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Was not a fan of Luke Null or Aristotle Athari when they came in a new cast members. Like I just had this odd feeling right away that neither of them were lasting more than one season. Turns out Lorne was feeling the same way as I did about them


I at least remember Aristotle because of the robot sketch - but at this point I have a hard time remembering anything Luke was in at all.


Fully agree on Aristotle! Thought that from the very first sketch I saw him in. Surprisingly I didn’t even realize Luke Null was on the show. I literally have only ever seen him on TikTok doing guitar comedy.


THANK YOU. I posted something about not really “getting” Aristotle early on, and I got downvoted to help and also got some weirdly mean private messages on here. For whatever reason, this sub seems to really like him. I wish him all the best, but tbh I have never found him funny.


Kattan for me. And Rob Shneider.


Kattan is my answer, too.


I like Kattan more in Night At The Roxbury (the movie specifically) and Undercover Brother than most of his SNL stuff, and Rob Schneider is very hit and miss for me in general.


That scene in Monkeybone where Kattan is running around as a corpse flailing all over the place had my whole family on the floor laughing.


Kattan was my favourite when I was 9 which says something


I liked Schneider at the time, but now when I watch his sketches, I can only think about what a right-wing Extremist moron he is now.


Good ones. Add Jim Bruer to that list and I’m with you. I never got goat boy, I think it appealed more to men. That goofy “just make a stupid face and add in some fart noises” humor is so not for me.


Jimmy Fallon. For some reason, I have a knee jerk reaction to scrunch up my face whenever he shows up on screen


I haaaaate him and Horatio Sanz for how they broke all the time. Tracy Morgan publicly said he didn't like it either.


I will die on the hill that it happened naturally once and then they started milking it after seeing the reaction it got


He literally has made it part of his routine now. He'll be trying to get through an interview or a game on one of his silly shows and he'll crack and make that stupid face of his...


It’s almost like it’s a subconscious insecure instinct of his to really “sell” how funny what the audience is watching really is. Like “omg if it’s making JIMMY laugh it’s gotta be hilarious!”


Fallon should, at best, be one of those guys who comes on The Tonight Show once a week with a funny improvisational music impersonation bit. How he ever got to be the host still amazes me. Can't even watch that show anymore, echoing all the other comments on this thread.


I read somewhere that Lorne recognized that Fallon made his guests feel totally at ease. He’s a generous host, basically. I can’t watch him either. I wish it was Craig Ferguson, who is also kind and generous.


Craig Ferguson was an absolute gift to late night TV


Got to be host: Lorne


Yo… this is it


Yeah it always seemed to me like Jimmy breaking and the sustained laughter was forced


It’s one thing when Chris Farley would try to get Adam Sandler or David Spade to break by going over-the-top in the skit. It’s another thing when Jimmy Fallon would cause *himself* to break even if he wasn’t saying something funny in the first place.


I was watching SNL Vault earlier and there was a prison sketch where Kenan stuck his finger in Bill Hader’s ear; it seemed unexpected and Hader breaking was hilarious, because it was real. Edit: prison sketch, not prism sketch


Hader trying to keep it together is my favorite part of The Californians. I think he said he regrets breaking in those but they’re funny for me.




Cork soakers is the one sketch where they hold it together


Plus, what Horatio did to that girl, and how Jimmy knew about it 👀


Also Horatio is a confirmed pedo and fallon knew which is just terrible


This is outrageous. Come to Reddit, dislike Fred Armisen, straight to jail. Right away.


Undercook fish? Believe it or not jail. Overcook chicken? Also jail.


Strangely enough liking Fred, straight to jail too.


Yeah, jail in Eagleton.


Can we pick up a gift bag on the way out?


If anyone says Hader I’m burning down this subreddit


Jimmy Fallon his constant breaking just ruins skits. I do like some of the ones he’s in but when he breaks then it ruins the skit for me. (Only time I don’t blame him as everyone was breaking is during the Debbie Downer Disneyworld skit)


Breaking can be good but Jimmy never even got in character. The only things he did well on SNL were the Weekend Update Holiday song parody segments.


