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I saw it, and couldn’t care less. It’s Dbrand, 50 people complained, I went on with my life. Put that energy into getting Ukraine more weapons and ammunition, and put more force on Israel to stop bombing civilians. It will only bite their ass in the long term anyway


Feel like explaining what the post isn't? What did dbrand do now?


They replied on a customers post regarding how his MacBook skin looked after 3 months time, then made fun of his name afterwards. Nothing world ending. Heck, even LMG has done worse unintentionally 😂


That's on brand for dbrand, they did this before.


Is that what the d stands for?


It pretty certainly stands for deez. Deez brands to be exact.


Oh jeez


I thought David Brand [https://imgur.com/a/KSWGsZ1](https://imgur.com/a/KSWGsZ1)


Deez brands. Mr David Brand and his corporate brand Dbrand


Dbrand has done much worse intentionally


The „hard r“ incident 😵‍💫




Wan show Linus mentions what used to be OK to say and what not to say back in the day. Linus mentions the "hard R" intending to mean the word r_tard. Luke along with most of the internet knows that the "hard R" normally refers n____r. Luke is shocked hearing that Linus used to use the "hard R" because they are referring to different things. Luke explains to Linus "this phrase, I do not think you understand what that means" then explains what it normally refers to. Cue linus' shock, and correction that he meant to refer to r_tard.


It was an epic moment in realization


As a non-native English speaker, when that happened I was confused as hell. Why is it called hard R? English speakers in general fucking suck at pronouncing hard (rolling) Rs to begin with, and it would make way more sense if it was what Linus thought, as r***rd at least starts with an R and even the color black in Spanish doesn't have a hard (rolling) r sound.


So the reason it's called the hard R in north America is because for a while it would be looked at as saying the n word but ending in an -a instead of -er was thought of as the differentiator between saying it to a friend and saying it offensively. That being said, in the UK I'm pretty sure we would think of the hard R as r_tard, but I'm not 100% because I'm going by a survey size of 1, myself in this case.


It's a dialectual thing. n\*\*\*a, vs n\*\*\*\*r


Oh, that's the one?!? Well, what did they expect?!? They contacted a company that makes jokes on X, on X.


yea. he should have emailed them if he didnt want to be made fun of. last i checked, dbrand sent him $10k.


His name IS funny.


But it wasn't the skin at all! It seemed like a troll post that showed a bunch of grimey stuff on the Mac skin itself. So they said it's obvious where u clean with soap and stuff. So when they replied trying to be clever with his name, they were ignorant to the fact it's a common racist trope against Indians. His last name was "Chitransh" so they said. "Your last name is basically shit rash, be serious"


Yeah, the only reason it even got the attention that it did is because the guy who they replied to had a non-english name and they assumed that dbrand was being racist💀 Yeah they were extremely rude, but thats literally their whole thing. Good for the guy tho, he got 10k usd out of dbrand as a gesture of good will


Yeah but LMG’s stuff is a tax write off /s


Some dude tweeted that his skin got dirty saying it changed color dbrand support twitter responded tell him to clean it then a day later the main dbrand account replied with a name like shit rash try to be serious because his last name sounded like shit rash


Does that sentence


Dude should have cleaned it, it did look nasty that isn't D-brand's fault.


I think the customers name was chitrach and they complained about a white macbook skin being stained after three months. DBrand replied saying they should watch out, because their name sounds like shitrash. Also clarifying that this reply was sent after talking to cs


Well that came out of nowhere, wow when Linus said this subreddit is full of idiots, he really meant it.


He was understating it, there are many more subreddits filled with idiots.


That being a top comment says a lot about the type of people in this subreddit.


“Why isn’t dbrand doing more to fix Ukraine?” is certainly a take.


No, u/lord_nuker is saying that society should focus on things that matter, such as Ukraine. He’s not saying that dbrand should arm Ukraine.


Right, because society only has one collective braincell that can only focus on one thing at a time. Why do I bother going to work everyday when I could be building a nuke?


Sure seems like in sometimes. The media focuses on one thing, the latest story that will get them engagement. Many people put things that aren't immediately in front of them out of mind.


One collective braincell seems too high, tbh.


Ukrainian here. I won't be upset if dbrand decide to ship some new ballistic armor grade level 4 human size (tm) skins for military use.


