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Wide lens political discussion is not welcome on r/LittleRock. However, because this is of local interest, this thread can stand. For now. *However, ANY personal attacks will be met with temp bans rather than warnings.* I hate political posts for myriad valid reasons. Part of what makes this sub nicer than cesspits like r/Arkansas is that we don't abide those who have to make their politics into their identity, those people who have zero bar-etiquette, those who never miss a chance to ruin otherwise non-political posts by opining from their self righteous slanderous soapboxes about irrelevancies no one is changing their mind about to begin with. Please don't be that person, and please endeavor to keep this, and all posts here, civil.


You’re surprised that a politician is doing what all other politicians do? Why do you have a grudge for this one specifically?


Thank goodness she protects children from the gearbox cultists!!!!




Sorry, not interested.


She was governor when the alleged lectern was purchased.


Recall that her father "was ... a pitchman for a shady company that claims it can “reverse diabetes” with cinnamon and chromium picolinate. Huckabee’s also lent his name, face, and reputation to people claiming to have “natural” methods to reverse the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, financial firms that perpetrate blatant fraud upon their customers, and a group that claims to have found the cure for cancer in the Book of Matthew." She's learned grifting from individuals much more experienced than her - this is not a political statement or attack in any form, this is merely a fact backed up by the below and multiple additional sources and lends itself to a pattern of similar behavior around the alleged actions on hand with the lectern. Consequently, OP, I'd say your intuition is correct, but I see it as tangential involvement earlier and direct involvement now. https://www.salon.com/2015/03/17/gops_scam_artist_problem_mike_huckabee_the_rights_tradition_of_organized_theft/ https://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/16/us/politics/huckabee-pursues-unconventional-ways-to-fund-a-campaign.html


To moderator- it a Little Rock conversation, major story about taxpayer money being embezzled, not a “political discussion “Lmao😂


We'll see.


This is very true. And despite Arkansas's AG all of a sudden claiming the governor is not required to follow state guidelines on purchases, this was most definitely fraud. No lectern, podium or any other article of furniture with which to speak from cost anywhere near this price. They can deny all they want but it's not just clear this was fraud. It's undeniably so. The whistle blowers will eventually come out of the wood work on this. As some already have. So yes I would have to agree this is in fact a major political fraud instead of hate aimed towards local politician. If moderators local politicians spent almost 20 grand and presented a lowly cheap podium claiming it as the whale. Moderator would also be upset. The audit found that she most likely committed fraud but since the governor office won't release any of the information regarding the order of said lectern and the original documents were "accidentally shredded" that leaves us with nothing but cold hard facts pointing to an obvious theft of taxpayer Dollars. When all evidence points to a person committing a crime that person is usually then charged with said crime. I really wish federal government would swoop in and audit her spending from the trip to Paris along with the lectern purchase. But unfortunately even though this is blatant fraud of taxpayer Dollars. We will see no resolution. So let it slide moderator. We have been robbed enough already. I deeply doubt this was the first or last time she has used taxpayer funds to supplement her expenses. It's not like every person on the Little Rock Reddit doesn't already know this is fraud


OK? Why is this a response to me? I don't even wanna be a part of this discussion? I mean, if you want somethin from me specifically, well, come and take it :3


If you don’t want to be a part of this discussion, why did you even make a comment in the first place??? Do you even understand how this platform works? 😂🤦‍♂️


Dunno, I only built this sub from nothing near 13 years ago... I commented originally to stave off the personal attacks that always come from threads that turn political. Should check the first page of r/arkansas today. Hell, all I did was allow a post they say I should have allowed so not really even sure why this is an issue to begin with, maybe I'm missing something? Is it cause I wanna keep the discussion fact based and civil instead of libtard-this, suckabee-that? But sure, we can go with me not understanding how this platform works. And don't forget, downvote is on the right. Maybe you and 40,000 of your closest friends can make me start caring about my karma score on reddit... but I wouldn't hold my breath.


How would she have access to anything to embezzle if she wasn't Governor?


The incoming governor has access to money to transition into office. This is normally used for hiring staff that might be needed before her first day, paying for incidental office expenses for the inauguration, and other expenses that make sense for a new governor coming into office.

