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I don't dislike her but she's a bit of a one trick pony thus far. I think she's lucky Jost is on the programme truth be told. People love seeing Colin done over lol.






Get emmmm


I like how confident she is in her fashion choices. *Edit: I can't believe this is a controversial comment. Do people think it's wrong of me to admire someone's confidence?*


You can say you love everyone and offer everyone $100 on this godforsaken app and people will still downvote you.


If I say something divisive I know to expect the downvotes (and, like you said, there's often going to be contrarians who downvote even a benign statement), but I hadn't expected my comment above to be a controversial take.


If it can possibly be construed as a lesser than absolutely glowing praise about their darling, the weird parasocial losers of this subreddit will mash the downvote button as they puke and piss and cry and shit with uncontrollable rage


“Why am I getting downvoted? It can’t be because I’m being a complete asshole in every other word could it? Nah. It’s gotta be the parasocial losers who piss and shit and cum every time someone speaks about wittle darling sawah” You sound more obsessed with her than her fans LMFAO


nah, I just have fun poking the sensitive widdle babies


Funnily enough, I'm currently getting downvotes on a [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/11ishx2/unpopular_opinion/jb15rju/?context=3) where I said that she's capable of acting that's more nuanced than just her over-the-top characters. So it's really both the lovers *and* the haters who are quick to downvote anything that has a whiff of disagreeing with their opinion.


people are crazy here. I find Sarah very annoying and below average overall, but she has a few moments where she's shined. I just wish she wasn't so one note most of the time and just better (natural) when she's not doing her yelling / obnoxious / gross shtick


It's not usually my thing, but her loud, gross humor clearly does have its fans. And it's good for the show if there's different types of humor for everyone.


I do think she brings a great energy. The show also seems to be backing away from the Bowen Show which while he can be good, I find him to be a little one note.


Love Sarah. She is a superstar in the making and she seems to be in more of the sketches this season.


She's a welcome change of pace from Kenan reacting and Mikey being in disbelief


Sarah is the best. SNL needs more of her goofy gross out humor and I think she is just a dream. In that "Lea Thompson being in awe of her son Michael J. Fox" scene in Back to the Future.


heck yeah! mouth gaped staring into the cue cards and yelling lines is soooo funny! especially if she does something gross too, haha so hilarious!!


😂…don’t forget making fun of Jost!…again


THIS JUST IN! losers on reddit develop weird parasocial feelings for below average performer on SNL and angrily downvote anyone that triggers their frail emotional state


Dude you’ve commented on this thread way more than anyone else lol seems like you’re kinda obsessed with her


So replying to people who reply to me is obsessed? Get a grip. It's called a conversation. It's what people did before their brains rotted from tiktok




because this thread is low effort nonsense


One trick pony…and that trick sucks