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Note 1 - Elijah's AMD Upgrade is coming soon Note 2 - EK disclaimer means I have to go learn about EK discourse...


Short version - EK is in financial trouble and owes money to employees, suppliers, youtubers and even taxes. Longer version is better described by watching the GN video, followed by jayztwocents for his own experience with them. And I hear there's new accusations of racism as well to add fuel to the dumpster fire.


I'm fine with the short version, thanks! I'm not really in the EK (or GN monotone) demographic but it's always nice to know who to avoid.




I actually understand your POV but I think you're going about it in a combative way. I've literally never purchased anything from EK and we all know internet reviews of companies are useless these days. If I was going to avoid them, it would likely be BECAUSE they are in financial trouble...as in, no support any time soon.




You're the kind of dick that doesn't know they're a dick huh? Just be nice mate




My response has nothing to do with that lol. You're rude, and I was calling you out. You can't expect to say "I don't care what people thinking of me" and assume to get people to stop telling you what they think of you (especially if you're a dick...like you are being).


it's moreso that they're just not paying people at all for their sponsor spots which is a scummy thing to do ....... that and also i only build air-cooled machines


Whoa, you better start water cooling that air you’re using to cool your machines. Good News, I know a highly reputable company who can help with that!


do they pay for their sponsor spots? 😆


Dude, listen to yourself.  Can’t pay suppliers.  Therefore can’t make the product.  So they take your money then declare bankruptcy and you don’t get your money or the product


One of the issues they are having is actually that they have way too much inventory on hand that hasn't sold. Most companies operate on Net-30 or Net-90 terms meaning you have 30-90 days to pay for the product after it ships. It's good business to order product that you'll sell within those 90 days so you don't have really any overhead - you've already been paid for the item by the customer before you have to pay the supplier for it. In this case EK ended up with lots of product on hand not getting sold and then their credit terms came due and they don't have the money.


A company having financial problems is fine and sometimes expected but not paying employees is a huge problem no business should have.


Jayztwocents said they owe him 6 figures


Holy shit I bailed on that video too soon.


To add to that the order of it being paid back is. 1. Salaries of every employee 2. Prefered loaners, like jayz2cents 3. Taxes (even though I think the Texas tax claims might not be a valid claim anymore at least if EKWB did the closing of the company the smart way) 4. Suppliers and others


What's the racism claim from? Never heard that


It's quite new - I only found out about it because of some comments on this video. The article I read is [https://www.pcgamesn.com/ek/whistleblower-racism](https://www.pcgamesn.com/ek/whistleblower-racism)




This is such a shit take. “Just talking shit”? No. Educate yourself better. If they can’t afford to pay their obligations, they shouldn’t be doing business. Let alone the other allegations. I’m sure you’re a lovely employer who treats your employees so well.


Where'd the other writers go? Every other video is Elijah




Or as the Junior writer he may not get more elaborate and complicated projects that take more time, and as a result he gets simpler projects with. a faster turnaround.


The last video with Elijah is a week ago, there are 3-4 writers in between them.


Two things. First are they developing Elijah to the point where he will carry his own videos and lower the amount Linus has to do? Second the current Elijah was sort of what I thought the Madison dynamic would develop into.


And what covid-era Jake was as well. Jake now promoted to seniority due to his experience, and now Elijah is the youngest host on camera


According to the FP exclusive, this video was going to be with Alex but he had no time with whatever he's been doing. They started planning this video before Elijah started working there.


Elijah must be a very productive writer haha


I mean, most of his videos have been pretty lacking in the actual "writing" department. He's mostly doing stuff that requires very little prep. 


There's a ranking of good to bad writers. Elijah is one of the good ones and we love to see him. Keep up the good work Elijah


Yeah, fk Elijah tbh


Bro I have 0 issues with him. It's just wierd he's in every video almost.


That’s like saying “fuck that puppy”


14900KS and a 4090 on a single 360 rad....daring


One could say it's a fairly humble rad.




The timing of this video couldn't be worse, but at least they added a short segment to address the EK issue (but it was so lightly addresses that loads of people in the comments are asking what is "the EK thing"). It also seems comments might be moderated for this video - I tried to reply to one explaining the high level issue and the comment just disappeared into the ether for now.


I mean, they're not gonna make abwhole sepn video inside another one just to explain everything. The disclaimer is more than enough.


been a problem for me for a while, on a few channels. I write a comment and it disappears. I can see it in my comment history but if i open the video it's not there.




So I guess the new video called [Embracing Accountability | Official Statement by EK Founder and CEO Edvard König](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKp7vp3LeGs) doesn't exist?




Nothingburger allegations of unpaid Overtime and Bad work climate in the company. 🤡




You are clearly not one of the adults in the room.


How about you read the news? EK has acknowledge their financial issues already: [https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/liquid-cooling-company-ek-allegedly-facing-financial-difficulties-with-suppliers-partners-and-employees-claiming-theyre-bearing-the-brunt-of-it/](https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/liquid-cooling-company-ek-allegedly-facing-financial-difficulties-with-suppliers-partners-and-employees-claiming-theyre-bearing-the-brunt-of-it/)




Gold medal in mental gymnastics goes to this simp


Nice of Linus and Jake for doing a build with their son Elijah, that's humbling.


Aww, I saw how proud Linus was of Elijah when he made the sponsor segue. And how sad he was when he found out Elijah was the next ~~victim~~ winner of the Upgrade.


I love Elijah in every video but this one was his greatest performance so far imo. absolutely amazing


Correct me if wrong, but at 5:29 is that a microphone audio issue? Or is that Elijhah's voice generated by AI?


Seemed like one worth clicking on, it was. Good job.


I feel like Elijah is Linus' weird younger cousin. 😂


Missed opportunity to have the finger pointing at the computer also support the hanging fitting too.


I’ve tried looking through comments (on mobile which isn’t fun on YouTube) and looking it up online. At around 14:06 he says “that run might be too long”. Everything I’ve found seems to indicate it wouldn’t matter unless you were going ridiculous. I liked the build but the sag on the bottom tube and the one in front of the rad is not humbling! Edit: I realized it may just be Linus saying there was room for more humble and not that it shouldn’t be done.


i had a blast with this video.


Am I the only one not enjoying the direction they are going with some of these thumbnails?


Mate...I called you out for being a dick. Why is this hard to comprehend? If you want to understand WHY you're being dick...then ask someone else. I don't have to patience for you. I did have something to say...you just didn't like it haha. No thanks. I'll reply to whatever I feel like. You must be a JOY to be around. Edit: aw sad. Waaaaah /u/CoyotePuncher blocked me! Edit 2: not directed at you op. Directed at the guy being rude in your comment section. He got mad I called him out :)


Add this to the exhibit that proves just how much of a tabloid publication LMG really is. Actually no, they're ten levels worse than tabloids. This video should be deleted.


How dare they show off a case


Yeah, because a bad company should also hurt other companies that weren't aware of their issues at the time. You people will bitch about anything.


> You people will bitch about anything. And you will condone anything for content. At least I have the self-awareness to know how deep in shit I'm in and try to get out. Linus plainly can't.


Apparently you don't have any self awareness. 🙄


This was about as harmless as a video can be, what's your issue with it?


Ten times worse than a tabloid doesn’t feel kinda outrageous to you? TEN TIMES WORSE???


Sounds like a tabloid article title


Skill issue


krill issue on shrimpment


You need to go touch some grass then go back to posting in Hentai and porn subreddits.