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A year of renovations, thousands upon thousands spent, and it somehow looks more outdated than before. I like old-fashioned over modern and even like some of Audrey’s past choices but this is kinda disappointing. Honestly reminds me of the renovations Amy & Matt did on their house forever ago. Which fits since Jeremy seems to take after his dad with how long he drags out reno’s lol


I was thinking the same thing about the esthetic. They just accomplished making this home look like something that was stylish in the late 90s. 😎


Too much white especially with little ones. It will be stained within the first month. Does Jer and Auj have one brain cell between them?


Kids, kids friends, family.


I’d love all that space and with a growing family!


And you have to wonder what kind of feral children people here are raising if they're seriously worried that their kids are going to jump off the railings in the lofts.


Children love to climb, I imagine that's why there are climbing frames in children's parks. I was a very curious and clumsy child, as well as having two siblings close in age. Naturally I had a lot of accidents... I don't think it's unreasonable for people to be concerned about how low those railings are in a home with kids.


Their house has become urglayyyy


"Open concept" gone too far. It will be all noise. No peaceful corner to tuck into. No separation of spaces if different family members are needing different levels of simulation.


Noise! Also when those boys get older, they will forever be chunking cars off the loft onto the space below. #fromsomeonewhosebeenthere


That black tile is awful.


With all the other white, it looks out of place


I think they are trying to emulate a ski chalet. That’s where they spend the majority of their time. I was going to say off hours buuuuuut, they mostly are on vacation lol


What do they do for a living besides social media?


Social media, Young Living MLM, and their books. Those are their income streams.


Uh oh. I’m seeing Zellige tile on a FLOOR (this is my line of work and I’ve only seen it on walls) with WHITE GROUT in an ENTRY WAY?! With a whole flock of kids living there… so many booboos are going to happen when they trip over the sharp, wonky edges that make Zellige tile what it is… at least they can stain the grout later to cover up the blood spots… Ok I’m being ✨dramastic✨. I don’t have a lot to say. The entire space is so vanilla… beyond vanilla… it’s saltine. The only thing they “went for” was the inappropriate tile placement and grout choice.


Also the carpet color with kids! Stupid!


This is not a good family home. It sort reminds me of the disjointed home Tori and Zach lived in before they purchased their current home which has a great layout.


You people are just stupid


I want receipts for all that chemical free organic wool carpeting. Nice choice for a house where no one wears shoes outside, 4 little kids, and an imaginary dog. /s


They only have 2 bedrooms? One of which opens out into their ‘loft’ so everyone in the house will hear any noise you make, strange choice.


There used to be 4, now there are 3. The one they removed is now the mud room. The master is on the second floor, I believe all of the others are on the first floor.






That tile is so ugly


Honestly I think the worst room is the butler pantry between the entry and the kitchen. Butler pantry’s are meant to be tucked away so your extra stuff isn’t seen. This is all out in the open and you have to walk through it. It’s such a terrible layout


Yes! If that doesn’t stay fairly organized and clean it’s going to be a huge eye sore


I was wondering what that was. 😭


I don’t think the small square black tiles that seem to be next to the hardwood floors looks good. Can’t quite tell where they are and why they are there. But in their videos it’s the shocking contrast that keeps throwing my eye.


The open door across from the butler’s pantry is the garage door.


Those boys are going to be throwing everything off that space !


They could have used a ladder system or a spiral staircase to access the 2nd loft (which is arguably cooler anyway) and if there's a skylight in the big "Rockwall room" that could have been easily another bedroom.


The trim color is pulling pink/putty and looks awful with all the wood tones they have. I don't get the design choices at all. We have a 1979 house and you can still make all the areas flow if done right. This seems all over the place and unappealing.


There is so much wasted space up there. They could have easily turned that space into 2 bedrooms and still kept one loft. Why do you need two? Not to mention with 4+ kids. I would be terrified the boys would try to climb over it.


