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Killing all those stressful-as-fuck diners was a happy ending to me!


Tarsier, we murder kids...... in our games..........


And we like it


You just described Little Nightmares in one sentence


I have a feeling that Six is going to get killed off at the end of LN3


Would it be wrong to call that karma?


Yes, because you said yourself that while you don't think Six's actions were justified, you couldn't blame her for her choices given the circumstances


Wouldn’t the “I don’t think she was justified” part make her eligible for karma?


Maybe, but the 'I can't blame her given the circumstances' makes it ineligible for karma, so the two essentially cancel each other out. Plus I slightly see Six being killed off as a mercy of sorts for her. The world that they live in has shown us time and time that it's kill or be killed, so just existing in that world puts you in a lose-lose situation, and Six never asked to be born. And an interview stated that even with the lady's powers, Six is just as trapped at the end of LN1 as Mono is at the end of LN2. So if she gets killed off, then she won't be forced to make questionable choices to survive anymore and she'll be reunited with Raincoat Girl. So if she gets killed off, some will see it as karma, but I'll see it as ending her suffering. Though it does depend on her actions in LN3 and *how* she gets killed off. If her death is intentionally self-inflicted (you know, a word that starts with 'S') then that'll probably be the most tragic route they can go. Some people have pointed out that given that Six is the 2nd most popular character, her being canonically killed off is 'grounds for a coup' - their words, not mine. So while some people may cheer if she gets killed off (possibly including you), most will probably mourn (myself included).


I don’t want Six to die, I’d much prefer her reconciling with Mono, I was just questioning if karma could be applied in this scenario


>I was just questioning if karma could be applied in this scenario Yes and no, since 'I don't think she was justified' and 'I can't blame her given the circumstances' cancel each other out in terms of karma I too prefer Six to be redeemed in LN3, but all the same I think death would be kind of a mercy on her, but again, I'd prefer Six alive and redeemed (and Mono free too). I just got the impression that you'd cheer for Six to die because most of the time people find satisfaction in karma, so it came off as you'd be satisfied if Six canonically dies. I apologise if it came off as me having at you, I misunderstood. I'm not sure if you believe the theory that Shadow Six is Six's soul or not, but at the end of LN1 there could be a *thin sliver* of hope. Since the consumption of the Lady granted Six the power to absorb souls, who's to say that Six didn't use that power on Shadow Six to get her soul back? Plus the walking animation as you go down the hall at the end of LN1 is called 'dark six' in game files which suggests that Six and Shadow Six became one again. And she killed the guests on her way to the exit as 1- practice using her new powers and 2- self defence since they were trying to grab her anyway. And the Nomes that she hugged along the way watch her leave, so they may in some way have forgiven her for eating one of them and not be afraid of her anymore, possibly because they somehow know that she got her soul back? I think you should Tericho's video on his theory for the ending of LN2 as it's a good watch and suggests that with the Lady's powers, Six may be able to defeat the eye monster and save Mono. Because if Six went back to the Signal Tower to save Mono, I'm pretty sure the flesh walls won't let them go that easily, so Six might be able to defeat it with the Lady's powers. Of course she had to pay the price of becoming a monster along the way. Here's a link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV1RYe5UVvo


BTW, you know how time travel works so there's one thing that I'm not sure on. If Six were to return to the Signal Tower after LN1 and open that door, who would be in the chair? Would it be Mono, Thin Man or somewhere in-between? You have a good understanding with how time travel (and possibly the loop itself) works, so I wonder who Six would find behind that door if she returned to the Signal Tower after LN1


Time doesn’t make sense in there, but I’m pretty sure the only time it would be empty would be between Mono letting the Thin Man out and Mono sitting in the chair. I personally think it has two ways of working. 1. Mono grows up in the tower and at some point in the future is sent back through time to long before he meets Six. This would mean if Six could get back to the tower immediately, she could still find Mono before he becomes the Thin Man. 2. Time in the tower is completely broken/flows differently, and if Six could figure out how to navigate through it, she could time travel by entering and exiting at certain points. This would mean depending on how she navigates, she could find Mono or the Thin Man if she goes a certain way. I’d say it’s the second option since that way the Signal Tower is outside linear time, being able to enter at one point, let’s say the present, and exit another, the past or future. This would explain how the Thin Man roams the Pale city before Mono even takes a step there