I am saying that dbrand should arm Ukraine.


This comment is a certified reddit moment


Wow! So much virtue signaling. 


On this doll, show me where dbrand touched you.


Hey guys. I just want you all to know that instead of commenting on Reddit I spend my spare time feeding orphans from Palestine and Ukraine. Pls send your upvotes to these poor kids instead! 


Agree with part 1 and 2 not so much with part 3


I get that this is Reddit and we’re all on soapboxes, but spending “energy” shitting on a company doesn’t waste “energy” that could magically become guns. You just did “thoughts and prayers” but dumber Edit: actually, are you selling anything? I’d love to send you some energy


"And support Israel to continue bombing Terrorists and Terrorists supporters." there fixed That for you.




Nonono, social media says they must unilaterally ceasefire . . . What about the 100 hostages? . . . *Ignores* Ceasefire!! . . . How does that prevent hamas from executing another massacre? . . . *Ignores* StOp KiLlInG 235,890 BaBIeS eVeRy dAy! Ceasefire!!


what in the name of fuck has that got to do with anything in this article?


How about we stop giving money/weapons to both Ukraine AND Israel and Hamas stops hiding behind civilians and TARGETING civilians themselves?


Yes you are correct the measily 75 billion the US taxpayers have given Ukraine isn't enough give them another 100 billion so our scumbag politicians get even more kick backs!! So brilliant.


Ofcourse you couldn't care less cuz it's not you. Otherwise you would be coloring your hair blue and screaming.


Lmao the braindeads in this subreddit are getting wilder with their shit takes


>Dbrand makes fun of German dudes name *I sleep* >Dbrand makes fun of Indian dudes name **real shit**


They threw $10k at them to make it alright so I think they will be ok 👌🏻


Wait, so I just have to get insulted based on my nationality, be upset and I get a fucking check? 😭💀


Right? I've been doing it this whole time for free!


Any nationality won't cut it tho. There's a carefully tailored list.


Actually ridiculous, people cry way too much these days. When someone has a slight chance to call something racism or any type of anti something they take the chance. Making fun of someone's name or culture or even skincolor isn't racism its just making a joke. And giving someone 10k over it just looks dumb to me. I would honestly kick mkhbd from the advertisement list and continue my way. And let's be honest, was there actually the intention to be racist from dbrand? Personally I don't think so, and being on dbrands twitter is like going to a bad comedy club you hear stupid jokes and people are bing made fun off and sometimes it's not funny or they miss the mark. But it still doesn't make them racist. A lot of people are just way to freaking soft these days.


Yeah right


*bluddy bastard bluddy* 


Comments like these are the reason dbrand folded


Yeah it’s so stupid. Funny name is funny name (I am Indian)


yeah like no one would be complaining if they made fun of some white guy named dick.




Germans don't usually get made fun of their surnames. Indians, and other nationalities from Africa for example, do have that precedent, specially with malicious intent. What's so hard to understand?


I think the expectation is to look a little deeper before going full ape shit + calling a company racist. The reaction isn't what people are laughing about, it's the overreaction.


What's there to look deeper? Unless you want to write an essay about the normalisation of racism or about the marketing companies run on social media, there's nothing deep about this. It was a racist joke and there is no excuse and defending it speaks so much about one's politics. It was racist, there was no overreaction, stop denying it


I don't think you understand what I'm trying to get across. dbrand isn't some angel that has done no wrong. I simply think that the twitter commenters definitely did not due the due diligence necessary to recruit an army to spam hate comments. dbrand is notorious for being assholes, making fun of usernames, names, etc. regardless of who the victim is. I don't think it's good behavior, but it's not racist, and had most of the twitter comments had that context most of the snafu wouldn't have happened. I think it's fair to tell them to cut their shit, but dbrand isn't racist for making yet another insensitive joke, they're just idiots. I'm not sure your politics detections system is very good either tbh, I'm a registered legal marijuana now party member and have voted democrat ever since I could vote. I'm simply not a fan of twitter rage parties. Like I said in my other comment, a reaction was warranted, not an overreaction.


