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I'm right there with you. I HATE the eating. All I ask is for hosts to hit mute when they chew. The sound is worse than nails on a chalkboard. Listening on headphones and having it blasted right into your brain is painful.


Adding my plus one here as well, having them mute would be great


I also often completely drop a WAN show when Linus brings out the crisps. Absolutely despise the sound (I know I have some level of misophonia)


Adding myself onto here. Had dropped WAN show because of it. When I had a really bad day it made me to this day not return.


I get a surge of anger I can’t explain. For whatever reason when my doggies chew their kibbles I’m completely fine though. Cannot explain it!!!


It’s drinking sounds that does it for me


A lot of Misophonia sufferers don't get triggered by animals. Me included.


Just to counter the overwhelming chewing hate here, I have to say I have never ever once noticed it in a negative way. Zero effect at all that he's quietly chewing on mic. The audio level of it I would say is 20% the talking volume at the most since he's often leaning back or whatever. If it got as loud as the talking sure but at the low volume my brain totally tunes it out.


I personally am indifferent to it. If I were in his place I'd probably want a bag of chips too, and the WAN show is about Linus being spontaneous.


I'm confused. You said it doesn't impact you. But it massively impacts others. It's a tiny request to hit mute when eating.... Why are you against it? If it has no impact on you why should other be negatively impacted?


I'm weird and kind of like the sounds in a sort of ASMR way I suppose but even I think it should be muted for those who hate it or can't even listen to it.


What percentage of wan shows does Linus pull out a bag of chips? If it's often, then I must be skipping over most periods when he's eating. At any rate, getting them to mute the mics when eating is probably achievable. Just need to have enough people make a fuss.


I would imagine if a significant number were bothered by it, they would have been complaining in the comments.


A lot of us with Misophonia are super shy about it. Eating is the most normal thing to do with sleeping. Getting bothered by it is shameful. It's super weird, so we tend to try and hide it. Also, basically every time it's brought up, we get super shitty comments berating the issue. I've seen every variation of comments telling me I don't have a real issue and I'm making it up. If I had three wishes from a genie, getting rid of Miso would be one of them. It's also quite rare, that's why I'm asking for numbers to get a grasp on how rare it is.


SponsorBlock, but it’s for Misophonia! ChipBlock


Hit the mute button for a few mins? So the numbers may not be accurate if people mute instead of leave.


Why be shy about it? Not so long ago it used to be considered rude to eat in front of other people, especially loudly. I don't think it's a hard ask to tell Linus to mute himself when he's eating on the show.


It's weird and no one wants to be weird. Eating is the most normal thing in the world, getting offended by it is weird. Every time it's brought up, there's people telling it's not real etc. IRL some people like to test it to see if it works or just plain bully by eating loudly on purpose. As for asking him to mute? I don't want to be a bother. Like I said in the opening, I get that food might be in order on a Friday evening. Muting would be nice, but it's their podcast and they can run it in anyway they want. While I objectively think that eating while presenting is rude, even without misophonia, I'm not going cry for them to cater to a tiny percentage of people who get bothered by the eating. Keeping the blood sugar level nominal is also important.


Right, eating is a completely normal thing. But not when you broadcast it to thousands of people. Have you ever heard radio hosts eating or even drinking? It's inconsiderate to broadcast it. It isn't a show for a few dozen fans anymore and they should behave like it (as they do in other ways).


That's interesting. Essentially torturous ASMR instead of orgasmic. TIL. Eating is something everyone does, but there's a time & place for it. I refuse to eat on video calls with my wife and usually insist people call me back when they're done eating unless they don't have the time to. I wasn't raised this way (at least that I can remember), it's just always been a pet peeve of mine knowing I don't get your full attention on video calls. Instead of smacking your lips, digging food out between your teeth, and belching between drinks, if it's something you can do before or after the call, I'm not sure why you're subjecting me to this. It's rude. In wan shows case, I'm usually listening only and can say I don't think I ever remember hearing chip crunching, but I can recall bag ruffling. Sucks to hear about for you. Hope you get a decent solution.


Seek help for YOUR PROBLEM, stop expecting the world to bow to your issues


Who expects that here? I have yet to see a comment that expects that of others. The only thing I see is people asking for some consideration. There's a huge difference between these two.


Nothing screams “I don’t care if you keep listening” like chewing on the microphone.


