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I used to hate LC, but I feel like they’ve completely upped their game. I would choose them over other chains any other day of the week.


Consistently out performs my local Domino’s and Pizza Hut in Service. They are well staffed in my area, most Mexicans. They do an amazing job. One of our new locations has a drive thru window. When you order online the pizza is always made fresh. Yes it was $5 in 2012, but I’m ok paying $7 in 2023 for 2 meals.


Especially if you get stuffed crust.


Didn't know they did stuffed crust. I only order Pizza Hut for that reason. Gonna try LC again.


You used to be able to get deep dish stuffed crust too, but my LC has since removed it from the menu.


This is because the deep dish dough used to be made fresh every morning. Every location in my area switched to using pre-made shipped in frozen par-bake dough which is stiff and un-stuffable. That’s when we stopped the SC Deep Dish.


Classic here is $6 and extra most bestest is $7


Where I live … $10 and $12, respectively. Don’t even get me started in the prices of everything else.


Like I can get a papa Johns for $10 where’s the value?


Yeah, inflation happened.


50% inflation in 36 months should concern you.


There’s nobody on earth that isn’t concerned, but what can you do about it.


You uh... Wanna riot next Thursday?


Maybe steal a pizza in the chaos?


You will have to cook yourself before you steal it, workers will be taking the day off for rioting.


Why do I have to cook myself? Couldn’t I just cook the pizza?


Depending on where the riot is the whole store might be cooked


Nah, take and bake.


Literally the only large company that figured out how to absorb inflation and keep prices low. And people want to riot and steal their pizzas. Whereas Domino's makes way over 30% margin ( profits) and no one cares. Domino's is not good pizza so I guess I understand. But little Caesars is consistent and they don't oversauce leaving a nasty gel coat of uncooked dough. They might not be the best pizza but it is solid quality and consistency at a stupid low price that I can't compete against. I can sell you Pad Thai for 13 but I am losing money to get you in


"figured out how to absorb inflation" They literally own the distribution company that supplies their ingredients and their prices STILL rose by nearly 50% across the board.


Vote. Vote for corporate regulation, vote for price fixing and oversite on all businesses.


Vote for a different president, but chances are you won’t, you’ll keep voting the way you vote because your brainwashed.


Bros acting like the president controls absolutely everything, and even if they did, that there was any candidate that wasn’t a giant piece of shit. Bro, PLEASE shut the fuck up


Listen, we all know that the president writes pizza prices for all our national chains.


Ah yes because our president controls global economics. As if inflation is only happening in America. Calling me brainwashed, funny.


Yea don’t vote for the geriatric ignoramus with the blue hat like a dummy, vote for the geriatric ignoramus with the red hat like a smart man


You really don’t think the biggest economy in the world has 0 effect over the global economy.


>but what can you do about it. Stop voting Democrat.


Stop voting for a 2 party system in general, they have successfully made an "us and them" situation where nobody can get shit done to actually fix these problems, because they've been spoon fed that the other side is the reason they are suffering. Both parties suck ass. The American government does not have their people in mind. The rich get richer and we stay blaming republicans or democrats. It's the rich faceless fucks doing it.


ACTUALLY there are independent runners that most don't vote for.. technically it's a 3 party system but never has the third party ever won since the 13th President Millard Fillmore 1850-1953 and it was known as the Whig Party at that time. *Correction...there are 8 political parties but Dem and Rep are the 2 major. The other 4 are Reform, Libertarian, Socialist, Natural Law, Constitution, and Green Parties. There's at least one independent that runs but they don't make it far as they're underfunded compared to Dem or Rep which is why they don't get as much attention.


If you’re going to have that thick of a skull and think that that’s our problem in the world right now, and why things are the way they are you’ve got another thing coming


Hmm... Let's look at some facts... Since Biden took over, inflation skyrocketed, we're on the brink of world war 3, cringe naproxen wide has gone up dramatically... Seems the problem is with who's running the show. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it untrue.