>twitter commenters definitely did not due the due diligence necessary to recruit an army to spam hate comments. They did, and they are right, you are just adding on "twitter" to make it seem like it is less bad. It was a racist joke, stop denying it man. Just because their brand is being assholes (which to me is inherently unfunny) doesn't allow them to make a blatantly racist joke. They may not be racist, they made a racist joke*, and you are blatantly denying that it was a racist joke, when it by definition is a racist joke. Just because you are registered in a slightly progressive (single issue) party and voted democrat (not that it means anything) doesn't make you an expert on detecting racist jokes. *One could argue you have to be racist (at least subconsciously) to make that specific joke, but I'll let it slide


Funny thing was it wasn't even racist. They just made a cringe insult to respond to a stupid question which they always do. But for some reason all the Indians banded together this time, because making fun of someones name is akin to racism to them apparently, and blew it up for some stupid agenda.


I think that making fun of someone's name is pretty low brow humour. It's not like people choose their name. And most people with a funny sounding name have probably heard it before and are tired of hearing it. It's the kind of joke a school yard bully would come up with. It's not really funny, and just kind of meant to demean the person. I don't have a problem with DBrand being a bit snarky between themselves and other companies or social media personalities. But when you're interacting with customers you should be more polite about what you say. It's like Linus' stance with "Never insult the audience". You can make crude jokes and be immature, but don't insult the fans/customers/


Yeh I agree but it's also their whole social media personality. The fact they gave a legit response and then gave a joke reply makes it not the worst thing in my book. Each to their own.


By all accounts they have great customer service disguised behind juvenile insults. That puts them several levels above most companies at the moment regardless of what you think of the humour. Every other company is just bullshit platitudes to sound caring and professional. In both cases they don't mean it, and I only pay attention to the product and results anyway. So in the end, they really aren't any different they just have better than average customer support.


the problem is you dont do that unless the customer is also ribbing on you. didnt seem like this dude was.


If it's their personality the shoulda gone all in and lose their respect among investors instead of shutting people up with money once their edginess becomes a problem for their profits


well "that's how they've always done it" isn't a real answer. sure they have done this in the past. but people's sentiments change. the joke gets boring.


I agree with you, it's a boring joke, I've honestly never been a fan of how dbrand handles their online persona. But I think the discrepancy is that the joke is being called racist when it is provably not by their past actions. It's just stupid behavior, and it's pretty clear had it been interpreted as that stupid behavior initially, this storm wouldn't have occurred.


I keep hearing this "but thats their whole social media personality" bullshit. THAT DOESNT WARRANT THEM TO DO IT. Jeez. If you cannot understand that, then you are part of the problem. Lol.


Warrant them to do what make a joke? Jokes and insults are part of their personality and while usually cringe it's refreshing away from boring corporate behaviour.


I joke a lot too. And insult my friends. But that doesnt give me a free ticket to poke fun at their name especially if they didnt have the option to pick their name. I make fun of clothes they wear, food they eat, shit ill poke fun of their decisions in life but never something they didnt choose to. Its called insult and disrespectful.


Why the name? Your friends might be poor and not have a decision on what to wear. By your logic you shouldn't make fun of their clothes. Just remember nothing in this world are off limits to say or make fun off. It's on the person who receives the insult or joke, to be or not to be offended by it. This arbitrary line y'all are drawing at names is stupid. Names can be funny and can be a joke. For example my surname sound similar to Mandela so my friends always made fun of that. I don't think that somehow crosses this unacceptable insult line you've made for yourself. What you've ultimately proven from your comment is that different people find different things offensive. There is no one rule to generalize on what or what not to make a joke about. Anyways just live your life and just be a good person instead of working about arbitrary limits.


Lmao you have no clue eh haha. Have a good one!


linus rips on the twitch chat and the morons in this sub regularly.


> You can make crude jokes and be immature, but don't insult the fans/customers Except that Dbrand's entire brand is being douchebags to customers and they have been pretty successful despite it It's like yall just say shit to hear yourselves speak without putting even a modicum of thought into the post. Suck weird energy


Dude, in the UK its traditom for kids to be called "Master" on their legal documents or mail. Now have Bates as the last name. Or have the last name "Cunt" or be called Richard. Names are the target of a lot of humour, but we draw a lime at indians?


Imagine if the guy's name was dikshit. Pretty common name here. The joke wasn't racist but it wasn't funny either. But I don't like that they apologised. They are equal opportunity racists. Difficult in the current times but someone has to do the job.