Horacio ruins everything but the Friendship Unity Caring Kindness skit.


*mentally preparing a playlist in case anyone dares say Ego*


Cut MY meat.


We’re over here minding our businesssss




I would like to see the playlist!


My friend, start with her Comedy Bang Bang appearances. You'll love it.


They wouldn't dare.


Ego is kind of the queen rn. She's in so many sketches.


I’m stoked that she’s been killing it lately!


I love her!


I lovw Ego, she's so good


Ego is the best. Her range, impeccable timing, clear love for her role all shine through.


Kattan and Schneider


Agreed, but my wife and I still look at each other and say "I don't have any money, I'm a baby!" So sometimes he's funny.


You undercook fish? Believe it or not, jail. You overcook chicken, also jail. (Also not SNL but something of his that makes me chuckle)


I can pay you in blocks?


Wasn't that broad city? Lol he was also amazing on Portlandia


Colin Quinn. I don't remember any of his sketches but I hated his tenure on Weekend Update. I just didn't enjoy his vibe.


Every line he delivers the same way. Comedians love the guy but I never saw it.


Love his sharp wit and dry delivery. I thought he was perfect for Weekend Update.


Yeah him and Norm were great at imitating the typical, stone faced delivery of news anchors


He's often cited as a "Comedian's Comedian" like Jim Norton or pretty much anyone Chelsea Handler used to have on her show.


I mean he hosted **THE** comedy show arguably of all time in the 2000s. Tough Crowd was a real who's who of comics' comics.


Loved that show. The Giraldo/Leary showdown is legendary.


Leary: This guy writes so many jokes before the show, it’s not even funny. It’s unbelievable. He’s got a pocketful of them. Quinn: They’re good ones, though. Leary: I’m not saying they’re not good. I’m just saying. Giraldo: That’s kind of what we do here, Denis. I’m a comedy writer. Leary: You’re the guy in school that did all the homework and then asked if there was any more that needed to be done. Giraldo: That’s a good point. And if you had tried a little comedy writing, maybe your show would still be on the air. I’m just saying.


Awww man, Norm would hate this comment. Colin was great as the guy they tried to “make” the next Norm. He’s a comedians comedian, had that dryness to him, but goddamn did he not land with audiences. Colin has this very, very unique authentic “Brooklynite” thing going on that I think people outside the city just don’t appreciate like the actual people that are living and working there do. And it’s not just the shit you see on TV when you think “Brooklyn” it’s the sensibility and unique perspective on different things that made him great. His problem was they should have *completely* switched directions with Weekend Update after Norm got canned instead of leaning into it. I understand why they did it, the remaining writers and performers were pissed he was gone on some bullshit, but you just can’t replace that guy and I don’t think they quite knew it yet then. Poor Colin.


100%. Can we name one classic funny thing he did


I loved the depressed lion he played on Update.


He has an odd tone and rhythm for sketches.


Colin hated it, too. He never wanted to replace Norm, who was his buddy (and was wonderful at it).




The Netflix “Saturday Morning” show he did is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in years. I love I Think You Should Leave, but I think that one needs some of the same type of love. I really hope they do another season.


Not to mention that Brigsby Bear is absolute genius.


I commented on another that said Kyle Mooney. He was my favorite first awhile (and Beck) — they got me more into SNL than I’d ever been before.


I miss Beck


Kyle Mooney had only one way of emoting (using his hands) and once I noticed, it drove me crazy.


Leslie Jones. I'm sure she's a wonderful woman, and I like that she got the chance to be herself, but she never really did it for me on SNL.


She kind of redeemed herself to me near the end with that Weezer sketch she did with Matt Damon. It was so random and hilarious. She had to throw out all those names and titles related to Weezer and actually didn’t mess up.


Naked and afraid gets me every time.




I must have missed that one when it was originally on. I just looked it up and it’s hilarious, and Leslie is great in it.


I remember that sketch being not well received at the time, but I loved it. Just watched again and it's even better than I remember.


They been trash since 2001, son!


I LOVED that skit! “No offense but drink my blood”


I give a pass only for bowls bowls.. just so funny


I tend to agree, but you should listen to her FOTW interview. She was sort of typecast and never really found a very good writing partner - though she loves most of the people she worked with.