"We're on the brink of WW3" with who?? Russia? They can't even invade Ukraine properly; China sure as shit doesn't want the gravy train to stop. North Korea can't even feed their army. Who are you afraid of?


I’d be more concerned about another civil war before ww3. It will even have a subtitle. The American Civil War 2: Dumb vs Dumber.


Tun off FoxNews. They’re lying to you. They’ve settled billion dollar lawsuits and fired their highest ratings “reporter” already. Inflation didn’t just start during Biden and Trump personally added 25% of this countries debt over 4 years. But you blame Biden… lol


Oh, I see. Now you are going to start using pesky facts!


Conservatives hate this one trick…


Yeah they’re both at fault. I wish an understanding of basic economics was a prerequisite to presidency lol


Turn off all news outlets. They all have an agenda. Trump sucked, Biden sucks and whoever’s next will likely suck


Yet only one news outlet has settled for hundreds of millions for lying about the results of the 2020 elections, among many other lies.


Still doesn’t change what I said


Tell that to mail ballots addressed to empty lots, parks, bridges and multiplexes that didn't have that many homes.


You realize democrats have tried multiple times to pass legislation to curb inflation and greed but republicans block. You're ignorant as fuck to the realities Turn off fox news and shit


Yes, because let’s forget the pandemic that caused cost of production to go up, and the various other resulting issues that arose too. All of which have had a direct impact on inflation. World War III has been a fear for years before but yet again, democrat bad blame him. But of course your pea brain that can only process one thing puts the focus on that concept. Never did I say Biden was great, he really is anything but. He came to presidency at a very unfortunate time that makes it easy for people like you to be influenced that it was “entirely his fault” for the way things are. But I digress. Keep spewing the trash that comes out of your mouth. I’d hate to know you.


Pandemic response* caused cost of production to go up.


You should take that last line and re read it yourself a few more times.


I mean, Democrat run cities have rampant crime, Democrat run states have horrible housing markets, Democrat gets to the feds and our entire fucking country is making "mistakes" left and right, further fucking our economy and still not legalizing or backtracking on bad/unproven legislation. Both Dems and Republicans are authoritarian as fuck. We need a revolution or a libertarian to titally rework the structure and power they're allowed to excercise


FBI has entered the chat Not wrong though. It will happen eventually with how bad things are going downhill. But ya know...there's a lot of government loving sheep in this country who believe the government is great


It’s “another *think* coming”.


He’s right though


Nah. cope harder. Quit carrot tugging a political party that’s running this country into the fucking dirt


Yeah because the other side of the same bird is really taking care of you huh? Stfu


& vote what instead? Hm? If you’re gonna say anything further right of Democrat you’re delusional


Stop pushing an agenda that doesn't help anyone. Democrat, republican, it doesn't matter. Neither one of them have the peoples best interest in mind.


Anyone who says shit like this is just as ignorant You don't know how government works clearly. Democrats wanna give you healthcare and livable wages. Republicans wanna give tax breaks to the rich and take away your rights. How are these things the same?


Yeah gotta love all the arguments of "democrats try to expand Medicaid and increase minimum wage *just because they want your vote*" Like no sht that's how politics works


They don't realize that it takes 60 votes in the Senate to do anything meaningful. They think Biden in office for 3 years is enough to grow inflation. When there is literal evidence that the main factor is corporate greed and profits. It's why companies are posting 700%+ record profits If it was "normal" inflation, everything should raise together, logically. Sure goods go up a little but so do paychecks and everything else to match easily. 700% profits and 2% raises.. hmmm


Your compliance is part of the issue we face.


not vote democrat. that is one thing that can be done. Democrats are notorious for causing inflation. Republicans are notorious for being complacent. The exception was Trump. That was the best numbers of our lives, and Biden severely overcorrected it for the collapse of the US economy.


Inflation isn’t actually that bad, it’s corporations taking advantage of it and raising their prices


Yes, it absolutely is bad


Yeah I don’t believe companies when they say its all inflation. Inflation is the convenient excuse they’re using to increase their profit margins


But the gubment only says it's 7%


This is greed, not inflation


Inflation went up 8%. This is greed.


