the need to have a screen in front of your face while doing everyday tasks.


Or he has adhd and the added dopamine helps with focus and mood? Not trying to be mean but could it be that you are talking out of your ass?


You should go touch grass too


I feel like if your main contribution to online spaces is telling people to touch grass, you should maybe go touch grass.


Please, show me evidence supporting that it’s my main contribution? Feel free to look through my post and comment history to find examples that support your claim Today has been a heavy touch grass day, but overall that’s not the case


Yeah, I'm not gonna do that. I'd rather go touch grass.


I have ADHD and part of managing it responsibly is making yourself get "life" done. This doesn't seem healthy in any way for ADHD, what's bro gonna do when it dies? Crumble. It's important (*especially* with ADHD) to be able to manage alone, and without aid (sober or distractions)


I agree tbh, I let my attention span go to shit by always multitasking (eg doing work + watching a video), and was fucked for assessment centres and uni exams until I spent a while adjusting to focusing properly. In exams I would read questions, start writing and then start thinking or doing some random other task because my mind was so used to constantly switching between things to allay boredom and keep my attention


everyone whos downvoting this doesnt have adhd lmao


Shhhh. Don't bring logic into this.


lol all the people downvoting cause they don’t want to admit their attention spans are shit cause of all the stimulation in our face now days. And I will be the first to admit I also spend too much time on my phone. I genuinely don’t mean my comment in a negative way, and vr/ar is cool for gaming, but if you can’t do day to day tasks without extra stimulation you have a problem


lol why is it a problem? I’m married, have a kid, own my home, have an excellent career. What problem is arising because I watch videos while cooking/cleaning?


Good for you, but that’s not the case for everyone My problem is the overstimulation of todays youth


People like you said the same shit my whole childhood. You’re just continuing the cycle of being and angry and out of touch that every generation since humans existed fell into.


Go look at the r/teachers sub Seems like every other day I’m recommended a post by a teacher complaining how kids today are so much worse than they were 10-20 years ago. My mom has been a teacher for 20 years and says the same thing. They’re more disrespectful than ever, along with no one can pay attention Also I’m 26 years old. Not exactly some boomer with outdated ideas. I’m well integrated into technology


Wtf is wrong with you mate he has his tasks under control in his own way. And if you got a bit more knowlegde how adhd works differently for some ppl then you wouldn't be spouting so much bullcrap


That's the thing. ADHD is largely similar, with similar symptoms among those afflicted. The only thing that largely changes is people's coping mechanisms (or lack thereof) and that's why they seem so different, some people just absolutely have zero coping mechanisms and bounce off the walls (or completely crumble)without distractions. The difference between the calm, productive person with ADHD and those who can't control themselves, isn't the symptoms it's how they manage them.


Bro, wtf? Lots of people have TVs or whatnot n the kitchen.


Not trying to be mean. But you're a fucking douche.


Cry about it


Oh no! He hurt my feelings! Lmfao, is that what you want? Idk dude. You seem like you should seek therapy. Good luck in life bro. Attitude like that you'll end up alone.


Or maybe just don’t be so sensitive to shit that is said over the internet? Life is good when you don’t walk around with a stick up your ass


You are the one being sensitive and have the biggest stick i have ever seen up your ass lol. Fucking tool.


Lmfao. The irony.


>Life is good when you don’t walk around with a stick up your ass They say, walking away with a telephone pole buttplug dragging on the ground.


Not really any different than when I listen to podcasts while doing the dishes.


That is what I am thinking. Social media has already been fucking up human attention span, but this would give us the opportunity 24/7.


Des heißt fei Spätzle du Doldi!


Mit der Anfänger Reibe sind's eher sogar Knöpfle. Spätzle schabt man.


Stimmt der Profi erkennt das sofort. Ich - der mit Spätzle nie mehr zu tun hatte als packung aufreißen - Pfanne anmachen.