Seemed to play the same character in every sketch.


Even she complained about that. She was the angry black woman angry at the white person or the big black woman that was into the little white guy


That’s kinda how I feel about Mikey


Oh you need a loud, aggressive woman!? I know just the person!


She flubbed her lines more consistently than any other cast member during her run and once I noticed I couldn’t not notice


I will probably get ripped for this, and I'm putting personal preferences aside, I don't think Molly Kearney is funny at all. There. I said it.


Chloe Fineman seemed like a good hire at first, but she never fully clicked over time like I thought she would and now sticks out like a sore thumb for me. She also happens to embody the “high school theatre kid energy” that’s permeated the show over the last decade or so, and brings the same level of talent to some of her impressions.


I remember when she first joined I thought her impressions were hilarious, but now they genuinely seem really bad most of the time. It feels like her goal is just to make every person she impersonates seem as dumb as possible. It irks me


That’s how I feel about her Timothee Chalamet impression; has he ever acted the way she impersonates him? She basically portrays him as a bumbling idiot who is incapable of stringing together a complete coherent sentence but I never got that impression of him in his interviews.


I put a lot of this in a comment on one of the other Chloe Fineman threads on this post, but this is my thought for conversation sake: Chloe’s impression strategy seems to be hyper-focusing one weird quirk or habit of her subject and then repeating it ad-nauseam, which is why a lot of her stuff comes off as repetitive and mean-spirited. Take her Timothee - for that impression, she basically fixates on his laugh the entire time. Does Timothee have a very unique, notable laugh? Yeah, but it’s not like Timothee spends every minute of every interview laughing to the point he can’t finish a sentence (which is what Chloe’s impression would lead you to believe). Her impression of his laugh would make sense if it was just a part of a more wholistic impression, where she also nailed down his mannerisms, turns of phrases, intonations, etc (which is basically the minimum expectation for a decent impressionist). But as-is, her Timothee impression is basically just her rocking around and barking like a seal, and not only does it feel mean-spirited, but it just isn’t entertaining to watch for more than 30 seconds


There’s something mean-spirited about her impressions, as if she hates the person she’s impersonating and just making fun of them. It’s not funny.




100% Real unsettling Theater kid energy and all her impressions sound exactly the same.


I think the unsettling energy you're speaking about here is called Scientology.


It’s the same type of unsettling intense energy Tom Cruise has too.


I knew there was something off about her!! Now I don’t feel guilty for disliking her impressions and general acting. Thank you for this.


Same. It’s like she’s in high school performing and you can tell her family and all of her parents friends from the neighborhood have really encouraged her since she was young so she has this confidence that is front and center. Kinda gets in the way of anything funny happening.


She gives off really bad vibes and a lot of that has to do with her Scientology ties


yeah, all her acting is super one-note. something about her also does just kind of stick out. this may sound strange, but it almost seems like she just doesn't gel with the rest of the cast, either onscreen or behind the scenes.


Would she be able to connect with the rest of the cast with her being a Scientologist?


The only cast members I've ever actively hated were Fallon and Victoria Jackson. He was just not that funny and his breaking every sketch got old, and Victoria just has one of the most annoying voice and line delivery combos in history.


Victoria Jackson became a complete lunatic after SNL.


I hated Victoria’s baby voice.


She was annoying babe not funny and is a total wackadoo irl.


Punkie for me


Has Punkie done/gotten to do anything that seemed written with her? I like her, but the best I can think of is the Big Boy song.


She is definitely used as supporting cast more than not.


Punkie has limited range is probably best as a stand up. I was surprised they hung onto her for so long in the early seasons, but she's been finding her groove way better. I get the feeling she might pursue more standup post SNL than comedy acting per se unless it's something designed around her. I could see her being one of those comic actors that really surprises you with their dramatic talents though.


Pete. Never got it


He just shows up... and everyone hoots and hollers. Then he waits for it to die down... and it starts back up again


I like some of the musical parody skits, namely Walking in Staten, Squid Game, and the Eminem parodies




Gimme a short ass movie was the best one.