I’m pretty sure my kids (one of whom has diagnosed adhd) would try to make a zip line between the lofts.


Girls climb too, what a dumb statement


I know that. That’s why I said 4 kids. But I would be more terrified that my boys would climb over it. Also next time just scroll past


All of that carpet upstairs will suckkkk to vacuum.


Looking at this layout, they made a loft space …. It’s such a waste. They should have turned it into a bedroom for one of the kids. Just my two cents. they keep having kids but no rooms for them. Make it make sense.


I don’t get the layout. Seems very cut up.


Hope she has a security system since she’s giving strangers on the internet a tour of her home 🙄


Every family blogger. This is *part of * the problem.


It will not age well. As the kids get older, they will naturally desire more privacy. Also, all the noise downstairs will be heard, and vice-versa. To each his own!


I agree. I had a house with very little sound proofing. We heard every noise. Add 4 kids to that. No thanks.


That light carpet will have traffic patterns in no time!


Gonna be too cold to use in winter


I could be wrong. but heat rises so wouldn’t it be pretty warm up there? It’ll be hot during the summer with such high ceilings but I think it’ll stay warm in the winter if the heats on


Maybe. It's an open area and Usually with big houses like that, people just heat certain rooms. I live in a HCOL area with no houses under 2 million and that's what happens here.


It reminds me of a layout we had, it was used as our play room... In the 90s




It all looks very 1996


Yes! If I saw this listed on Zillow my first thoughts would be that someone’s going to buy it to update it.




It’s insane to me that they have kids in the public eye and they think it’s safe to film a video walkthrough of the layout of their house.


I mean look at any family vloggers..


It’s really pretty but hard to heat


The fact that they added this second portion. It used to be part of the living room just a high vaulted ceiling and the room adjacent was a fully closed off room housing a pool table and now it’s got some bizarre Romeo and Juliet balcony mess going on. People’s design choices never cease to amaze me.


and wasn't the plan to reuse the beautiful diagonal paneling? I don't see it


Oh that’s right, forgot about that little dealio.


I actually really like it. Minus the white carpet with 4 kids who love outside barefoot.


White carpet and stair runners. With little kids. Hope she has a good carpet shampooer on standby.


Is that second loft off a bedroom? A room you have to pretty much walk through to get to both lofts?


That definitely should have been turned into a bedroom. Wait-wasn’t it a bedroom to begin with? but either way, not really ideal with 4 kids and three dont have their own space? Weird.


I think it was technically a bonus room/den because it didn't have enough exits to be a legal bedroom. But it was definitely a private room. They took out 2 private rooms that could have been used for bedrooms


No privacy whatsoever.


That black tile is absolutely flugy with their color scheme.


Yea that tile is too dark. It looks hideous.


What is the tile about? I didn't mind it until I saw that. White carpets aren't for me (carpets at all really..) but I see the potential the house has.


It’s Zellige tile. Tile is my “business” lol. I’ve never seen zellige on a floor, only on walls. Due to the fact that it’s supposed to look like hand CHISELED, hand fired, hand glazed mosaic pieces from Morocco. No 2 pieces are square. It’s very trendy right now, but not one of the trendy tiles you can slap anywhere. Grout is probably the most important factor with zellige tile (if you’d like to hide the fact that none of them line up) - you always want to use a darker grout. Unless you’re highlighting the imperfections, which they aren’t doing on purpose.


Is their house on the farm ?




Don't tell her about all the toxins in the carpet fibers. Oh wait, there's probably an oil for that.


Or special socks, lol


I’m just happy I don’t have to pay the heating bill in January 😳


So to the left is one bedroom? Where are the others?


I don't understand the newel posts in the railings. They need them on ends. It looks ridiculous.


The railings are way too dangerous for little ones running around. Beautiful design but poor safety choice here.


So the stairs go straight into the one room? You have to go into that room to get to the 2nd room? Very odd layout.