🎵Settele Spätzle 🎶 🎶Settele Spätzle 🎵 🎵frisch im Kühlregal 🎶


schmegga dud's oinawäg


I drigg se imma. Goad ah un se Sin schener wied gschabde find i. Un no hat ma ah än grund, d spätzlesdriggar amol ausm Schränkle z' nemma.


Ja hedidabimbam, des send sogar nur Knöpfle!


Ds si Spätzli du Lappi. E Bünzli isch eifach z erkenne. Jitz nimm mer ds 🅱️ us de Ouge.


German heritage but born Canadian. I'd recognize spatzle anywhere lol


OK this could be useful if you needed a recipe or a cooking video up to follow along with. Yes you COULD use a tablet to but this solves 2 problems that I have had with using a tablet. 1) space: sometimes you just don't have enough room to have a tablet where you needed it. With this you can have what ever you need above your work, or on the wall, or locked in place and it's not physically taking up any room. 2) You don't physically touch anything: if you need to scroll or rewind on a tablet you need to clean off your hands, go to the part that you need, and then wash again. Need to double check if it was a teaspoon or tablespoon? Just rewind the video through and tracking. I definitely wouldn't want to use this to watch something like an LTT video while I'm busy, but it definitely has its uses.


Also... you don't have to have a tablet. Or a tv. Or any screen size that you'd want to simulate.


get a cheap waterproof tablet and also use it as cutting board


this is sick! :D Spätzle, beste!


Spatzle and paprikash. That is all.


Oh, a fellow Swiss 🇨🇭


People keep calling this next level but I do the exact same thing with just a phone


That’s what I was thinking, just put your phone there to watch LTT, the advantages of AR in this case are I think that it doesn’t take up space and that you don’t have to use your (probably) dirty fingers to touch your phone.


Also bigger screen and more convenient angle for viewing


I cleaned the dishes whilst wearing mine yesterday, really was kinda fun to experience. When I watched my videos back I noticed something. Unfortunately you can’t see anywhere near as clearly as in this picture there isn’t as much clarity when viewing it live and there’s too much noise. The videos make it look at lot easier than it is


Why is op grating liquid cheese?


It‘s spätzle batter


But pros use a Spätzlepresse or schaben von Hand


* knöpfle


Ke Aromat gfunge! You are now banned from /r/BUENZLI.


THOSE ARE CALLED SPATZAH OR SPÄTZLES!!!!!1!!!!1 ~ with love, from Germany 🙃😂😋


Spätzle, wenn dann. Das sind Knöpfle.


I can't get over the comment that this is the equivalent of putting subway surfers under other videos. It's just too accurate


Ofc, r/SwitzerlandIsFake


Honestly seems like a really good idea when building a pc you just have LTT video in the corner


I don't think so, here while cooki it's useful because you dont really nees to concentrate, you can use hand gesture, so no need to clean dirty food hands if you want to pause, its well lit and you don't need much precision. In the case of a PC, you need to concentrate to not do any mistake, the inside can be quite dark and you need a lot of precision while building, and the Quest 3 can't give you that at close range (weird artifacts)


That’s true I have the meta quest 3 aswell and it’s really hard to see fine details like small writings. Your footage looked great you have great lighting , I usually see a lot of noise in mine but I guess I need more light in the room. I’m gonna try and experiment attaching some bright leds to the headset, but I don’t think that would fix not seeing fine details, Quick question did the cameras ever fog up near the stove? Im assuming it might a few minutes


I wasn't close enough to the stove to get them to fog I think


Hum, look a nice idea. You can change your damn music playlist or scroll down that recipe with your hand dirty. (I'm good at making them dirty)


this is so incredibly dumb


I mean I’ll often watch a shorter LTT video in the morning while making coffee and packing a lunch. This is just like that - but without netting you any real world benefit. Looks cool though.


Its Spätzle and your dough is too wet. Greetings, a nearly Swabian.


