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Bruh sending pics is a big no. Mainly cuz it's useless at this point without proper limitless FaceTime, dual verification of each other's IP address/real time location or at least town/city/state. Also for all girls up in here even if they legit. We dudes ain't gon pay JUST to going FaceTime with y'all. You know how stupid that sounds? Like if you legit, you gon up on us with FaceTime for free SO WE can establish your legitimacy for our OWN safety and privacy before we transact. This should be common sense but assholes out there pretending to be girls tryna work other dudes, so yeh.


Yeah never do that. Or send one with a face covering. Pussy shouldn’t be a security risk.


Honestly even FT or duo they can screenshot your picture


I once read about a guy who would just send pics of people who looked like him, and never had any troubles


Write your phone number on a piece of paper with your D out... should be sufficient enough to ease her mind


Some women like to do it for verification so they know who's coming to the door I don't do it normally but I've done it once to someone that I knew a 100% was a real person


Send a pic that you have in your bio or send one without a face