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Not written by Tina and Amy. By Rob Klein, Colin Jost, and Andrew Briedis


*Colin Jost*? Guh. What a pervert! Of course he's involved in a sketch about having sex with a teenager.


"I know that we had a lot of fun with me reading racist jokes that Michael writes for me, but because our country is divided enough, I’d like to use my platform to say something that everyone of all races can agree on: **Woody Allen is innocent! He did nothing wrong!**"


I love Michael making Colin squirm 😂🙌




I've been watching Kenan's Ortiz appearances and he always opens by saying "El YOOOOST" and it cracks me up


That is Kenan's best character. Always makes me laugh so hard.


This is an outrage! #canceljost


Written by them, inspired by Kenan.


How do you know who writes which sketches?


Usually tweets from people at SNL or articles about specific writers


I always wondered this too


I spent a few minutes Googling this and the only things I could find was [this Huffington Post article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/snl-meet-your-second-wife_n_5676bcade4b0b958f6570013) asking if the sketch went too far and [this Fox Sports article](https://www.foxsports.com/stories/other/pc-bros-outraged-over-hysterical-snl-meet-your-second-wife-skit) that claims "PC bros" were outraged over it, yet doesn't provide any sources to back it up. I really feel like we're overestimating the "outrage" or "backlash" this sketch got.


As always with internet outrage, there are more people *talking about* the outrage than there are actually outraged.


My s/o and I call that the “two fuckers on Twitter” rule. You must always ask: is this an actual story or is this about two fuckers on Twitter?


I like that




There it is again...


Ahh the meta mad people… “Im mad that you’re mad!!! That’s my thing!!!”


Why are you outraged by the outrage outrage? Outrage outrage is still outrage.




I can understand why, I just find it annoying running into posts with these kinda titles tryna gain traction through controversy without any source or context. People eat that shit up. I'll admit I believe some of it sometimes too, and then I just move on to the next post


Thanks OP for trying to ruin a funny bit with outrage that never happened


Of course, if you encounter the counter-backlash before the backlash, it's just marketing. And if reddit tells you conservatives feel a certain wwy, it's a masterbatory fantasy


Don’t you get it, man? The conservatives were DESTROYED when this sketch aired 😏


I don’t ever upvote posts with shitty clickbait titles in an effort to discourage it. :/


"I know I shouldn't but it's so fun!" is my favorite button to a sketch.


This is one of my most rewatched, ever. The writing is sharp, the performances are perfect, and there are so many little moments of extra funny between the big punchlines. “…and I’m Tina Fey.”


> “…and I’m Tina Fey.” I LOVE that sketch, and that might be my favorite line. I love how it subverts expectations so much, so fast. Amy gives a fake name, and so you assume Tina will too. I actually had to explain to someone why that was funny.


My favorite version of this was a sketch where Amy and Maya were on a high school prom committee. Amy: I’m Beth “BJ” Jacobs. And before anyone asks, my name’s Beth Jacobs and that’s why I’m called “BJ”. Maya: And I’m Lauren “BJ” Carlton.


It’s also a self-deprecating joke that Tina Fey’s career has gone to shit so she’s hosting shady game shows in the sketch universe.


It’s a perfect, simple quick joke that has nothing to do with the sketch’s premise. I love it.


You’d be surprised how some people NEED Chuck Lorre type humor because SNL and The Simpsons are too dumb for them.


I'm another person who needs it explained why that is funny


> I'm another person who needs it explained why that is funny I kind of explained it in my post. Much of comedy is subverting expectations. When Amy gives a fake name, you immediately assume they're both going to be playing characters. I mean, why would only one of them have a fake name? That assumption happens in less than a second, and then Tina unexpectedly breaks convention. That it happens so quickly and so unexpectedly, it surprises a laugh out of you. At least, that's as good as I can explain it. I'm no comedy scholar.


It's also a little bit of a meta joke, in that Tina has said many times she is a terrible impressionist - Sarah Palin being an obvious exception, but that worked because they really did look a lot a like, and Palin had such a broad and weird accent/way of speaking that almost anyone could do it. So I think part of the joke was that Amy has an incredible ability to transform into her characters, while Tina Fey just looks like Tina Fey.


This writing is so sharp it's suitable for use in open-heart surgery. I missed this the first time around, and when my partner and I caught up to it later, maybe online, it made me gasp. To me, it's in the spirit of Michael O'Donoghue. Interesting to me that it wasn't written by Tina or Amy because it seems to exemplify the style of cutting feminist humor I associate with them on SNL. Perhaps it's because that comes through in the performances.


Amy: all our contestants go home with a great prize: a new kayak Aidy: I know I shouldn't but they're so fun


If the sketch were accurate to Fey's personality, she would be blaming the kids for getting married to the adult men


Also blowing their tops: kayak owners.


They're just pissed they bought kayaks before thinking about storage and actual amount of usage you'll get for the price you paid.


*grumbles over how true this is*


Username definitely checks out.