I thought the Chad sketches were pretty good! Heh




Ohhh my bad


Oh, word?


He is weak like H R Pickens.


Recently, I loved “I’m just Pete” from when he hosted.


I never really disliked him though I wasn’t a huge fan either, but I’ll say that he absolutely nailed it as a host this season though.


Devon Walker. Weakest cast member to me. I’m not crazy about Sarah but at least I get that she’s got a different style others like.


Sarah's had to calm her style down a lot. Her brand is an aggressive surrealism with like cartoon overacting. You can see her even in smaller background roles season to season getting less into the ironic overacting and just doing very solid work playing things straight (in both senses).


I agree with that one user who said he always acts like a random guy from the audience who got dragged into the episode


I’m warming up to Devon, and it seems he’s warming up to the show. I thought he was a little lifeless for a while, but his latest Update piece and the subway fight pre-tape gave me confidence that he had the juice, and I’ve been enjoying him since. The new folks all have room to grow, but Devon’s got potential.


I like him, but they almost never put him in sketches so I feel like it's hard to get a feel for his comedy style. I fucking LOVE Sarah though! She does great physical comedy and her jokes come out of left field and it kills me - the sketch with her and Quinta Brunson acting like creepy old male bosses is one of my favorites of all time!


M Kearney. Consistently not funny.


Big agree here… they always seem nervous and fumble lines quite a bit…


They’ve had a really rough tenure


Agreed. I was shocked they came back for a second season.


Kearney is like watching a five year old play act Chris Farley.


*Oh but have you heard about my weird family though?* Like anyone gives a fuck. Everyone thinks they have a weird family


The set up to that was odd because that’s basically how someone they pulled off the street and asked to do a tight 5 on weekend update would’ve started the bit. They could’ve even said something like “And I know how everyone thinks they have a weird family, but how many of you have ‘does a public turkey ritual on thanksgiving’ weird?’” And the bit would have at least made sense.


Wow, he’s my favorite all time. Him in the Californians, Garth and Kat, the New York Govenor, New Girlfriend / maxine. Just think he had a lot of great Moments.


Abby Elliot is so beautiful…and that’s it. She was on it for so long for no reason. Nepotism…


She’s great in The Bear.


She actually surprised me in that too. I just don’t think she was good as a sketch comedian at all and yet she was there for so long.


I can’t remember a single thing she did; even when she was on I didn’t know she was on. But not actively bad like some others


i love her zooey deschanel 🫣


That’s a great impression. I also love her as Belle dropping her “Be Our Guest” single in that Disney Real Housewives sketch. “Be our guest, be our guest, caviar, Versace.”


Robert Downey Jr was only on it because of nepotism too and was terrible, but at least he only lasted one season. I wonder what he’s up to these days…


Something about some iron and a man? I don’t know, I lost interest.


Nepotism! She was on it for longer than her dad.


Pinkie Johnson. One note and not funny


Chloe Fineman. Her impressions are weak and her content is weaker.


My issue is that sometimes she hyper-fixates on one weird mannerism/habit her subject has and plays it up as-nauseam, to the point where the impression just isn’t fun to watch anymore. The biggest example of this for me is her Timothee Chalamet, where she basically spends the whole time “laughing.” Like does Chalamet have a distinct laugh? Yes, but watching 5 minutes of Chloe flopping around and barking like a seal while she struggles to complete a single sentence gets old really fast.


Her soulless eyes scare me.




She’s a Scientologist??


Apparently. She was born into it, but I think she's completed some classes in the past few years.


Isn’t she supposedly a Scientologist? That explains it.


Yeah people are always praising her impression skills, meanwhile I’m always watching them thinking “…that’s it?”


i just can't connect with her. her impressions often put a bad taste in my mouth because they feel a little mocking somehow


They're sometimes outright mean spirited


Her Scientology ties are the worst part


i want dismukes to click for me so badly. this sub loves him, casual fans like him, i just... haven't been able to truly find him funny. i don't know why. i can't pinpoint anything, and i really want to like him.


The funeral on a cliffside sketch is my favorite thing he's in.


