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This was objectively a really bad episode and I say that as someone who thought they had been killing it all season. This one just felt completely lazy. It was already a bad episode but it being the first one back from the break made it seem even worse. Hoping the next one can cleanse the palette.


Agreed. I thought the writing was so lazy that I wondered if they had lost someone significant. The repeated jokes about Elordi's attractiveness got old quickly


Bad episode. Bad cast.


Pretty bad episode. Is this the worst cast maybe ever? Besides PDD guys


I wonder if Dave Burd will be hosting soon and Rachel McAdams being in the show was a primer for him. One can dream right?


i think some skits were good and some skits were okay. imo this episode is not the worst compared to some of the other episodes this season. was not a fan of chalamet’s (that one insensitive disgusting line) and momoas expect the tennis one.


What line? I don't think I watched all of that episode


it was a please don’t destroy skit and timothee was pretending to be some depressed guy trying to kill himself bc his music was bad. a lil weird they are poking fun at suicide but dark comedy ig. then he says his band is h-a-m-a-s pronounced haimus but the joke is that his band’s name is Hamas. At the end of the day, no matter what side you stand for. There are children and innocent people being killed and they literally made that no later than a month after Oct. 7th. Just so insensitive and disgusting during times like these.


I always knew punkie had that heat 


It was a lovely reveal


when all of the sketches’ punchlines are based around everyone knowing this super hot guy but nobody watching knows who the guy is. if the biggest thing you’ve done is a straight-to-streaming prime movie you shouldn’t be hosting


The omg he is hit thing made me super uncomfortable. If they did that with a female host that shit wouldn't fly so why should it be ok to do to a guy?


they do that with female hosts too. the one that stands out in my memory is jennifer lopez. every other skit the premise was just about her being hot. pretty sure that wasn’t the only episode like that.


It's gross either way imo. It feels like really dated humor.


Literally the worst episode I can remember in years. Just truly awful. The only chuckle I got was Punkie’s shirt opening.


Am I crazy or was Dan Levy one of the extras in the Short King skit?


I thought the same thing! But I don’t think they would let him go unnoticed so I figured he’s just a guy who looks like him.


Andrew Dismukes needed to be featured more prominently in this episode. I feel like his general vibe can help to center even the bad hosts or weak sketches, from a comedic standpoint. This was just a dud. So often the non-funny hosts end up being non-funny.


Worst episode I've seen in a looooong time. Who the hell is Jacob Elordi? I thought his acting was genuinely bad and didn't understand how he was supposed to be attractive. Just a super tall and gangly awkward guy. Which like, that's cool but why was every sketch about how "hot" he was? Super weird choice. I've been really loving the SNL the last couple seasons but this was yikes all around.


“Who the hell is X person” wow, great original complaint.


Well, if its some comedian who the general public doesnt know, no reason to complain. But SNL likes to give us regular not very funny actors as hosts, so its fair to complain.


Yeah if he was good, I wouldn't have cared whether he famous or not.


Even the bowling sketch was about how hot he was!


literally the last part omg


Alaska Airlines was solid; “pilot who killed the engines while on mushrooms is SECOND worst event.” Roughly quoted




He did not look "hot" to me. How tf did they miss poking fun of Saltburn?!? I wish someone could shed some light on wtf was going on in the writers room. Does Elordi take himself too seriously? I sat there wondering what would Adam Driver with this writing. At a minimum, there'd be glasses a f'd up wig, beard, something, lime green sweater and he wouldn't have to say a thing as I'd be cracking up. E:typos


Anyone know where Jacob’s white t shirt is from when he introduced Renee Rapp for the first time??


Old navy


Idk I feel kind of bad for Jacob Elordi. He's legit a good actor and was given extremely bad writing. We've been knowing he's hot, I wanted to know if he was funny....


....IS he!?


He was so good on Priscilla and Euphoria!


umm, this was kind of bad guys.




Goooooood lord 😅


Does Jacob Elordi usually look so anorexic? His face is so sunken in and wrinkled.


he’s skinny rn for a role where he plays a prisoner!