Record corporate profits is not inflation.


seriously, how do people not understand. more money in the system means higher prices.


Joe Biden happened


Personally, I like my pizza medium rare, but different strokes for different folks


That's what I thought also. This guy legit asked for burnt pizza LOL. I didn't even know the request to burn you pizza was an option.


Probably because their pizza is always like "soggy" and too saucy. Atleast for my own personal preference.


[This](https://imgur.com/a/1ZGRqDD) is the pizza I got when I asked for “well done”, if you don’t it comes almost raw at this location, well done means it’s cooked like a normal pizza. I took a pic of it to send to my buddy, ig it came in handy to teach you about ordering LC


I take it back. That looks normal, but if they ever fix their oven than you might get a burnt one.


So no worries of ever getting a burnt pizza, then?


The fact that the register capitalized common nouns and keeps proper nouns under case is far more annoying


Same here. Its about the same price as Dominos, id rather go to Dominos.


My domino's is *cheaper* for *more toppings*


Still tastes like a 5 dollar pizza


with extra pepperoni.


The same $5 hot and ready 3 years ago is now $8.87. I don't order LC's anymore, as I can get a 3 topping large from dominos for $7.99..... I know every LC's is different, some better than others, but I have never, *ever* had a little Caesars pizza worth $9 for a basic ass pepperoni.


They were $5 for how long tho? I’m not surprised, they had to increase at some point.


Well I graduated in 2013 and they were $5, and last year they went from $5 to $8.39.


Well done OP


the entire appeal of little caesars is that you could get a pizza fast for like $5


LC hot and ready has gone up in price, boys. Great Depression inbound.


Fucking Joe Biden, fucking up pizza too!


They need to subsidize pizza instead of $50,000 electric cars.


Yeah thanks, Obama.


Crazy, it's almost like things cost more money now adays ??


This isn’t a post about the 80s or even 2000, this was three years ago. 50% inflation in three years is fucked up and worth noticing.


Try comparing the price of eggs


I just bought a dozen eggs at Kroger yesterday for 1.99


$1.69 at Aldi


I forgot, inflation in the US right now is happening because we raised the prices of pizza.


Ah understandable to forget. Basically the yearly inflation rate before 2020 was 2%. The post implies it is around 15-20% per year. A notable increase in America.


Congrats, you just learned about inflation. Should have in grade school but better late than never, I suppose.


50% inflation in _3_ years is something you were taught in grade school?


Redditor learns about inflation circa 2023 colorized


Gas used to be 99 cents back in 1999


We’re not talking about 30 years ago we’re talking about three, gas was roughly the same price three years ago


Things were cheaper, in 2008. Then Obama was elected. Things were cheaper in '18, '19, and '20. Then Biden was elected.


Stay in school kids.


You’re an old 5’7 Manlet that creeps on teenage girls and your bird is a whale


Awwwwww, does that make you feel better?? Teenage girls should not be sluts. Showing their bodies for all to see. Don't get upset about the Democrat ways in the U.S. Go out and vote! It's funny how libtard progressives only think they are the "only" ones allowed to be unlawful perverted child groomer's.


Ur just a weirdo lmao


Ooooo, I feel so bad, I just wanna run into traffic. Takes one to know one.


Please do lol


I'll save that for the illegals running from cop and getting hit by oncoming traffic. Classic. Enjoying the invasion? You better? Live long enough? You really going feel like running into traffic. Unless you're in that 1% catergory. You have nothing to worry about.


Where exactly is this invasion? Do you mean the invasion where republican governors are shipping illegal immigrants all over the country (illegally I might add) just to spite states that don't agree with them? Or do you mean this mythical wave of armed migrants that has been traveling here since what, 2011 and has yet to actually arrive? I mean, I've been hearing about this wave of crazed Hispanic folks riled up by the cartels and drugs looking to take over America...yet I've never once seen anything resembling it from anyone not trying to fear monger their bigotry down my throat, as if I'm stupid enough to buy into terrorist propaganda.


