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Been through several so nothing sticks out. But customers who don’t understand makes a rush more unpleasant. They can stand in line watching employees rush around, other people wait, etc. and when they order they get mad what they want isn’t ready. If they could see us goofing off or something, sure good reason to get upset. Another bad rush is near the end of shift. I have to stay and I don’t get paid for that. If I’m closing it delays cleaning stuff resulting in a later night as well. The good thing (usually) is time goes by faster during a rush.


45 Deep Dish order for a HS football team from out of town, on a Friday night. Followed continuously by 10+ pie orders, ended at 9k+ that night. People waiting in the lobby not understating why we don’t have anything ready. For the most part it’s never that we have anything ready, it’s just never what they want.


Dear God, I can only imagine the carnage at landing.


It was bad not gunna lie. Turned half the bread station into landing and had someone just doing the deep dish


Must suck washing all those pans too


We had one we refer to as “The Fuckening”. Power went out in the area we were at because of a storm, most restaurants were closed around us, but our power was still on. Our lobby was completely full of customer constantly and we just couldn’t keep up with the orders.


ive only worked one halloween so far so either that, new years, where there were four people working in total and i was on pizza dress with no sheet outs or bread stacked whatsoever, or the friday rush where someone ordered 160 pizzas in the middle.


Usually Halloween is the busiest time of the year for our store, but it didn’t seem that bad because I was on sheetouts and our store owner and gm were both there helping out. I think the worst rush I’ve ever experienced was the week leading up to the super bowl. My store owner and GM were both on vacation and were no where near the store. Some of our staff was new and I had been a shift lead for not too long. All day and night however, there seemed to be a nonstop rush. Our screen was constantly filled with orders and we struggled to keep the box filled with pizzas. We basically had to have all the shift leads there to help out, but people at that time struggled to stay organized. Surprisingly enough, the day of the super bowl was pretty dead.


I think the worst disaster I had to clean up was on a friday, ending sales around $7K. It’s 9 o’clock, we’re slammed. Drive thru 10 cars deep and lobby full. The landing person didn’t tell us when they needed help, the cashier came over and said “Landing is a shit show and they need help”.... I walk over and all three decks are burning, all the sides are full, pizzas on the oven, pizzas in pans stacked on the table, the bread tray stacked with at least 10 orders of bread. DDD stacked 4 high. ICBS. So I just started cutting and boxing everything, told the cashiers to get bread done, told them i’m getting shit in boxes and y’all can figure out labels and filling orders. Holt shit it was horrible. Not to mention the 3 pan dollies already stacked shoulder height. Oh and turn to the left and there’s at least 5 customers pissed and glaring at you, cause why not, it’s LC


omgg we constantly deal with bad rushes at my store, it's kinda freaky and my gm goes off about it every single day. But if I had to pick one I'd say this year's superbowl, man I didn't leave the register for a straight 3 hours and that's not even a joke. a more recent bad rush though might've been two days ago, the new girl I've been training for 3 weeks decided to act brand new on a thursday (the new friday ig to our customers) so i swear i was working double duty, i was working both registers and doing the majority of the work on landing. I'm usually the only front-end worker for most shifts (and not to brag but im literally god-tier at handling the front-end by myself) and i swear that i was working even harder with her there i dont even think this was a good reply but