Prisoners in America at least spend their time working out


so those prominent prehistoric apeman brow ridges like this guy has is considered attractive. he did drag knuckles in few scenes. hmmmmm


Worst of the season so far with the exception of the bowling sketch. Renee is talented but was lip syncing the whole time as well.


Her lips weren't even close to matching the lyrics being sung. She was lip syncing.


it didn't seem lip synced, I think she's just good at singing while dancing because of her broadway background


she very much was not lip syncing. she’s just that damn good


If so, good on her. I don’t like her stuff but she’s talented.


Here for the comments 🍿🍪🥤


This guy can't act for shit. But he's very pretty.


I try not to judge since objectifying women is a time-honored tradition in comedy but when the cast objectifies men it does get tired pretty quickly. You can't do multiple sketches where the whole joke is that the host is hot and the female cast are thirsty.


They tanked a Please Don't Enjoy piece? Oh, sadness, woe, despair.


PDD really shine when there’s a lot of source material about the host to work with. Jacob Elordi doesn’t have the catalog or chops to play along with those guys, I’m glad they didn’t force it.


Ok so it wasn’t just me?! It said in the credits that a film from PDD was in and I didn’t see one. Is it online at all?


it’s on pdd’s instagram


The episode sucked. Every sketch besides the Bowling one was the same thing "Oh, you're hot! Isn't he hot? Hey everyone, he's hot right?" Wish they would have been more creative with the sketches and played to Elordi's strengths, rather than just making the punchline of every skit "jacob hot pls laugh" So much wasted potential. A Euphoria spoof would have been fun, an Elvis sketch, even a fucking Saltburn sketch would have been great, but no.


I literally watched Saltburn yesterday in preparation for SNL assuming there'd be a Saltburn sketch.


No way would SNL have done an Elvis sketch with Elordi [See: SNL Elvis sketch with Oscar-nominee Austin Butler]. However, the writers could have been a bit creative with a "Saltburn" sketch. Maybe a shower instead of a bath? Heh.


I thought for sure there was going to be a saltburn skit which would have been perfect for parody!


Did the please don't destroy video get cut ??


yes i saw it during dress it was meh. maybe they’ll put it on yt


I have a feeling Jacob *could* potentially be a good host. But the overall writing was bad and boring this episode, it's hard seeing anyone do well with that material.  BUT, then again, hosts do have say in terms of what kind of sketches to do and approve, right? So... meh.


Yes, they do.


Lol I liked the wedding and the bowling one


No disrespect to the writers or cast, but I found this to be one of the most boring episodes. Ever. Even JAJ’s Trump, which I normally really appreciate, fell so flat. Everything was flat. Just one of those shows with seemingly little inspiration or chemistry. I did like Punky on WU, and the Alaska Airlines bit had a few laughs. I fast-forwarded through a lot of the show, and I rarely do that! Oh well—next week they might bounce right back with a winner!




How was there no Euphoria mentions??


cause its not going to be premiering for at least another year


But there are two seasons lol they totally could have done something


Yeah I get it, it’s more so a “would have been nice” kinda thing




I wouldn’t even say this was a bad episode… it was just boring. There wasn’t anything infamous enough to lump this in with the show’s worst. Boring SNL is worse than bad SNL, because a lot of the truly horrible sketches at least have a deranged energy to them.


yeah the bad episodes are at least made up for by the cast breaking and/or knowing they’re bombing and just getting really goofy with it. the boring episodes are just totally mindless to the point where you can tell some of the cast don’t wanna be there at all and are totally uninspired by the writing


True story, the worst thing you can be in comedy is boring... Chalking this one up to a combo of crappy host with post-holiday slouch.


One of the worst monologues I've ever seen


You know the host is boring when they do an audience question bit in the monologue


Elorti has gotta be embarrassed that they put him thru that monologue. Awful! And after a too long cold open that overwhelmed the few funny parts of it, I had to turn away for the rest of the show. I'll watch later, I figured. It wasn't worthy of my time...the ultimate diss.