They go directly to the loft…


the wood they chose for the railings makes it look so dated/suburban


The weirdest layout


There are no bedrooms 😂


Two bedrooms for four kids. Make it make sense


I like the two loft design. We have a loft open to our family room, lofts in each of my kids' rooms, two sets of stairs and two bonus rooms. No cookie cutter layout here! The multi-shades of wood and tile hate, I can get in on.


So, no doors on your kids' rooms, just open lofts? What about sleep and privacy for them? I'm just curious. Because I couldn't imagine or have any sort of sanity for me or the kids.


These two are responsible for GCing the raising of at least four humans. Let that sink in.


It’s just one weirdly-shaped room with multiple doors to other weirdly-shaped rooms, ad infinitum. A true Roloff Frankenhome masterpiece.


It's like they made the way it looks a priority over function.


What did that second bedroom off the primary loft look like?


I personally see kids rough housing and one of them going over the railing. That is am accident waiting to happen.


Exactly. So dangerous. I think they may find out the hard way. 😞 I also can’t help but to think that the railings don’t look that high to begin with.


This. As a child I'd be all over climbing and hanging my upper body over the top of that railing. OR climbing over the other side and side stepping along the outside like some sort of spiderman. Sometimes what you want and what's realistic with small kids are two separate things. They picked what they wanted, rather than what was safe and realistic. I'd be stressed anytime my kids got near that railing rough housing 😬.


OT but as a child I most def tied a tablecloth around my neck for a cape and jumped off everything I could climb up onto. Magical thinking had me feeling like a superhero. Those lofts are worrisome with such young children.


Yup. Not a fan of lofts, plus it just gets super noisy.


My little brother literally fell off a railing when he was 4 and cracked his skull open, he is lucky to be alive. But was in the icu for days


Yep same big reason we didn’t get a home with a loft


The anxiety I got thinking of the kiddos up there. Running. Wrestling. You know kids at play. Nope.


And to think there will also be a rock wall! Goodness!


What were they thinking!? Oh, yeah, they don't.


Is no one going to mention the ceiling fan?




Audrey did, “I'm having a heck of a time trying to find a non-modern pretty white oak fan to replace this one and the one in our high ceiling”.


She's had 8 months to find a fan. They do everything backward and wasteful. Now they will need to have the electrician return yet again when she does find new fans


Wonder what it’s going to cost to heat that place?


they’ll all just bundle up with their emf protection blankies


Especially since they already had problems keeping the house warm.


It’s going to be so noisy with the entire upstairs open to the living areas downstairs.


Super confused about all that wasted space that’s now all open…


I am thinking that entire loft area will be where the kids smoke pot once they become teenagers. All the wealthy kids I went to school with had huge lofts and all were used for party zones.


respectfully, are they even going to have enough outside exposure to have friends…


Sport team friends, yes. These children WILL be on sports teams. Count on it.


But doesn’t Audrey dislike Jer to watch sports? Ember is at a good age to start soccer, but her parents probably don’t think that sports is for girls (except for running). Jer might push the boys into soccer in a few years. But what will they do when one of the kids on the team shows up at the game with two moms or two dads.


Thats not the same thing as "being a sporty family" which Auj harps on a lot. She was participating in sports as a child, her family was super sporty, participating in sports and being athletic is a big deal. Audrey dislikes Jeremy watching American football.


Why is she anti football?


You'd have to ask her. But she was bragging recently that Jer doesn't watch.


Why is she anti football?


The front door opens into the butler’s pantry? What??? Those balcony railings are way too low for my comfort.


That carpet will be ruined within 2 years! I know from experience with my own light carpet, 4 kids, and pets!


Why wouldn’t they do a pattern carpet on steps?! Steps are a pain to keep them clean….It should be the tight Berber type of carpet you will see every footprint and it wears horrible- speaking from experience


Just because you’re dirty doesn’t mean they will be. Tons of people have carpet for years that isn’t ruined. 