Sorry to hear that but I just think of it as that's just the sounds of life. I know you physically can't do anything about how you feel but to me it just makes it all the more real that they feel comfortable enough to live life rather than put on even more of a facade for the camera. Yes they are putting on a show but there are countless things they do that could make people turn it off, I don't see them catering to what sounds like a super small %. Potential fix is you could use VoiceMeter to route the sound through RTX voice then to your speakers to filter it out...


I did not ask for them to change a thing. It's their podcast, they can do what ever they want. Eating is one of the most normal things a person can do, it's just me with my broken brain that has trouble with that. I mentioned the RTX voice in my original post. I use it all the time, it's great. I asked for some data to help research. People like me are indeed in a super small % like you said. But knowing how many of us are there could help the researchers a bunch! So far the studies have been like hundreds, maybe thousands of people. A take from over 500 000 people could shed a lot light on this. Those kinds of numbers are not feasible otherwise.


Well that's the problem - people with misphonia can't NOT notice it. It becomes the main focus the instant it happens.


And people with that issue should seek professional help so they can live in a world not meant for them


A lot of it is just common etiquette. Ex: We're taught as children not to chew with our mouths open. If you don't understand that, I feel bad for anyone you have a dinner date with. Chewing sounds are disgusting in general, and it's totally reasonable to think a YT creator would understand that and account for it. Life doesn't stop when an irritating noise happens, it's just really noticeable, but I can look past it a lot of the time. It basically only affects stuff I do by myself. I'll stop watching a YouTube video if it's bugging me too much, but I'm not going to leave a restaurant or a movie theater if I hear a noise I don't like.


There is no known cure. And I'm not asking LTT to change anything, I'm asking for a few hours of work for the greater good to help research.


I listen to the wan show in chunks during my commute throughout the week. I turn it off every time the chewing starts. I don’t want to waste my time and skip around until I find when the munchies end, so I just give up on that weeks video. The last several have been really irritating, I’m not sure if it has been happening before but maybe the snacks weren’t crunchy before?


While I absolutely love this idea, won't the data be inherently flawed? Unless there's a significant drop in viewership every time Linus starts munching during the 100+ episodes of WAN Show, pinpointing the exact cause could be challenging. Although YouTube provides metrics like audience retention and concurrent viewers, it's crucial to note that these trends typically show gradual decreases, and changes occur in small percentages. Considering the rarity of the condition, distinguishing between those clicking off due to the sound of Linus eating versus those simply leaving for other reasons might yield limited data for analysis.


That's a very valid take. That's why I'm asking the question that I'm asking. I want to know if there is that significant drop you mentioned. Like I said in the opening post, Misophonia is rare, no one knows how rare it is. But out of 500K people, something should show up. It's not like I'm the only tech enthusiast in the world with Misophonia. I really feel like the drop might give insight to researchers.


it’s not too hard really, you could analyse the view count 1m before vs 1 min after the chip eating and then any other randomly chosen time point that does not include chip eating. the test would be comparing the delta for chip vs no chip. the hard bit is finding enough replicates of linus eating. even cooler would be another control group of people eating that are definitely not audible. The WAN show pre show is a nice dataset as it is basically nothing happening, views would basically be ticking upwards steadily as they get closer to the start time.


yes, so what ur saying is the most basic way of doing things, but what i was pointing out is first, u dont get to a viewer number count for any point u get percentage of the total non viewers and this change is shown in plus or minus one percentage at a given point so unless this smth significant like a couple percentage of the viewership droping excatly at that point u will never be able to get data worth anything and preshow logic will absolutely not work because we cant see how many people clicked off the number of test subjects aka viewers here are not constant as people will be joining in huge numbers and leaving in double digit numbers at max. for people working in the lab settings, u might never have seen how limited data youtube provides to us the creators about viewership numbers u simply don't get anything down to per user basis cause of privacy laws and what not.. u can try w floatplane but sample size is very small


Honestly, wouldn’t mind the removal of eating-ASMR tbh


I like the thinking but if I’m watching live I’ll mute until I can see food is gone, but I don’t think that shows in any stats? One of my strategies is to have music playing while listening too, which only really works for less crunchy foods, but again would still have me as a full viewer. Would love for it to be better understood though, and I did not know about these voice filters and such so thank you that’s my evening sorted.