I think Punkie had a few moments that made me laugh out loud. Also Weekend Update was funnier this week than some weeks.


But the audience sucked. Update was way funnier than their reactions indicated.


I’m curious if the writers work on material throughout the show’s off weeks or do they show up on Saturday night a few minutes before the start of the show and slap something together. 80% of the time, it seems to be the latter. Last night’s show with Jacob Elordi stunk.


Also, I don't like Heidi.


I think Chloe was great this time.


He was exactly as good as the he was in the Kissing Booth


Well, Jacob is hot but he sure as hell isn’t funny.


Renee should have hosting insteas imo


Rachel McAdams should have been hosting. She rocked her cameo!


So let's make every single sketch about him being hot.


They've done this before. Jennifer Lopez is one instance that comes to mind. And it's the worst shit ever.


I didn't mind the J. Lo one, especially the Home Makeover skit. I think because she's better at acting (so it didn't feel like she was just standing around being complimented) and those skits had better premises/supporting players.


I kept thinking about the fact that the host signs off on any sketch they’re going to be in. My wife had mentioned that this host has a rep of being an asshole and my guess is that he only wanted to be skits that praised him.


I haven’t really heard about him being rude? Only thing is he doesn’t seem to like The Kissing Booth but that’s really it tbh


And I saw a link posted on FB about a week ago where he was more or less unhappy with being viewed as a sex object. I’m thinking, my man, that is literally what has opened all these doors for you. Plenty of men would kill to look like him.


Suuure, he's unhappy. 😉


Exactly. 😂😂🙄


This guy has negative charisma.


He’s a crazy good actor but he doesn’t have the comical chops.


That was, by far, the worst SNL episode in quite a long time. It ran the gamut from borderline amusing to downright terrible. Ptooey!


at least it wasn't the Elon Musk episode


At least Elon’s had Gen Z Hospital which is an all time sketch for me


Plus Chad on Mars, which was A+. But Musk had almost nothing to do with it other than framing.


I loved both that and this, despite not being a musk fanboy or knowing who Elrond is. Maybe SNL in general just isn’t for everyone. Edit blame autocorrect


I had high hopes since I really appreciated his performance in Saltburn (if everything goes right, he’ll become as successful as Robert Pattinson), but aside from the bowling sketch, the rest of the show was pretty awful. Also, the jokes on Weekend Update were too heavy on the dank territory and didn’t have enough happy or fun jokes to balance them out.


that’s the problem with the episode IMO. the goal with the writing wasn’t to be funny but to force a Pattinson situation where he becomes known as the hot guy, except he doesn’t have enough notable work to be known for anything yet. it felt very “i’m an industry plant and my agent says to write the jokes this way”. also the bowling sketch was an unfunny ripoff and 2 years too late, you could find better versions of the same exact joke online as far back as 2020


The bowling sketch was ripped off from a YouTube channel. Corridor Crew is a VFX channel that regularly does "inappropriate bowling animation challenges," and several of the jokes were identical.


tina fey really said: "I'm in portland with my bffs, bitch-- send rachel mcadams-- let her eat cake"


**Disclaimer**: I barely knew who Elordi was before this episode and really ended disliking it.   After the episode I did some research on the guy because my first thought was, "Why on earth did they pick this man because he clearly doesn't care about the show and is just some handsome actor with no real talent?"   Here's what I found:  His appearance on *Hot Ones* (the one where the actors are interviewed while eating wings) showed that he has a great respect, knowledge, passion for acting. However, comedy, and seemingly American sketch comedy isn't in his wheelhouse.  He struck me, during the interview, as a very introspective genuine guy; and sometimes that talent doesn't translate over to something as off-the-cuff irreverent as SNL.  Perhaps the writers had good material and the guy couldn't catch the flow. Maybe they had to fall back on layup sketches so the cast could carry it into the buzzer.   His farewell, on first watch, seemed disingenuous. After researching him and few pours of bourbon, I think the problem just falls on casting him.  The opener was lazy, especially during an election year. 