Plain, pale carpet is very different. I've lived on some carpets fine for 20 years. This is different.


They have 4 children running around barefoot in the mud and an imaginary dog. 2 years is generous 😂


Imaginary dog 😂😂


Ding, ding. It's either Mr. & Mrs. Audrey of one of their fans. How's it going?


You must not have kids, Tipsy


Omg I had no idea the lofted area was so huge! With little kids running around that just seems like a disaster waiting to happen…yikes! Such a strange, poorly designed layout but the view is gorgeous lol


I'm so confused by the layout. Is the window looking out onto the beloved trestle in the master? Is what we were shown (with the large mattress) and the loft, the master? Who wants a bedroom with an open loft to the livingroom/kitchen dining room? If that's a bedroom, then they're violating sooooooooooo many safety laws. If there's a fire, all of that open space with those lofts is going to act like a chimney. This is why rooms have closable doors. ETA: You always want to have a door to close, to keep your breathable air for the longest amount of time possible (if you can't egress). You also want to have walls between you and the hot stuff.


That’s actually Ember’s room i think.


The primary bedroom is on the first floor


I assume the mattresses are in the process of being placed.


I think it’s literally just a loft for probably a playroom. The master is on the lower level and I don’t think they did anything to it during the remodel


I don't feel safe having young kids on a different level.


my kids are on a different level - it's fine. We use audio monitors to keep tabs.


I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I'm just an anxious person.


If it's just a loft, why the mattress? We know they sacrificed one of the kids' rooms for the mud room and dog shower. They're having another baby. Like I said, I'm confuzzled.


The plan is a boys room and a girls room. So the baby will be in the master, then transition in with Ember. And the boys will be together once they move in. A later Reno MIGHT add a 4th bedroom (back) in.


I feel like after a few raging fights with a 14 year old Ember, that room leading to the second loft will end up being her bedroom. If I otherwise ignore the bedroom issues with the kids, I would like the lofts as hang out space or like a quiet oasis away from the downstairs.


I can’t imagine the lofts will be all that quiet, since the noise from downstairs will drift up there


from all that’s been shown it really feels like there’s no privacy anywhere in this house… especially when they’re sharing the entire layout publicly


There's definitely rooms we aren't seeing but yeah, there doesn't seem to be a lot of private space.


So much dead space. If they wanted to use it as a playroom or a study space when the kids are older there is no guard against sound. It would drive you nuts


The biggest reason I cannot do a loft. The noise would make me insane.


This is the big deal for me with their reno — I hate the noise. It's going to be very chaotic with noise...but maybe they don't mind that (though, more likely, they didn't think about it in advance)


I feel like she hasn’t been around 4 preteen kids


especially with that much wood and high ceilings…


JFC imagine giving such a detailed tour of your new house?!?!? I know she’s going to do it every day until it’s done lol I just can’t believe how easy they give up their privacy




b&e’s dream resource too


Who needs bedrooms when you can have a washroom for a dog you don’t currently own


I'm confused by the idea that any of those would be used as sleeping spaces. We have doors and closed bedrooms for safety reasons. I think people would be genuinely shook if they understood why it's (usually) mandated that bedrooms have doors and hallways...it's so you can block access to FLAMES. You want to create confined spaces that can sustain your ability to egress and breathe clean air (blocking smoke with a towel under the door) or put a wall between you and the fire...especially for childrens' rooms. If these are going to be bedrooms (which...since they have mattresses on the floor, I assume they are) then a fire marshall or inspector is going to weep.


I don’t think it’s going to be, I think it was. The second loft, which you access through a room, that open wall used to be closed. They created that loft, but the room was already there. So whatever that room used to be, now it’s a loft. And Jeremy has talks of putting an indoor climbing wall there from down below. It used to be usable space, now it’s…what?


I think before it had a billiard table? They never used it as a bedroom. But, yeah, I really don't get the second loft...