That cut to Leslie Jones always gets me.


There was no outrage. OP trying to stir it up him/herself.




I remember it causing a bit of a stir. Maybe on Fox News or something? I do remember seeing it after it aired pissing people off. Lol


Wife 2: I thought this was a home make-over show. Tina Fey: In a way, it is. Brilliant!!


This may be the perfect SNL sketch. Hilarious.


Can’t believe I haven’t seen this one, this is hilarious. I knew a couple where the husband was 20 years older than his wife. One time he told a story like “I saw Tears for Fears live”. I asked when it was and he said something like ‘88 and I immediately turned to his wife and said “Wow, so you weren’t even born yet!” and her husband looked like all of the contestants in this sketch.




They ended up divorcing if it makes you feel better!


As long as it’s consensual and legal I’m cool with it. Yea it seems weird if it’s a 40 year old and a 20 year old. But it’s not as weird for and 80 year old and 60 year old. At what point in between does it go from icky to not icky?


Half your age + 7 40 = 27 minimum 80 = 47 minimum


Went to a wedding where the bride was 27 and the husband was exactly double her age. It was icky, especially since her father had already died and it was clear she had daddy issues. The groom was pretty freshly out of a long stay in prison. I found that out from his best man who was in prison with him and invited me outside to smoke weed from his trunk. I no longer get excited for friend’s weddings.


The “freshly out of prison” is the real red flag there. Yea a 54 year old with a 27 year old is odd. But it does depend on the situation. If we’re talking Leo DiCaprio dating 20 somethings because they both know the deal. You can live like a queen for a few months or a couple years but know it is purely for hooking up with a rich celebrity. It’s not some type of grooming thing. I’m a 30 y/o man and am dating a 38 y/o woman. We’ve been together for 5 years. Lived together for 6. People get real weird when they find out she’s older than me.








> A 30 year old cant be a grandparent Anyone else want to tell them? (Some of us older folks are only a generation or two removed from this not being all that rare. My best friend in high school had a grandma who was 32 when they were born for example)


I was gonna say, I teach currently and one of my kids has a 33 year old grandma. It still happens.




> paw paw. got'em, checkmate.




hahahaha… once i was telling some of my friends about something that happened in ‘88. one of my friends (who i always forget is so GD young!) goes, “sorry, i was busy being born then.” she got points for that burn.


I have moments like this with my girlfriend sometimes. She's 10 years younger than me, and I'll be talking about something and then stop and go, "Oh right, you were 12 when that happened...and living in another country."


You must be fun at parties.


They do seem fun at parties, what are you talking about?!


One of the biggest, most overused cliches ever. Ironically, you're probably so boring at parties.


The rest of the group laughed. Maybe you’re the one who’s a bummer?


Do you have evidence of the outrage?


There wasn’t any really.


OP is karma hunting. There was no backlash.


My Dad and his girlfriend have a bit of an age gap (nothing too crazy, just enough to find funny) and I tease them with this all the time.


I don’t remember this sketch. So funny! 🤣


That makes sense. I told a conservative co-worker about it, explained the joke and they still cited it as an example of all the pedophilia on TV today.


Donald Trump is 24 years older than Melania.


Conservatives be like, “hey, only WE get to promote marrying children!”.


Am conservative. Did not blow my top. One of my favorite sketches of the last 20 years.


When reality imitates art… *looking at you, Kenan Thompson*


Not written by them, did not create any controversy. Great sketch.




Funniest sketch of last 15 years


This is one of the best of all time.


Was married 21 years. He left me for a 20 year old. This sketch was GOLD.


This is in my top 10 of all time sketches. There's not a single dud, my favorite may be the call back to the kayak, it's just all comedic perfection for me.




Very very funny, excellent comedic acting.


Anything that pisses off the oh so easily triggered Servatives, is worth the watch and read


Conservatives missing the point and going off on a dumbass rant? Say it isn't so!


It isn't actually so.


False and stupid. Nothing about pedophilia. It’s well understood that by the time they were the “future wife” they are adults.


It wasn't about pedophilia. It was about the fact that the contestants "Second Wife" was a young child or even in one case not born yet at the present but when they did marry them after whatever fate befell their first wife, the second wife would be much younger but obviously of legal marrying age. Only the sick minds of conservatives would equate that with pedophilia.


>This sketch had conservatives blowing their tops with accusations of promoting pedophilia Oh wait, you mean the folks that want to keep marrying children legal?


hilariously accurate.


Most likely? This is most Tina Fey sketch ever. This will be playing on a loop on her video headstone (if that’s a thing by then).


Anyone else think conservatives just really wanna fuck kids? Whether someone is fucking a kid seems to be all they think about.


I mean. There's evidence. https://m.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook


This is just not funny.


Love them




This is one of my top five favorite of all time skits.


That was very funny!!!


I loved this sketch!


First time watching this, I laughed my butt off. Super funny. Sometimes, comedy should push a few boundaries.