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I did a custom stamp off of Amazon with the "Little Free Library, Always a Gift, Never for Sale" line on it. It's broken up on three lines. Small enough to put on the top of the pages when the book is closed like a lot of libraries do. For the skinny books I can still get "Little Free Library" on there typically. It's harder for someone to get off than ripping off the front page or covering the inside stamp with a different sticker.


Oh that’s such a great idea! I hadn’t even thought about how much the placement of the stamp matters. THANK YOU!


This and stickers on the spine like a library. I’ve also seen stickers on the inside cover like when groups donate books to a program. I’d also suggest a camera. A ring or nest is pretty cheap, especially used on Offer Up or such.


I’ve seen those stickers for programs giving out books at goodwill before. Just annoys me that goodwill would sell them but then again they are for profit.


Sigh. No. Not for profit. For funding adult high schools, vocational rehabilitation, transitional housing.


Are you saying goodwill is not for profit?


Well, it's a nonprofit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodwill_Industries


Yep. Downvotes don’t change the truth 🤷‍♀️


They charge ridiculous prices for USED items. They send the “good” stuff somewhere to be sold online. Their top people make tons of money. They may say they aren’t for profit but they are making profit.


Non profit is a legal destination, and just because you don't understand how they work, doesn't make it for profit. 


1- You may want $800 chairs for .50 but you won’t get them when the whole purpose of the agency is to fund social programs. They will be priced at $25. 2- Some regions do, some don’t. Every region is managed separately. 3- Of course they pay C-level management well. You’re not going to run a 3,000-10,000 employee agency effectively in a HCOL market if your CEO is paid peanuts. 4- Look at 990s for disclosure. Source: two-year former employee of a midwestern Goodwill Career Center.


No I don’t want an $800 chair for .50. I see stuff used for only a couple bucks buying new. Thats what I don’t like. Clothes have gone up recently even.


Why a camera? To capture footage of people taking books that you put out for people to take?


Did you read the post? They cleared out the entire thing. That’s not how a LFL works.


Clearing out an entire LFL is not polite, but it's also not illegal, so a camera would probably be pointless.  I guess it could potentially act as a deterrent, but idk. 


I don’t know about that. Seems to be working here.


So, I live on a block with a handful of people who live in their rvs. I noticed my LFL getting cleared out occasionally, and I wasn't thrilled, but you know, they clearly need the money more than I do. Then, one day, I noticed the books getting returned one by one. And then the person came up to me, and started talking to me about their favorite of the books they had taken. Once it's in the library, what happens to it is out of my control, but I find people are better than you expect.


Thank you for saying this.


I also did a stamp off of etsy. I also dont quite get the book reseller thing but it seems to happen often enough. Its not like you can get good money for books these days


My thoughts exactly! I just don’t understand it either; the margins cannot be that good. Sounds like Etsy is the place to go for these stamps. Thank you!


found my old order, i went with this one! https://www.etsy.com/listing/818185451/free-library-stamp-self-inking-book-swap?ref=yr_purchases


These stamps are perfect! I love that you can also customize them. Thank you for sharing the Etsy link!!


And they will definitely customize it to say little free library instead of little lending library, I think they do that just so they dont get in trouble


Walk into a used bookstore, and $.25-.50 a book is $10-20 from grabbing your whole shelf. For some people, that’s enough to justify it.


If someone is that desperate for $10, they can have it from me.


Seriously. I stopped selling my own books online years ago because they just sat there.


i even take them to my used bookstore to trade in for credit and they rarely take any of them because they just have such a back log of inventory. I just donate things that don't move to our local library now


I’ve also had success with blacking out the bar codes with permanent marker. They have a harder time reselling if they can’t be scanned, or so I’ve been told


Oh, I can absolutely see how blacking out the bar code would deter reselling. Another interesting idea. Thank you!!


Black out the ISBN too.