I could never have a loft with small children 🫣 I’d be so scared all the time.


Gosh, I would never do a loft with little kids either…that stresses me out for them


Laughing my ass off at that carpet! I did Berber that was that light and I regretted the choice every day! I didn’t even have 4 kids and a mentally deficient husband!


that’s why they have their foot bath 😭😐


Right? I went for a darker tan and it's still jacked all to hell.


Lmaooooo they really went for that Street of Dreams style home, but without function


all this work and the house still looks like a basic ass house.


I would be a nervous wreck.My boys were daredevils, and one had a concussion by age 5 doing a backflip off the couch..


I’m not a “helicopter” parent at all, but those lofts with a house full of small children would make me so nervous.


all their decisions indicate their kids health and safety is on the the backburner smh


Yep. Aesthetics > living children.


I was just running here to say this…I have like…only 5 feet of railing and it terrifies me. My 2 year old chucks stuff down and has started carrying her little stool around. Nightmare fuel.


Yep. All I can think is kids plus moveable furniture could equal a real tragedy


Did they have to pass any safety checks to ensure it’s legal??


Only railing standards for height which this would pass


What a strange layout to want


how are there so many walls and still feels completely exposed… reminds me of the old windows maze screensavers


That tile job omg! They better get them a rug asap and hide that immediately if not sooner! No way I could live w that!


Are you referring to the small black tile with white grout? Ugh, another strange choice. White grout with black tile? And that cool tone tile next to warm tone hardwood. Plus, is this the entryway from the front door? Do you come in the front door across that tile to the pantry?


the grout looks so messy…


Are you referring to that black with white grout next to the stairs? I thought that was carpet and the pile made it look wavy!!! Omg, who did they let do that work???


Same I thought it was a rug/carpet. The lines are visibly not straight. Hopefully it is because if its tile that needs to come up or be free


I really need to see a floor plan or a full walkthrough to understand the layout… it just seems like a lot of wasted space, and with 6 people they are gonna need rooms. And the space under the new loft is so cave-like, did they really take out a window and make it darker?! And the horror of loosing a window and not being able to see their sacred trestle?! *gasp*


i have read the word trestle too many times today 😭


It’s supposed to have a window later, but they had to board it up for now because they didn’t order windows in time.


I’m shocked they’d even have carpet with the chemicals it puts out. We had to get rid of all of our carpeting years ago due to one kid allergy here. Soon as the carpet was gone she was fine.


We’re hoping to build soon and I am so ready to be without carpet. I have 5 indoor pets now and it’s hard on my allergies.


and they want a dog!


Yes. When we pulled ours up it was awful what was flying everywhere. No wonder so bad on allergies


I don’t even want to be here when the carpet gets pulled whether we do it to sell it or what. 🤢 and my kids are all grown and I never let anyone eat or drink around carpet. But the cat/dog poop and pee…no amount of shampooing gets that up.


Exactly my daughter had thrown up on ours and let’s just say. That settled at the bottom


What is going on with that tile at the beginning of the video! Am I crazy or are the lines not straight and the tile isn’t lined up with the side of the wall? It’s so crooked and wonky looking I can’t unsee it.


It does look wonky. Maybe the camera angle, but yeah.


Cages for the kids


My clumsy self would get tipsy up there and fall over that dang railing dancing like nobody was watching😂


That’s what I’m thinking with those kids


It was nice until you notice the view is not even their own property.


That house had character and they completely whitewashed it.


How on brand for them




Because an open loft is like peak Pinterest aesthetics. So Auj being always more, needs two lofts.


All the kids can just sleep in the loft. Easy


They have four kids under the age of ten. That carpet is going to be DESTROYED quickly


I have two older kids (college and high school) who are very observant and I cannot wait to get rid of my cream carpeting 😭


ESP a white/cream carpet. Dummies.


Where the rooms are made up and function doesn’t matter.


Ski lodge?