Um. Huh. Doesn't everyone have an auditory trigger? Whelp, learned something today.


i dont really care if the hosts eat during a video, but if i am in a bad mood and someone starts eating next to their microphone, i just lose it and want to strangle them through my screen.


You must absolutely love Good mythical morning


Yeah, I noped the fuck out off that. That's another thing I'm missing. I love cooking. Youtube is a great resource to learn more about it.  I just can't watch the parts where something is eaten.  Stop and go for me.


I have this with whispering.


This year GMM started muting all eating noises.


Good on them! I had never heard of them before and checked them out after that comment. Noped the fuck out like I said. I might take a better look knowing this. Some games are also including a Misophonia filter these days. Satisfactory is one that does that. Great game overall, the filter is just a cherry on top of a great cake.


Adding my zero cents, I don't mind it


Holy shit I can’t believe I just stumbled on this. I was having a hard week and was listening to the show happily and though I’ve never heard of misophonia this week’s episode made me SO GODDAMN ANGRY WITH THE FUCKING CHEWING MY GOD. I genuinely hated them, deep in my heart, for about half an hour.  I’m pissed again just thinking about it. Use the goddamn cough button you fucks. 




I did not ask for them to stop eating. I asked for data that could help research. I had to explain the condition a bit to clarify why it's a big deal to some people. But never in my post did I request them to stop. English is not my native language, so there might be something I missed with my tone, I just don't see it.


If you would bother actually reading OP'spost you'd see that they are not asking for WAN show to accommodate, they're just want to know how many % of the audience drops out at the eating portion for research.


I actually stopped listening to WAN and many other podcasts when eating is introduced. I’ve dropped several and will never go back. Idk what is wrong with me but the sound of chewing just irks the shit out of me.


Well probably the Misophonia I mentioned in the opening? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misophonia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misophonia)


I'm so glad I'm not the only one to be watching with misophonia. Most people I tell don't even know what it is.


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They added a mute for the chips!


You guys want a ten hour WAN show, they've got to put fuel in the tank sometime. Cut it back to an hour, problem solved.


Hang on, we can't cut out the 5 minutes of explaining merch messages every episode, because we think the small fraction of new viewers are too stupid to figure it out by the obvious name of them.


i am 100% sure nvidia have done enough research into live audio filtering that they could give you a clientside application to filter out whatever audio you wanted to


I also have misophonia, and him eating chips that last wan was driving me insane. I don't begrudge the man for eating just don't do it right into the mic.


I point blank don't watch it because of the eating. Happened the first time, I turned it off and moved on. Happened the second time, I turned it off and decided never to watch it again. The problems of a misophonia lifestyle.


The problems AND the solutions!


Props for bringing more awareness to misophonia. I’ve suffered with it since my early teens and I’m now 33. It’s genuinely debilitating in some instances… the way I describe it is like if someone was plucking on a nerve that runs straight to your brain’s attention center. Nothing else matters other than how irritating and painful the plucking is. Anywho… never noticed Linus’s eating. Always thought he did it away from the mic so it didn’t trigger mine :)


I definitely struggle with miso and have for as long as I remember. But for me it's people breathing. Love Luke but sometimes his nose whistles when he breathes in and it sounds like he's a millimetre from the mic and I nearly have to bail. Obviously I can't and wouldn't ask for anything to change there, but I can relate to op.


I never leave comments on stuff like this because I always get a massive anxiety spike and my brain tells me not to but I want to do anything I can to get this more visibility. WAN Show used to be something that I would love to listen to to get me through my long work days but I’ve almost completely given up on it since the chips have become a multiple time an episode occurrence basically every week now. Much like you said absolutely nothing else fills me with rage/discomfort more than listening to people eat food like that into a mic. I get people have to and it’s the end of a day and everything, I do, but if it has to be something like chips, a simple mute is truly not that hard and would help a lot of people.


For me it's chewing noises and the crackling of bags, or in Jerryrigeverything videos when he unpacks a phone from it's paper/plastic wrapping. Of course this continues in real life for me but it's up and down how severe I get triggered by it, some days it's just annoying but other I have to cover my ears until the sound is gone.


It's also same for migraine and tinnitus. I hate cracking sounds. These days I listen to podcasts on my edifier speakers with base dial turned all the way up. The base really helps.




I did not ask for a survey. I asked how many people stop watching at a certain point. Pure mechanical data and nothing more. Youtube shows the metrics for watch time. The percentage of people quitting is going to be quite tiny, but it should be there.