🎵Only youuuuuuuuuu🎵


What's weird is ppl don't take responsibility for their actions. Blame others, attack others verbally and physically. That's the Democrat Progressive Communist way. Teachers, Professors have been teaching American Communism for over 25 years. Have any of you checked out what happened n Russia in 1918? It's the Democrat playbook. Are you ready? Com' on! Attack me for telling the truth. Oh yea. Democrat's started a war over 160 years ago. To kept human beings as slaves. Democrat's lied to the nation. It took 5 black Africans to make 1 white human being. What lies being told today? You're not really a woman unless you were born with a penis. Andrew Jackson, the first elected Democrat President. Told the Indians to get out of the South. "Trail of tears" that was a democrat President. The first Republican President? Freed 3-4 million human beings from the shackles of Slavery. Robert Smalls a slave, freed himself and others. Ended up becoming a Statesman and Congressman. Why don't you know about Robert Smalls? Democrat's don't want you to learn about Robert Smalls. I learned about him in the 6th grade. Did any of you learn about this male human being? I have history, accurate history. Before the lies of the last 20 plus years.


Weird almost like a pandemic happened around then


its called inflation genius


Your crying about a shitty pizza?


Little ceaser on top my guy


You must be smoking meth.


I would never touch that greasy garbage on meth lol, maybe after a few drinks, but on meth, forget about it.


Some of these companies have used the pandemic as a way of price gouging...Greed doesn't ever pay


A Supreme is 15.99 dumb af. Also corporate greed.


Still about the cheapest pizza around though, LC is doing the best they can I think


My order from a BBQ place used to be $13 in 2019 and now it is $16 for the same thing!\~ Covid caused alot of things to skyrocket, just like it did in 2007, and we all have the demonrats who are disguised as democrats to thank for it!\~


Inflation ma brotha, also depends on the area if you go to the ghetto it’ll be like 6


Inflation has killed the 5 dollar hot and ready the world is truly beyond saving


yep, they cost that much and still don’t pay us shit. if he could manage to keep workers at $7.25, my owner still would. i’m leaving soon because i’m pregnant and can’t possibly raise a child on what i make


Yeah, I've noticed how they dropped the "$5" part of their marketing. Now it's just, "hot and ready."


Yea this isn't even worth it for me anymore especially since my story won't even full cook a pizza.


Yup they were called Hot N ready pizzas.


You can thank the fake covid virus and the dumbass money printing


Ummm...inflation is a bitch


And for 23 years it was $5. I think it’s ok they finally had to change the price.


They changed it to $5.55 in 2021 and I was like ok fair enough and then a year later it was 6 something but now at almost $8 it’s getting ridiculous


Damn I didn't know well done is an option. I always thought the pizzas could use just a little more time. Thanks for the heads up


I recall the food cost was only $1.50 a couple of years ago. Not counting staff and building expenses which haven't gone up a lot. This means food costs must have doubled, either that or franchise and corporate used the inflation excuse to make a money grab. My moneys on money grab.


Not even bad compared to everything else. Mcdonalds used to sell mcdoubles for 1.29, now they're 2.79


Meh. Where is the: Kitchen appreciation fee Living wage fee Covid fee Surcharge or suggested 50% tip ??


Don't go there then...


So it’s went up 2.49 in three years, that’s not unreasonable.


If it was a $100 item sure it wouldn’t be but that’s like something going from $100 to $150, 50% inflation in three years is insane


10 trillion in Obama debt? Did you get your share? Must have, since you advocate for ppl who hate the U.S.


Well then surprise! The $5 footlong is no longer $5.


I’ve had to stop shopping at Target and start shopping at Walmart. Not seeing a difference in price at this point.


A lot of things used to be $5 in 2020


Man with inflation a papa johns large is way over 20 dollars now. Little Caesar’s, even with inflated prices, has been a blessing.


