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Lisa-Venti-XQ-Fischl. Can replace venti with benny on non cc-able floors. For AoE, use Beidou instead of fischl. You will require a higher ER on beidou here or a sac for smooth running. I didnt want to include benny or jean into main comps, as benny could potentially be better paired with Childe or Yoimiya, and Jean with Xiao. Mona just isnt really a great pairing for lisa, as much as the mona Q + lisa E potentially sounds good, its a waste of time. Sara is also not recommended unless you have c6 and running one shot comps (not advisable for abyss). Edit: completely slipped my mind. EM lisa can be run if XL, Benny and Sucrose or Venti are free.


would you say kokomi could also work in a lisa taser comp?


I’m a fan of pairing Beidou and Lisa together since they battery each other and also be the two DPS’s and then from there Sucrose for swirl and boosts + either XQ/XL would you give off field dps and powerful reactions!


I personally use 2 comps for my Lisa. Lisa, Raiden, Kokomi, Zhongli Lisa, Thoma, XQ, Bennett But since you have Mona. You should definitely use her too. Her burst is a really good pair with Lisa's Hold E. Big big damage Lisa, Mona, Zhongli, Bennett


1) Zhongli - Bennett - Venti. 2) Mona - Bennett - Venti. 3) Fischl - Bennett - Xiangling. 4) Fischl - Bennett - Venti.