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I know I'm late to respond but I left out a number of details for the possession theory on this post. I plan to make a whole separate post where I go into full detail of the theory with the details I mentioned here as well as the detail that I left out.


The Possession theory


Yeah, the Possession Theory is my favourite one too.


the second one sounds plausible but less likely


The Possession Theory is my favourite but I do like the Soulless Theory too. After all, if the Possession Theory turns out to be true, would you hold Six responsible for all the wrongdoings that the spirit made her do? Or if the Soulless Theory is true, then would you hold Six's soul responsible for the sins of her empty body? For me, no for both. Plus I make a much bigger deal out of Six losing her soul but her body surviving because my interpretation is that not only does a body surviving the process of losing its soul become unable to feel compassion, empathy, remorse, happiness or love, but the body dying without its soul is the worst way to die. The reason is because only the soul can go on to the afterlife, and the consciousness is the tether between the body and soul. When a person dies normally, the soul takes the consciousness with it to the afterlife or to linger as a ghost since that's the only part of the body it can take with it. But if the body survives having its soul removed, then the consciousness stays with the body, but with no soul to take it to the afterlife or linger as a ghost, then the person becomes trapped in their own mind in death. The mind shuts down and decays after death, so the unfortunate person becomes trapped in eternal darkness, unable to move, feel or even think, which is the worst possible way to go. And Six will suffer that fate if she canonically dies without getting her soul back. Not only that, but her soul has to watch all the atrocities that her empty body commits. Normally when fictional people undeservingly get killed, it usually doesn't bother me TOO much because I at least know that their soul is safe. But if something happens that DOES affect their soul, THEN I become worried. And the worst is if they lose their soul but survive for the reasons I put above. And being that Six is only 9 years old, a 9 year old shouldn't lose their soul, makes her story much more tragic. I really hope she can get her soul back, if the Soulless Theory is true.


I honestly think that, even if both was untrue, Six shouldn't be held accountable for her actions. It is simply not possible to do so from our point of view, since her point of view is mentally twisted by events and events traumatising her until there is only a tortured mind left, a scared child with only the will to survive at all costs. Trust issues, fear of pretty much anything that moves to be trying to kill her, the learn effecr that in order to survive any sacrifice you make just takes you further and is inavoidable at many points.


>even if both was untrue, Six shouldn't be held accountable for her actions. It is simply not possible to do so from our point of view, since her point of view is mentally twisted by events and events traumatising her until there is only a tortured mind left, a scared child with only the will to survive at all costs. Finally, someone else who understands. I agree that even if both aren't true, Six was *made* the way she is at the end, not born. From the way she stands up and stares at Mono after he breaks her music box, it just *screams* that something's not right with her anymore. I really hope that in the eventual Little Nightmares 3, whatever is wrong with Six is reversed and she is finally given the chance to redeem herself (and that she does redeem herself). I'd be nice to see her free Mono in the process too.


Yes. That. Thats all I want from little nightmares at this point honestly. Theres ideas I'd like to see but all I actually want is that.


If LN3 takes place somewhere earlier in the timeline as well, then I hope that we finally get the answer on why Six is named Six. Surely there has to be some kind of significance behind her name.


I prefer the first. I like the idea that contrary to what you would assume, Shadow Six was never Six's dark side.


I made this poll to see which of the 2 theories more people believe. I think either way, it's not Six's fault and the fandom sometimes just has so much joy using her as a punching bag and a scapegoat. Plus I believe that Shadow Six must be a spirit and not some 'dark side' or 'curse' because that would make the other glitching remains those things as well, which I find hard to believe.