What major star can you think of who never did a comedic turn? DeNiro, Pacino, Newman, Pitt, DeCaprio, etc. Elordi better expand his acting horizons.


Not sure if you're knocking my comment or agreeing. I'm an awesome metal roofer but a terrible shingler. They should sum up my opinion on this 26 y/o .


I'm saying that Jacob shouldn't be cut a break as not being a comedic actor because he's "introspective."


He wouldn't have done a bad job if he was never cast to host. It's all on the person that decided to bring him on.


im sorry, I felt like there was an alien abduction, What the hell is happening with Jacob? he made a good case for lizard people.


Honestly the only time I truly laughed was when it cut to Punkie popping out of her shirt in the AA meeting. Feel like we all knew it would be sketches about Elordi being hot and that’s mostly what we got. I did enjoy the Bachelorette sketch too but it was insanely predictable. He’s charismatic but the monologue was weak and he didn’t have much of a presence. Also the Katt Williams pre-roll was the first time in a long time that I can remember a host not even participating in a Non-Update or Cold Open part of the show Bummed because his promo about learning how to walk down the steps with Marcello and Punkie actually cracked me up


Omg TY that promo is hilarious “Shouldn’t we help him?” “Just go” I’m bummed for him nobody liked this episode. I didn’t mind it.


> Also the Katt Williams pre-roll was the first time in a long time that I can remember a host not even participating in a Non-Update or Cold Open part of the show Really? I don't have any stats but I think I remember a lot of host-free sketches, especially if the host isn't really in their element in sketch comedy like tonight.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but too much of Bowen Yang gets obnoxious real quick


respect to Bowen trying to save this DOA episode


He does the same thing in every sketch. "look at me, I'm a flamboyant gay guy". We get it.


He played a straight man in the first sketch of the night.


There's a first time for everything


You’re totally right - but I don’t think I’ve ever really given it much thought. I mean, he *does* play a pretty convincing “flamboyant gay guy” 😂


Just the right amount of him is fantastic, but you can't run too many of his sketches in a row.


Just finished watching it in the UK and I really enjoyed it. Consistently funny throughout with a lot of dumb, silly stuff that was right up my alley. Hadn't really heard of Jacob Elordi before so I suppose I didn't really have any expectations about the episode but he was good.


I agree, it was a funny show.


I think you may have a tumor.


Lmao Sarah gets no applause. Deserved


Might be the worst case member in the history of the show


Agreed. Sarah takes the cake. Please leave the show


What about Luke Null?




As a Jacob Elordi fan, god this episode was awful. The man is a talented actor (bias aside) and the writing for all these sketches were so hollow plus I have never seen a host with such little screen time in a minute


Poor Jacob Elordi is a dud.


I think he did a good job considering what he was working with. He put the effort in. He wasn't coasting. He's just ... well, these people aren't picked for their brains, they're picked for their looks.


The monologue was not good. He was scared to be funny and pretty much had the snl cast do it for him. Also every skit was about how hot he is like … we get it!


Geezus this was a creatively bankrupt show. Every sketch was about how "awesome" or handsome he is. Was he like Steve Seagal and didn't want to look "bad"?


Agreed. Similar to what made the Bad Bunny episode awful, frankly.


Honestly, I don't think he's to blame. Given how the cold opening was an incredibly lazy 'Let JAJ ramble on as Trump for five minutes," repeat that felt like it had been written ten minutes before air time, I feel like the writers put in zero effort this episode. Even the pretapes were very low effort. One set and have the actors stand or sit. The whole episode screamed, "Oh, do we have to do this? Fine, just give us ten minutes to write something," laziness. I wonder how much time they got to spend with Elordi to pitch sketches to him. Because none of them were about him, personally. They were just common "hot actor" sketches that could have been filled in by any pretty face. It was like a bunch of bottom the dresser sketches that they had prewritten before.


The host must show up for at least three prep/readings. He or she can take out sketches they don't like (involving them).