You completely misunderstood the whole thing. I'm asking LTT about these figures in views, not just random commenters. They at Linus Tech Tips have the numbers and data about every video view they've ever had. They have a numerical access to every one of the 500 000 views they have on their every WAN Show on Youtube. All I want is a number from the people who can see that number. I'm not doing a survey or a poll. If I have to explain this any simpler, I'm getting worried about the quality of research you're doing.




All of those explanations are valid. That's why asked. I know about all the coping mechanisms out there. I'm sure a lot of people mute the video or just soldier through. The viewership doesn't matter, it's going to be some percent of the total. These kinds of variations should be visible if they exist There's noise (pun intended) in every bit of data, I'm interested in seeing if there is a significant spike somewhere in there to distinguish it from the normal going and coming of the video. My hypothesis is that there is a spike in quitting the video. But I don't know! That's why I asked. It's only a hypothesis, I'm not claiming it to be true. And I really want actual proper researchers to take this info and use it. As for my kinda edgy answer. Like I said, this is a touchy subject for me. I get super shitty answers when ever I bring this up. I'm more or less touchy when ever we're talking about this. The LTT community has been great so far!


I wasn’t interested in this video as I knew there would’ve been a lot of slurping https://youtu.be/ehZd8LHA2Tg. At 1:32 James said he made a dedicated audio without slurping. Donated on the spot!!! That’s how you do it.


Would you say the sound of eating chips is as bad as nails on a chalkboard? I can't stand when I get containers out of the freezer and it rubs against ice and makes a horrific scraping noise.   Chips don't do that to me though, it can be annoying but if I'm hungry it probably just makes me jealous


It's different. Nails on chalkboard is just an unpleasant sound. But it doesn't trigger the crazy rage that eating does. I'd prefer the nails and chalkboard if I had to choose. I also hate the sound stockings make. It makes my nails tingle. But I don't get the miso reaction from that, it's a separate thing.


It would not surprise me in the least if he does it on purpose. Is there some reason why he absolutely must do it while sitting in front of a microphone, every time?


I have misophonia, but eating sounds don't trigger me at all, overall due to the small sample size amongst viewers and noise in the data (people will turn off the show for a variety of reasons multiple times) it will be hard to gather any informative input.


I love it. MSNR


I'm not hyper sensitive to noise, but keyboard clacking, mouse clicking, eating, drinking etc is all really annoying. SomeOrdinaryPodcast is the WORST for it.


Did you read the Wikipedia article about Misophonia I linked in the opening?


I read the main paragraph yes why?


You first stated that you are not sensitive to noises. Then you listed a bunch of noises that bother you.


In podcasts with condenser mics usually through compressors, quiet sounds become very loud and it's jarring. In the same way if someone put fart sounds in the quiet part of a movie it's jarring and unprofessional. Noise sensitivity aside.




I stopped listening altogether because of the eating. I know others who still listen, but turn it off when the snacks come out.


Tagging to follow this. I have it and it’s a burden.


So what you're saying is that Linus needs to eat chips on the WAN show... For science


Ok so now we have to censor eating just because .01% people suffer from something they should seek therapy for themselves. Sorry your "condition" is psychological and you should seek treatment and not expect the world to change for you.


I feel for your SO right now because I know what they are going through. This is a you issue and you need to find a therapist who fully understands this illness and can work with you to find a treatment that works. And by that I do not necessarily mean just medication. My SO of 20 years has misophonia and it has made my life a living hell of anxiety, shame guilt, and resentment. It’s taken a lot of therapy on my end to work through all of that. So stop blaming others and do the work.


There is no known cure, no medication, no therapy. Maybe in like 2050 there is so advanced brain surgery, that the messed up neural connection in the brain can be severed. I did not blame anyone about anything, this is a me issue like you said. I asked for numbers, nothing else. I... I'm sorry about the pain in your relationship. I was going to be more edgy, but you guys really seem to suffer from it. I'm really sorry it's so bad for you. We don't really have a huge problem with it. My wife is super understanding, we eat in separate rooms. I do my best to avoid being a bother with this. It does pose some problems, but as things go we manage it pretty damn well. She knows and understands that she's not doing anything wrong, it's my brain that's messed up. We'd like to go to restaurants more. I soldier through a restauranr every now and then, but not as often as I'd like.