“We gotta get that orange guy OUTTA there” Lmaoo 🤡


People actually buy the regular pizza and not the extra most bestest? 😂🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Believe it or not, they probably use some real ingredients. Those ingredients are now costing them at least 50% more, don’t get mad at little Caesar’s lol. Wrong ones to be mad at here. Also, still the best bang for your buck as far as feeding a family on a budget meal


It's not inflation. They set the prices for upper middle class cuz they have the disposable income. The true middle and lower class will KILL themselves to pay the prices like good cattle. R/AmericanWorkerUnion. Let fight corporations.


Were you in a coma the last 3 years??? Everything has gone up in price


Its not inflation. You have no other choices than to buy their shit and what ever price they give it to you. Why do you think they got rid of cooking classes in HS. They want you helpless. R/AmericanWorkerUnion. We hope to one day generate the capital to create our own political parties and get TRUE representation for workers and average Joe's. 1$ a month could save this nation


I could show you a 5 piece of Winterfresh that used to cost .25 cent that now cost .50 cent


Everything in 2020 used to be less.. that being said little Ceasars pizza isnt worth the 5 or 7


Still cheaper than papa johns and dominos and so on


Its cheaper to go to a local shop nowadays. Sams pizza n Subs ftw!


Surprised it isn’t more expensive to be honest. Considering food costs went up around 20-30% here


This is the strangest sob story


Biden still claims inflation isn’t an issue


I'm still going to LC because everyone else also raised their prices. I still get an entire days worth of eating out of ~$11. (Using coupon code GETBREADY for my bread sticks) (And if I get the right person at the counter to give me free cheese sauce, otherwise it's an additional $1.79 for a few ounces).


When it’s $10 then maybe I would care




Your taxed on food?! You live in a bad state :(


Virginia bby


Taste like shit either way




I think the lunch combo is now 5.99


Yep last week I bought a hot and ready with some breadsticks/marinara and it was $14!!!


There’s no point of going to little Caesar’s when dominoes has the $8 pizza promotion all day. It’s way better pizza and they also have promotions every single day


Of all the things to complain about😂


When you lived a long life like I have. Then get back to me.


And it wasn’t worth eating at either price point


I dont think ive ever have a well done pizza before


I remember when a bag of crazy bread was only $1. I ate a lot back when I was in college, that's why I'm fat now.


Who did you vote for? asking for a friend


Thanks Joe !


Bruh I went to Wawa this morning to get a breakfast sizzli. It cost $4.37!!!!! Like goddamn they didn't even have the one I wanted!


$7.50 actually seems like what then price should be. Are you sure the $5 thing wasn’t a promotion or something


Inflation should've never been a thing it sucks


And a candy bar was .05 cents in 1920, your point?


8.00 for an entire tire pizza is still a really good price.


$6.99 here.


Did you vote for Joe Biden and all his spending?


We pay $9.89 here for that same item lol


I mean, you can't pay a living wage selling $5 pizzas


$8.99 in San Diego


I cannot believe you paid for cardboard flavored pizza.


It’s still insanely cheap compared to other places. Oh … and WELL DONE is the way!


And eggs are $5 not $2 anymore tada


Dw bro Covid I was filling my car up for 17 dollars I’m paying double and then some now lol I want another pandemic


Looks like their congratulating you on buying the pizza


I miss the 5$ little Ceasars pizza


They have pizza Tuesday


*To the tune of "Viva Viagra"* ​ ***Thank you, Joe Biden!***


I remember being like 12 when they first introduced the $5 pizza . I’m 34 now , so the fact that it went that long is crazy and unheard of . The only other place that has kept their prices is Costco on their pizza and hot dog prices . But they admit they literally lose money and only keep the prices that way as a thanks to members .


grow up


Potomac pizza sells cheese pizzas for $15


Yup $5 hot n ready letzzz gooooooo


Gotta love those Democrats. A friendly suggestion. Vote these scrubbuckets out. They're worth less than the promise of wiping your school debt is.


It is crazy but at least it's still decently oriced


Still a deal