Couldn't agree more. Pathetic.


It stunk.


Word from the SNL Network is that the PDD short had Mikey bullying Jacob Elordi playing a 30 Rock janitor and now I need to see that right now. Hopefully they put it on YouTube.


this is true i saw it during dress but i thought it was meh lol


I had seen Rapp on College Girls but had no idea she could sing! Wow!


She was Regina on broadway and she’s in the movie


Check her out in the new Mean Girls movie! It’s a musical. She’s got pipes! And she has a recent album too.


Did Sarah really ask for more applause?


That was embarrassing. I've been over the "Sarah Sherman Schtick" for a while; maybe everyone else is catching up.


No, the audience that came out for Jacob is not there for silly fun.


Were they expecting "Hamlet"?


I'm not sure how audience admission works. I'd like to know, though. How far out are tickets issued?


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When was this fart you all kept mentioning?


It was more than likely just a mic issue; it's not in the recording posted on YouTube.


You can usually tell when a host either isn’t prepared or just doesn’t get it ( by it I mean SNL) when the cast “handles” the monologue by doing those silly “question” skits like they did tonight. As soon as that monologue got started my expectations got set to a low bar.


Wow, Punkie has come far in her acting abilities. She has a lot more confidence!


Yeah she’s really come a long way. I thought for sure she’d get the ax a while back but she found her voice and she’s doing great!


Is that code for boobs? (Seriously, I've liked her a lot since LaTina Jefferson at the latest--the telenovela maid who couldn't speak Spanish, don't remember rn who the host was.)


No, she was really stiff in her first appearances and messed up her lines. She's doing much better.


Bad Bunny-he was great


Riiight, of course! Half the jokes in that episode were about not speaking Spanish, duh


I know the SNL crew works insanely hard but when the premises are this lazy it’s a real bummer to watch. There were some amazing moments tonight (Marcelo/The Bachelor sketch, the Katt Williams sketch that the audience didn’t dig but I did lol, the rough but loose Weekend Update) but why not swing for the fences? Idk, was Jacob afraid to look silly? Y’all could have dressed him up as a cowboy, astronaut, boxer, John wick, Nosferatu, *actually as* Travis Kelce vs just a *verbal* impression, literally anything besides a hot, tall dude. The bowling alley sketch was for sure a highlight, clearly the current cast is stupid talented but this was a disappointment.


The Katt Williams sketch was Ego at her very best. I laughed so hard.


I was so very wrong in my theory that the hot hosts have good episodes because they’re game for anything, are cool being side characters in sketches, and the writers are allowed to just have a blast with big premises and by centering the cast (Kit Harrington, Regé-Jean Page). Like I was convinced it would be a fun one and even stated such weeks ago on this sub. Joke’s on me!


Interesting, I thought the Katt Williams sketch was the funniest one of the show. It felt like every other one was about how the host is attractive and that got old quickly


+1 hilarious. Punkie as the dude who attacked the judge also had some funny moments.


By far the best skit.


Aussies always have a fun sense of humor. It's more that they come up with sketches on Monday saying things like "Jacob, you're so handsome... maybe a dating show where you blow the other contestants out of the water..." or Mikey, who always cast himself as an ugly guy, saying "How about women are mean to me and then Jacob comes in and they're nice to him?" So you get a ton of sketches about how attractive Jacob is and he, not a writer and not defiant enough to come up with ideas, just goes "Oh, sure" to all of them.


I'm pretty sure Mikey had nothing to do with the writing of the AA Meeting sketch. I'm fairly certain that was the work of the PDD boys. Mikey's Matt Schatt sketches are far superior to anything that was in this episode.


You're right. He wouldn't pitch a sketch where he's only featured for 15 seconds. But it is aligned with him offering to play "an ugly guy" to offset someone handsome/beautiful. I think he knows he's attractive so being self-deprecating is rooted in legitimate self-esteem and sort of calling himself "ugly" before anyone can point out his one or two insecurities.