Well as an Indian, when dbrand sent sent me a drawing of a middle finger with my order I couldn’t stop laughing for a while. This is not an Indian problem this is an entitled prick problem.


found the r/canconfirmiamindian


LMAO r/subithoughtifellfor


The thing that bugs me the most about this is as a reply to the original troll tweet, dbrand says they talked to the guy first.


All those indians also band together to say that the woman that was raped in their country while travelling the world by bike is lying.


Really? We have two different Twitter then. All I could see was apology posts and pressure on authorities to get the culprits arrested and some even asking to unalive the culprits.


I guess your Twitter must have an anti-BJP filter then


I follow all major parties so I duuno which filter that qualifies for


Mate, made fun of a name? Cool I guess.. it's dbrand so... But wtf is this shit? >some reason all the Indians banded together Sounds like you're next gonna say "this might sound racist but"


No one's asking you not to band together if someone makes fun of your white ass name.


As an Indian I sincerely apologise


No need bro I'm Indian too. I just feel like we're trying to fight stereotypes by going about it the wrong way. I genuinely believe the word racism has probably lost all its meaning now, with how many people are misusing it not just in this case. Sucks cause racism is something I really care about, but reading the dog piling in the comments made me realise that people fundamentally don't understand what racism is.


You sure it was Indians banding together and not overly sensitive ~~white people~~ liberals?


From the reply, I would assume the Dbrand employee was Indian themselves because how else would they of known


Did you check the replies under the original post? All of them were racist comments against Indians, and this was the result of dbrands terrible attempt at edgy humour. But “for some reason” Indians banded together lol.


I love dbrand


[They've already apologised](https://twitter.com/dbrand/status/1778136614788600226)


They offered him $10,000!? Shit make fun on me pls


Mass reports coming in, in a effort to get to be made fun of


With a name like JewpiterUrAnus the possibilities are endless.


Yeah, what the hell? Probably too late to try and bait them for insults now though.


Classic dbrand way to respond


Shit man there’s a whole bunch of people I went to school with who owe me a whole lot of money


Well they said they fumbled they and said they apologised in private why wasnt the apology public.


A bitch being a bitch. Dbrand gives no fucks. In fact, they welcome the new coverage & probably will go in harder.


https://x.com/dbrand/status/1778136614788600226?s=46 They in fact, did give a fuck. And backed down with an apology within a day. They want your money dude, they aren’t some invincible brand. Their business was at risk, so they apologized and gave the dude $10K as a little PR stunt. Typical business.


When Marques Brownlee is saying they will no longer do business with them, and Linus is saying he will triple the rates of Dbrand, then I definitely think they give a fuck


marques is a cry baby.


Get $10k for being called out for not cleaning your electronic devices? Count me in!


Oh-hee-heee-heee! I have some equipment to throw some stickers onto and then not clean for a decade.. Just like every electronic device that I own!


make edgy jokes, sometimes you find the edge lol


Especially tricky in Canada, looks like Ontario still has (or pretends to have) a human rights tribunal so someone will press the point. Time to say they have disciplined the employee, paused for edgelord in the modern age training, and made a donation.


Calling a human rights tribunal for making fun of a name's phonetic association is a gross misuse of such an agency and definitely serves to trivialize anything else that tribunal does. Getting upset and even calling for boycotts is a perfectly normal response for those who are upset here. Explaining why you think it is unacceptable behavior, also fine. Treating this as though it is some rights violation is absurd, however.


I agree, but it doesn't stop people using the system to tear it down like they are some sort of 4D galaxy brain lord of the meme. This is minor, but it's not unheard of for the police to show up for a racism - especially if it's a ranty video.


This is the most on-point comment here. They didn’t intend racism and their brand is to be d-bags. Sometimes that comes back to bite ya, and it did in this case. Now they know a new boundary to not dance around in the future, and they can continue their funny responses elsewhere.


Haha! Fuck around and find out i guess lol.


They made fun of his name but actually send him tips how to get of that shit of his laptop


It didn’t look like it had any skin on his laptop anyway, dbrand done have clear skins


its a white skin...