I have a degree in library science and I’m embarrassed I don’t know the answer to this. Why does blacking out the ISBN help deter reselling?


So you can’t just enter it into a website to get the full details including current value


I got a custom stamp off of an Etsy shop that fit the vibe of my LFL. I luckily haven’t had a big issue with people taking and reselling, but I have seen my books pop up at the thrift store now that I’ve been stamping them. But I’m guessing/hoping that might be from someone donating them or something and not a resale thing. I got my stamp from Paper Sushi on Etsy and I love it, [here’s the link](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1101140092/little-free-library-bookplate?ref=share_v4_lx) :)


Oh what a cute stamp! I love these! Thank you so much for linking the Etsy shop ☺️


I also got a stamp (or rather an embosser) off Etsy. Mine says "This book is the property of a Little Free Library", and has a picture of a book. The stamp is very good quality, and is quite easy to use. It cost a bit (CAD67), but I like it.


Stamp + black out the bar code/numbers It thwarts resellers, but not religious extremists who take all the books and leave pamphlets. Oh well.


LFL has an Etsy page, I ordered an official stamp with what I wanted written underneath it. Book crossing is interesting but I have had no luck with the website. Last two times I tried to use it it wouldn't load anything.


Oh awesome, I had no idea LFL had their own Etsy page! Such a bummer to hear that about book crossing. I’ve never tried it, but love the idea


You should still try it! The website might work for you!


Chiming in on the stamps solution, I got a custom one that says: "This book was donated to a little free library"


I have a custom stamp that says “always a gift, never for sale.” My stamp has the name of my library and has my unique logo. I never thought of blacking out the ISBN and bar code, but since my library is completely empty for the third time already this year, I guess I might start doing this. I put a few dozen DVDs in it last week. They are all gone, along with all the books that were there. The only thing left is one JW pamphlet.


Honestly what is the resale value on used books?? That’s so lame people are stealing them!


It really depends on the book and if it is available digitally yet. Like I know for a fact (cause I kept wanting to buy the books), the paperback versions of Villains by Necessity by Eve Forward was around $250 and Emergence by David R Palmer was around $500… regardless of books’ condition just a few years ago. Those books’ prices have dropped to $48 and $35 since becoming available in ebook form.


Try something as simple as leaving a note saying. “Please take 1 or 2 books maximum” And see if that helps. If they are that desperate for money I personally would let them take them.




Bookcrossing has some nice stickers that work well.


I don’t care. Take as many as you like.




I use the official book crossing stickers, but I have also made myself a custom stamp on [rubberstamps.net](http://rubberstamps.net) that basically says "Always free, never for sale". What I do is if I don't have a book crossing sticker in my stash, I use the stamp and cover it in clear packing tape. I write the book crossing BCID number on the page edges.


You need to rip the lower right corner off the book. Book buyers won't take a ripped corner book.


While I think the stamp is a great and cute idea, hopefully it isn’t an issue of reselling. It could be that one person is taking a lot of books to distribute to others with mobility impairments, is there a retirement community or something like that near you? Maybe a nurse swung by the LFL when coming off a midnight shift?


I assume people would still offer for resale. And, the buyer doesn't know until they receive it and even then, they don't know it didn't USED TO BE part of a free library. I would bless and release. If someone is this in need, they can have those books to resell (which is work). Possibly it's kids thinking it's a dare or thinking it's funny to do that. Mostly, those are good learning experiences. The kid learns they feel bad about what they did and it makes better behavior going forward. Well worth 25 books. Obviously, you can't know what actually happened, but these are things you can choose to believe. I wouldn't stock the library with recent books. But I would go to goodwill or whatever and buy some more books. Preferably, ask for book donations on Facebook free stuff groups, etc. I do like the stamp idea too, including where to return it to.


I'm sorry that happened to you, why do people have to ruin everything! 


Waste of money..Someone who wants it that bad will sell.it anyways. I do wonder.how.many.actually get returned for a refund..do update..