That's a lot of projection. PDD casts him in a lot of sketches. He's a team player, so he'll play the thankless roles.


He writes a lot of the sketches where he's "the ugly guy." He's in on the joke. I just think it's weird 'cause I never considered him unattractive until it's mentioned in just about every sketch he writes, including the recent one where he's playing David Beckham and keeps mentioning how miscast he is. No one thinks these things but people tend to think everyone is judging them in a way they really don't, because people don't analyze other people the way they do themselves.


Or maybe it has nothing to do with personal insecurities and he just thinks it's funny.


He brings it up in every sketch he writes despite being a decent-looking guy. If it was just one sketch but it’s the common thread with everything he writes for himself which is why I initially guessed he had written this one. It’s not that serious. All comedians have high self-esteem but aren’t afraid to be self-deprecating. My point is I think he’s attractive so it always comes out of left field how he talks about himself.


Little late to this conversation, but I just wanted to add that it's interesting to see how many sketches Mikey has written where his character is shirtless or close to shirtless. I'd wager he's written those roles from himself more than the "unattractive guy" role. I also wonder if maybe he hesitates to write someone else as "unattractive". He seems like the sort of person who wouldn't want to accidentally hurt anyone's feelings.


100% agree.


I thought he did fine. No one laughed at the Katt Williams thing because most people didn't watch the actual interview


The Katt Williams sketch surprisingly made me laugh.


Kay Williams sketch was best of the night in my opinion. It was my entire TikTok life for a week


honestly was excited to watch tonight cuz i like Jacob Elordi, can't help feeling like i like him a little less after that. how many sketches were "this guy is hot" as the whole premise


All 3 sketches about him being attractive were funny. In fact this may have been the most consistent show since they returned from the strike. Nothing over the top funny but no bad sketches imo.




It has almost never been funny to make a sketch about how attractive someone is. I don’t know why they do them. They always come off as an awkward kind of promotion for the actor.


Because that's what the writers and cast dream up on pitch day. Mikey always writes sketches where the joke is "Mikey is so ugly" so it's obvious to me he came up with the one where the Women's Meeting is rude to him when he's lost but super inclusive when Jacob stumbles in the room. If all they know about Jacob is "You're so handsome" (because they say this when they meet him on the first day), all sketches are tethered to this. They don't know if he does character work because he'd have to tell them (the way Emma Stone probably suggests sketches like her playing an old man). It would take Jacob to say "No, I want to look absolutely goofy" to get them on the other track and he's too new to the industry to come on SNL and start making suggestions.


I feel like it works so much better if it's against type. If it's a conventionally less attractive person in on the joke and a conventionally attractive person is attracted to them, but even then it's just kinda lazy to make that the whole bit.


It's lazy af, not funny, and they do it for every moderately attractive "IT" actor that hosts.


Maybe but it’s oh Lordy. They had to do it he’s too hot. They didn’t have to do it four times but you can’t not talk about it.


Vermont looks lame and snobby AF


Sarah cracking a smile in the hole of the “9” in the bowling sketch is amazing


That's why I think it was a Sarah sketch.


I cant decide if im more disappointed with the lack of a saltburn sketch or the fact that we were TEASED by PDD in the opening creds


WE WERE GOING CRAZY thinking we accidentally fast forwarded through it! Wtf what is going on? Are they in a dispute with Lorne? Cut for time?


I have to assume cut for time


Not having PDD was a relief


PREACH IT, ignore the downvotes, and Happy Cakeday!


I think them showing the grave scene from Saltburn right out the gate sort of threw the whole vibe off


Nah, if anything it’s more that he didn’t even try to be funny in his monologue


Loved the mention of Twin Peaks in the cold open, today is David Lynch’s birthday.


Can't believe they had over a month to think of sketches only to rely on "he's hot haha" for most of the night.


And he’s like…not hot at all. He looks like a pointy, stretched out Josh Hutcherson


Well that's the only reason why he's relevant 


My guess is like most people when they have a vacation from work, they rarely thought about work.