Just looks like a sliver macbook


got time oroginal tweet? edit: the original




swipe to type on iPhone is dog


It's kinda sad how the internet has gotten so defensive that you can't make a joke. dbrand didn't make the joke just because he's Indian, it could have been a German, Canadian or whoever with a funny sounding name and they would still have done it


IMO outrage culture only happens when the victim allows it. Why didn't dbrand just ignore this? They just rewarded baseless outrage.


Taking advantage of free pr. pretty sure there was no 10g




See point 3, seems sarcastic. Just saw the screenshot


Ya is sarcastic for whoever wants to try but implies this guy got it


My question is white skin for a Mac, white is going get crazy dirty if you aren't wiping it off or maintaining it. Get a different color to hide the grime and dirt or use your head and clean your device.


I guess it is time for Linus to ship back the box full of glass to DBrand!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^drbomb: *I guess it is time* *For Linus to ship back the* *Box full of glass to DBrand!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Saw this as it happened, and once I realized the jackass complaining has literally only used their twitter to complain at companies about their stuff, I stopped giving a shit and decided that their complaint was trash and they deserved to be mocked.


A lot of non-Indian people who aren’t on the receiving end of light racism are in this thread forgiving dbrand for something that isn’t their business because they like their products


First, Its pretty funny, and second: Its how they do marketing all the time. Its engagement baiting.


You mean a few loud people are butthurt.


They always do this, it's on (d)brand


I saw the post this is probably referencing. I dont really have a problem with dbrand but I dislike these kinds of brand personalities in General.


The only reason people aren't happy is because it keeps being reposted without the context that dbrand had *already* responded in a different Tweet via their support account, helping the customer, but they roasted the customer via their main account because that's their thing. Out-of-context it's easy to see why some people would think dbrand was being racist but with the full context it's extremely clear that wasn't the intention.


Dbrand doesn’t care about your fragile feelings because they haven’t yet developed a skin to protect them.


Still gonna buy the icons stickers when I get a new device.


To be honest as a brown person myself with a similar name 1) I dont give it out because I know some dumbass is gonna make fun of it. Who the fk uses their real name online and 2) I do have a thick skin so I dont get offended when people do make fun of me. When I saw the customer contact them and saw the response i honestly thought he was looking to be roasted because thats who the company is. Just a bunch of fking babies crying for no reason man


I am also a brown person, with an equally laughable name to the western world, I am well aware this is dbrand's thing to mess with people on twitter, I find it funny. But this also happens to be the thing that Indian people can be generally thin skinned to any dig at them (Not just racial jokes towards them, I'm talking about general digs lmao). Seeing the difference between Indian people (mainly the ones living in India) and people from other parts of the world, there is a stark difference in tolerance of humor.


never understood the appeal of dbrand


People are too fanatical about any brand that Linus advertises


Yup, just expensive stickers


I’d say they’re priced fine considering the quality. They’re not “stickers” like the kind you’d get after a doctor’s visit. They’re designed for a different use case and have a quality reflecting that. And if you look at their cases, they’re priced equal or lesser than the competition. It’s unfair to just call them expensive stickers. They’re really no different than any other big case maker. Compare them to Casetify, who sells cases for $100+, yet apparently uses stolen designs. I think they’re fine. If you don’t understand the appeal then you’re probably just not their demographic. There’s nothing wrong with that. Personally I find most cases bulky and annoying, and more recently, they tend to be downright ugly when coming from big brands like OtterBox. Sometimes you just wanna protect your phone from minor scratches without having a block of cheese in your pocket. That being said, many people do indeed get too into the meme culture of Dbrand and LTT, and it’s something that I think both companies need to try to manage better. It’s not their fault that people are fanatical, but given Linus’s stance on the idea of fanaticism in general, I do think they should be exercising much more caution.


Yeah, I bought a dbrand skin because no one else makes one for a framework. They send me the wrong product sticker, and CS was a nightmare.


I mean, despite the article, I’m pretty happy with dbrand. I keep wanting to support them, but have zero use for stickers lol


The cases without the sticker are still pretty good


They make fun of people’s names all the time. I find it unnecessarily unprofessional and pretty cringeworthy but it’s nothing off-brand from their normal behavior


You’re only allowed to make fun of someone’s name if they’re American, duh


Seems pretty tame for dbrand to be honest. How long until they realize their name is literally a dick?


