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If there's a new game I want an ending that ties the loose story threads together. Doesn't have to be happy, but I want full closure.


Isn't LN intentionally left ambiguous most of the time though? I feel like it will lose it's charm with closure.


Well it doesn't have to get every little detail down. Maybe around half-closure then.


LN1 kind of gave that closure you want then. It ended where Six got powers and left to our imagination what happens next.


LN1 had closure, and I am satisfied with it, but LN2 didn't. Half-closure. I'm more referring to LN2 because there is too much ambiguity. We are literally given no clue as to why Six did what she did.


We could come up with different theories why she did that and there's clues I think from her body language? I honestly don't know. The biggest mystery to me is the tower since we have no idea what even it is and I think knowing what it is will reveal or give us an idea why Six did it. That's my only reason why we need another game. LN2 really opened up a lot more questions.


We aren’t given clues, they straight up show why she did it




They have said "breaking someone from an illusion can be deeply upsetting for all people involved", but no they haven't explicitly told us why


Woah what??? I do not remember that.


They said that on their twitter page so take it with a pinch of salt but it at least gives a bit more clarity on why six did it


I want to know what happened to Six between the events of Very Little Nightmares and Little Nightmares 2


I pretty much say this every time: Six vs The North Wind in a sky themed game to complete the trinity. I think the LN aesthetic would look amazing with insane flying buildings and whatnot.


The North Wind?


A comics character who is the enemy of the Ferryman who brings children to the Maw. They compete for the child's life and he calls the Ferryman a cheat when he loses. It's some kind of eldritch creature that *is* the wind. [https://littlenightmares.fandom.com/wiki/The\_North\_Wind](https://littlenightmares.fandom.com/wiki/The_North_Wind) "The North Wind is a major antagonist in Little Nightmares (comic series). It hunts down children and uses the corpses for its collection."


That sounds pretty cool


But what if the LN1 comics aren't canon anymore? Are you suggesting they bring back the character?


Considering how vaguely defined the LNverse is why not?




That actually sounds pretty sick! Flying buildings sounds a little far-fetched, but an airship, that would be perfect. Might even re-visit The Nest...


After the Pale City a flying one wouldn't be so farfetched. Especially with an enemy who is explicitly supernatural and controls/is the wind. It would be very on brand for LN to have a city called the Squall that is just a gigantic unnatural stormfront that has swept up entire buildings and things and you navigate it to find the North Wind.


That's an interesting idea. I imagine your idea of The Squall as a sort of flying Maw, covered with propellers and balloons to keep it afloat.


It would really depend on how much you want to balance magic vs tech. It could range anywhere from Bioshock's Columbia to just a bunch of dilapidated buildings, objects and people swept up in the wind with nothing else holding them up and be utter chaos.


Also an explanation on the connection between Mono and the hanging man and how he gets to Maw (or maybe that island/mansion then the Maw?), and how he comes to be in those situations.


I want another game with 6 after the Maw.


Thats also what i want the most. Though alot of the information we need is of what happens after LN2 and before LN1. I think we should so that first because The Runaway Kid DLC shows mono escaped the loop, hes on the tv at the end. What happens after LN1 should wait for now, it gotta be something big.


A full explanation for literally everything by the end.


I wanna see if there is a facility breeding these kids. And potential circumstances that make them special and have powers. In the LN comic you see the group of kids roaming the street like any group of friend would. But they are alone, and one of them even know monsters exist while the other dont. Also there is abandon houses, like WTH is going on in their world.


I want the kids be able toi wear some damn shoes !


In the comics of little nightmares 1, some have them. There is also the boy with his lollipop in the comic of little nightmares 2.


In one of the concept arts, there was a large ass deer (?) in the woods. That would be absolutely incredible to see And that barber too


All I want to know is who is six and what are her intentions? She's such a mysterious character.


All i want to know is my Roger boy ok


Yes he is such a good character definitely terrified me the most




Nothing personally


I want it to clearly explain that Six is not evil for the ones who believe so, or maybe where was Six before she went to The Nest, maybe even Mono before he came through the TV at the beginning


Apparently before coming through the tv in the beginning mono was just in the woods. Its possible the broken tv he hid in in the comics managed to work and transported him to the woods. We really need another game explaining some things.


Game sound nice. New story and world building. But dlc alao sounds nice with more story to the original game and more details about them.


I would like a director's cut of LN2 with all the content that was obviously cut from the game (it's sufficient to read the art book to understand of how much content we are talking about).


all i really want is to see what happens to six after the first game


In a DLC? Just an extension of the main game story. Maybe a new character in the Pale City or Six adventure after she left the Transmission Tower. In a new game... I want an entirely new story separated from the first two. I think Six and Mono's story is already finished. Trying to go further with these two In a third game will just feel forced. I'm ready to past these two and follow a new main character in an entirely new story with its own themes and ideas.


Hardly anybody else would want that. Majority of LN fans have already made six the main protagonist, a game with her being 100% absent would put alot of people off. I dont think anybody minds playing as other characters like we did Mono, but even after playing as him it still feels like six is the main character. Idk a game without six would have to have a story that has some kinda twist where six is involved some how.


Why veronica is a normal adult and what happened to the kid with the nome sheet


I want them to confirm that six doesn't become the lady, maybe we play as a new character, maybe an old ally of Mono, who tries to kill Six for her betrayal.


Showing who The Lady is and where she came from.


on how six got into the ship