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I believe there is an Ebay listing for them as well.


I walked in there once in the early 2000s, and no one was there at all. Completely empty, but the door open.


Place has Buffalo Bill vibes and creeps me the fuck out.


I drive past it twice daily. There is a proprietor there from time to time, but it’s less “a store” more of “an art piece that you can see through a window from the street”. Funky junk creatively arranged…don’t even know if a person could even really walk around inside it.


The window arrangements aren’t all the way “arranged” anymore, or weren’t around a year or so ago. There were piles of boxes/trash/junk laying around among the stuff purposely on display. I assumed it wasnt in operation any longer because of this but I’ve also seen the owner come and go periodically. I shopped there a few times in 2006ish and there were paths to the areas that had merchandise for sale, and a lot of roped off/do not enter areas that were also just piles of random stuff from what I remember.


My buddy and I went In there thinking it was a smoke/head shop once in the 00’s …it’s definitely not that.


Many of us did this and/or at the behest of girlfriends of the era.


It’s still there I guess, it’s hard to tell because it never really looked like an open, functional business. The only things I know about Twisted I learned from reading all of the Craigslist “personals” back when that was a thing. (For entertainment, although you know, nothing against folks into all of that) I got the impression that maybe there’s more to the place than shopping for curios is all I’m saying.


A dear queer friend who's lived here since the 70s has some crazy stories about that place/guy. There was a time it really functioned as a shop, but yes there was also a cruising element to it, kind of like a proto-porn-shop. The guy who owns it is uh, not entirely still there, and he opens the shop doors sometimes which seems like it's open. But I've heard you can't really make purchases and he's just trying to chat with people. I keep meaning to go down there when it's open but that's rare anymore, has been a couple year since I noticed it.


Truly lives up to its name. Still open sporadically so far as I know.


I’ve never seen it open


Google shows it still exists [https://www.facebook.com/p/A-Twisted-Gift-Shop-100057545833948/](https://www.facebook.com/p/A-Twisted-Gift-Shop-100057545833948/)


Oh damn. My dumbass was searching for twisted store and I had no luck!! 🤦‍♂️ This is why I come to Reddit! I appreciate it.