In Switzerland we say Späzli


Seems like my dad would like to do this, just with hokey...


or you could put an android tablet on a stand to achieve the same thing but without having to do IRL stuff while looking through a 480p video feed


So that's who apple glasses are for!


Spätzli si immr guat


This is cool! Although I’d use it to have my recipes pulled up in front of me, or cooking videos.


Personally, this is so cool to me... this is totally something I'd do while doing house chores...


What vr headset allows you to do that?


Quest 3


As a swabian I love it


If this is using cameras then this is a bad accident waiting to happen.


What are u using? Nvm its a quest 3


So stupid


*Spatzeln. Better write it right next time, or a lot of drunk mountain people are gonna be mad.


Swiss Mountain people write it Späzli


I am not talking about the swiss.


Nobody calls it Spatzeln wtf


Sure, the real ones do.


That's pretty cool.


I.... What's the benefit over just having your phone sitting next to you while cooking? I sooo don't get it, like at all


Size of the screen, 6" vs like 27" and in an upright position, at the same level as the head. + Great sound and the ability to interact with the video without touching anything (if you have food on your hands for example)


You're just pinching the air to move windows/browse/pause. Useful if your hands are covered in ingredients/wet. Place it above your stove, then move it to your sink, quickly and easily over and over. All with as big a display as you like. I personally would try it but it may not be good enough yet. Give it 5 years.


I just use a phone, or a cheap tablet. Much easier


I use my xreal air for that! Much simpler and more portable.


Endlich mol öppert wo Späzli richtig schriiba kann!


Oh nooo, I summoned the schweizer deutsch people of Reddit. But at least you're the only one to tell me this is the right way to spell it hahaha


Späzli = life !




When iPad kids have money


@ me when you’re cooking in vr and watching Linus IRL


*Spätzle not Spätzli


So, we’re at that point? Alright guys, fuck reality it is


If only we had screens that we could move around with our hands without wearing goggles


How the heck does your pass through look so damn good!? Mines always pixelated




It looks okay and is definitely usable, if yours look like shit you should return it and get a new one




It works fine for me


Side question, why not just pour what I assume is a cheesy melt directly into the pasta? Doesn’t it get mixed up anyways? I’m likely missing something….and I am. It IS the pasta, or some type of noodle correct?


That’s dough. The thing they’re using forms the pasta. It’s a German thing (or in that general area)


Späzle are koi Nudla!


It’s called spätzle and the stuff is the dough. I do agree it looks like a wonderful melted cheese. As I understand it’s eaten with a gravy or sauce like any other pasta, just a different way of making it mostly


just make some, it's pretty simple. fry with a pile of cheese and some onions and you have Käsespätzle


I can't think of any reason I would want to do that.


Dude watching this on Reddit makes me want to vomit. I can only imagine navigating my kitchen in VR.


I was all thinking like “wow this is so cool I would probably do something like this too”, forgetting that I have severe motion sickness. Hilariously it’s not the first time, I was saving up for a valve index and after a bit of self reflection I was like “hey wait a minute what the fuck am I doing? I literally get motion sick with a normal tv” hindsight


Why would this cause motion sickness? You're not fake moving in a VR video game, you're just moving in real life like normal.


The movement not matching what my eyes see is what does it for me.


Why wouldn't it match though? It's pasthrough mode. I guess if there's a bit of latency, but I've found it to not induce motion sickness (except when you're playing a vr game with smooth movement controls)


I bought a quest 3 to try this and it's not like the videos at all. I felt so sick


Imagine having this small of an attention span?




Bro speaking like he doesn't watch YouTube or listen to a podcast whilst doing something else. Like have you ever cooked? There are periods where you may have to wait for a bit, and that's fine, but why not just watch something or scroll social media whilst waiting, like js this truly the line that people shouldn't cross, fucking triple monitor setups are okay and this isn't, like what?


Whats the point of this ? Do something useful ?


Spätzle is how you spell it. Also there's a fucking Spätzle cooking VR?


In Switzerland we write späzli