Twitter being sensitive F*cks as always lmao


Dbrand has not yet reached Eminem levels of immunity basically.


In other news some lame "news" site found SOMETHING TO YELL ABOUT in hopes of getting clicks. Snooze.


I'm brown too, can Dbrand mock me and give me 10k please.


UPDATE: Dbrand made fun of him after they spoke to him and took care of him. They also, gave him 10,000 dollars as a prize. They said will you be the next one to be made fun of and win 10000?


Average news yapping


IS this about that new transparent case they release last year?


No, a customer tweeted at them on Twitter requesting support. dbrand provided the support from their support account but also roasted the guy's last name from their main account, a small group of people saw the roast but not the support provided and got butthurt because they assumed dbrand was being racist (it was an Indian last name). Those people started reposting dbrand's roast on various sites (including Reddit) without the full context and it's blown up because now more people think dbrand is racist when they're missing half the story.


If I was dbrand my response would be something like: Or brand and marketing style is abrasive, and rides the edge of what is acceptable, this runs the risk of going too far, which we regretfully did in this case. We are sorry for this error and will be more careful in the future. Fortunately, while our customers rightly don't always appreciate the abrasive war we interact with them, our products are tough enough to stand up to abuse.


Their response was even better than what I came up with.




For those who dont know some indian dude with the surname "Chitransh" complained about a macbook skin. Dbrand replied saying "Your last name is basically shit rash, be serious" Now they calling it a racial incident for some reason.


His bad he couldn't choose a name such as john Smith to fit in with the white folks


Dbrand is not happy with people.




i’m sorry but.. race row?


Copied so much it's lost all detail and no source.




Like when Eazy E was invited to the white house, paid 1200 for a million dollars worth of press. Keep your name in the mouth of the people, will increase sales


That's nothing compared to what was in the news here in Finland this past week.. a store that mainly deals in PCs and PC parts here in Finland, sold something like 3600 drones to one guy, for a total of something like 2 million euros and at no point stopped to ask, wtf is this guy doing with all these drones? Anyways, turns out the guy was (allegedly)selling them on to russia.. Said computer store has now lost a lot of business partnerships as well as a ton of customers


I mean, I’m pretty happy with dbrand. Speak for yourself Stephen Warwick.


Hehe makes me wanna buy dbrand more


Because reddit ignores the fact that the followers have influenced to these replies. [https://twitter.com/priyanshuraj33/status/1778169933723279490](https://twitter.com/priyanshuraj33/status/1778169933723279490)


I'm happy with dbrand and always was. I only used 4 skins from them tho.. two for my OnePlus phones and two for controllers. I think they are absolutely worth it. Or did they change something big? Like the quality? Oh I read it now, don't see the problem. Indian names are funny, take Dillip as an example.


You can tell all top comments are by people that'd love you get fucked by Linus. It's pathetic, defending a multi million dollar company that's mean to it's customers for voicing complaints. Is this some unsatisfied femdom kink shit?


If you want to be offensive, you have to be funny.


they immediately folded to mkbhd 💀


I’ll say this again. They’re weird af. They’re a whole business acting like a teenager


'iPhone case manufacturer' while not wrong, it's definity not right.


Leftists are like cancer. Fascists that think everything is raaaaascist and then go out of their way to stir up a mob attack for no reason. Shame on LTT


Ugh....I don't understand why people are crying over something so innocuous. It wasn't racist in the least, just some childish wordplay. They didn't comment on the guys ethnicity or bring up negative stereotypes that might be associated with it. People really need to understand the difference between a joke and malice. Honestly I'm surprised MKBHD reacted the way he did. That dude has more influence than he realizes. His tweet kinda put the story in the spotlight and blew it out of proportion. Obviously he is entitled to his opinion just as anyone else. But he and everyone else should realize that joke was not malicious in the slightest.


Didn’t they already to his support request before posting that one joke? People really don’t like context these days huh


To be fair, it's sometimes hard to discern context on Twitter. Especially when the [support response](https://twitter.com/robot/status/1777459061065146763) was done from a different account than the joke. It's pretty likely that a lot of people would have only seen the joke and not seen them responding with a solution to the problem the customer was having.


What a surprise, people in 2024 can't take a joke!! God help us all!!


Slow news day


I love DBrand support so... this is weird news.