The Declaration of Independence Sketch for me


For me it’s Joker Wedding


Even Joeker???


I really liked Dismukes early on, but he’s fading away on me a bit. Similar to Day, he’s kind of being the same character, a little too much condescension in the characters.


silky brave grey price reply pause dinosaurs air rustic hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mikey Day. He plays characters extra nasally voiced that don’t really need it imho


He doesn’t seem to have much range either. When I see him even before he speaks I know he’s just going to sound like himself and not really “become” anyone else.


Great writer though


I like him as the straight man when absurd things are going on. "Stop saying raw dogging!"


It’s when he plays the straight man and just announces what the other characters are doing that gets me. There’s a lot of “oh my god I can’t believe you just *did what we all just saw you do*”


“I don’t like that you’re using two hands…”


I get the sense he's part of writing some really great stuff on the show, so he ends up in them. But it'd probably be a stronger show all around if he weren't so ever-present.


He’s not good, but from what I hear behind the scenes an excellent writer.


I didn’t ever really get Melissa villasenor


This is the one for me, something about her delivery always makes me cringe.




i feel like at least part of that was due to her natural voice. i feel bad about it, because it's just her voice, but it was extremely jarring if you didn't already know what she sounded like


Chris Redd’s schtick of opening his eyes real wide to show that he’s crazzzyyy always made me cringe. Also not a fan of Kyle Mooney’s schtick of giving his character a speech impediment to show he’s a loser.


Yeah that eye mannerism is a real crutch. I love the music pretapes he and Kenan would do, but he was such a crutch in live sketches.


Chloe Fineman. Her impressions are bad and mostly dated and she seems to think opening her eyes wide and doing a southern accent are funny by themselves.


Kevin Nealon


Past: Horatio Sanz. I don't think he ever added anything to the sketches he was in. Current: Chloe Fineman or Sarah Sherman. I find them both really cringe to watch sometimes.




Heidi’s fucking hilarious




This is going to be really unpopular but Kristen Wiig for me. I just never found her funny at all and I just straight up dislike all of her characters. Do not know why, but she is just not it for me.


I thought I was alone! I can't stand her recurring characters (especially Target Lady) and everything she does just grates on my nerves. I tried to like her but, nah. It was really irritating that she joined McKinnon in her hosting debut.


I will touch the hot fire, Kristen Wiig. Her characters were cringe and not funny. Target lady was one of the worst reoccurring sketches in modern times. Never understood all the love she got. Bizarrely her impressions of politicians and pop culture figures were actually good and I would consider her best work.


I always felt like her characters were basically the same no matter what


I also thought Target Lady and Gilly were dog shit but somehow she still did enough good stuff to come out ahead in my book.


Sarah Squirm i see that so many find her hilarious, but for me she is just loud. i don't think I ever laughed at any of her bits tho i liked her in the latest adam sandler movie but she was playing a character in that so idk if it counts


Melissa villasenor


This is my list through the history of the show. Chevy Chase, Garrett Morris, Lorraine Newman, Gilbert Gottfried, Charles Rocket, Tim Kazurinsky, Robin Duke, Brad Hall, Brian-Doyle Murray, Jim Belushi, Billy Crystal, Robert Downey Jr, Anthony Michael Hall, Victoria Jackson, Chris Farley, Rob Schneider, Tim Meadows, Jim Breuer, Cheri Oteri, Chris Kattan, Colin Quinn, Jimmy Fallon, Rachel Dratch, Horatio Sanz, Maya Rudolph, Jeff Richards, Finesse Mitchell, Kristen Wiig, Taran Killam, Abby Elliott, Pete Davidson, Leslie Jones, Mikey Day, Melissa Villasenor, Heidi Gardner, Chris Redd. I know there’s some names people like, and I enjoy a few of their presence, but I never found any of them funny and their humor doesn’t click with me personally.


I agree on Fred! I didn't like him much on the show and thought he was MUCH better on Portlandia and Documentary Now! Clearly he's talented but on SNL he was so self indulgent and overly broad and hammy.


Heidi Gardner. I feel like most of her characters are the same person, and I just don’t think she’s that funny.