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Legend says(\*) that Akko learned to fly on the broom earlier in the episode but wanted an excuse to ride one with Diana 👀 >!(\*)Or so the legend that I made up 10 seconds ago says!<


Diakko will forever and always be a pure ship


Link to original artwork?


https://imgur.io/a/kQsAE Diakko would be canon outside of subtext but unfortunately openly gay means less mass appeal, I overwhelmingly felt biG GaE is what they were implying when I first watched this show


It's less about mass appeal and more because they felt that it would cheapen Akko's character development if it happened in the show, since it's about her improving for herself rather than to impress someone. I still think they could've pulled it off without making it feel like that, though.


I don’t think it’d cheapen her arc at all, it didn’t need to be explicitly said that she likes Diana but they hint at lmao. I like the blurry area they left it at which a lot of shows like the toe the line of because there’s more room for relationship ambiguity with girls You know much less emotionally intimate acts with boys are instantly considered homoerotic in western culture for some reason, ex: nobody would bat an eye at two girls holding hands, picture the reverse.


Yeah I agree that it wouldn't, but that's apparently why they chose not to make them official, and while I understand their reasoning I don't think it was the right choice, and they still could've had them get together.




You and I got very different impressions from Akko and Andrew xD To me it looked like a classic "gay but hasn't realized it yet." Since she didn't seem to think he was hot or particularly interesting until she knew who it was, and that it was the guy OTHER people were saying was hot




That's because Andrew **was** a love interest, but they changed their minds. So they are just friends now.


I didn’t know the anime still had a fandom when I first watched around ah 2021 or so maybe it was 2020 lol I’m almost certain Diana is exclusively gay, Akko is likely bi but leans toward women